A place for Percy Jackson and the Olympian fans to roleplay.

5 posters

    Skye Kayz


    Number of posts : 13
    Age : 23
    Registration date : 2013-06-26

    Skye Kayz Empty Skye Kayz

    Post by kkayx 6/26/2013, 2:21 pm

    Name: Skye Kayz
    Age: 14
    Gender: Female
    Eyes: amber
    Hair: straight golden
    Height: 5 feet
    Body Type: thin and lean
    Skin Color: tan
    Mother: Aphrodite
    Father: UNKNOWN (was a street child)
    Country of Origin: USA
    Talents: singing, art, perfecting
    Weapon**: two Celestial bronze daggers
    Flaws: not sitting still, no sadness, no pessimistic attitude
    Powers(must relate to god parent; optional): Can make people fall in love with others or her, she can only do this three times a day. The love lasts for 1-2 hours. Skye has to be at least a yard away from the victim, and he or she has to be an ascendant of Aphrodite to resist.
    Life Before CHB: Skye was a street kid, not knowing where to go, or what do to. She was always begging, running away from monsters, or just simply staring at the sky. All she had left was hope, or nothing else. Sometimes Skye went to sleep hungry. Other times she was forced by monsters to not rest.
    RP Example*: Skye looked behind her, and saw that the monsters were gaining on her. She looked ahead of herself, and saw that a giant mass of mountains and rivers. I have no choice. She thought to herself. Skye zoomed up the moor, and saw a tree and some cabins there. She could stay in one, if they were abandoned. While she was thinking, the monsters tackled her to the ground and clawed and bit at her. Skye screamed, desperately trying to kick them away, but they all rolled down the hill. She forced herself to get up, and her vision was blurry now. All she saw were the monsters trying to get in where she was and her arms and legs gushing blood. Skye fell to the ground. Everything went black.
    Any notes about your character: loves smiles and laughter.
    picture below:
    Skye Kayz 2qdzxft

    Last edited by kkayx on 6/28/2013, 12:09 pm; edited 10 times in total
    Mr. Moseby
    Majestic Unicorn Queen

    Number of posts : 43512
    Age : 2022
    Registration date : 2008-09-13

    Skye Kayz Empty Re: Skye Kayz

    Post by Kendall 6/26/2013, 2:35 pm

    The Legacy form is for the Romans only; if you want to keep this form Roman you'll have to change Aphrodite to Venus. I don't think we allow Greek legacies.

    We only allow Celestial bronze for CHB kids (Stygian iron for Underworld kids only) and Imperial gold for CJ kids, not silver.

    Add two more flaws.

    Life Before CHB must be at least five sentences long, so you need to add two more sentences or so.

    Number of posts : 13
    Age : 23
    Registration date : 2013-06-26

    Skye Kayz Empty Re: Skye Kayz

    Post by kkayx 6/26/2013, 2:46 pm

    I changed it.
    Minister of Magic

    Number of posts : 5256
    Age : 28
    Registration date : 2011-05-28

    Skye Kayz Empty Re: Skye Kayz

    Post by GwrachSeren 6/26/2013, 6:45 pm

    You should remove the lagacy of field in this form.

    Number of posts : 13
    Age : 23
    Registration date : 2013-06-26

    Skye Kayz Empty Re: Skye Kayz

    Post by kkayx 6/27/2013, 10:11 am

    Oh okay sorry.
    Senior Member

    Number of posts : 2417
    Age : 24
    Registration date : 2011-07-01

    Skye Kayz Empty Re: Skye Kayz

    Post by Christian 6/27/2013, 10:56 am

    Charmspeak isn't allowed
    I do not understand the flaw "sitting still". Are you saying that she's lazy, or she just sits in one place everyday and doesn't move at all?

    Number of posts : 13
    Age : 23
    Registration date : 2013-06-26

    Skye Kayz Empty Re: Skye Kayz

    Post by kkayx 6/27/2013, 11:47 am

    But.. then what's allowed.
    And the "sitting still" flaw ....
    I meant to put she can't sit still
    Mr. Moseby
    Majestic Unicorn Queen

    Number of posts : 43512
    Age : 2022
    Registration date : 2008-09-13

    Skye Kayz Empty Re: Skye Kayz

    Post by Kendall 6/27/2013, 1:20 pm

    Well, Aphrodite kids can make people fall in love with him/her or other people.

    Number of posts : 13
    Age : 23
    Registration date : 2013-06-26

    Skye Kayz Empty Re: Skye Kayz

    Post by kkayx 6/27/2013, 1:24 pm

    Oh okay thanks. Sorry...

    Number of posts : 13
    Age : 23
    Registration date : 2013-06-26

    Skye Kayz Empty Re: Skye Kayz

    Post by kkayx 6/27/2013, 1:25 pm

    I changed it.
    Mr. Moseby
    Majestic Unicorn Queen

    Number of posts : 43512
    Age : 2022
    Registration date : 2008-09-13

    Skye Kayz Empty Re: Skye Kayz

    Post by Kendall 6/27/2013, 1:34 pm

    Please don't double-post.

    How many times a day can she use that power? How long does the love last, and how far can she be st most from each victim in order to use her power?

    Number of posts : 13
    Age : 23
    Registration date : 2013-06-26

    Skye Kayz Empty Re: Skye Kayz

    Post by kkayx 6/27/2013, 2:53 pm

    Oh sorry about that....
    Mr. Moseby
    Majestic Unicorn Queen

    Number of posts : 43512
    Age : 2022
    Registration date : 2008-09-13

    Skye Kayz Empty Re: Skye Kayz

    Post by Kendall 6/27/2013, 7:14 pm

    Having the love last forever is not allowed; I think the most allowed would be 1-2 hours.

    Number of posts : 13
    Age : 23
    Registration date : 2013-06-26

    Skye Kayz Empty Re: Skye Kayz

    Post by kkayx 6/27/2013, 7:31 pm

    Oh okay sorry again.
    Mr. Moseby
    Majestic Unicorn Queen

    Number of posts : 43512
    Age : 2022
    Registration date : 2008-09-13

    Skye Kayz Empty Re: Skye Kayz

    Post by Kendall 6/27/2013, 7:41 pm

    How far away at most can she be from the victim(s) in order to use her power? How can they resist?

    Number of posts : 13
    Age : 23
    Registration date : 2013-06-26

    Skye Kayz Empty Re: Skye Kayz

    Post by kkayx 6/27/2013, 10:37 pm

    Okay done..
    Mr. Moseby
    Majestic Unicorn Queen

    Number of posts : 43512
    Age : 2022
    Registration date : 2008-09-13

    Skye Kayz Empty Re: Skye Kayz

    Post by Kendall 6/27/2013, 10:40 pm

    I think you'll need something more wide-ranging than being descended from Aphrodite for resistance -- for example, having a strong will or knowing what she's doing.
    Morgan Landry
    Morgan Landry
    High Queen of Narnia

    Number of posts : 15907
    Registration date : 2011-12-31

    Skye Kayz Empty Re: Skye Kayz

    Post by Morgan Landry 6/28/2013, 7:57 am

    Isn't manipulation of emotions forbidden as powers?
    What do you mean by perfecting and how is it a talent?

    If she loves smile and laughter, how can she be pessimistic?

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    Skye Kayz Empty Re: Skye Kayz

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