A place for Percy Jackson and the Olympian fans to roleplay.

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    Unforgotten Empty Unforgotten

    Post by daddeme 4/26/2012, 2:41 pm

    16 years.
    I've been on the run for 16 years. I wish I could talk more, but my time is limited. Last week, I was chosen for a specific task. It's not so big really. Just a little killing here, maiming there. I have to sneak into some "Top-Secret" base or something. The task? I have to make sure your sorry butt stays alive.
    My name is not important. You may call me Silver, though that is not my name. Otherwise, you may kill everyone you love and more. And your grandmother is safe, just so you know. Don't ask questions.
    I was born to a special family. One of many deaths. My mother was a professional assasin, my father a spy. They died at the same time when the Depublic, our government, executed them for the assination of President Jex. What the Depublic didn't know was that my parents where their last chance of survival. Their last hope was me, a 12 year old at the time. A 12 year old with anger issues.
    That was four years ago. Now I am in a jet heading for North Korea for a training session for others like me. We are the AMPs. Advanced martialarts professionals.
    My ears pop as the jet lands. The "fasten seat belt" light goes off as I stand and stretch. The door creaks as Xavier walks in. He is my age, with high cut brown hair and startling gray eyes. He's Japanese,about 5'11", and extremely muscular. His olive skin is well scarred, thanks to me.
    "You ready, beautiful?" Xavier sighs. I roll my aqua eyes.
    "Shut up and let's get this over with." I growl and shove pass him to the panel that leads to the outside. I kick the door open and, without waiting for the stairs to fully extend out, hop to the ground and land in a silent crouch. My black hair falls in my face so I stand and tie it back into my standard ponytail. Xavier lands beside me noisily.
    "I think you're just pretending you don't like me. It's cool."
    "If you call ignoring you, stabbing you, and plotting your death companionship, then I simply adore you." I growl and stomp through the humid air towards a football field.
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    Unforgotten Empty Re: Unforgotten

    Post by Holly 4/26/2012, 2:42 pm

    Continue I like this type of story
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    Number of posts : 14200
    Age : 25
    Registration date : 2011-08-04

    Unforgotten Empty Re: Unforgotten

    Post by daddeme 4/26/2012, 3:19 pm

    A dozen old people and three times as many kids surround the field. I make eye contact with the eldest adult. This must be Recruiter Macks, the oldest of all AMPs, the backbone to the 6th Division. Of course, Xavier only notices the people our ages messing around.
    "Looks fun." He says excitedly. I shoot him a deadly look. "What?" He asks innocently. I roll my eyes again and continue walking towards Macks. Macks is about 90 something with stark blue hair and small black eyes. He is four feet exactly and evidently prefers to sit on Dora towels than classy chairs like everyone else. As soon as he sees me, he smiles. He has absolutely no teeth. "Silver Dawn! It's wonderful to finally meet you! And this must be Blue Fung! Pleasure!" Macks claps. Xavier, code name Blue, smiles awkwardly and salutes him, crossing both arms over his chest and bowing. I do the same.
    "Oh, enough formalities! We are family, are we not? Go, children! Join your fellow warriors." Macks points to the field with a crooked finger. The teens there are playing tag or jumproping or playing "Ninja". I look back to Macks. "Warriors?" I ask. I pull my knives cautiously from my sides. "If you say so...." I march to a group of the toughest looking teenagers, Xavier at my side with his nunchucks. A girl intercedes us. She has curly blonde hair and light brown eyes and fair skin. She smiles widely, making me feel uncomfortable.
    "Howdy!" She twangs in a Texan accent. "My name's Margaret Sunshine! But my code name is Rosebud!"
    "Rosebud....Sunshine?" I mumble, actually a bit scared by this point. No one is supposed to tell their real name. Only two people broke that rule, who are me and Xavier. We can be executed for that, but we trust eachother. No assumptions, please. Margaret's eyes drift to Xavier's face. Her expression changes to shyness.
    "Well, uh. That's what the Recruiters call me. Though you can call me anything." She stuttered. Oh, great. Another fangirl for Xavier to boost his worldwide ego.
    "I just came to train." See, this why we get along.
    Role Playing Legend

    Number of posts : 14200
    Age : 25
    Registration date : 2011-08-04

    Unforgotten Empty Re: Unforgotten

    Post by daddeme 4/26/2012, 5:47 pm

    So Xavier and I walk to a circular part of the grass to practice some, hoping to impress the Recruiters. See, if a Recruiter chooses you then you will be put on their team. They rank from 1st Division to 6th Division with 1st being the worst and 6th the best. Each Recruiter is allowed one second on command who advises their choices in picking. I steady myself in the circle, angling my knives at anyone who challenges me. The first to approach is a boy about 18. He is definitely bigger than me, his arms as wide as barges and his height towering over Xavier. He has black hair, blue eyes, and skin a shade darker than my caramel. He flexes and pulls an axe from his back.
    "Don't act like you're not afraid. I'll make it quick." he snorts. I spit at him. He charges me with full force, swinging his huge axe. I slip to the ground, allowing him to run right above me, and stab him in the inner thigh. He howls in pain. Smiling, I slide behind him and press the pressure point on his neck. As he falls, I climb atop his meaty chest with my knives ready.
    "Don't worry, sweetheart. I'll make it quick." I whisper. Two quick movements and he didn't speak to me anymore. "Next!" I call.
    The crowd watching shift their weight uncomfortably. Grinning, I blow a kiss to a group and wipe the blood off my knives using my black tanktop.
    "Uh, Miss Dawn?" a Recruitor calls. I turn to look at her. "During the training, you are not to kill anyone. This is your first and final warning."
    My face flushes and I hear a few snickers from the onlookers. Slowly, I stand and back away from the arena. I run to the nearest restroom, fighting back tears of anger. This was my only chance. If I failed, I would be executed. My dynasty would be erased. Worse, the Depublic will have full control.

    Unforgotten Empty Re: Unforgotten

    Post by Guest 4/27/2012, 8:09 pm


    Xavier is my u know sorry

    Role Playing Legend

    Number of posts : 14200
    Age : 25
    Registration date : 2011-08-04

    Unforgotten Empty Re: Unforgotten

    Post by daddeme 4/27/2012, 8:27 pm

    Haha :)
    Role Playing Legend

    Number of posts : 14200
    Age : 25
    Registration date : 2011-08-04

    Unforgotten Empty Re: Unforgotten

    Post by daddeme 4/27/2012, 11:54 pm

    Chapter Two
    Xavier pounds on the stall door again.
    "Go away! You shouldn't be in here anyway!"
    "Look, I came here for the lady soap. It smells like roses and sparkles." Xavier snickers. "And I know you're rolling your eyes."
    I pause. Then I unlock the door and step out. Xavier is waiting for me right outside the stall with his arms wide. I step into his arms as he hugs me.
    "I'll never get chosen for a division now. I should've known better."
    "Oh, c'mon, U. You didn't do that bad." Xavier whispers, stroking my back. I pull away as he says my nickname.
    "I just killed someone. Decapitated him."
    "He was asking for it. Let's go, they're about to assign us."
    "Did you already try out?" I ask, walking with him back outside.
    "Oh sure." Xavier replies, scratching the back of his head.
    "Did you do good?" I wonder as I flip over a pit of quicksand. Xavier follows my lead and lands silently in front of me. Show off.
    "Lemme see..." he taps his chin with feigned thinking. "Well, Diamond Roy is still hanging from the tree, Yellow Blake has two broken arms, and Purple Storm is outcold in a coma."
    I raise my eyebrows and nod in admiration.
    "Oh! Impressive, I should say." Xavier shrugs as we reach the calling line and take our positions beside eachother.
    "I guess. Not like the amazing job you did."
    I am about to say something smart, but am interrupted by a trumpet. Recruiter Black makes her way down the line announcing divisions. My palms are sweating and I chew my lip. The Recruiter is almost to us.
    "Rosebud Sunshine, 3rd Division." Black says. One more person is before Xavier.
    "Fire Prue, 5th Division." Xavier gives my hand a reassuring squeeze and stands straight and tall to recieve his placement.
    "Blue Fung, 5th Division." Xavier nods and I smile up at him.
    "Silver Dawn, 6th Divsion." I am awestruck as Black continues down the line. When she finishes, everyone is dismissed. I am still standing there when Xavier shakes me to go to my station. First, I can't believe I am in the greatest division known to man. Second, I am separated from Xavier, the only reason I didn't fall apart a long time ago. My vision goes black and I feel myself falling......

    Number of posts : 1653
    Age : 26
    Registration date : 2012-04-23

    Unforgotten Empty Re: Unforgotten

    Post by Bell 4/27/2012, 11:57 pm

    wow. That's all I got. Wow.
    Role Playing Legend

    Number of posts : 14200
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    Registration date : 2011-08-04

    Unforgotten Empty Re: Unforgotten

    Post by daddeme 4/28/2012, 12:05 am

    You like?

    Number of posts : 1653
    Age : 26
    Registration date : 2012-04-23

    Unforgotten Empty Re: Unforgotten

    Post by Bell 4/28/2012, 12:08 am

    yes. It's really interesting.
    Role Playing Legend

    Number of posts : 14200
    Age : 25
    Registration date : 2011-08-04

    Unforgotten Empty Re: Unforgotten

    Post by daddeme 4/28/2012, 12:17 am

    Thank you, thank you. There are 3 surprises, 2 romances, a gazillion fights, and Silver's real name

    Number of posts : 1653
    Age : 26
    Registration date : 2012-04-23

    Unforgotten Empty Re: Unforgotten

    Post by Bell 4/28/2012, 12:19 am

    I'll be waiting for that. :)
    Role Playing Legend

    Number of posts : 14200
    Age : 25
    Registration date : 2011-08-04

    Unforgotten Empty Re: Unforgotten

    Post by daddeme 4/28/2012, 12:49 am

    Later at night......
    I open my eyes, feeling drained. I look to my left and see Recruiter Macks taking a spongebath.
    "Aagh!" I exclaim and roll to my right to cover my face. Macks just chuckles.
    "Ah, so the young warrior is awake? We have some work to do, young lady." I hear Macks wrap a towel around himself and approach me. He feeds me some mint leaves coated in honey and a bowl of Chai tea. Immediately, I feel better. I sit up and look around. I am in a circular room with paper lanterns and wooden bunks. I am on one bunk, tucked under a cover made of a soft material. Satin maybe? I see a few other people rushing around with toothbrushes in mouths and putting on pajamas. A girl my about my age is sitting in a corner, reading a papyrus scroll with her face in a confused emotion. I step out of bed and stretch. I realize my outfit is different. Instead of my gray yoga pants and blank tanktop, I am in tightly fitted black leather leggings and a blue camisole. They are quite comfortable. I walk to the window and look outside. We are positioned on a moutain side that rings a meadow. Other barracks are positioned around the mountain, but we have the best view of the waterfall. Oh, the waterfall! It is magnificent! I open the window and absorb the fresh air, letting the breeze catch my loose hair. Peaceful. Finally.

    Number of posts : 1653
    Age : 26
    Registration date : 2012-04-23

    Unforgotten Empty Re: Unforgotten

    Post by Bell 4/28/2012, 1:04 am

    Role Playing Legend

    Number of posts : 14200
    Age : 25
    Registration date : 2011-08-04

    Unforgotten Empty Re: Unforgotten

    Post by daddeme 4/28/2012, 11:18 am

    A whistle sounds from the meadow.
    "AMPs, chow!" We orderly line in front of the door and shuffle our way down the uneven, twisted stairs. The sky is a brilliant dark blue with several tiny silver specks scattered around it. The giant ball of flames is diming, sending mixtures of red, orange, yellow, and pink over the mountains. Relieved, I see that 5th Division's table is connected to 6th. Chow is our version of dinner. It is usually some classy meal, like lamb chops under a beef and garlic stew. Today, it is stuffed lobster tail with a side of green spring onions and a bowl of something green. Our drinks are wine in special glasses. Sticking to my "no drink" policy, I ask a server for a water instead. While we eat, the Recruiters take turns explaining the order; like when we wake up, breakfast, lunch, dinner, etc. They also laid down the rules. No boy and girl allowed in the same room alone, no conversing with other divisions, no killing anyone from another district while here in the training institute. Things like that. When chow is over, we head back to our barracks. Before I fully reach the entrance of my quarters, I recieve a huge hug from behind. I turn, elbowing whoever it was in the face, and kicking their legs from beneath them.
    "Oh. Xavier. Sorry." I help him to his feet as he plugs his bloody nose.
    "I just wanted to say goodnight, since we are forbidden to speak again! Jeez, U." He actually looks hurt. All well. I step in and slam the door in his face. I peek out the window.
    "Night!" I say, then close it tight. I draw the shades back and lay on my bunk, thinking strategically.
    Role Playing Legend

    Number of posts : 14200
    Age : 25
    Registration date : 2011-08-04

    Unforgotten Empty Re: Unforgotten

    Post by daddeme 4/30/2012, 1:17 am

    I open my eyes the next morning to a horn blowing in my face.
    "Aagh!" I scream and flip off of my cot.
    "Rise and shine, Maggots!" Recruiter Macks shouts. I look at the time on the wall clock. It was only 2:13 in the morning! I wipe the sleep from my eyes and groan. Stupid training facility. I stand up off the ground and head to the bathroom. I knock on the door.
    "Occupied!" A male voice says defensively. I groan again.
    "If you wanna make it her, sweetie, you gotta be prepared for real life." Macks says, walking over to me. "There won't be the convenience of poorly kept bathrooms all the time."
    "But that means---"
    "That means you have to tough it out. Stop being a weenie." Macks orders, then marches away to yell at another group. I whimper and walk back over to my bunk. Under it is a case full of clothes. I pull it out and open it. Black leggings and a black tanktop. Oh, great. A skimask. I throw on the leggings and tanktop and shove the mask in my pocket....Great, I don't have any pockets. I comb my hair quickly and put the mask on top of my head. Pretend it's a beanie, pretend it's a beanie. I quickly scan the room. Okay, everyone's dressed the same. There's a kid on a bunk in the corner still sleeping. I quickly run over to wake her before she gets in trouble.
    "Hey! Wake up!" She rolls over, revealing a pale face ringed in chocolate brown curls. She's the girl from last night who was reading the book. Her burgundy eyes widen.
    "Oh! Oh God, thanks for waking me!" She hops off of her bed and gets dressed in teen seconds flat. She holds a hand out in greeting and smiles.
    "Name's Gray Shade. Pleasure to meet Mockingbird's assasin." She laughs. I eye her hand suspiciously. A bomb? A hidden blade? A buzzer? She laughs again.
    "Don't worry, I don't bite. Not often, anyways." Cautiously, I hold my fingers out to her palm. She grabs my forearm to shake. I reach to my inner thigh where my knife is strapped and hold the blade to her throat, pinning her against the wall. Her face is still bright? Macks calls us to train.
    Role Playing Legend

    Number of posts : 14200
    Age : 25
    Registration date : 2011-08-04

    Unforgotten Empty Re: Unforgotten

    Post by daddeme 5/27/2012, 4:00 am

    "Training Rule #1!" Macks calls, pacing in front of our small group. We are gathered in the Quad, the grassy square area that is surrounded by our selected course classes. We all are dressed similarly and look tired as who knows what. Only Macks is walking with an extra hop.
    "You must never kill anyone. Well, unless authorized. Got it?"
    We all reply with an "Ay, Sir!".
    "Training Rule #2! Always be prompt!"
    "Ay, Sir!"
    "Training Rule #3. Obey me. Whatever I say. Whenever I say it."
    "Ay, Sir!"
    Macks grins toothlessly.
    "When I say jump, you say how high. Understand?"
    Jeesh, is this a professional assassin training facility or Marine Bootcamp?
    "Ay, Sir!"
    Then Macks blows the whistle and we are off to class. I wrote my schedule on my arm. Okay, Weapons of Japan room 311. Got it. I run past rooms, feeling like I'm about to explode fromthe numbers filling my mind. I check my blue watch. 02:58. I have two freaking minutes to find my class and get to an empty seat! Just then, a door flies open and I implode with it.....face first. I look up, past the handsome face with gorgeous violet eyes, and at the sign that reads 311.
    "S-Sorry! Are you---" The guy starts, but I'm already through the door and scrambling towards a desk. I zip by Prof. Jinx and say my code name and whisper my true name. I plop down at a table just as the gong sounds outside on the Hill.
    "Yes!" I shout just as the class goes silent. My eyes go wide as the class stares and snickers at me, the girl who killed Mockingbird. Silver Dawn, disgrace to the 6th Division, public idiot. My face goes red and I lower my upraised arms.
    "Ah....sorry." I whisper. Jinx blinks and goes straight to the lesson.
    "Nunchucks were used by.....Dao, or 'way', swords can be....Buntaos are...." I take notes on all the useless junk that I already know. The Boy with the Violet Eyes taps my shoulder and I look to him. I didn't even know he sat beside me. And I definately didn't know he looks better up close.
    "Ah, I just want to apologise. For earlier. Name's Violet Creek.".............

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