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    Enough To Make My Systems Blow - Sienna and I


    Number of posts : 1431
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    Enough To Make My Systems Blow - Sienna and I Empty Enough To Make My Systems Blow - Sienna and I

    Post by Belle 2/2/2015, 10:15 pm

    Enough To Make My Systems Blow - Sienna and I Tumblr_m4cw0f2iol1rur2fwo1_500

    Ariadne had been sitting on her bunk in her cabin. Her bunk was the top one and it was fairly close to the door. Ari had been playing with a small trinket, when she heard a hoard of footsteps. This couldn't be good.
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    Enough To Make My Systems Blow - Sienna and I Empty Re: Enough To Make My Systems Blow - Sienna and I

    Post by sienna 2/2/2015, 10:24 pm

    Enough To Make My Systems Blow - Sienna and I Tumblr_inline_nh3f8g4jek1so10o6
    Louie was being dragged along to prank the Hephaestus cabin, she had tried to get out of it but one of her brothers made her. He called it, "Sibling bonding time" whatever it was, it required everyone having to carry a bucket of water and an airhorn. One of her siblings counted down, and suddenly there was a symphony of airhorns.

    Number of posts : 1431
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    Enough To Make My Systems Blow - Sienna and I Empty Re: Enough To Make My Systems Blow - Sienna and I

    Post by Belle 2/2/2015, 10:35 pm

    Ari soon heard the loud noise and could feel it vibrate through the ground. This had all the trademarks of one cabin. Ari dropped her trinket in her lap and put her hands over her hears. One of the younger Hephaestus children had shouted, "They have buckets!" And ran in for cover. Ari knew she needed to move but she couldn't, perhaps being up on her bunk it'd be harder to get her and she could jump down and sneak away later.
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    Enough To Make My Systems Blow - Sienna and I Empty Re: Enough To Make My Systems Blow - Sienna and I

    Post by sienna 2/2/2015, 10:48 pm

    Enough To Make My Systems Blow - Sienna and I Tumblr_inline_nh3heeJX5j1so10o6
    Louie begrudgingly followed her siblings into the cabin, staying near the walls and trying to avoid being accidentally dumped with water. The bucket of water she was holding was getting heavier and she considered just pouring it on the floor or something and leaving. That is, until she saw a familiar face. "Ari?!" She tried to yell above the yelling of the two cabins. She put down the bucket that was starting to hurt her arm, and walked over to the other girl. "I'm really sorry about this!"

    Number of posts : 1431
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    Enough To Make My Systems Blow - Sienna and I Empty Re: Enough To Make My Systems Blow - Sienna and I

    Post by Belle 2/2/2015, 11:03 pm

    Enough To Make My Systems Blow - Sienna and I Giphy

    Ari had watched as the Hermes cabin came storming in and she quickly slipped out of her bunk and soon she heard someone over the loudness of the two cabins yelling. It was someone calling her name and she turned and saw a familiar face. Louie. "Oh no it's fine, It's almost like a Hermes ritual. We were overdue anyways." Ari said jokingly.
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    Enough To Make My Systems Blow - Sienna and I Empty Re: Enough To Make My Systems Blow - Sienna and I

    Post by sienna 2/2/2015, 11:12 pm

    Enough To Make My Systems Blow - Sienna and I Tumblr_inline_nh3fbxveBo1so10o6
    Louie smiled, relived that Ari wasn't too pissed. Then, someone blew an airhorn near Louie's ear and she flinched at the noise, "Do you want to get out of here before something is set on fire?" she asked, already moving towards the door.

    Number of posts : 1431
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    Enough To Make My Systems Blow - Sienna and I Empty Re: Enough To Make My Systems Blow - Sienna and I

    Post by Belle 2/2/2015, 11:17 pm

    Enough To Make My Systems Blow - Sienna and I Tumblr_m8ev6obmAL1r6hxuw

    Ari had been following towards the door a bit already. "I think that's a good idea." She said still cringing a bit by the sound of the airhorn, and how bad it must have been for Louie. "Will you get in trouble if they find out you're gone?" Ari asked with a smirk on her face as she slipped out the door a bit.
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    Enough To Make My Systems Blow - Sienna and I Empty Re: Enough To Make My Systems Blow - Sienna and I

    Post by sienna 2/2/2015, 11:25 pm

    Enough To Make My Systems Blow - Sienna and I Tumblr_inline_nh3hg5xKLs1so10o6
    "No, they won't notice. Even if they do they won't care that much. I might get some whining from Sinbad, but other than that we're good." Louie assured her. Once she got outside Louie turned to Ari, "So how are things?" What a beautiful conversation starter.

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    Enough To Make My Systems Blow - Sienna and I Empty Re: Enough To Make My Systems Blow - Sienna and I

    Post by Belle 2/2/2015, 11:31 pm

    Enough To Make My Systems Blow - Sienna and I ER-emmy-rossum-28754913-160-254

    "To be honest things were boring before you all showed up, so in a way, I owe your brothers." She said with a small laugh and continued to walk away from the cabin a bit. "How are things for you?" She asked in return.
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    Enough To Make My Systems Blow - Sienna and I Empty Re: Enough To Make My Systems Blow - Sienna and I

    Post by sienna 2/2/2015, 11:39 pm

    Enough To Make My Systems Blow - Sienna and I Tumblr_neslxo4kK91tv5ikso4_250
    "About just as boring." Louie replied, "Hey, did you ever remake that machine? Or did you end up make something different?" One of the few things that Louie knew about Ari was that she liked to make things. Well, she wasn't even sure if Ari liked making things.

    Number of posts : 1431
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    Enough To Make My Systems Blow - Sienna and I Empty Re: Enough To Make My Systems Blow - Sienna and I

    Post by Belle 2/2/2015, 11:45 pm

    Enough To Make My Systems Blow - Sienna and I Tumblr_mgn9h1fgHU1qafbqjo4_250

    Ari shrugged a bit and thought for a moment. "No I didn't try again with it. I mostly just stayed to the stuff I build with my brother. Haven't had inspiration for much else recently." Ari mentioned. It was true though, she had most of her good ideas around Franklin. "Ever finish more of your show?"
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    Enough To Make My Systems Blow - Sienna and I Empty Re: Enough To Make My Systems Blow - Sienna and I

    Post by sienna 2/2/2015, 11:49 pm

    Enough To Make My Systems Blow - Sienna and I Tumblr_neslxo4kK91tv5ikso1_250
    "A little bit, yeah." That was a total lie. She watched way more than a little bit. Ok now it was time for her to help continue this conversation along. "So, are you from New York... or?" It wasn't that horrible of a question. She could've talked about the weather.

    Number of posts : 1431
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    Enough To Make My Systems Blow - Sienna and I Empty Re: Enough To Make My Systems Blow - Sienna and I

    Post by Belle 2/2/2015, 11:59 pm

    Ari was a little shocked by the change in questions but she wasn't opposed to it. "Yea, actually." Ari said smiling. "What about you?" She asked and then smirked and said "Are you a New Yorker or are ya from New Jersey." Doing a horribly fake accent for both. Although it was all in joking, for all she knew, Louie could be from some other state.
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    Enough To Make My Systems Blow - Sienna and I Empty Re: Enough To Make My Systems Blow - Sienna and I

    Post by sienna 2/3/2015, 12:09 am

    Enough To Make My Systems Blow - Sienna and I Tumblr_inline_ndi325DC151szv7ch
    "Neither actually. Portland, Oregon. 'The weirdest city in the US of A'" Louie did air quotes around the last part. "But New York is cool, much cooler than Portland."

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    Enough To Make My Systems Blow - Sienna and I Empty Re: Enough To Make My Systems Blow - Sienna and I

    Post by Belle 2/3/2015, 12:15 am

    "One could argue that really." Ari said and then smiled. Alarm bells were going off telling her not to use the cheesy pick up line but it was blurted out either way. "My next guess was going to be Tennessee, because you're the only ten I see." That was when she mentally slapped herself. She was so stupid, but at least there wasn't much of a dull moment.
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    Enough To Make My Systems Blow - Sienna and I Empty Re: Enough To Make My Systems Blow - Sienna and I

    Post by sienna 2/3/2015, 12:21 am

    Enough To Make My Systems Blow - Sienna and I Tumblr_inline_nh3fo23yrc1so10o6

    "Oh," Louie couldn't help but smile at that, "Thank you." Louie was probably blushing. Of course she tried her best to cover it up, "My brothers love dorky pickup lines. Oh, what was one of them? Oh, I got it. 'Do you have a map, because I'm getting lost in your eyes.'" Was this flirting? It felt like flirting.

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    Enough To Make My Systems Blow - Sienna and I Empty Re: Enough To Make My Systems Blow - Sienna and I

    Post by Belle 2/3/2015, 12:33 am

    She laughed a bit as she saw Louie smile. Did she just flirt with a girl? In fact she did. Wasn't a first, but this was a first she didn't get smacked or sneered at, or creeped on in that matter. Soon Louie mentioned her brothers love dorky pickup lines and then told her one and she began to laugh a bit. "How many people do they actually get with those lines?" She asked and not afraid to actually admit she was genuinely curious about it.
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    Enough To Make My Systems Blow - Sienna and I Empty Re: Enough To Make My Systems Blow - Sienna and I

    Post by sienna 2/3/2015, 12:40 am

    Enough To Make My Systems Blow - Sienna and I Tumblr_neuu1vhhbW1rc7g55o5_250
    "Well in a surprising plot twist, one has managed to get a girlfriend. The other is twelve and is trying those pickup lines on any girl that walks past him, so far no girl has fallen for it." Louie laughed, "They're cool though. A bit weird, but hey, I'm from Portland. I'm used to weird." Louie glanced over at Ari, "What about you, any siblings you're close with?"

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    Enough To Make My Systems Blow - Sienna and I Empty Re: Enough To Make My Systems Blow - Sienna and I

    Post by Belle 2/3/2015, 12:46 am

    Ari laughed a bit at the mention of her brothers that she seemed to be closer to. "I'm sure when he gets older he'll get more ladies." she said with a small chuckle and that was when she heard the question about siblings she is close with and she smiled instantly thinking of Frankin. The dork that was. "Yea I have about one or two I am close with. Sawyer, she's pretty cool but haven't been around her for awhile, but then Franklin I'd have to say is my favourite siblings but basically dork alert. We build stuff all the time together and I get into his 'personal life' too much." She said putting air quotes around Personal life.
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    Enough To Make My Systems Blow - Sienna and I Empty Re: Enough To Make My Systems Blow - Sienna and I

    Post by sienna 2/3/2015, 12:58 am

    Enough To Make My Systems Blow - Sienna and I Tumblr_nea3tut97V1riftaxo4_500
    "Oh dear, I don't want to be around here when that happens." Louie smiled as Ari started to talk about her siblings. "That's cool. Building stuff with your brother. All my brothers want to do is talk about girls, and then they try to set me up with different people. 'But Louie this one is really nice and she speaks french!' Sometimes it gets a little awkward. Anyways, what kind of things do you build with your brother?"

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    Enough To Make My Systems Blow - Sienna and I Empty Re: Enough To Make My Systems Blow - Sienna and I

    Post by Belle 2/3/2015, 1:04 am

    "Must be so much fun having your brothers try and set you up." She said sarcastically a little bit and chuckled. "So glad Franks doesn't try and set me up with girls, that'd require him to actually meet more than a small handful of them though." She said shrugging. When Louie asked about the stuff her and her brother made she had to think about it for a minute. "Anything and everything really. Our most recent thing was this massive seven foot volcano that shoots out lava and what not. That took awhile. We make stupid things more of the time really."
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    Enough To Make My Systems Blow - Sienna and I Empty Re: Enough To Make My Systems Blow - Sienna and I

    Post by sienna 2/3/2015, 1:11 am

    Enough To Make My Systems Blow - Sienna and I Tumblr_neuu1vhhbW1rc7g55o1_250
    "No, the worst part of it all, is that they never check to make sure the girl isn't straight. Thats when it gets really weird." Louie cringed at the thought of all the awkward moments that she had to experience thanks to her brothers. Louie's smile returned once Ari started talking about the volcano, "Really?! A seven foot volcano?! That is so cool!"

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    Enough To Make My Systems Blow - Sienna and I Empty Re: Enough To Make My Systems Blow - Sienna and I

    Post by Belle 2/7/2015, 10:48 am

    When Louie mentioned that her brothers never ask if the girl isn't straight Ari couldn't help but cringe knowing that was like. "Yea, but it'd be awkward for them I'd suppose to be all 'yo you like other girls? oh no you don't nevermind don't hate me.' " She said and then she heard Louie comment on the volcano. "Yea a seven foot volcano. It was fairly cool, you could pretty much stand in the middle of it if you really wanted to. Make a good hide and seek place."
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    Enough To Make My Systems Blow - Sienna and I Empty Re: Enough To Make My Systems Blow - Sienna and I

    Post by sienna 2/7/2015, 3:59 pm

    Enough To Make My Systems Blow - Sienna and I Tumblr_nf2b4tzOch1qbj3pso4_400
    Louie nodded, "That's basically how it went. And then I hide in my bunk for two months because the embarrassment won't go away." Louie laughed awkwardly at the painful memories. On the bright side, the girls were pretty cool about it and they let her down easily.
    "Hide and seek with the Hephaestus kids... sounds fun. Although you guys probably have some heat signature gadgets that would help you find people."

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    Enough To Make My Systems Blow - Sienna and I Empty Re: Enough To Make My Systems Blow - Sienna and I

    Post by Belle 2/12/2015, 2:38 pm

    Ari laughed a bit at the mention of heat signalling device and she shook her head. "Nawh, we like to be challenged, and besides wouldn't put it past some of us to come up with something to throw the other off, so we keep all seeking devices left out for more fair grounds." She said shrugging a bit. "So you have a favourite colour?"

    (it's such a bad post I am so sorry.)

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