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    Daylight Hunting

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    Daylight Hunting Empty Daylight Hunting

    Post by JosieWosie 7/15/2013, 3:43 pm

    Cassandra walked up to a tree and waited for Dylan to arrive, there were various ways to get to the Northern Woods of the Dark Forest but area she was standing in was the quickest and most obvious. She had just returned from the forge and refilled her arrow charms; she had a full set of 15 reuseable arrows. The forge was one of the only places where she started to feel warm in, though upon leaving she felt cooler and zipped up her jacket; regardless of the fact it was around one thirty in the afternoon and the sun was blazing.

    Her jacket was her only defence, she didn't wear armor; it slowed her down. Though her thick black jacket was almost a give away in the daylight, it was beneficial incase it grew dark. Her dark jeans pressed against her skin and had a fitted feel to her while not constraining her movements. Kicking around some leaves on the ground as she waited she took advantage of the time and rose her bracelet to her face, as if she was checkin the time. Pulling off the quiver charm, Cassandra extended her arm away from her face so it wouldn't hit her head as it transformed into it's functional form. Taking four arrow charms off they elongated into useful arrows she put them in the quiver for later use; their celestial bronze tips sparking in the rays of the sun as they went in leaving only the carbon fiber fletchings and some of the carbon fiber shaft poking out.

    Lastly, Cass looked down and debated on her compound bow or her recurve bow. After a moments pause she took off her recurve charm and settled for the less mechanical feeling bow, it was her favorite anyway; she had bought it with her own money and modified it with her own skills. Taking the sleek black frame in her hands she gently tugged on the bowstring and let it vibrate for a moment before letting her left arm lower as she leaned on a nearby tree. Behind her was a dense void of trees and darkness speckled with rays of light. While the trees in the northern forest are much thinner than in the southern forest, the branches collided often and left little sunlight to peep in at some areas. Taking in a simple sigh Cassandra glanced up and looked around, a few campers passed her by and gave her a smile and nod; none of them Dylan. He's not late or anything, I did say fifteen minutes and it's only been ten, but I wanna get going while we have daylight on our side.
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    Daylight Hunting Empty Re: Daylight Hunting

    Post by DannyBoi 7/15/2013, 4:14 pm

    Dylan came with his sword. Only his sword. Apparently, his siblings thought it would be funny if they booby-trapped the cabin, made Dylan go through it, have his hair and face coated in eggs, and hide his armor. After he washed up, he met up with Cass. Sorry I'm late. My siblings... They took my armor. He felt really embarrassed and scared. He knew he shouldn't go, but that didn't stop him.I'm not turning back. I'll go in without armor and live. It was like he said. He wanted to be famous around camp, and this was an opportunity that he wasn't going to pass up. Well, I see you're rockin' it without armor to.
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    Daylight Hunting Empty Re: Daylight Hunting

    Post by JosieWosie 7/15/2013, 4:42 pm

    Cass finally saw the black haired boy appear from direction of the cabins, a little bit of discouragement on his face but he seemed to be shaking it off so Cass didn't make a comment on it. "Nah, you're not really late, don't worry about your cabin mates, they can't pick on you for long." Cass frowned a bit at Dylan, he wasn't wearing the least bit of armor and was surely going to get hurt."it's not the same Dylan, I have a thick leather jacket and I have speed, to make up for my lack of strength." Toying with her bow for a second she figured they didn't have enough time to get him some from the armoury without wasting too much daylight.

    The sun shone down on the canopy of the forest, she nodded her head over towards the forest and spoke. "Come on we don't have as much time as we think, stay close, but not too close, I shoot quickly and don't want to turn around and hit you with my bow." Cass had to look up as she spoke, Dylan was a bit taller than she was but she was far more agile. Gripping her bow she took an arrow out of the quiver and set it in place with her weak right hand pulling it back every so often, though never letting it launch.

    "How well are you with a sword Dylan? Or a bow?" She questioned quietly, trying not to make noises. I want to sneak up on the beasts not be snuck up on. Side stepping to make less noise on the forest debris she figured Dylan would follow her lead as they walked in slowly, deeper, into the forest. Being careful not to get too close to the river, she knew that just past the river and a few feet away was the area where she lost control with the acid haired girl last night and didn't want to have to relive the whole thing over again.

    Hearing soft rustles to her left she pressed forward, whatever it was it was small, maybe a rabbit; I'm not here for rabbits, I'm here for hounds.
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    Daylight Hunting Empty Re: Daylight Hunting

    Post by DannyBoi 7/15/2013, 8:46 pm

    She, like the rest of the camp, didn't know what Dylan could do. Honestly, Dylan didn't even know all the way what he could do. He could call on his father to give him a boost of everything physical without any visual distinction, minus his hair turning a reddish color. Everything was boosted three-fold. His endurance, his strength, his natural healing factor, they were all boosted by three. Although this is fine and dandy, there's a downside. The boost only lasts for ten minutes, after that, he passes out. What goes up must come down.

    Come on,let's go hunt... Uh, what are we looking for exactly?
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    Daylight Hunting Empty Re: Daylight Hunting

    Post by JosieWosie 7/15/2013, 9:40 pm

    Cassandra kept her attention up, waiting for small signs. "Shh, whisper Dylan, we're looking for signs of hell hounds. It's day time but there are shadows, since they shadow travel they leave a small circle or area where a puff of wind blows leaves off of the ground. Maybe a few small dead animals here and there" Cassandra whispered as she glanced around the base of the forest; searching. The sun was peeping through some of the trees and Cass made extra care to stay in the light. She saw something sprint not too far ahead of them, then again to her right side, and once more to left.

    That's the fastest hell hound I've ever seen. Cassandra started to worry for a moment, unsure if she was going to be able to take on something as fast as that; she was used to speedy hounds, but none had ever been this quick. "Dylan, stay close" Cassandra remembered how she hated being told what to do and figured her partner needed to know why. "Look to your left and in a few seconds you'll catch a glimpse of a black figure." Suddenly, it hit her. It was circling them. Before she could tell Dylan to duck, she saw a hellhound at least as big as she was pounce out of the shadows of a bush. Getting out of it's way she kept her eyes locked on the beast before realizing that something was still circling the area Dylan was at. Panicked Cass realized a little too late. "AMBUSH!" There hadn't been one immensely fast hound, there had been three equally terrifying hounds.

    The black creature jumped on it's hind legs at Cassandra, unable to see Dylan she focused her attention onto the beast and whack it on the side of the head with her bow after releasing her first arrow at it's chest. Her arrow missed and hit the dark animal's hind leg. It let out an intimidating snarl at Cassandra. She rose her bow, taking the risk and waiting for her arrow to reappear on her bracelet before taking one out of the quiver and aiming at the beast. That was when she heard a deep evil growl come from behind her, and an equally frightening howl from her right. "Dylan are you alright?" Without taking her eyes off the creature in front of her she could only assume Dylan was back to back with her and pushed back the third hound. She couldn't spare him a glance just yet, she knew she had to take out at least one hound to make it a fair fight. Really guys? Three against two? Hardly a fair fight.
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    Daylight Hunting Empty Re: Daylight Hunting

    Post by DannyBoi 7/15/2013, 11:59 pm

    Yea, I'm fine. How about you? Dylan said. If only he were a son of Hades, or even Phobos, but no. He had to be the son of a god nobody knew about. Having no armor gave Dylan a burst of adrenaline. Sure, all demigods are adhd, but everyone feels that fight or flight response. Demigods, however, seemed to feel theirs a bit stronger than others.

    Seconds after he dropped the question, a hound jumped from the forest ground. It bounded onto Dylan and knocked him over. The hound kept on trying to get at Dylan's face, but he put one hand on the hound's throat. He reached for his sword, and stabbed the beast in the chest. The beast howled and exploded into golden dust. Dylan got up as quickly as he could to meet up with Cass. They stood back to back, alert and ready for the next hound. Like you said, stay close. Now, how many more you think there are? he asked
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    Daylight Hunting Empty Re: Daylight Hunting

    Post by JosieWosie 7/16/2013, 2:15 am

    The afternoon sun was on their side; the light gave them a slight advantage when it came to the visuals of fighting. With the hellhounds closing in on the two campers, Cass could see the grim forest get slowly dimmer as the time dragged on behind the creatures; whatever we do we need to do now while we have daylight. All around them the thin trees would provide no cover if they ran; if they wanted to survive they had to fight. Condensing the small circle Dylan and Cassandra made she began to circle slowly, her feet making soft crunching noises on the forest debris; no point in being quiet now.

    Cassandra pressed her lips tightly before answering Dylans question. "No more than three now." She swallowed tightly and exhaled before speaking softly again; not losing sight of the two hounds on her front and side. Cassandra's eyes were narrowed to keep focus on the evil spawn in front of her, so much so that you could hardly see the chocolatey brown of her eyes. "I can disable the one before me and while it's getting back up I'll take the one to my right and you take the one to my left" Using her elbows to emphasize and dictate her directions, Cass didn't want to have any misunderstandings before she shot at the black mass ahead.

    She pulled back on her bow and released an arrow at the left shoulder of the leader hound and without wasting a second, a second arrow at it's right shoulder; causing the beast to topple down long enough for Cass to swing her bow straight down on the head of the charging hound from her right side. The recoil of the swing pushed her back a good foot and the leader hound seemed to be quick to recover because she hadn't caught her breath before it was on top of her body.

    Recalling that her right hand was already injured she figured if she had to lose anything it should be that. Cassandra rose her hand to cover her face from the creatine and felt a sharp and familiar pang run though her hand and arm. Letting out a sharp yelp Cassandra took advantage of the hound being busy with her gloved hand to swing her right leg from underneath and hook the hind leg of the animal while kneeing it with her left leg; pushing it off her body. Cassandra realized the hound had let go of her and was chewing on the glove that protected her hand. She felt a bit of warm liquid trickle once more from her palm and ignored the pain; she took her bow from the ground quickly and swiftly pulled a charm of her bracelet and shot at the hound. Within moments it puffed into smoke and left a fang in its place.

    Not wanting to think about her hand, which wasn't really too bad when compared to last night, Cassandra turned over and took a good shot the second hound, hoping Dylan was holding his own with the hound he was in charge of. The hound howled but Cassandra knew it wasn't a fatal shot and she had used that particular arrow charm once before meaning it would never return to her. Before Cass could fire another arrow the hound snarled viciously and jumped into the shadows; stunned, Cassandra aimed her bow violently, while dripping dark red blood from her hand and the grip of her recurve bow, she pointed it at any shadow she could see before hearing the sound rustled leaves make when runned upon further away from them. Assuming that the second in command hound had run off she wasted no time in turning her attention to Dylan as she panted softly as she pushed back her tangled chestnut hair from her face. Yea you better run.

    OOC: If you want to practice good paragraph formation when RP'ing, I suggest using the acronym TIPTOP. It's an order of information within the first few paragraphs of a post. TIme. Place. TOpic. Person. After that it's mostly story progression and actions or main dialogues that your partner can respond to. I try to use it all the time :) Just a friendly suggestion because you're doing fine now as is.
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    Daylight Hunting Empty Re: Daylight Hunting

    Post by DannyBoi 7/16/2013, 2:47 am

    Dylan was occupied with his second hound while Cassandra was having her hand used as a chew toy. The hound bounded from the shadows, but Dylan knew this time what to do. He rolled to his right and landed in a squatting position. The hound then landed and turned to face Dylan. The beast and boy had a stand off, circling each other. Come on puppy. Whatcha gonna do? Dylan said. The dog snarled back as if in his own threatening tone. Then, as if on que, they both jumped for each other. They met in the air and slashed each other. In one good cut, the dog exploded into dust. But before that happened, he caught Dylan on the outer left thigh. Dylan dropped and struggled to get up. He used a nearby tree branch to pull himself up to his feet. He looked down at his cut and hissed in pain. It was a deep gash, about 7 inches. It reached from the back of his thigh, around the outside, to the front of his leg. He turned and saw that Cass was fine. He then shouted back to her Hey, you got some ambrosia? If you do, I might need it.

    Ooc: I'm just trying to write it like Rick Riordan would.
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    Daylight Hunting Empty Re: Daylight Hunting

    Post by JosieWosie 7/16/2013, 11:50 am

    Cassandra looked down to see Dylans leg chewed up. Geeze that looks bad. Cassandra lost track of time and while it was clearly still the afternoon the light was less intense and gave the blood spewing out of Dylans leg, a soft shimmer. Her instinct was to get him to lay down and treat him quickly on the forest floor but she knew there was one other hound out there and couldn't risk putting her guard down. Cassandra had spent many years training in her woods at the Marrick's estate and was a very good survivalist when it came to the land but it didn't mean she was arrogant enough to leave ambrosia at her cabin.

    She hadn't learned about ambrosia until this morning, a cabin mate had given her some and she took a nibble at it and her wounds healed up, minus her hand, although it was further along in the healing process then it would have been without the little god cube. "Yea, I have a bit left, give me moment." She circled Dylan for a good round making sure that other hound wouldn't come back and spring at them before tending to Dylan's needs. Stepping carefully on the debris of the forest floor her dark boots made little sound as she closed in on Dylan. Putting her recurve bow to hang on a heavy branch she reached her hand into her back pocket and pulled out a small clear plastic bag. "Oh, sorry I got thrown on my back and it must have squished" Cass closed her mouth gently and looked at the crumpled cube bits in the bag. "Here it's only a small amount, you can take what you need." The young lady tossed over the bag to Dylan and nodded.

    She looked down at her right hand for a moment, she knew the ambrosia would heal her but she had already had some today and it would be unwise to take in more; besides it should only be a day or two and I'll be fine, if it's not healed up by Friday then I'll take some more. As she contemplated her plans for her hand she turned a full 180 to face Dylan, her back to the poorly lighted forest, the canopies of the trees meshed to block out a lot of the sunlight, thankfully they were in a patch of deep forest where there were just enough trees to allow a healthy amount of light in; They don't call it the Dark Forest for nothing.

    "I think we should head back for the day, we can come back tomorrow and hunt that last-" Cass dropped mid sentence when she heard a low rumble come from her side. She turned to grab her bow from the branch but as soon as she reached out the hellspawn was upon her. The branch had broken off in Cassandra's hand though her bow had slid off the other end and as soon as she crashed to the ground she realized her quiver will arrows had fallen off her and slid off to the side; out of reach. Grunting in struggle Cass held the dead tree branch against the nape of the hellhounds neck.

    The branch was the only thing holding the beast back from chewing on Cass's face. She let out a shrill as the black mass bared it's teeth at her face; she could smell the rotting flesh and blood of it's prior victims in it's breath and could see the yellow crooked fangs come closer with each snap and the branch started to bend. Clear drool covered it's mouth and flung around Cass's face, the branch wasn't going to last long and if she didn't get out of being under the heavy animal soon, neither would she. The Hellhound was clearly heavier than the other one, it's hind paws digging into Cass's thighs, and it's front legs pinning her shoulder and chest to the ground; she could feel the pressure of it's heavy weight on her rib cage. There was no way she could push this beast off of her without breaking the branch and having her face chewed off; he was far too heavy and strong.

    Before she could figure out what to do the monster leaned back and chomped on the branch in half; without thinking Cass took a hard swing with the half of the branch that was still in her weak right hand. The hound didn't even flinch as it foamed and snarled at her face before pulling it's head back. She felt herself emitting small gusts of wind around her; this happened often when she was in emotional distress; No no if I go down I'm going down as myself, not as a monster. In the few moments that the creature snarled at her face all Cassandra could think about was not losing control of her powers the way she did last night, a replica of it so soon after would surely kill her. Knowing that she put her remaining focus on stopping her uncontrollable power from peering through and the gusts of wind died down. Just then, Cassandra screamed out loudly as she saw the evil canine lunge it's teeth forward at her face; she turned her head and slammed her eyes shut bracing herself for the pain.
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    Daylight Hunting Empty Re: Daylight Hunting

    Post by DannyBoi 7/16/2013, 1:02 pm

    Dylan caught the bag of ambrosia and took in about half. He could see the cut heal itself already, at a rate that was much faster than usual. He didn't know why, but it felt relieving. He heard Cass say I think we should head back for the day, we can come back tomorrow and hunt that last- then heard the hound pounce on her. He heard her screams as the dog stood on top of her, and at that moment, action came before thought. He lunged himself into the dog and launched it off Cass. Cass, ate you okay? he screamed back. Just after, the dog lunged onto him and knocked him on his left side. Searing pain shot up his leg and Dylan couldn't get up. The dog then jumped on him the same way it did for Cass. It looked like the end for Dylan. Cass was still trying to get up, Dylan's leg was completely covered in blood, and this hound was about to kill him. Although it looked like there was no way out of this, Dylan knew one way: He would have to use his powers.

    He gripped his sword tight, pointed it to the sky, and called on his father. Cratus, give me strength! he screamed. His sword glowed a bright red, then the light flowed through his entire body. The hound backed up, blinded by Dylan, and tripped on its hind legs. The light then went out, and left Dylan; standing, completely healed, and with dark red hair. He had ten minutes before he would pass out, so he had to act fast. The hound tried to tackle Dylan, but he evaded the attack with blinding speed. The dog then turned on its heels and charged at Dylan again. This time Dylan didn't dodge the hound. Instead,, he squatted low and grabbed its ear. He then grabbed its hind leg and threw it into a tree. The hound didn't die, but it was severely injured. Nine minutes left.

    Dylan cut the hound's head clean off and watched it turn to dust leaving just a fang. He then turned to Cass and said Hey, how are you holding up back there?
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    Daylight Hunting Empty Re: Daylight Hunting

    Post by JosieWosie 7/16/2013, 1:55 pm

    Still in shock Cass found herself blinded by, what at first she thought was a ray of 2 pm sunlight, was actually Dylan. His hair now a dark shade of auburn with a few hints of normal black pigment in them; he seemed slightly larger as if he was flexing all his muscles but he wasn't even trying. Cass looked around quickly at the thin forest trees and saw speckles of light rays within the darker void, they had wandered in deep; at least a fifteen minute run back to safer campgrounds. Getting up she realized the hellhound had left three not too deep cuts on her cheek just as Dylan peeled it off her.

    Her ribs still sore from the pressure, Cass found it a little difficult to take a deep breath, though she managed. Quickly regaining her senses she lunged for her bow and took an arrow that had scattered from the quiver on the ground and kept it up in the case more of the pack came along. "I'm alright, thanks, you? What was that? You go super saiyan? Is that your thing?" Chuckling at her own joke Cass figured it was a useful power, though she didn't know the aspects of it, she knew if it saved her rear end, it was useful in her book. Normally she would be cautious when it came to powers though this time she wasn't too worried, his powers seemed to be controllable unlike hers, which would turn on her if she wasn't careful.

    Grateful for the help she picked up the remainder crumbles of ambrosia in the bag and gave them once more to Dylan, his reddish sheened hair was somehow flowing gently even though there was no wind about; similar to the way her hair flows about when she gets angry or emotionally distressed, its a small sign that her powers would peck out and she often calmed herself down when she notices. "We need to at the very least move out of this area, the rest of the hound pack will realize their members are long gone and I would much rather not be here when they come looking. We walked a while so we should settle at the next big clearing before making a run for camp." Looking up and assuming the time she figured they had a good two hours left before it grew into late afternoon light; not very helpful in the woods.

    Hearing more rustles approaching, she didn't want to waste time gathering all the arrows she dropped, leaving them all for dead, minus her bow and the remaining 10 arrows on her bracelet, Cass took initiative and reminded Dylan to stay close. "Ha, really I guess it should be me staying close to you at this point"Ignoring the slight pain in her still bleeding hand, Cass gave a friendly yet hushed laugh, not wanting to alert anything else of their presence.  Her smile faded as she recalled the next clearing is near the river; across it a few paces ahead would be the destroyed area she was at last night. "Come on, we don't have that much time I think I know where to stop and rest"
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    Daylight Hunting Empty Re: Daylight Hunting

    Post by DannyBoi 7/16/2013, 2:34 pm

    Stop and rest? Dylan knew he couldn't do that. He had to get back to camp or else she would be dragging his unconscious butt out of there. Ah... Cass, maybe we should go back to camp now. I mean, there's more to my 'super saiyan' than you know. After it starts, I get around ten minutes, sometimes more, then I pass out. I never get more than fifteen minutes. Typical. Whenever Dylan got something cool, there was a downsideto it.

    Your dad is a god, but monsters are hunting your blood.
    You can get a boost of strength all over your body, but you pass out after ten minutes.
    You have brothers and sisters you never knew about, but they are total idiots.

    Those were just minor examples. He never got to be or feel normal. He was always different. How far is camp from here? Can you make it?
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    Daylight Hunting Empty Re: Daylight Hunting

    Post by JosieWosie 7/16/2013, 3:15 pm

    Cass kept walking in the direction out of camp, there were two clearings we can pass before the exit; running we can make it to the first clearing in under five minutes for sure, even if we flew we wouldn't make it to the second clearing just before the camp exit in under fifteen minutes. Time wasn't on their sides. Sighing Cass spoke grimmly; "We can't make it out in fifteen minutes, how long do you pass out for Dylan?" Cassandra realized, like most campers every power had a downside to it.

    "Can you atleast make it to a clearing? We can make a makeshift camp there until you regain consciousness. This was probably a bad idea Dylan, I'm awfully sorry for getting you into this." Putting her hand on a tree as she walked for balance she figured they had better start running; get as close to the exit as we can and wait for Dylan to wake up, if anything she figured she could just make it rain on him for a while and it might wake him up after a while of rest. Letting go she looked back at the tree and saw her hand's bloody print resisting the urge to get rid of her trial she pressed forward with Dylan.

    Her shoes make some ruckus, not caring about what hears them, if they both ran together it would sound like a large animal to the monsters in the forest and they might leave them alone until they stopped. Watching trees blur past her she knew she couldn't run for too long, five minutes was just enough to reach the first clearing. "How much time do you have Dylan? If we run to the second clearing in five minutes we'd be another five away from camp, we might even see some campers walk past who can help get you to your bunk. What do you think" Panting slightly with her bow still aimed around loosely with her weak hand, Cass figured it was a good idea but it wouldn't be wise to just dictate and not ask others opinions, she was raised to be a good leader not an authoritarian.

    OOC: Sorry it's taking me a while to reply; I've been working on a code for posts and it's taking me forever to figure out what went wrong.
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    Daylight Hunting Empty Re: Daylight Hunting

    Post by DannyBoi 7/16/2013, 4:22 pm

    Dylan had six minutes left until he passed out. If normally sprinting would take him ten minutes, then he'd be able to make it to the camp in three. But Cass was hurt. He couldn't just leave her in the woods. He would have to carry her. He knew that his max with the boost was 300 lbs, so carrying Cass would be like lifting 5 pounds, she would be virtually nothing to him now. The only thing was that he didn't want it to be awkward. Cass, you're in pain. Let me carry you. I can get us to the camp in three minutes tops. He said. It was either watch her struggle to walk, or carry her to camp. Besides, she saved his life. Getting her to safety was the least he could do. Listen, I have five minutes, I think. I can get us both there, but you have got to work with me. Please, he held out his hand to grab her, so we both aren't left out here. He felt like she and him had something between them. It wasn't anything like star crossed lovers or anything like that. It was more like a 'younger brother, older sister' type of connection. With that feeling in his gut, he knew that he had to help her when he could. He felt like it was his choice, no, it was his duty to keep her alive.
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    Daylight Hunting Empty Re: Daylight Hunting

    Post by JosieWosie 7/16/2013, 5:21 pm

    Cassandra Merrick

    Cass mumbled for a moment, she didn't like feeling weak, but it was true, she was almost sure she had broken a rib somewhere back there and they needed to get to camp quickly. She found it almost funny how they entered thinking she was going to keep him safe when they plan on exiting the other way around. "Alright, I know you're right Dylan just take it easy when you run, I get nauseous easy" Cass laughed as she tapped her bow to her bracelet and watched it convert to it's portable charm form, her quiver was next and finally the only arrow she was holding. With hands free she took Dylan's arm and tried to balance herself so it wouldn't hurt to breath as much.

    "Ok lets get out of here, its getting darker by the hour." Cass held on to Dylans shirt hoping she wouldn't fall off when she realized she could help a bit. She positioned herself so she could see the path ahead and concentrated on the branches. "I need you to trust me, don't stop running, don't dodge the branches unless it's a big tree, just ram right through." She focused on all the branches that Dylan would hit if he kept a straight path and gusts of wind started surrounding them. The thin branches broke off easily and the thicker branches took more out of Cass but they too snapped off. Cassandra knew she could do this for a while but was starting to feel the drain of using her powers; it would be much easier if she was near a beach, sand was her forte.

    It wasn't long before she saw Dylan's hair slowly turn back to it's former black and she figured it was a sign that his time was running out. "We're not that much further Dylan I think we can make it to the outside of the forest at the very least." Planning on saving some of her powers in case he passed out and she needed to wake him up Cass stopped blowing anything out of the way and focused on individual branches. This lead to many close calls but she got them in time.

    Watching the trees blur past them it was difficult for Cass to focus, Dylan was going far faster than even the Ares kids in an arena; her eyes watered up slightly but she started to see the break of the forest and her hopes rose up. Dylan had been running, no, sprinting for a few minutes now. "You should put me down here, we're like literally right there and if you pass out here you'll also drop me just lay down I see some campers up ahead anyway they can help if I can't wake you up myself." Sure of herself she knew no monster would dare come that close to so many campers just outside the forest. Besides, Dylan deserves a great big hug after what he did today; once he wakes up if he want's I'll let him carry me over to his cabin and his cabin mates might shut up about him.

    “I need you to trust me, don't stop running...”
    OOC/Notes: Yo lemme know what you think; this is what I’ve been working on between posts

    Word Count: 521

    Last edited by JosieWosie on 7/19/2013, 6:03 pm; edited 4 times in total
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    Daylight Hunting Empty Re: Daylight Hunting

    Post by DannyBoi 7/19/2013, 10:42 am

    Alright Cass, Dylan said. He had about two minutes left anyways and his vision started to become distorted. The colors of the forest seemed to brighten up with color. Everything around him started turning red, and his hearing was messed up also. It sounded like Cass.was saying something to him, but he couldn't tell. Everything started to sound like a bee hive was right next to his ear. He then set Cass.down on what looked like solid ground. He couldn't tell because of the colors becoming messed up. He then staggered backwards into a tree, and hen his world went black.
    Dylan then woke up in what looked like an endless room. The floor was covered with fog that glowed white, which was the only source of light in the room. Dylan tried to focus on waking back up, but he couldn't. Then, a voice came from behind him. Don't try to wake yourself up. It's pointless. Besides, I need to talk to you. it said. It was a male voice, but it didn't sound much older than Dylan. Who are you? Where are we? What do you want? Dylan was scared, this was the first time this has ever hahe felt himself ppened to him. The only other time he did it, it was like sleeping. Just relax, we are in your mind. You and I are connected somehow. I don't know how, but we are. My name is Blake, Blake Alexander. Dylan has heard the name before, around the camp. He didn't know what to do, should he respond? Should he get angry? He tried to say something, but he felt a stirring within him. He was waking up. Until next time. I'll see you soon.

    Ooc: your post looks great! That gif at the bottom is really cool to!
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    Daylight Hunting Empty Re: Daylight Hunting

    Post by JosieWosie 7/19/2013, 8:59 pm

    Cassandra Merrick

    Cass kept an eye on Dylan, she pushed him over to a bed of leaves and slumped down on a tree adjacent to him. Cass watched the sun peak over the trees, slowly moving across, creating the afternoon sky. Occasionally Cass swatted some bugs off her shoulder, the disruption to the daily lives of the bugs on the tree she was leaning on caused them to slowly fight back. After a while she gave up and moved to a patch of grass next to Dylan. If his body makes him pass out after using his powers it's because he needs to rest for a while.

    Cass deduced that she would wait an hour, if he had not woken up by then she would wake him. Surely enough an hour passed; an hour filled with fly swatting, bow aiming, and tree climbing. Cass loved to climb trees, a birds view was the best view in her mind. She sat perched up on a firm branch over Dylan with her bow, from above she can shoot at anything within view and if it gets desperate she can just jump down. Thankfully nothing of importance occurred and as she noticed the hour limit she set herself pass she decided to get down.

    She looked at a branch below her and with both hands on the base of the branch she squatted on, held tightly as she hung the rest of her body until her tiptoes could touch the branch. Letting go, Cass gripped the new branch and continued to drop level by level until she reached the balance of the ground. She looked to Dylan for a small moment and questioned how she would wake him up. She figured she could do it, she had the power, but she didn't know how to get it started. Taking a deep breath, she tried to focus on the area above Dylan. She wasn't one to ask help from the gods; hell, she didn't even know there were gods until a few weeks ago! However in this moment she felt like Dylan was a little brother she needed to wake up and get to safety. It's almost 4 or so now, it's been an hour he needs to get up and get to the cabins so he can sleep in safety. Reminding herself of this, she looked up to the skies.

    "Hey, it's me Cass, I need some help, I don't know how to do this so if you want to just you know help out, that would be great." Cass looked around and waited, lips pursed and dimples showing she grew frustrated. Fine, I can do it on my own just how I've done everything else. Her frustration was a poor substitute for focus, though she was growing dependant on it. Small gusts of wind formed into mini twisters and Cass swatted them away. No not twisters, RAIN. Rain Cass rain. Damnit, really? The gusts would just come back as she grew more and more frustrated. Dylan was still out like a rock and the sun was setting faster she needed to really focus.

    Ok Cass just sit down, and focus on rain, it's not his fault you can't do it. As she referred to her godly father she grimaced to herself. Sitting down on the leaves before her, hearing the soft crunch under her pants she crossed her legs and closed her eyes. Wary the forest was still not very safe she kept half her attention out for harm. Taking in deep breathes she felt a migraine come about her. Figuring it to be a good sign, she pressed on mentally and focused on the sounds of rain trickling down from her window when she was a younger girl, watching the droplets collide and slide down to the bottom.

    As she opened her eyes she saw the smallest grey cloud evaporate and reappear various times until a solid cloud no bigger than a foot ball hovered over Dylan's torso. Willing it to move over to his face she focused on it and small drops were released over Dylan's face; increasing until it was the same amount someone would use in a bucket of water to wake someone up. After a few moments, not wanting to get anything other than his face soaked, Cass only had to divert her attention to Dylan and the cloud vanished from the lack on focus on it. Dylan seemed to stir slightly, though she couldn't tell if the water to the face had done anything or if Dylan's body was just done resting. Either way he needs to get back to his cabin and rest some more, heck, I need to get to the cabin and rest some. Her migraine wouldn't go away until she's had a days rest; watching Dylan's face show hints of awakening she shook his shoulder gently the way she used to shake her parent's up on Christmas morning. "Dylan? You alright?"

    "She looked at a branch below her and with both hands on the base of the branch she squatted on, held tightly as she hung..."
    OOC/Notes: Just playing with the coding now.

    Word Count:  828
    Junior Member

    Number of posts : 327
    Age : 25
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    Daylight Hunting Empty Re: Daylight Hunting

    Post by DannyBoi 7/20/2013, 1:33 am

    Dylan woke up to see Cassidy shaking his shoulder. It was nice, the way she looked. She had a relieved look, mixed with anger. It was as if her look was 'Oh, good. You're alive. Now don't scare me like that again!' He felt better, like he just had almost a day's worth of sleep. He looked around and noticed that they were still in the forest. He then looked up, past the canopy of the trees. He saw that the sun was significantly further to the west than last time he saw it. Even with all this, he still wondered 'Why am I wet? Why is my face cold? What happened while I slept?' He sat up slightly, his arms bent, resting on his forearms, and torso at an angle. He shook his head rapidly to get all the dead grass and dead leaves out of his hair. He then looked at Cass, and said "So... when we getting out?[/color]
    Junior Member

    Number of posts : 199
    Age : 28
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    Daylight Hunting Empty Re: Daylight Hunting

    Post by JosieWosie 7/21/2013, 7:54 pm

    Cassandra Merrick

    Cassandra smiled wide eyed still absorbing that Dylan had woken up. The light of the lowering sun was enough to bring out the almond tinted brown of Dylan's eyes; a reassuring proof he was consciously awake. Her relief shook off her near anger; she knew it wasn't his fault he passed out but was worried at how long it would take for her to wake him up, or at least when he would wake up naturally if she failed. Composing herself he glanced quickly around, out of habit to be honest, and checked the area. The forest behind them was growing darker and the trees would shield creatures of the night perfectly, ahead of them was the camp, you could clearly see campers walk by, they were only a few steps out of the forest, no more than five minutes to be in the cabins.

    Sitting up right she took a small analysis of Dylan and feeling rather secure she still figured the best way to find out was to ask. Cass realized Dylan was confused and was looking around at the small puddle where his head was only moments before he woke up. "Oh right, I tried to wake you up by splashing water on your face." Cass smiled funnily and looked at him sheepishly. Watching Dylan shake off the leftover debris was rather funny to her; Cass chuckled slightly at the sight of Dylan, he reminded her of a dog shaking off water after a bath. After moment of laughter on Cassandra's part Dylan asked when they would leave. "Right now, if you're feeling alright we can leave now and get you back to your cabin so you can rest some more." Using herself as reference, Cass knew how tiring using powers could be and would feel better if Dylan took the rest of the day off to rest some. "You ready? let's get going."

    “Oh right, I tried to wake you up ...”

    OOC/Notes:  Sorry for the short post! I'm in Mexico on vacation so it's taking me awhile to get online. Also on a friendly advice note, make sure to have empathy links approved first; not sure they allow it with another one of your own characters- check on the rules @ the home page they may have changed it!

    Word Count:  312

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