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    Julian Del Vega - Legacy of Bacchus and Venus.


    Number of posts : 1431
    Age : 26
    Registration date : 2013-05-28

    Julian Del Vega - Legacy of Bacchus and Venus.  Empty Julian Del Vega - Legacy of Bacchus and Venus.

    Post by Belle 11/5/2015, 11:33 pm

    Julian Del Vega - Legacy of Bacchus and Venus.  Tumblr_inline_npizcpvrdK1t5prjz_500


    Name: Julian Carter Del Vega
    Age: Eighteen years of age.
    Gender: Male
    Country of Origin: America
    Mother: Ceres Levy-Del Vega, daughter of Bacchus.
    Father: Keegan Del Vega, son of Venus.


    Eyes: Grey.
    Hair: Ashen brown.
    Height: Six foot five. 6’5”
    Body Type: Mesomorph.
    Skin Colour: Fair.

    -----Underneath The Skin-----

    Personality: Julian is a very charismatic and charming guy. He has a way with his words that can sweet talk most people and he just has that quality that makes talking to even complete strangers easy. he got this trait from his father and the flow of conversation just comes natural to him and he is proud of himself.

    To most people Julian is a fun loving guy, just joking around a lot and never really that serious. He enjoys doing pranks and making others laugh. He also thoroughly enjoys seducing people or teasing them, if you get his drift. Julian goes like to be a bit of a gentleman, and so he will not make advances on more than one woman at a time, but he will not form any relationship with these females. He doesn’t plan for the relationship stage, that’s not what he’s about.

    Thanks to his mother, he has utmost manners, and gestures, but doesn’t mean he doesn’t like to be wild. He can be arrogant, cocky, and loud a lot of the time. He’s quite boastful and likes to be very proud of who he is. Making him an egotistical arse from time to time.
    Fears: Commitment; Julian, is afraid to give all of himself to one girl. He is afraid of finding someone better after he meets one girl he’s fond of. Julian is also just afraid of rejections as well. Failure; is biggest fear is letting his parents down, and not being the best he can be for them. To fail is not an option, it’s a do or die for Julian.
    Flaws: He’s a little scrawny and not as well built as most other guys. He can’t stay committed to any girl too much. His long range weaponry really suffers, he’s a front line kind of man. Lastly, he’s very fierce with intense emotions and he can sometimes be a bit much.
    Talents: Cooking is one of Julian’s strongest talents. He has been in the kitchen with his father ever since he was little. He knows how certain spices go together and what doesn’t and he can make a few mean meals. He’d be perfectly okay with being a chef for a living, but his mother seems very disapproving of it. A second talent, is his way with words. He’s quite good at getting what he wants, but namely he’s pretty good at flirting, and seeking out women and making them want him.

    -----Start Of The Story-----

    Bio: Well before Julian was thought of let alone born. His parents were both campers at Camp Jupiter. A daughter of Bacchus and a son of Venus. It wasn’t that unlikely of a pair. They met due to both being in the second cohort together, and they had done multiple combat missions, although Keegan couldn’t stand Ceres. He thought she was an alcoholic low life.

    It was when she saved his life he began to have more respect for her. They would hang out a bit more in the cohort, and eventually in a heated argument, she admitted her feelings for him. He grew a soft spot for Ceres and soon they began to date and after they finished camp they decided to get married. It was a year later that they decided to settle down and have children.

    Their first child happened to be Julian. Julian was their pride and joy and they were so happy to have a little boy. He had been such a cute rascal growing up. He would climb onto counters and run around the house in his underwear. He would even get on his little step stool and cook with his dad in the kitchen. He may have burnt a few dishes a few times but he’s much better now.

    They were very content with Julian and after about three years, Ceres began pregnant again. Julian often times would come up to his mother and try to take care of her and the baby. A few times he’d rest his head on her belly and claim he heard the baby talk to him and he’d giggle and clap his hands getting excited. It wasn’t long before he got a baby sister, who is known as, Marina Del Vega. Him and Marina got along well and they would play outside all the time, and run around new rome.

    It was when she got a bit older to the age of four and he was seven when she wanted to play dress up, he would dress up with her, and play dolls with her. Needless to say if you ever meet their mother you might just get to see the photo album and he’s there in a bright green dress and plastic pink heels. If you were to ask him now, if he loved his sister he would joke around saying no. If you so much as hurt her, he’d fly off the handle and he’d destroy you. His baby sister means the world to him. If she’s gone he’s lost and filled with rage.

    His home life was just fairly normal, except for his mother getting more strict and stern as they aged. She wants him to amount to more, and doesn’t want him to just be a cook. She wants him to be strong, warrior like, and etc. Julian just wants to have fun and do what he wants while he’s still young. Hence why he’s very into the ladies and spending lots of time with them. He couldn’t commit though. The reason for that being, he’s afraid to, and finding someone he loves is terrifying.

    -----Camp Info-----
    Camp: Jupiter
    Years: Technically all 18 years of his life, as he lived in New Rome. In terms of barracks/cohort, he’s been around for thirteen years.
    Weapon: One handed double edged imperial gold sword.
    Pet(s): N/A
    Abilities: Gut o’ Steel: For the most part alcohol doesn’t affect him as easily as most. Only being a legacy though, he can still get drunk it just takes a lot for him to get there.
    Powers: N/A
    Mr. Moseby
    Majestic Unicorn Queen

    Number of posts : 43512
    Age : 2022
    Registration date : 2008-09-13

    Julian Del Vega - Legacy of Bacchus and Venus.  Empty Re: Julian Del Vega - Legacy of Bacchus and Venus.

    Post by Kendall 11/6/2015, 10:36 pm

    Approved. Your character has been assigned to the Second Cohort. (Ha, look at that. Just like his parents.)

    [my knowledge of Romans is shaky nowadays so if i got something wrong, like the minimum age Romans can join the legion, and ask you to change it later, i'm sorry)

      Current date/time is 6/2/2024, 12:16 pm