A place for Percy Jackson and the Olympian fans to roleplay.

5 posters

    The Secret Sanctuary


    Number of posts : 732
    Age : 25
    Registration date : 2011-07-21

    The Secret Sanctuary Empty The Secret Sanctuary

    Post by Stormageddon 8/12/2012, 1:27 pm

    Silena walked around the forest, pondering with her thoughts and decided to form a quiet place. She moved the trees around to form a circle sanctuary and grew benches out of hard bushes. She sat down on a bench and hung a lantern on the nearest branch and just sat there thinking about Camp and other worries.
    The Genius

    Number of posts : 3580
    Age : 27
    Registration date : 2012-08-07

    The Secret Sanctuary Empty Re: The Secret Sanctuary

    Post by Josh 8/12/2012, 1:33 pm

    I crept through, looking for where the girl had gone off to. I thought I had lost her, but then I saw a light and went to it. I saw her sitting down on a bench, "Hey," I said awkwardly.

    Number of posts : 732
    Age : 25
    Registration date : 2011-07-21

    The Secret Sanctuary Empty Re: The Secret Sanctuary

    Post by Stormageddon 8/12/2012, 1:35 pm

    Silena hears footsteps and looks up. That one girl that was kissing Travis was there, how did she get there? "What do you want?" She asks her with a cruel tone.
    The Genius

    Number of posts : 3580
    Age : 27
    Registration date : 2012-08-07

    The Secret Sanctuary Empty Re: The Secret Sanctuary

    Post by Josh 8/12/2012, 1:36 pm

    "I just wanted to talk,"

    Number of posts : 732
    Age : 25
    Registration date : 2011-07-21

    The Secret Sanctuary Empty Re: The Secret Sanctuary

    Post by Stormageddon 8/12/2012, 1:41 pm

    The Genius

    Number of posts : 3580
    Age : 27
    Registration date : 2012-08-07

    The Secret Sanctuary Empty Re: The Secret Sanctuary

    Post by Josh 8/12/2012, 1:41 pm

    "I think you know,"

    Number of posts : 732
    Age : 25
    Registration date : 2011-07-21

    The Secret Sanctuary Empty Re: The Secret Sanctuary

    Post by Stormageddon 8/12/2012, 1:45 pm

    Silena turns and faces the girl, "There's nothing to talk about. He's a dousche... Enough said."
    The Genius

    Number of posts : 3580
    Age : 27
    Registration date : 2012-08-07

    The Secret Sanctuary Empty Re: The Secret Sanctuary

    Post by Josh 8/12/2012, 1:46 pm

    I sit beside her and say, "He says you two were already broken up."

    Number of posts : 732
    Age : 25
    Registration date : 2011-07-21

    The Secret Sanctuary Empty Re: The Secret Sanctuary

    Post by Stormageddon 8/12/2012, 1:48 pm

    Silena grows a vine from a tree and grabs it. It pulls her to a branch and she sits on it. "Well, that was a lie. I don't really give a s*** about him anymore. It was his loss..."
    The Genius

    Number of posts : 3580
    Age : 27
    Registration date : 2012-08-07

    The Secret Sanctuary Empty Re: The Secret Sanctuary

    Post by Josh 8/12/2012, 1:53 pm

    "You're kidding me?! You two never actually broke up at all?!" I say, tears starting to form.

    Number of posts : 732
    Age : 25
    Registration date : 2011-07-21

    The Secret Sanctuary Empty Re: The Secret Sanctuary

    Post by Stormageddon 8/12/2012, 1:57 pm

    Silena shook her head. "Don't cry. It won't help your situation." She put one leg on the branch and pushed herself back to the tree trunk. "The kid's confusing. Always been. He doesn't exactly show emotion that well. And he's a coward."
    The Genius

    Number of posts : 3580
    Age : 27
    Registration date : 2012-08-07

    The Secret Sanctuary Empty Re: The Secret Sanctuary

    Post by Josh 8/12/2012, 1:57 pm

    I wipe away the tears, "I'm sorry about what happened earlier."

    Number of posts : 732
    Age : 25
    Registration date : 2011-07-21

    The Secret Sanctuary Empty Re: The Secret Sanctuary

    Post by Stormageddon 8/12/2012, 1:59 pm

    "Oh it's fine. I'm over it." Silena jumps down. She looks towards the Camp then towards the girl. She thought the girl cried to much. "How long have you been here?"
    The Genius

    Number of posts : 3580
    Age : 27
    Registration date : 2012-08-07

    The Secret Sanctuary Empty Re: The Secret Sanctuary

    Post by Josh 8/12/2012, 2:01 pm

    "Only a couple days."

    Number of posts : 732
    Age : 25
    Registration date : 2011-07-21

    The Secret Sanctuary Empty Re: The Secret Sanctuary

    Post by Stormageddon 8/12/2012, 2:06 pm

    "No wonder... Okay, I know it seems dumb that a fourteen year old is telling you about how to deal with crap like this but..." Silena jumped down to the ground, "if you want to survive at this camp, expect the unexpected. Expect heartbreak and pain and suffering. Expect betrayal and most importantly, expect drama."
    The Genius

    Number of posts : 3580
    Age : 27
    Registration date : 2012-08-07

    The Secret Sanctuary Empty Re: The Secret Sanctuary

    Post by Josh 8/12/2012, 2:08 pm

    "Thanks," I say, "So I guess finding real friends is going to be harder than I thought..."

    Number of posts : 732
    Age : 25
    Registration date : 2011-07-21

    The Secret Sanctuary Empty Re: The Secret Sanctuary

    Post by Stormageddon 8/12/2012, 3:09 pm

    Silena shrugs, "Hey, this camp sucks... Spend your time here with people who don't."
    The Genius

    Number of posts : 3580
    Age : 27
    Registration date : 2012-08-07

    The Secret Sanctuary Empty Re: The Secret Sanctuary

    Post by Josh 8/12/2012, 3:43 pm

    I smile at the girl, "It can't be any worse than my old life. I'm Nicole by the way. But listen, I'm going to go sort all this out with Travis right now! Come see me later though, Im in the other gods cabin."

    Number of posts : 732
    Age : 25
    Registration date : 2011-07-21

    The Secret Sanctuary Empty Re: The Secret Sanctuary

    Post by Stormageddon 8/13/2012, 12:03 am

    "Uhh, sure? Bye." Silena had no plans of going to that cabin later.
    Role Playing Addict

    Number of posts : 52688
    Age : 27
    Registration date : 2009-11-26

    The Secret Sanctuary Empty Re: The Secret Sanctuary

    Post by Dorkette 10/7/2012, 11:10 pm

    Vengeance walks in, happy at herself for what she had done for her friend, and back in her ill fitting tee and jeans. Megan had called her 'skinny', but wasn't she skinny before the weight loss? The thought confused her, but who was she to question the daughter of Aphrodite? She was herself, that's who, and she knows what's healthy. But who said she was ever healthy at any point in time? The thought made her laugh softly. Never healthy, that was her, always some little whisper telling her how she needed to act. That's not healthy. She laughed again, throwing her head back, her hair falling in sheets behind her. Looking around, she noticed herself to be in a bit of the forest she had never seen, not even in her weeks of exile. It reminded her a bit like the meadow she had spent time with Gabriel in, but yet, it was completely different.

    Number of posts : 21941
    Age : 28
    Registration date : 2010-03-13

    The Secret Sanctuary Empty Re: The Secret Sanctuary

    Post by Chuck 10/7/2012, 11:55 pm

    Shadows silently shifting. Wind creaking twigs in trees. Leaves crunching under shifting feet. Hands tucked in dark, ripped jeans. Shoulders slouched. Face covered by dark, greasy black hair. Black eyes staring endlessly ahead.

    Evenings like these were fairly normal for Gabriel. He spent much of his time walking from one end of the forest to the other and back again, not caring a bit for monsters or the like. It was much like his pre-camp ritual of sneaking out in the dead of night and walking through empty city streets, usually to smoke a joint. It wasn't like his foster parents ever noticed him leave. They were too busy worrying about finances to bother actually parenting him, especially as he got into his teenage years. He knew all the silly little rules and blatantly disobeyed them. It was his time of solitude, where he didn't have to think. He didn't have to deal with people. He didn't have to bother with the world. He only had to walk and be a shadow of the night.
    Role Playing Addict

    Number of posts : 52688
    Age : 27
    Registration date : 2009-11-26

    The Secret Sanctuary Empty Re: The Secret Sanctuary

    Post by Dorkette 10/8/2012, 12:02 am

    Venge smiled to herself, thinking of how silly she had once acted, and over a dance, no less, as she slowly sauntered over to a scortched looking tree. Oh, what sorrows it must have seen, she thought to herself, to have been scarred so bad. A reflection of someones soul, possibly, maybe even my own? The thought made her smile disapear.

    Oh lord, she hoped it wasn't a reflection of her own soul. Surely she wasn't that scarred? She knew, though, that it was probably just a bad accident, though what, she wasn't sure, that had harmed the tree. But what novel would it be to have grown like that? She placed her hand upon it's cold bark and smiled once more.

    Number of posts : 21941
    Age : 28
    Registration date : 2010-03-13

    The Secret Sanctuary Empty Re: The Secret Sanctuary

    Post by Chuck 10/8/2012, 12:16 am

    Dusk was quickly falling as the sounds of night set in. Crickets chirped distantly, becoming the only sound in a rather still night. The winds had ceased all but the occasional breeze, which shivered the moaning trees. Night was dangerous and eerie in the forest, which was just how Gabriel liked it.

    Gabriel paused when he noticed a humanoid figure some ways off in the distance. It wasn't that unusual for him to pass by someone on his nightly ventures, even a monster or two often crossed his path, but for some reason, this figure seemed different. He tried to find some reason for stopping, some reason for letting his mind settle on something specific, but it was to no avail. At this distance, there was no reason this figure was any different than any other he had passed by on any other night, but a feeling in Gabriel's gut told him he should venture closer.
    Role Playing Addict

    Number of posts : 52688
    Age : 27
    Registration date : 2009-11-26

    The Secret Sanctuary Empty Re: The Secret Sanctuary

    Post by Dorkette 10/8/2012, 12:23 am

    Venge placed her head against the tree and gave a silent prayer. The thought that even in a dark place like this, a prayer could help even the most innocent thing, such as a tree. The thought had helped her though so much in the past weeks that she just didn't question what lead her to do it any longer. Turning, she walked to the other side of the clearing slowly, pulling her hair away from her face in an effort to see better in the growing dusk.

    She shivered lightly, but not from the cold. No, what made her bones shake in her skin was the thought of what was out here in these woods. Not that the monsters scared her, no, but the people were worse than the great beasts she so loved to hunt and destroy. She cocked her head to the side, sure she had heard some footstep in the distance.

    Number of posts : 21941
    Age : 28
    Registration date : 2010-03-13

    The Secret Sanctuary Empty Re: The Secret Sanctuary

    Post by Chuck 10/8/2012, 12:32 am

    The silent nagging irked Gabriel. He wasn't used to subtle feelings like this, because the boisterous voice in his head always dominated his thinking space. But this. This was different. He could still think fairly clearly without obstruction from the thought, but he still felt slightly pulled to investigate. His willpower finally gave in and he started walking toward the figure. As he got closer, he noticed this person had long, dark hair, and seemed fixated on a tree, which actually made Gabriel more curious.

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