A place for Percy Jackson and the Olympian fans to roleplay.

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    What do you think?

    Lady Arbitrary
    Lady Arbitrary
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    What do you think? Empty What do you think?

    Post by Lady Arbitrary 5/10/2012, 2:42 pm

    I found this beginning in one of my story files on my old computer. I like it, but I’ve completely forgotten where I was going with is. So I have two questions for you all:
    A.) Should I finish it and . . .
    B.) Do you have any suggestions for what I should do with it.
    So here it is:

    Iola loved ice cream. Maeve had always told her that ice cream wasn’t an appropriate food for someone as powerful as herself, but Iola didn’t care. She ate it anyway.
    Every Wednesday at 6:30 AM sharp, Iola slathered on sunscreen and donned a black turtleneck, black jeans, and a wide-brimmed straw hat. She finished the look with sunglasses that were as tinted as they could be while still allowing her to see. On her way out she snagged a black parasol from an intricately carved hat stand. When she reached the door, she yanked it open and stepped into the black limo with tinted windows that waited outside the door like a hearse. Then she was chauffeured down the street and around the corner to the convenience store where she got her weekly soft-serve.
    Iola calmly stepped out of the limo and back into the house, soft-serve in hand. Before she had reached the end of the hallway, she was intercepted by Maeve.
    “Ice cream? Again?” Maeve fumed.
    “I’m not going to stop having it just because you don’t approve.”
    Maeve rolled her eyes dramatically. “The least you could do is eat regular ice cream instead of that artificial muck. But no! You have to go all out and get the soft serve!”
    Iola sighed. “We have this argument every week, Maeve, and you always turn out losing it. Just give it a rest, will you?”
    Dez the Soul Reaver
    Dez the Soul Reaver
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    What do you think? Empty Re: What do you think?

    Post by Dez the Soul Reaver 5/10/2012, 3:18 pm

    Great writing, for the most part ;)

    Just want to say, I think that stories should have a little more description, and you should include a lot of detail for everything which your character does

    Also, in a story like this, where it looks like you are focusing on one single character, you should put a little bit more about the plot in the beginning. If I picked up a book, and it was vague to high heaven on the first few pages, I would probably just put it down.

    Apart from that, beautiful adjectives, and good language in general, it seems like there is nothing wrong with your grammar or spelling ;)

    One more thing, length is a good thing, no matter what people here may say ;)
    Lady Arbitrary
    Lady Arbitrary
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    What do you think? Empty Re: What do you think?

    Post by Lady Arbitrary 5/10/2012, 4:00 pm

    Thank you for the feedback! I wrote this last year, so it may be a little vauge (i was all about suspense last year) and I'll try specifying it a bit more in possible later chapters.
    Dez the Soul Reaver
    Dez the Soul Reaver
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    What do you think? Empty Re: What do you think?

    Post by Dez the Soul Reaver 5/10/2012, 4:03 pm

    Sounds good then ;)

    Try to get in more chapters though when you have time, as now I'm interested Laughing

    What do you think? Empty Re: What do you think?

    Post by Guest 5/10/2012, 4:44 pm

    This seems actually pretty good for just a intro paragraph. I would like to see where this heads. I like how you have good grammar unlike some of the other people on here who post stuff that is all grammatical errors. As a reader, you left me with some questions such as: Why does Maeve disapprove of ice cream? Why is she so powerful that she cannot consume ice cream? I like this a lot. You left me with questions, that is good.
    Dez the Soul Reaver
    Dez the Soul Reaver
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    What do you think? Empty Re: What do you think?

    Post by Dez the Soul Reaver 5/11/2012, 6:15 am

    I personally think that you should provide more info, as I believe too many questions is bed, it leaves me doubting the plot, and wondering if theres any point reading it if its going to be mysteriously vague ;)
    Lady Arbitrary
    Lady Arbitrary
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    Number of posts : 1992
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    What do you think? Empty Re: What do you think?

    Post by Lady Arbitrary 5/11/2012, 11:52 am

    Just going to finish the chapter before I start anything new:

    Maeve’s hard features softened a bit. “Iola, you know I’m only trying to care for you. It’s just that-”
    Iola closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “Please, let’s stop talking about it. Fighting over ice cream is ridiculous.” With that, Iola walked down the hall, up the stairs, past the bestiary, down the stairs, down the stairs again, past the dungeon, up the stairs, down another hall, and into her room.

    Lady Arbitrary
    Lady Arbitrary
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    Number of posts : 1992
    Age : 24
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    What do you think? Empty Re: What do you think?

    Post by Lady Arbitrary 5/16/2012, 8:41 pm

    - CHAPTER TWO: In Which Iola’s Strange Habits Are Explained -
    Iola walked into her room and flopped onto her bed. Muttering darkly to herself, she whipped off her sunglasses and flung her hat like a Frisbee across the room. Now her face was revealed. She had an unhealthy pallor to her skin, and straight black hair cut in a severe parallel of her jaw. Her eyes were her most prominent feature; they had the color and shine of a freshly minted sliver coin.
    Iola was incredibly powerful. She could drive people insane, move things with her mind, and talk with people mentally, all without moving a finger. Of course, all this power came with a catch. She could only do this when it was night time, and her power came from the moon itself. When it was day, however, she was exaggeratedly weak; hence the extensive preparations for a walk down the street. If she was in the full sun, she would be unable to walk, her skin would blister, and eventually, she would wilt like a flower out of the ground.
    Iola lay asleep on her bed. She needed the rest because as soon as it got dark, Maeve would take her out to train all night long.

    “It’s time.” The limo driver called from outside the room.
    Iola slowly awoke and got out of her bed. She felt no grogginess at having been asleep all day. This was partially because of the darkness’s strengthening power, but also because she had been training herself since she was six to be strictly nocturnal. Iola slid out of bed and put on a different black turtleneck, black cotton pants, and combat boots. The latter were also frowned upon by Maeve, but this time she had a legitimate reason: Fashionable combat boots are notoriously bad for running in.
    An awkward silence passed between Maeve and Iola as they rode in the limo to the training destination. Neither of them had said a word to each other since the ice cream incident, which was unusual. Normally, after a heated exchange, they would go away to lick their wounds, and then apologize to each other later. As they drove out of the crowded city where their house stood, the silence wasn’t as noticeable. But now they were going over a moor, and the quiet was only interrupted by the chirruping of the crickets, and the occasional dog howl.
    Finally, they reached a crumbled-down castle on the edge of the moor. It stood as a barrier between the forest and the moor, and it was where Iola trained every night. As the pair exited the limo, they looked at each other apologetically. Without hearing a word, Iola knew she was forgiven. Maeve smiled at Iola then began her transformation. Her gray hair shrunk into her skull, then grew all over her body. Her legs became shorter and her arms longer. Her ears grew into hairy points and swiveled to the top of her head. When she was finished, Maeve let out a long howl and raced off into the ruin. Iola followed her werewolf mentor into the gloom.
    It was a Wednesday, so the training consisted of three parts: Martial Arts, Sword Fighting, and Riflery. Iola had mastered all three of these abilities, so it seemed as if training was done in half the time. On the way home via limo, Maeve looked uncomfortable. Iola asked her what was wrong. Maeve squirmed a bit before answering.
    “The gathering is in two weeks . . . and we’re hosting it.”
    Iola looked at Maeve in dismay. “What? No! Maeve, I hate the gatherings!”
    Maeve winced. “I’m sorry, but the Council pressured me into it. It does make sense, you know, we have the biggest house-”
    “Maeve, can’t we back out of it? I know you hate the Council members as much as I do! They can hold it at Lord Percival’s again!” Iola pleaded.
    Maeve shook her head. “Lord Percival’s house is being renovated. Again” she added under her breath. “And besides, we’ve never had it at our house before. It’s only fair.”
    Iola grimaced. “Stupid pompous Lord Percival.” she muttered while staring moodily out of the window. Maeve pursed her lips.
    “How about we go get new dresses? The gathering is strictly formal this year.”
    Iola brightened a bit. “Well at least the council can’t ruin that.”

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