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    Books are sometimes better than people

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    Books are sometimes better than people Empty Books are sometimes better than people

    Post by SilverMoon 6/8/2014, 5:14 pm

    Patricia sits in a comfy chair in the library her nose in a book. During her free time, she was usually out exploring or playing some sort of sport with her friends, but she was exhausted from the flight from Alabama the other day. The air conditioning didn't hurt either.
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    Books are sometimes better than people Empty Re: Books are sometimes better than people

    Post by Holly 6/8/2014, 5:18 pm

    Zachary walked into the library and looks around the massive wooden shelves for something to red. He was currently interested in the Celtic runes and symbols, so his dark hazel eyes began to scan the shelves for something to satisfy his taste. After a few moments of looking he pulled out a large book and carried it over to the nearby table.
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    Books are sometimes better than people Empty Re: Books are sometimes better than people

    Post by SilverMoon 6/8/2014, 5:25 pm

    Patricia put her book down for a moment, trying to decipher what she had just read. She noticed a guy with dark hazel eyes carry a large book with strange symbols on it. Patricia stood up and pretended to be looking at a book shelf near the guy as she tried to figure out what he was reading. She desperately hoped her wouldn't look behind his shoulder as she peered at the strange text.
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    Books are sometimes better than people Empty Re: Books are sometimes better than people

    Post by Holly 6/8/2014, 5:30 pm

    I looked over the Latin and the Celtic symbols and writing, easily dechiphing some of the words but others having some problems with. I went and got my pad and pen from my pocket, quickly writing down some quick notes from the context. Blowing upward I brushed some of my hair from y face and fixed my glasses. It was surely going to take a long time to finish my work..but I didn't mind.
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    Books are sometimes better than people Empty Re: Books are sometimes better than people

    Post by SilverMoon 6/8/2014, 5:36 pm

    Conveniently, the guy was so entranced in his work he didn't notice it was Patricia. After a minute or so of squinting, Patricia realized he was translating Latin. Patricia inwardly shivered, thinking of Latin class with her cold teacher, Sister Margaret. However, she was still proud of herself when the translation easily came to her. Subconsciously, her lips started moving, and then she started speaking the translation out loud.
    Role Playing Legend

    Number of posts : 10415
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    Books are sometimes better than people Empty Re: Books are sometimes better than people

    Post by Holly 6/8/2014, 5:41 pm

    I was busy in my work and suddenly I heard someone behind me speaking Latin. Turning my head I noticed someone there an smiled. "Oh! Hello" I grinned and closed the book and my notepad. "I'm sorry, I didn't notice you there" I apologized.
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    Books are sometimes better than people Empty Re: Books are sometimes better than people

    Post by SilverMoon 6/8/2014, 5:48 pm

    Patricia's face turned bright red. "Oh, gosh, I was speaking out loud, wasn't I?" Her slight southern accent came out with her embarrassment. She ran a hand through her dark curly hair, one of her habits when she was nervous. Then she held out her right hand for a handshake. "Sorry to interrupt you, my name is Patricia." She smiled widely.
    Role Playing Legend

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    Books are sometimes better than people Empty Re: Books are sometimes better than people

    Post by Holly 6/8/2014, 5:53 pm

    I smiled and reached over to shake her hand. "It's alright Patricia, I'm Zachary" I smiled as I introduced myself to her. I removed my hand and placed it on my Len, lifting it in my hand an messing with it. "So what are you doing in the library?@
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    Books are sometimes better than people Empty Re: Books are sometimes better than people

    Post by SilverMoon 6/8/2014, 6:02 pm

    "Taking a break. I flew in from Alabama the other day, and I swear I can still hear the little kid beside me bawling." Patricia stretched and yawned, her back popping. "And the air conditioning is nice too. There's way too much body heat everywhere else." Patricia grabbed her book from her nearby chair and sat next to Zachary. "I'm assuming your a regular, considering you noticed I don't come here all that often."
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    Books are sometimes better than people Empty Re: Books are sometimes better than people

    Post by Holly 6/8/2014, 6:04 pm

    I nod "yeah. I could also tell your a southern girl from your voice. How is Alabama? I haven't been there recently. I'm from Virginia actually" I smiled and leaned over my book as I looked her over to see what else I could deduce.
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    Books are sometimes better than people Empty Re: Books are sometimes better than people

    Post by SilverMoon 6/8/2014, 6:56 pm

    "It's nice..And super hot. I'm glad I can come up North for the summer. But this winter was awful. Lots of car accidents. People that far south don't know how to drive when there's ice or snow."
    Patricia was acutely aware of him as he looked at her. It wasn't creepy or anything, but merely curious. Still, for the first time in a while, Patricia felt like someone was seeing her, not just looking at her.
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    Books are sometimes better than people Empty Re: Books are sometimes better than people

    Post by Holly 6/8/2014, 7:12 pm

    "Yeah, I can agree with that" I laughed a little and crossed my arms on my chest, looking at a scar I had on my thigh that peaked out from my olive shorts. "I remember being in Florida for winter one time, that was interesting when there was a little snow" I laughed and smiled at her. "Your a child of....Aphrodite? Hebe? Eros? I can't really tell to specifics but judging by your youthful complexion...I'd say I'm not that far off" I grinned
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    Books are sometimes better than people Empty Re: Books are sometimes better than people

    Post by SilverMoon 6/8/2014, 7:22 pm

    Patricia bit her lip and nodded. "Hebe. And you..hm.. This is difficult." Sarcasm was evident in her voice. "Athena, perhaps?" She grinned. She usually wasn't one for sarcasm, but she couldn't help herself. His godly parent was so blatantly obvious he might as well as had it written on his face. She noticed him glance at the edge of his shorts.. A scar? Hm..Well Athena were warriors...
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    Books are sometimes better than people Empty Re: Books are sometimes better than people

    Post by Holly 6/8/2014, 7:35 pm

    I laughed and smiled "yeah, Athena is my mom" I grinned and covered my scar. It actually wasn't from a fight, it was for a surgery and even years after I was secretly sensitive about the remaining mark that it left me. "So, how long have you been at camp Patricia?" I asked as I glanced to the book she had with her
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    Books are sometimes better than people Empty Re: Books are sometimes better than people

    Post by SilverMoon 6/8/2014, 7:43 pm

    "For 'bout five years. I was 11 when I first came. It doesn't feel that long ago, though. Time flies by at camp, doesn't it?" Patricia noticed his glance at the novel. It was kind a strange. Over, honestly. A girl was sitting on a bus, looking out a window. "It's about a girl who goes looking for her birth mother." Patricia was reading the book for.. answers, perhaps? Or at least someone who knew how she felt. So far, however, the book was cliche and didn't even slightly express how it felt not to know who your mother was. "Honestly, I'm disappointed. This chick is such a brat. I mean, who cares if your parents adopted you. They love you, right?"
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    Books are sometimes better than people Empty Re: Books are sometimes better than people

    Post by Holly 6/8/2014, 8:03 pm

    I nod with a grin. "Of course they do! I have an adopted sister from Detroit and I love her so much!" I told her with a smile as I put my pen and pad into my pocket again, looking over at Patricia. "Why...we're you adopted?" I asked her softy.
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    Books are sometimes better than people Empty Re: Books are sometimes better than people

    Post by SilverMoon 6/8/2014, 8:11 pm

    "Oh, I must have misspoken. I'm not adopted. I live with my Biological Dad. It's just, if you're lucky enough to have a mom..." Patricia shook her head, wanting to change the subject, a bit mad at herself for bringing it up. "So, what is your sister like, how hold is she?" Patricia's small hands were clenched on the table, like she was tense. That's how she always felt when she talked about wanting a mother.
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    Books are sometimes better than people Empty Re: Books are sometimes better than people

    Post by Holly 6/8/2014, 8:15 pm

    "She's four now, really a great kid" I smiled as I looked at her. "So, what do you like to do? Your not in the library much so you must have some other type of activity you like to do"
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    Books are sometimes better than people Empty Re: Books are sometimes better than people

    Post by SilverMoon 6/8/2014, 8:21 pm

    "I like exploring and hiking a lot during free time. But mostly, I do the foot races and sports game and such. But I avoid the sword fighting if I can. I prefer... long distance weaponry.
    But most of all, I like helping in the infirmary. It may sound odd, but I like helping the Apollo kids there. My dad's a doctor, so I guess I inherited his love of medical arts."
    "So what do you like to do? Besides reading in the library, of course."
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    Books are sometimes better than people Empty Re: Books are sometimes better than people

    Post by Holly 6/8/2014, 8:35 pm

    I grinned"hiking, swimming, biking..I like to do just about everything" I chuckled a little. "I'm a jack of all trades kinda guy" I told her with a grin as I put my hand under my chin to support my head. I really liked the library, turns out you could meet just about anyone inside the library, reheat her it be Aphrodite girls with makeup guides pr children of the underworld.
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    Books are sometimes better than people Empty Re: Books are sometimes better than people

    Post by SilverMoon 6/8/2014, 8:43 pm

    "Maybe we could hiking together sometime. There's this area of the forest with..strange noises, I guess. It's kind of freaky, but I don't know...pay curiosity is getting the better of me."
    Patricia pulls Zachary's book towards her. "So, why and what are you translating, exactly?"
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    Books are sometimes better than people Empty Re: Books are sometimes better than people

    Post by Holly 6/8/2014, 9:52 pm

    I laughed lightly "sure thing! Ill make sure to get some..." I had begin to reply when she had pulled the book I was reading closer to her and asked about it. Naturally I took a moment to think before answering her "I'm translating several Celtic symbols that I've found in many places around my travel locals, as well as some other things that it seems this book holds the secret too"
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    Books are sometimes better than people Empty Re: Books are sometimes better than people

    Post by SilverMoon 6/11/2014, 12:01 pm

    "Ooh.. Interesting. Do you know what sort of secrets?" Patricia leaned in eagerly so she could see the book more closely. Even though it had been years since she had been in Latin class with her evil teacher at her small private school, Patricia could still translate most of the words before her. The text didn't seem particularly interesting, though. She was very curious to what Zachary was trying to find.
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    Books are sometimes better than people Empty Re: Books are sometimes better than people

    Post by Holly 6/11/2014, 3:38 pm

    "Illuminati style is my guess, but I don't know for sure" I tell her as I bring my notebook back out and open the leather pages, filled with sketches and symbols and maps: runes and notes that filled te entire notebook. It was not unlike the grail diary from Indiana jones, one of my favorite movie franchises. Harrison ford and Sean Connery...brilliant! Not to mention the work of Spielberg and Lucas. Looking up at her I grinned "I quite like secrets and mysteries"
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    Books are sometimes better than people Empty Re: Books are sometimes better than people

    Post by SilverMoon 6/11/2014, 4:56 pm

    "I would say so." Patricia examined the journal, carefully turning the crisp pages. "This is amazing." Patricia looked up and grinned. "You're like a real-life Indiana Jones, but your a demigod, so it's even more awesome." Patricia looked back at the book for a few moments before turning to Zachary again. "So.. Have you solved any mysteries yet? Because I have a feeling I picked the right person to confess my findings in he forest to."

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