A place for Percy Jackson and the Olympian fans to roleplay.

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    Zachary Elessar 3.0


    Number of posts : 747
    Age : 30
    Registration date : 2008-10-16

    Zachary Elessar 3.0 Empty Zachary Elessar 3.0

    Post by Zachary 5/21/2013, 3:31 am

    Zachary Roy Elessar


    Surname : Elessar
    First Name : as Zack (or Zach), the son of Zeus, Z, Z meista, my brotha from anotha motha, Zacharias, and Phil (mistaken by similar features in elementary.)
    Age : 17
    Date of Birth : December 27th, 1995
    Gender : Male
    Mortal Parent : Anna Joy Elessar
    God Parent : Zeus
    Place of Birth : Elgin, Illinois
    Hometown/Last Residence : While born in Elgin, Zack mainly lived his Illinois days in Chicago, Illinois. However, at the age of ten, he moved to Queens, New York.
    Race/Ethnicity : Zack is a Caucasian raised in good ol’ Northern USA.
    Accent : : Due to moving from Chicago to Queens, he has not developed a strong accent from either of the regions, but instead, has a general Northern US accent (though he can impersonate other accents pretty well), though he has adopted some of the grammar and slang of the cities he’s lived in.
    Pet(s) : ): Zack has a Golden Eagle by the name of Jet which he met in the forest.

    Main information


    Skin tone: : Zachary has a white complexion with a fair, yet faint, tan. His arms and face being the tannest, while his chest, back, and legs, are almost white enough to make a man blind.
    Eye color: Z’s eyes are a blue-green color, being a dark blue on the outside and gradually fading into the inside of his eye, which is a vivid sea foam-green. The green areas of his eyes are most visible in bright light, and while they are blue-green, Zack normally just generalizes them as turquoise.
    Hair color: Zack’s hair is dark-blonde, with the hairline and some of the frontal under hair being a light blonde color, the same color that he sported as a baby.
    Hair length: Zack’s hair is long, reaching a half a foot below his shoulders, resting on the upper part of his pecs.
    Height: Zachary is a healthy five foot tall and eleven inch man.
    Weight: Zachary is a good one hundred and forty-two pounds.
    Body type: While Zack does have a slim body, his muscles are rather developed. They do not bulge out of his shirt, but they are larger looking for his body type.
    Appearance: Usually standing with a smirk on his face and a light of adventure in his turquoise eyes, Zachary Roy Mendyk stands at just five foot eleven, and not a centimeter more. Wearing the orange camp tee-shirt, a color that looks brilliant on him, and thick blue jeans, his looks are that of the norm. However, let that not fool you. Attached to his broad shoulders and protruding through the sleeves of his garment are his noticeably muscular arms, which seem to be able to pack a wallop of a punch if need be. His long, dark-blonde hair parted in the center-right moves with the soft wind his confident walk makes, revealing his masculine face; it possesses a larger and very slightly bent to the right aquiline nose, which compliments his angular face; his chin jutting out by a small amount giving him a heroesque look; his attractive natural eyebrows having the ability to express a wide range of motion; the wrinkles on his forehead adding even more depth to his expressions. His long, thin and nimble fingers resting on his larger hand wear rings with an exquisitely elaborate thunderstorm on their shiny, bronze surface on either ring finger. He looks like he can attract the ladies, punch some teeth out, and then absorb the experience by sitting and watching the sunset on sandy beaches.

    Weapon& Armor

    Weapon(s) Zachary has equipped two swords from his father; the two enchanted celestial bronze long swords both have a lovely scabbard, the chape and locket having a brilliant air design on them. The hilt of the sword visible equally lovely; it had a cloud design on the cross guard, and on the grip there were more air designs. The pommel had a cloud expelling a lightning bolt on it, making it a clear sign that this was from the king of the gods. The blade itself has a lightning bolt seemingly infused into it, giving off a white-blue light off of the thin bolts, and as the cherry on top, both are perfectly balanced and sharper than a sharp dressed man. These swords and scabbards turn into the thunderstorm rings at Zack’s will, and will always return to them if lost. They conduct a collective 30 minute electrical charge that’s paralyzing, which Zack can turn on and off as he pleases.
    Zack also has his two old celestial bronze long swords, as well as a small and round celestial bronze shield.

    Armor Zack generally carries no armor, but did recently receive an enchanted hoodie made of Python’s (the earth-dragon of Delphi’s) scales, which can block and absorb the blows of nearly everything.

    Zack's personality

    Skills/talents: Zack is a naturally talented individual, with being a quick-witted, on the fly thinker. He’s a fast learner, picking up things almost immediately after being shown, splendid in all school subjects, from English to maths, from science to music. He’s a natural born leader (no surprise to his heritage), and works much more efficiently, effectively, all around better under stress. Generally, the more stress the better. Swordplay is a very strong talent of his as well, being a superb swordsman.
    Skill wise, Zack has mastered a very unique swordplay style that utilizes two bastard swords at the same time. Trading the strength of a swing for speed and unpredictability, he creates an intricate and intimidating web of slashes, stabs, swirls, and parries. Zachary also has a wide general knowledge base, and true to the saying, Zack’s knowledge is the jack of all trades, and master of none; his knowledge base doesn’t have one strong subject. He’s a gentleman and a ladies’ man at heart.

    Strengths: : Being a talented, confident, adaptable, unjudging, and socially skilled kid means he can talk to anyone who needs a friend, to talk. He’s an outspoken person, voicing his opinion loud and clear. He’s a charming and charismatic man who gains respect in others, even enemies.
    Flaws: Physically, Zack has a bad case of acne on his back (while he knows he looks good shirtless in the front, he’s not so confident about his back), and some acne on his face. Personality wise, the son of Zeus is pretty lazy unless the fight of his fight-or-flight response is kicked on (it’s almost never flight) due to excelling with no challenge for most of his life. However, this is not easy, and takes a good push for him to react with the fight option. He’s willing to risk his life for anyone as well, friends and enemies. He has a fear of water; any water he cannot see the bottom of strikes fear into his heart. Another flaw he has is being too loyal – even when a friend outright betrays him, he’ll still be attached to the person as if nothing happened, which ends up in him hurting himself. He also has a bad habit of holding in his anger until he explodes.
    Weaknesses: He can be a little too cocky sometimes, like underestimating his opponents from time to time. For the most part, however, he knows his limits.
    Likes: The Z meista likes expanding his mind. He loves thinking, reading, learning, and getting a good work out. He enjoys the natural beauties of the world, from mountains to sunsets to rainbows – I think you get the picture. He’s a refined gentleman with a fine taste in music: orchestra and jazz, and he loves to dress up.
    Dislikes: Phil – I mean my brotha from anotha motha, hates feeling unhygienic, like oily hair and grimy teeth. He strongly dislikes roaches (not necessarily a fear, but you get the picture), and he hates ignorant people. He also dislikes being slowed down.
    Fear(s): Zachary has hydrophobia, and won’t dare go into water deeper than he can see. He can swim in clear pools, as he can see the bottom, but lakes, oceans, and rivers that are deep are no good.
    Personality: Zachary has a courageous, brave, and bold personality. He’s loud mouthed, a quick-thinker, and while he can seem very overconfident, has humility. He generally knows the limits of his abilities; if he needs to stop or continue on, he knows when. He’s also a funny guy, making smart-[CENSORED] comments at the moment. He’s a gentleman, a ladies’ man, a good friend, and good listener.


    He can fly for about a minute a day. He can summon a lightning bolt, but when he does, he can hardly walk afterwards due to exhaustion. He can create electricity to a certain extent. He can shoot a 40 bolt volt out of his sword or any point he has up to 8 times a day, but it’s not nearly as powerful as his lightning bolt, and usually just stuns the opponent for a second or two. He can also control the air (a quick gust, only around .5- 1.5 seconds), and at maximum can push up to 150 pounds a couple up to five away, but he could only do this about three times a day. He is resistant to electricity.

    Anything else?

    Additional information

    Social Status: Zack wasn’t popular, but had enough friends to be considered somewhat popular.
    Summer or Year Rounder: Zachary is a year rounder.
    Years at Camp: Zack has spent five years and counting at camp.
    Life before Camp Half Blood: Zachary Roy Elessar was born to his mother, Anna Joy Elessar on December 27th, 1995, in Elgin, Illinois. Not knowing anything of his father, Zack’s mother simply told the confused boy that dad had left. Being supported by his mother’s family, Zack and his mom moved to Chicago where they all were. The big city struck awe and amazement into the impressionable boy’s eyes, and behind his mother’s back, explored the city. He met friends along the way, from various ethnicities, backgrounds, and educations. He loved it in Chicago, he loved attending school and being right all the time, he just liked everything about it.
    Then, however, Zack and his mother had to move. Zack didn’t know quite why until he was older, but they moved to another big city: Queens, New York. It wasn’t quite the same to the little tyke, and he missed his old friends, his old city…
    Two years passed, and Zack was doing excellent in school, his mind already used to being in Queens. He met a cool friend named Nicholas, who was so manly already he had a goatee. He was a close friend to Zack – and then, all of a sudden, he was being demanded to follow his friend, who was looking very nervous and scared. And then Zack realized he was being chased by a monster he had only seen in dreams. It was a Scythian Dracanae, and quite a nasty one at that. He followed Nicholas (the now revealed satyr) all the way to Half-Blood hill, where the Dracanae finally caught up, and took a couple of slashes at the two. Zack took an almost fatal one to the chest, but he managed to summon a bolt of lightning by his focus and determination, which obliterated his foe. He’s been at Camp Half Blood ever since, with somewhat frequent Iris calls to his mother, who thinks it would be safer if the son of Zeus stay at camp.
    Role-Playing Example: With a terrible swipe, Zack had noticed his arm had a deep gash in it, but the endorphins flowing through him insisted he not feel it. He looked at his adversary. He was a tall man, a couple of inches taller than himself, with large muscles and thick armor. Not only did this man wield a tower shield, but he also held onto a claymore with one hand. Okay, Zack admitted, he picked someone out of his league – but then again, that was the fun, wasn’t it?
    Zack, whilst weaving in and out of the man’s sword swipes and shield jabs like a Mexican jumping bean, analyzed this obvious son of Ares’ armor. Sure it was thick and it’s joints were small, but that didn’t mean Zack could give up, no, of course not, that was for babies.
    Using both of his swords to block the tremendous force of the claymore’s slash (he would just electrify this kid if it wasn’t a ‘no powers’ duel), he pushed the claymore forward, quickly stumbling his opponent.
    “Ah, what wonderful luck,” Zack grinned. There it was. Two leather straps holding his gauntlet on. If he could take off the strap, he might be able to damage his hand enough to drop his large weapon…
    The man made a quick swing which Zack barely dodged, getting a light cut on his left shoulder now. He dexterously circled around the man, making him turn around slowly and just right, and let the man take a swing at him. He parried the blow with difficulty, but as quickly as the sword came out of the sword lock, it took off the gauntlet of his right hand, wielding the claymore. Before Zack even got the chance to congratulate himself, however, he received a hard punch in the same shoulder that had the small cut in it. Yeah, it hurt, but now wasn’t the time for complaining. Zack was knocked back a couple feet, but went back into the battle with newfound determination. He could win. He just had to be more vigilant.
    The man blindly swung his sword at Zack, who slid under the swipe, and came in at just the right angle to cut up the man’s arm. He deftly got up, and took a nice swing to the man’s arm. He dropped his weapon.
    It was a bad cut, worse than the one on Zack’s own arm. The man held it with his large hands and applied pressure.
    “All right,” He shook his head and clenched his teeth. “You won. Fair and square.”
    Zack smiled widely as he patted the guy on his thick armor, which resonated a clanging noise.
    “’Twas a lot of fun. Thanks.” Zack smiled and waved. He then remembered about his damaged arm. He too grasped it with his larger hands and walked off, out of breath, but just as joyful as always.


    When his anger bursts, he goes into a rage for about ten minutes, where he uses all of his powers. After this, he blacks out for around an hour.

    Last edited by Zachary on 5/21/2013, 4:29 am; edited 4 times in total
    Morgan Landry
    Morgan Landry
    High Queen of Narnia

    Number of posts : 15908
    Registration date : 2011-12-31

    Zachary Elessar 3.0 Empty Re: Zachary Elessar 3.0

    Post by Morgan Landry 5/21/2013, 3:40 am


    I know Daniel authorized you to have Zeus as a god parent, so that's alright.

    Are this Zack's original powers? And have the admins said yes to the swords?

    Number of posts : 747
    Age : 30
    Registration date : 2008-10-16

    Zachary Elessar 3.0 Empty Re: Zachary Elessar 3.0

    Post by Zachary 5/21/2013, 3:50 am

    While they may not be Zack's original powers, I feel that small expansions of powers (Why did I even bother making Zack fly last time if he could only do so for three seconds at 20 feet high in the air? And one lightning bolt a day? A son of Zeus? Whaaaaaa?) don't hurt. It's not like I'm giving him invincibility.

    And the swords were approved by an Admin, specifically Elleon, the PM I have with me.
    Morgan Landry
    Morgan Landry
    High Queen of Narnia

    Number of posts : 15908
    Registration date : 2011-12-31

    Zachary Elessar 3.0 Empty Re: Zachary Elessar 3.0

    Post by Morgan Landry 5/21/2013, 3:52 am

    I'm sorry to say I can't approve those powers. Can you reduce them a little?

    Number of posts : 747
    Age : 30
    Registration date : 2008-10-16

    Zachary Elessar 3.0 Empty Re: Zachary Elessar 3.0

    Post by Zachary 5/21/2013, 3:57 am

    I edited.

    The only powers I changed were from 3 seconds to 3 minute flying, and from 1 to three lightning bolts a day. All the rest is on my original character sheet.
    Morgan Landry
    Morgan Landry
    High Queen of Narnia

    Number of posts : 15908
    Registration date : 2011-12-31

    Zachary Elessar 3.0 Empty Re: Zachary Elessar 3.0

    Post by Morgan Landry 5/21/2013, 3:59 am

    I'd say between 1 and 2 lightning bots per day.

    And three seconds to three minutes is a nice growth. What about a minute and a half of flying?

    Number of posts : 747
    Age : 30
    Registration date : 2008-10-16

    Zachary Elessar 3.0 Empty Re: Zachary Elessar 3.0

    Post by Zachary 5/21/2013, 4:02 am

    ...You put up quite a bargain...


    Morgan Landry
    Morgan Landry
    High Queen of Narnia

    Number of posts : 15908
    Registration date : 2011-12-31

    Zachary Elessar 3.0 Empty Re: Zachary Elessar 3.0

    Post by Morgan Landry 5/21/2013, 4:08 am

    Reduce the flying per day and I think it'll be ready for approval.

    Number of posts : 747
    Age : 30
    Registration date : 2008-10-16

    Zachary Elessar 3.0 Empty Re: Zachary Elessar 3.0

    Post by Zachary 5/21/2013, 4:20 am

    Did so.
    Morgan Landry
    Morgan Landry
    High Queen of Narnia

    Number of posts : 15908
    Registration date : 2011-12-31

    Zachary Elessar 3.0 Empty Re: Zachary Elessar 3.0

    Post by Morgan Landry 5/21/2013, 4:23 am

    Oh, just a little question: can he use all his powers at their maximum in the same day?

    Number of posts : 747
    Age : 30
    Registration date : 2008-10-16

    Zachary Elessar 3.0 Empty Re: Zachary Elessar 3.0

    Post by Zachary 5/21/2013, 4:30 am

    Okay, I just copy and pasted the original powers of Zack (which were approved), but instead of 3 seconds and 20 feet high, I just gave him 1 minute a day. That's it.
    Morgan Landry
    Morgan Landry
    High Queen of Narnia

    Number of posts : 15908
    Registration date : 2011-12-31

    Zachary Elessar 3.0 Empty Re: Zachary Elessar 3.0

    Post by Morgan Landry 5/21/2013, 4:35 am

    Approved! Zachary Elessar 3.0 621014945

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