A place for Percy Jackson and the Olympian fans to roleplay.

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    The failature

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    Age : 24
    Registration date : 2012-02-13

    The failature Empty The failature

    Post by Break 6/23/2012, 1:32 pm

    chapter 1

    At my secondary school Silverdale, everything was happening as normally as possible. Mr. Dilkes talking about algebra and was being as boring as heck. I’d 'accidently' had fallen asleep because I’d been up till three in the morning last night.
    “Gregor wake up now!” Mr. Dikes shouted sternly. I awoke with a shudder.
    “wus goin on!”I said muttering tired even after my twenty minute nap.
    " what time did you go to bed last night?”He asked curios. I thought about lying for a second but resisted the urge.
    “three o’clock sir!”I said reluctantly.
    " Right I want you to go straight back to the home and sleep!” he said and as he said it I heard sniggers. I grabbed my camo bag which was worth over £30.00 and trail out the room miserably.
    As I walked down the dark wet streets, I saw several familiar faces, not that they would of paid me any of attention now. I was an out cast a freak a.... I never got to finish my thought cause as I turns a corner a hand shot out and covered my currently screaming mouth. He seems to know what he was doing cause he muffled every audible cuss word I knew. He let go of my mouth then and I said.
    "what the hell was that for? Who are you!" I said, rather mad. I saw he was going to slap me, but I couldn't dodge it. I felt the slap across my face an I retaliated by slamming his hand into the brick wall. He yelled and then brought his other fist to my get, forcing me to double over. Then he whacked my neck and I crumbled, unconscious.
    I awoke maybe half an hour later, laying on some hard ground. I looked up and saw a dark haired girl, bout the same shade as mine, looking down on me. As my vision cleared I saw she looked maybe northwestern European. "who?" I manage to ask but she just shakes her head no.

    zachattachs my editor
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    Number of posts : 1714
    Age : 24
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    The failature Empty Re: The failature

    Post by Break 6/23/2012, 6:16 pm

    chapter 2

    The girl then put a blindfold on me and pinched the nerve in my neck and I fell to the ground, unconscious again. I don't know how long I was out, or how far I've traveled, but when I awoke I had no blindfold on and I was laying in a tent, the girl next to me. "Wha?" I asked as I saw, though the flap of the tent a steadily moving river, a couple camo tents and one black tent, right next to the water. There was also a wooden wall around this encampment, making it look like a fort from the 1600-1700s. As the girl guided me outside I could hear the wind rustle and saw a banner at each corner of this encampment. I read the banner and it was a black hourglass on a silver background and said failatures. I had no idea what that meant, but I kept my mouth shut. Then the girl stopped in front of the black tent and pushed me in, where another boy, slightly older than I was probably, was sitting in a chair, working on something at a desk.
    "you may leave Shannon" he said an brushed his hair out of his face, not even looking up, but I could tell he was dangerous. After she left he stood up and walked towards me, an I saw he has a Kantana sheathed on his back. "who are you? And age" he asked me, examining me, for some reason.
    "Gregor deiken, age is 11" I said calmly, though was quite frightened by how this older boy looked at me, a hint of suspicion in his eyes.
    "they sent a spy" he concluded and slid the blade off his back, examining the blade carefully, before pointing it at me, making me back out of the tent and into the river. I could see other people from the encampment watching him and I wondered what he would do.
    "who's they?" I countered back and picked up a rock and threw it at him. I watched as he swung his blade, deflecting the rock into the water, as I sparked along his black blade.
    "don't play games" he said rushing forward, his blade suddenly against my throat "I don't like games" he continued and stared me in the eyes. "who's your parents?"
    "I never knew my parents! My mom went insane and died after my brother ran away!" I yelled in his face and he stepped back, sheathing his sword.
    "you, Gregor need to explain more, before" he said getting out a throwing star "I use this"
    Dedicated Member

    Number of posts : 1714
    Age : 24
    Registration date : 2012-02-13

    The failature Empty Re: The failature

    Post by Break 6/24/2012, 12:28 pm

    chapter 3

    "I never met my dad!" I shout out as this boy, Zachary was it? Who had a throwing star ready to throw at me. "but I have a picture if you want" I continue and hand him a faxed picture of a tall olive skinned man, with black shaggy hair. Zach gasped and stepped back, hiding the picture in his pocket, as well as putting his throwing star away.
    "Shannon!" he yelled and Shannon came over from the other side of the river, a murderous look in her eye and a hand on her scabbard.......her empty scabbard. I watched as she came over to zach and looked at him curiously, probably on why he hadn't killed me, or at least wounded me. "put Gregor with Kim.....It's the best place where he could share his past" he said and turned and walked into his tent, shutting the flap as well. I looked at Shannon, but she had already started walking behind her, so I hurried to catch up. I could hear her muttering something about darn rednecks, though I didn't say anything. But I did notice a peculiar looking scar on her shoulder.....one that looked like it had been made by a throwing star. I gulped and was about to ask something, but a soon a I opened my mouth, she looked at me with a look that told me to shut up....or die. I picked shut up and we continued to walk, with her occasionally giving me cold looks and looking over her shoulder.
    Finally we stopped at a tree house, that was hanging over the river looking all friendly and clean, by I felt this was going to be a biggerproblem than the European who wanted to kill me. I looked at Shan and she was silent for a moment then said.
    "go, up there before I force you to" she threatened and started walking away, the scar still visible and I wondered if zach had given her that scar.
    I turned my attention back to the tree house and grabbed the rungs of the rope ladder and began to climb, rung after rung, until I pushed open the trap door and climbed in. Immediately when I stepped in the first thing I noticed was a beautiful girl sitting on a sleeping bag in the corner reading a book. I stepped forward once, making a creaking noise and she stood up. She quickly rushed at me and soon had me trapped in another corner of the treehouse.
    "name, and why you are in here to begin with" she growled, a very deadly looking knife in her hand.
    "gr....Greg....Gregor" I stammered out "Zachary sent me to stay here.....as a roommate I guess" I continued to say and she sheared her knife. She walked back to her corner muttering something about her stupid boyfriend, though I had no clue who it would be.
    "Gregor, just to let you know" she growled "dont make our other roommate, Eric mad, he's warden that supervises one of the four areas, in fact don't make me mad either" she said as a very muscular, surfer looking dude stepped in.
    "hello you must be Gregor, I'm Eric and If you step out of line, your dead" he said then looked at Kim. "Kimberly you forgot too scavenge, so our section won't be getting tea, or coffee tonight for the fighting match, and you know your in it" he finished and looked at me carefully. He then pointed to a run down bunk and said "that's yours, and I'd you don't like it tell Shannon"
    Dedicated Member

    Number of posts : 1714
    Age : 24
    Registration date : 2012-02-13

    The failature Empty Re: The failature

    Post by Break 6/24/2012, 5:14 pm

    Chapter 4

    "ok, I won't complain" I tell Eric who was now watching me go to my bunk. He looked outside and I could tell the sun was setting, going below the horizon. 
    "good" he said after a few minutes "cause she would gladly slit your throat, she's Zachs second in command" he said, then shuffled over to his sleeping bag and fell asleep, breathing heavily. I looked over at Kim and she gave me a faint smile before turning over and also going to sleep. I sighed then and managed to get into the bunk, pulling the thin fabric of the blanket over me as it got colder. I looked at the ceiling for a bit and thought. "i don't even know where I am, or why I'm here, or why zach let me go free, he was very close to kill....." I thought as I finally fell asleep.
    Hours later I woke up, unfortunately waking up Kim as well, who looked at me funny as I stood up and pulled on a sweatshirt. 
    "where do you think your going?" she asked my curious as she stood up as well, in sweatpants and a golden tank top. She saw me grab my backpack and opened the trap door. "are you really sneaking out?" she hissed. "if anyone finds out your dead!" she exclaimed and followed me as I climbed down onto the now frost covered grass. 
    "I'm hungry" I state "I had no dinner and I've got $200 so I'm gonna go eat in town" I replied, looking her in the eye. 
    "but if Zachary finds out you are dead, very dead" she said, but walked with me to the road. "we have a five mile walk and if your getting pizza I won't tell" she continued, making me take her along cause she knew her way around.
    Finally we made it to town right at two in the morning, leaving us four hours to get back. Instantly I spotted a pizza joint and led her inside, smiling. I sat down at a table and ordered a 18in pizza with stuffed crust and a large coke.
    "I have never seen so much food!" she exclaimed as it arrived at the table. We ate and drank and finally we were finished and he looks at the clock, that said 4:30. "we have to go, now or else we are in trouble" she said and we hurriedly paid and left, walking back to the camp. I smiled but as we entered the front gates we were met by Shan and Eric......and Zach. Also I could see someone else, who was standing close to Zach and was looking at him nervously.
    Role Playing Legend

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    The failature Empty Re: The failature

    Post by Holly 6/25/2012, 3:15 am

    Kim and I were greeted by a not so friendly 'where were you' comment by Shan. I looked up at them and Shan stepped forward towards them, the murderous look still in her eyes and her dagger out.
    "we went outside for pizza zach, it's noth...." Kim started to say when Eric laughed. He smirked at Kim and I and said.
    "you two went on a date? On the first day?, that's fresh" eric said laughing, that was ended by an evil glare from the girl next to zach, and trust me she could do evil glares. 
    "no, we weren't on a date, we just went to get some food" I said and glared at Shannon, for some reason....which wasn't the smartest thing to do.
    "you two, since Kim didn't have the wisdom to stay here, will sacrifice your sleeping gear for 2 days and nights" zach told us both. I was glad actually that zach decided punishment not Shan, cause well, she looked like the deadliest person in the camp. 
    "Hun, don't be so hard on them" the Indian girl standing next to zach said. Zach however whispered something and she nodded, leaving me to wonder what was up.
    Later that day, probably around two or three, I was sent to sword fighting, by myself. As I walked into the arena I saw Shan, viciously attacking a straw dummy, absolutely destroying it, each move a killing one. I watched in awe as straw spread around the arena, getting in my hair. Finally I stepped forward, stepping on a twig. As soon as the sound rang out I saw a knife heading straight for me and I stepped to the side, looking at the now glaring Shannon. She stepped closer.
    "I missed on purpose, I'm sure you know that, I could of impaled you, heck I could have impaled Zachary if he became a bad leader" she said and sheathed her sword, sounding sad she hadn't impaled me. "now" she ordered. "pick a weapon and I want that dummy destroyed "she said and sat down, taking a drink of water. I sighed, knowing already this would be a long day and picked up an axe, a battle axe, but not double bladed. I turned to her briefly and she just rolled her eyes and turned away like I was nothing. Experimentally I swung at the dummy, taking off its scalp, earning a snicker from Shan. I sighed and proceeded to hack up the dummy until Shan told me to stop and wash up, lights out was soon. Reluctantly I followed her order and went to the shower, cleaning up well. After that it was dinner, where no one but Kim wanted to sit with me. There was something cold inside this girl, but also a spark of heat. I kept noticing that Zachary would also glance over at me occasionally, looking worried.
    Finally after the sun set I went out to the small area in front of the tree house which was laid out for us. I smiled and sat down, watching the constellations appear in the sky. I was so caught up in them I didn't notice Kim behind me until she spoke.
    "hey new kid, brought some stuff" she said and I literally jumped ten feet in the air. "oh, sorry, Gregor was it?" she asked, smiling now as she laid down beside me. "I like Orion" she said pointing to the easily seen belt of Orion. "what's your favorite?" she asked, when suddenly I had an idea and said.
    "let's play a prank on Eric" I said grinning and she nodded. I then started to dismantle the rope ladder to the tree house and he helped, until we were all done and crashed on our sleeping bags.  

    The failature Empty Re: The failature

    Post by Guest 6/25/2012, 8:41 am

    Just gonna say this once: You are totally lacking in capitalization.
    Dedicated Member

    Number of posts : 1714
    Age : 24
    Registration date : 2012-02-13

    The failature Empty Re: The failature

    Post by Break 7/8/2012, 1:36 pm

    chapter 6

    I woke up the next morning to the sound of birds chirping and Eric screaming as he fell ten feet to the ground, thanks to us removing the ladder. I watched laughing, as Eric plummeted the ten feet and he got up, bloody nose and holding his hand.
    "you idiots!" he yelled at us "you just got you two in deeper trouble" he growled and I saw the Indian girl running towards us, alone not even Shan following her. I sighed when she got closer, putting my arm around Kim absentmindedly and she just shrugged it off and stepped back.
    "what the heck happened?" she asked Kim and I, mostly me though. She gave me another evil glare then went over to Eric, her hair swept back a little from the wind. She looked over Erics hand and said.
    "yup, broken hand, you can't do your duties right now do you have to be temporarily replaced" she finished and glared at me. "and I guess, since Kimberly is your second in command, she will take over until your hand gets better"
    "when I do get better, I'm gonna crea...." Eric started to say until another girl showed up. She looked about the Indian girls age, by was maybe an inch shorter. Her shaggy red hair hung over her right eye, and she had a knife sheath strapped to her arm. She looked at me, Kim, and Eric with eyes that looked like blazing fires, small but deadly.
    "hello shaya" she said addressing the Indian girl. "What is going on" she asked, then looking at Eric's hand gasped. "who did this?" she asked sternly and everyone pointed at me.
    "um, is that good?" I asked looking at Kim and she mouthed 'shut up'. I nodded and looked at them waiting for something to happen. Finally shaya spoke.
    "Gregor, you are coming with me, Kim and Eric and Acer go to the infirmary, NOW!" she yelled and dragged me by the collar to the black tent, only to see it was empty. "stay here" she said and left, leaving me alone in the black tent, as the sun began to lower. I smiled as I was now all alone and I then proceeded to look though the files in the desk. I opened the bottom drawer and went though the names. Shannon, Shaya, Shorty, Acer, Victoria, Zachary, Bruce, Eric, just to name a few. Then I saw my name and took out the file. I began to read the file and at first it just said the basic stuff, height, weight, age, ect. But then under siblings I saw it. It said brother: Zachary. I was about to pull up Zachary's file, when I heard a small noise behind me and I turned and looked. When I looked up I saw the stormy, frustrated face of Zachary, my newfound brother. I smiled, but his gaze told me this wasn't a friendly chat.
    "sit, and put those files away" he told me and I did. "now Gregor you obviously have found out my little charade, though that doesn't mean your off the hook" he continued "you and Kimberly damaged one of my warrens, and for that you must be punished, though as your brother I don't know what I can do to punish you" then he stopped and motioned for me to explain. I sat there for a minute, looking into his face, studying him closely. I could see in his eyes past the strict and tough, he was very soft and weak, as if someone knew his weak spot. I broke the gaze just in time and spoke.
    "Zachary, I'm really sorry about that, it was just a prank and I convinced Kim to help me" I explained and he just nodded. He stood up and lifted his Kantana from off his desk and put it on his back.
    "you must duel, not me but Kim" he said smirking and ushered me out of the tent. "since Eric is unable to fight, and Kim is his second in charge you must fight her, or Shannon and I know you don't want to fight her." he then sighed and went back in the tent, leaving me alone, out in the night. I slowly began to walk to the arena, not noticing a figure behind me. I continued to walk, step after step until finally I was tackle-hugged from behind. I tried to move but this person held me down, and I struggled until the hood was removed.
    "Kim!" I spat and sat up. "why? What? How?" I asked, questions forming in my head, but she just ignored all the questions, leaned down and kissed me on the lips, closing her eyes and wrapping her arms around my neck. I was shocked as she kissed me, really shocked, but I closed my eyes and kissed back. Finally she pulled away and I sighed.
    "how's that for an answer?" she asked me as she went into the arena. I followed, but stopped when I got in cause I saw Zachary, Shannon, and Shaya waiting for me.
    Dedicated Member

    Number of posts : 1714
    Age : 24
    Registration date : 2012-02-13

    The failature Empty Re: The failature

    Post by Break 8/5/2012, 4:27 am

    Thanks for tje comments guy
    credits to zach

    chapter 7

    As I walked in I saw Shannon in full armor, her wicked sword at her side. As I passed her she grabbed my arm and hissed. "so, you found out one of Zachary's secrets.....well if you go snooping again I'll personally gut you" she said and released me. As I walked quickly away down to the sandy arena I saw her giving me a death glare. Finally I made it to the fighting area and saw Kim already there to fight. She had her armor on, the sunlight glinting off it hurting my eyes.

    "I'll go easy on you, since your a girl" I said and put on the dull, rusted armor that was there for me. Kim then leaned closer and whispered.

    "don't even think about it, I'm a demon when I fight" Suddenly a gun was fired and the match began.....only I didn't realize that. Then I felt pain in my arm and looked to see that Kim had cut me when I was looking around.

    "pay attention fresh meat!" I heard a voice tell and I turned to see Eric laughing at me.

    I sighed and drew my silver knife, and began to block and dodge Kim first few relentless attacks. Finally I saw an opportunity and I slashed downward, cutting Kim's leg. She winced a bit and then began to change her attacks up, keeping me on edge. Then she stepped back and went on the defensive as I began to attack, hoping to win the battle without wounding her, or me too heavily. I watched as she lobbed one of her knives at my leg and I tripped over it, the steel blade cutting my ankle. I crumpled and lay on the ground, the cuts making it painful to move my ankle, much less walk on it. I saw Zachary stand up and began to speak.

    "well apparently we ha...." he started to say when I managed to pull myself up and limped over to Kim, who had her back to me. I stuck my knife at her throat as I stood behind her and whispered. "never keep your eye off your opponent"  I saw most of the people watching the fight change there expressions to shocked and zach sighed. 

    "well now, I believe the new comer has won" he said and gave me a slight smile before turning and walking away. As I watche him leave I noticed Shannon standing off to the side and then she pointed at me, then to a dark corner. While glaring at me. I nodded and once I had gotten out of the old armor I went there, surprised at how quickly she had gotten there. She gave me another glare, then said five words.

    "this peace will finally end" she told me and then stormed off, leaving me as still as a statue.

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