A place for Percy Jackson and the Olympian fans to roleplay.

Cezary Roman Marszalek
mabel pines
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    you're losing your words, we're speaking in bodies

    mabel pines
    mabel pines

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    you're losing your words, we're speaking in bodies - Page 2 Empty Re: you're losing your words, we're speaking in bodies

    Post by mabel pines 2/7/2015, 3:18 pm

    although i TOTALLY do challenges, which would mean you give me some guidelines for a code and i have to comply to those guidelines! so like, if my guideline for it would be it has to be centered around taylor momsen, i could do that! but the code wouldn't be for use, it'd just sit in here and look pretty (and if it turned out you got the code anyway, i'd probs end up giving you a warning, bc that's theft & that's not cool ):< )

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    you're losing your words, we're speaking in bodies - Page 2 Empty Re: you're losing your words, we're speaking in bodies

    Post by Sammy 2/7/2015, 6:40 pm


    hmmmm 1950s retro themed html, no scroll, including some type of hover

    Word based:

    Comic, Superhero

    scroll, three different fonts, some type of click mechanism like that one you based off of the shine code (if you can). If not, hover is fine.

    Picture based:


    Quote related to picture, audio related to picture, scroll, hover
    mabel pines
    mabel pines

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    you're losing your words, we're speaking in bodies - Page 2 Empty Re: you're losing your words, we're speaking in bodies

    Post by mabel pines 2/10/2015, 7:46 am


    cappuccino wrote:Word based:

    Comic, Superhero

    scroll, three different fonts, some type of click mechanism like that one you based off of the shine code (if you can). If not, hover is fine.

    declare me a G O D
    and crucify me!
    precedents are interesting for that too
    lucifer rigby
    "i'm the devil herself. i never expected forgiveness."
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce non diam sagittis nisl posuere varius. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse luctus porta eros, a pellentesque enim vulputate et. Sed ex sem, egestas nec tempus non, tempor id orci. Cras gravida, ligula vitae dictum dictum, urna arcu sodales elit, in convallis lorem dolor sed augue. Mauris sapien metus, ullamcorper sit amet pulvinar sed, venenatis in ex. Donec id dui dignissim, tempor mauris et, eleifend diam. Aliquam ultrices augue sit amet ultricies porttitor. Quisque aliquam facilisis vehicula. Donec in rhoncus urna, nec dignissim sem. Ut et arcu sed diam consectetur ornare. Nullam mollis, arcu id condimentum tristique, est justo convallis dui, et tincidunt diam justo id felis. Nulla eget odio nec leo faucibus consequat ac a est.

    Donec tempus posuere nulla vitae mollis. Pellentesque ut rutrum arcu, nec iaculis dui. Nam vitae quam egestas, ullamcorper sapien in, luctus turpis. Etiam quis faucibus massa, molestie ultrices sapien. Nunc ultricies et lacus non feugiat. Donec tincidunt magna scelerisque nisi tempor eleifend. Vivamus iaculis neque neque, vitae auctor elit placerat eget. Sed auctor quam odio, at egestas arcu maximus non.

    Aenean ut volutpat sapien, id sagittis mi. Phasellus ornare vitae elit a tincidunt. Sed blandit, ipsum vel varius dignissim, dui dui vulputate leo, sit amet pharetra urna tortor nec dui. Nullam interdum ante vestibulum risus feugiat convallis. Donec et fringilla nisl, nec dapibus mi. Integer dapibus magna in ex lacinia efficitur. Curabitur bibendum, nunc et tincidunt egestas, libero lorem fermentum lectus, non vestibulum felis leo sed eros. Donec bibendum ex vitae eros vulputate, ut sagittis metus aliquam. Aliquam erat volutpat.

    Cras sodales massa a magna rhoncus, at rutrum dolor volutpat. Etiam vitae tincidunt libero. Quisque convallis sollicitudin justo, sit amet blandit leo volutpat in. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec sed ullamcorper velit. Pellentesque sed lobortis quam, interdum fermentum ante. Sed varius erat massa, id tempus purus aliquam vel. Nam nec orci tellus. Curabitur pretium dapibus felis vel elementum. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; In vel urna turpis. Aliquam id tempor nisl. Donec quis faucibus dui. Duis in ipsum quis sem pulvinar aliquet. Sed pretium tortor nec massa tincidunt, tempor mollis dui ullamcorper. Etiam ut turpis ligula.

    i've spent the better half of today thinking over how i'd do this one, and have spent SO MANY HOURS ON IT. i am in love with this code. i also did a nifty one with three tabs, but my chromebook is crap and refreshed the page before i could save it. the comic this is from is the wicked + the divine, which you will most likely have seen me mention in chat if you've been logged on in the past twenty four hours. the character is me my wife lucifer rigby, who i literally love so much that i have ended up changing my username to her name because WOW. WHAT A BABE.

    fonts used are: overlock sc, pompiere, calibri, and times new roman. scroll can be found when you click on the "^" button in the bottom left corner.

    Last edited by lucifer rigby on 5/5/2015, 10:43 am; edited 1 time in total
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    you're losing your words, we're speaking in bodies - Page 2 Empty Re: you're losing your words, we're speaking in bodies

    Post by honey 2/10/2015, 8:59 am

    you don't understand how much i love this one good god it's so beautiful i have shed a tear
    mabel pines
    mabel pines

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    you're losing your words, we're speaking in bodies - Page 2 Empty Re: you're losing your words, we're speaking in bodies

    Post by mabel pines 4/22/2015, 9:10 am

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam et ligula nulla. Mauris id purus eget ligula aliquet pretium a vitae felis. Integer malesuada gravida aliquam. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer ultricies consequat nibh vel aliquam. Maecenas condimentum, velit at rhoncus faucibus, ligula sem rutrum massa, ac porttitor nisi purus non arcu. Donec consequat eget tellus non gravida. Sed ut purus eget velit mollis blandit. Nulla vehicula turpis eu posuere vestibulum. Curabitur ultricies, tortor a eleifend volutpat, turpis sapien ornare quam, vel placerat ligula elit nec erat. Maecenas vel vestibulum magna. Integer tempus pellentesque est, non commodo augue laoreet non.

    CODE FOR MY PRECIOUS TRASH CHILD JODINE SMITH. I LOVE HER SO. i'd like to add an audio thingy but chromebooks are crap & getting audio links is hard??? ?????/ /????? ¿¿¿?/?¿/ who knows.
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    you're losing your words, we're speaking in bodies - Page 2 Empty Re: you're losing your words, we're speaking in bodies

    Post by beanie 4/22/2015, 10:00 am

    mabel pines
    mabel pines

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    you're losing your words, we're speaking in bodies - Page 2 Empty Re: you're losing your words, we're speaking in bodies

    Post by mabel pines 4/28/2015, 6:11 pm

    sold my soul to a three piece
    and he told me i was holy
    he's got me down on my knees
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin id metus sit amet neque interdum rhoncus quis non velit. Sed eu ipsum sollicitudin, vehicula odio eu, egestas orci. Vestibulum pretium, risus quis tempor luctus, nunc justo fringilla ligula, nec suscipit nibh eros et ligula. Duis eget malesuada neque.Donec vel libero at quam consequat ultrices vel a tellus. Etiam massa ligula, vestibulum sit amet pulvinar id, ultrices eget lorem.

    Fusce mi nibh, aliquet in cursus nec, dignissim luctus ipsum. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Pellentesque dignissim pharetra orci, dapibus vehicula neque imperdiet id. Maecenas augue felis, sollicitudin nec finibus sit amet, ullamcorper non eros. Curabitur imperdiet, ligula eget commodo porta, magna ligula pulvinar erat, eget fringilla dolor dolor ut est. Cras consectetur lectus enim, eget interdum nunc imperdiet in.

    Aliquam erat volutpat. Fusce tellus diam, faucibus quis euismod maximus, vestibulum sit amet sapien. Quisque rhoncus leo in quam congue ornare. Nam non elementum dui. Sed magna diam, volutpat a dui et, convallis consectetur metus. Cras est diam, congue at scelerisque at, rhoncus nec justo. Proin quis sem interdum, vehicula massa non, ullamcorper velit. Morbi sollicitudin metus non leo condimentum tristique. Maecenas maximus nec nisi at fermentum. Pellentesque et rhoncus ex, a vulputate velit.
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin id metus sit amet neque interdum rhoncus quis non velit. Sed eu ipsum sollicitudin, vehicula odio eu, egestas orci. Vestibulum pretium, risus quis tempor luctus, nunc justo fringilla ligula, nec suscipit nibh eros et ligula. Duis eget malesuada neque.Donec vel libero at quam consequat ultrices vel a tellus. Etiam massa ligula, vestibulum sit amet pulvinar id, ultrices eget lorem.

    Fusce mi nibh, aliquet in cursus nec, dignissim luctus ipsum. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Pellentesque dignissim pharetra orci, dapibus vehicula neque imperdiet id. Maecenas augue felis, sollicitudin nec finibus sit amet, ullamcorper non eros. Curabitur imperdiet, ligula eget commodo porta, magna ligula pulvinar erat, eget fringilla dolor dolor ut est. Cras consectetur lectus enim, eget interdum nunc imperdiet in.

    Aliquam erat volutpat. Fusce tellus diam, faucibus quis euismod maximus, vestibulum sit amet sapien. Quisque rhoncus leo in quam congue ornare. Nam non elementum dui. Sed magna diam, volutpat a dui et, convallis consectetur metus. Cras est diam, congue at scelerisque at, rhoncus nec justo. Proin quis sem interdum, vehicula massa non, ullamcorper velit. Morbi sollicitudin metus non leo condimentum tristique. Maecenas maximus nec nisi at fermentum. Pellentesque et rhoncus ex, a vulputate velit.
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin id metus sit amet neque interdum rhoncus quis non velit. Sed eu ipsum sollicitudin, vehicula odio eu, egestas orci. Vestibulum pretium, risus quis tempor luctus, nunc justo fringilla ligula, nec suscipit nibh eros et ligula. Duis eget malesuada neque.Donec vel libero at quam consequat ultrices vel a tellus. Etiam massa ligula, vestibulum sit amet pulvinar id, ultrices eget lorem.

    Fusce mi nibh, aliquet in cursus nec, dignissim luctus ipsum. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Pellentesque dignissim pharetra orci, dapibus vehicula neque imperdiet id. Maecenas augue felis, sollicitudin nec finibus sit amet, ullamcorper non eros. Curabitur imperdiet, ligula eget commodo porta, magna ligula pulvinar erat, eget fringilla dolor dolor ut est. Cras consectetur lectus enim, eget interdum nunc imperdiet in.

    Aliquam erat volutpat. Fusce tellus diam, faucibus quis euismod maximus, vestibulum sit amet sapien. Quisque rhoncus leo in quam congue ornare. Nam non elementum dui. Sed magna diam, volutpat a dui et, convallis consectetur metus. Cras est diam, congue at scelerisque at, rhoncus nec justo. Proin quis sem interdum, vehicula massa non, ullamcorper velit. Morbi sollicitudin metus non leo condimentum tristique. Maecenas maximus nec nisi at fermentum. Pellentesque et rhoncus ex, a vulputate velit.

    i dont??? know????? what this is?/??/¿ but apparently i STILL REALLY LOVE HALSEY (u may remember her from this thing???¿?¿¿?) & i think lana del rey has some like. weird magical idea affect on me??¿?¿ bc i've had ultraviolence on repeat since saturday??¿? WHO KNOWS but whatever it is this is a THING and i MADE IT. it has TABS, which i have a very strange love/hate relationship with. i even kind of edited the background myself??? #swag

    A L S O i kno i have challenges from athena already which will probs take ages bc a) chromebooks are crap & i can't get links 2 audio files (SOBS) & b) my mind is vaguely devoid of ideas? B U T still give me MORE challenges (if they're in the form of songs then i'll probs actually be able 2 get them done INCREDIBLE)
    Honorary Cat

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    you're losing your words, we're speaking in bodies - Page 2 Empty Re: you're losing your words, we're speaking in bodies

    Post by communist 4/29/2015, 1:48 am

    this is illuminaughty. you can't master tabs and make pretty things >:(
    mabel pines
    mabel pines

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    you're losing your words, we're speaking in bodies - Page 2 Empty Re: you're losing your words, we're speaking in bodies

    Post by mabel pines 5/4/2015, 9:41 pm


    athena wrote:Picture based:


    Quote related to picture, audio related to picture, scroll, hover

    you know the world can see us…
    We're soarin', flyin'. There's not a star in heaven That we can't reach. If we're trying, So we're breaking free. You know the world can see us In a way that's different than who we are. Creating space between us 'Til we're separate hearts. But your faith it gives me strength; Strength to believe. We're breakin' free. We're soarin', Flyin'. There's not a star in heaven That we can't reach. If we're trying, So we're breaking free. We're breakin' free. Can you feel it building? Like a wave the ocean just can't control. Connected by a feeling in our very souls. Rising 'til it lifts us up So everyone can see: We're breakin' free. We're soarin', Flyin'. There's not a star in heaven That we can't reach. If we're trying, So we're breaking free. Now's the time, So we're breaking free. More than hope, More than faith. This is true, This is fate. And together we see it comin'. More than you, More than me. Not a want, but a need. Both of us breakin' free. Soarin', Flyin'. There's not a star in heaven That we can't reach. If we're trying, we're breaking free. We're runnin', climbin'. To get to the place To be all that we can be. Now's the time, So we're breaking free. You know the world can see us In a way that's different than who we are.
    …in a way that's different from who we are
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi gravida convallis erat sed tincidunt. Integer accumsan sit amet felis in efficitur. Mauris sollicitudin semper euismod. Fusce ultrices ex vitae tristique malesuada. Duis venenatis, tortor non volutpat molestie, lectus augue tristique eros, in tincidunt ipsum tellus eu augue. Nulla facilisi. Duis elit lorem, efficitur vel neque fringilla, congue sollicitudin quam. In facilisis ultrices sodales. Pellentesque quis sodales justo, in tincidunt libero. Ut a aliquet lectus. Nam sit amet nunc id elit eleifend porta ac semper nulla. Pellentesque mattis turpis rhoncus sapien iaculis suscipit. Maecenas quis dui odio. In ultrices, ligula a consequat faucibus, diam mauris porta arcu, in malesuada nibh arcu eu magna.

    Donec fringilla tempor orci, at tempus dui tempor id. Aliquam tempor in leo eget ultricies. Curabitur sed ultrices elit, feugiat volutpat lacus. Donec tristique pulvinar consequat. Ut at sollicitudin erat. Morbi sed erat venenatis, varius eros at, posuere augue. Duis tempus urna quis nisl aliquet, ac aliquam orci rhoncus. Integer velit nibh, laoreet sit amet finibus non, consequat id arcu. Proin a erat sed risus rutrum maximus. Maecenas placerat, elit quis consequat ultricies, arcu nisi congue sem, id gravida ipsum magna sed arcu. Aenean imperdiet lectus eget dapibus vestibulum. Donec pellentesque purus at metus vestibulum convallis. Aenean imperdiet lacinia posuere.

    third part of athena's challenge, minus the audio because chromebooks are CRAP, otherwise i would totally have worked in an audio file of breaking free from the one and only high school musical. i like to call this code, "ode to the childhood otp of my life zanessa".

    "but lila," you ask, the force of your query so strong that it works its way out of your head and into my post. "what's the purpose of a zanessa based code? can you actually even use it for anything? what's the practical function of this?"

    "I DON'T KNOW," i sob moodily into my tub of ice cream as i marathon all three high school musical movies with the addition of sharpay's fabulous adventure. "I JUST HAVE A LOT OF FEELINGS ABOUT ZANESSA. IT'S PERFECTLY NORMAL FOR A GIRL MY AGE," i wail, still in denial, as i clutch my troy bolton necklace to my heart.
    mabel pines
    mabel pines

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    you're losing your words, we're speaking in bodies - Page 2 Empty Re: you're losing your words, we're speaking in bodies

    Post by mabel pines 9/28/2015, 1:08 pm

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam quis lobortis velit, nec pellentesque enim. Suspendisse a massa ut lorem fringilla blandit ac eget purus. Curabitur malesuada sem id turpis blandit malesuada. Nullam quis leo nisl. Duis lobortis lorem nunc, vulputate fringilla risus consectetur vel. Nam maximus congue consectetur. Pellentesque eu urna non velit pulvinar malesuada. Quisque ac odio in mi egestas molestie. Maecenas vitae luctus libero, eget facilisis libero. Cras non lacus id erat laoreet iaculis suscipit ut augue. Cras tincidunt nisi non nibh sodales egestas. Cras aliquam molestie eros ut pretium. Curabitur finibus lectus id convallis lobortis. Donec fermentum porta lacus, at maximus elit bibendum at. Vivamus bibendum vel elit at sollicitudin. Aenean eget diam venenatis, porta diam id, ultrices leo.

    Sed non erat elit. Vivamus nec nisi turpis. Donec pellentesque lacus mauris, a imperdiet felis tincidunt eu. Donec sed auctor nulla. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean suscipit orci quis ligula maximus, ac convallis lorem egestas. Quisque eu augue in est finibus malesuada volutpat convallis massa. Sed porttitor mi a mollis porta. Vestibulum eu quam sit amet enim dignissim consequat.

    tab two stuff

    tab three stuff

    tab four stuff

    "hey lila you haven't been on in a while i bet you've been getting stuff done and totally kicking butt in the academic world"


    this is still. such a wip i only have one tab worth of stuff figured out but i dont CARE. it's got a hovery thingy and tabs because, lbr here, when do i code anything else. i shamelessly stole the buttons from the website my school uses for my teachers to post all my assignments thx @veracross knew u would be useful someday. this was probs supposed to be some sort of rp invite thing based solely on halsey bc Really, Who Else Should U Care About, but then i got distracted bc i Luv her So Much

    the font at the bottom of this post was all Big so i had to use the bbcode size thing to resize the font which probably means i have forgotten something Horribly Important so. if i ruin the site. Ur Welcome.
    Meme Queen

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    you're losing your words, we're speaking in bodies - Page 2 Empty Re: you're losing your words, we're speaking in bodies

    Post by HaleyTheRandom 9/28/2015, 4:48 pm

    LILA! You're freaking amazing. Especially when it comes to coding, dear. Meanwhile, I looked up those lyrics on the one BBC and I think I like that Halsey song xD
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    you're losing your words, we're speaking in bodies - Page 2 Empty Re: you're losing your words, we're speaking in bodies

    Post by beanie 9/28/2015, 7:39 pm

    lila, i already loved you. but now my love for you has grown with this awesome html. i mean seriously, can you stop combining my favorite things together.
    mabel pines
    mabel pines

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    you're losing your words, we're speaking in bodies - Page 2 Empty Re: you're losing your words, we're speaking in bodies

    Post by mabel pines 10/1/2015, 8:27 pm

    Last night I lay in bed so b l u e


    they can't love me like you


    ANYWAY the music video for love me like you comes out tomorrow and i am SO PUMPED that i made this thing in like. 5 seconds lmao.

    (also. psst. pre order get weird on itunes. idk why u would need motivation other than the fact that it's LITTLE MIX, aka the greatest pop group of our time god bless and amen, BUT it also comes out on my BIRTHDAY, meaning you should totally extra buy it for me)

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