A place for Percy Jackson and the Olympian fans to roleplay.

3 posters

    Bunk 1-D

    Morgan Landry
    Morgan Landry
    High Queen of Narnia

    Number of posts : 15908
    Registration date : 2011-12-31

    Bunk 1-D Empty Bunk 1-D

    Post by Morgan Landry 12/11/2013, 6:53 am

    Smoke hissed as the large vault-like door of the Hephaestus cabin turned open, gears rotating and blue and red LEDs blinking. Once it had opened, Sawyer shuffled into the building, her sports shoes dirty with muck and motor oil, and her wild, messy ponytail as greasy as ever. It was ten PM, the singing session at the Amphitheater had lasted far longer than it normally did, and Sawyer had been glad when it was over. She didn't really like those evenings. She had a deep, hoarse voice that was not really designed for singing, no, not at all.

    "Bunk 1-D, please," she grumbled, and a rectangular metallic panel of the wall slid down while a bunk glided out like the disc drive support of a CD-player.

    Sawyer heaved herself up on the bunk and laid down on it.

    "To the room," she said, and the wall swallowed her, while the metallic panel slid back up. As she went down into the basement, where her private room was, she could feel the system of pulleys and magnets which were actioned in the process as she stared at the metallic walls around her, her callous fingers under her neck.

    The bunk stopped abruptly, and Sawyer could feel another metallic panel sliding up as her bunk glided to the left, then the panel went back down again.

    "Lights on," Sawyer mumbled.

    Immediately, the room got bathed in the crude, industrial light of the neons included in the ceiling.
    The room looked rather nude, carpeted in stainless steel from floor to ceiling, but Sawyer knew better; she could feel the reassuring net of coded circuits and sensors incorporated in the metal around her vibrating peacefully into her thoughts, and it was as soothing to her as the purring of a cat might be soothing to other people.
    There was nothing else in the room than Sawyer's bunk, the glowing gems on the digital control panel glowing red, lime green and champagne.
    But the room wasn't empty at all. All the furniture was incorporated into the walls, ready to open or come out at Sawyer's vocal or digital command. There was a ventilation system that kept bringing fresh oxygen whilst keeping the room at the perfect temperature and humidity rate, so Sawyer was never too cold nor too warm. There was her wardrobe, her little bathroom, a fridge, a shelf for snacks, a wall screen, and several workbenches loaded with nuts, bolts, screws, gears, wires, monkey wrenches, screwdrivers, metal sheets, torque wrenches, and many other materials and equipment designed for mechanical engineering.
    The whole room replied to Sawyer's vocal command, and a little speaker was incorporated into the walls as well, so sometimes, the room could reply to one of her requests, like 'search this for me' vocally.

    "Fridge," Sawyer said, and a line traced a rectangle in the wall, across from where the young woman was, and the rectangle slid out of the wall.

    The daughter of Hephaestus went over to it, crouched down and opened it; the cold made her shiver. In it, there were cans of Coke, Fanta, Sprite, bottles of ice tea and tonic water. After hesitating a bit, she grabbed a can of Sprite, ordered the fridge to get back into the wall and asked for snack. Another rectangle lined itself out and glided out of the wall, and she took some crackers as well as little beef steak bites.

    It was 10 pm, but she wasn't tired at all.

    "Wall screen," she ordered in her rough voice, and a rectangular part of the wall shimmered like it had suddenly morphed from physical to virtual.

    With the help of the voice sensors, Sawyer scrolled through her movie list and finally selected Iron Man 3. She asked her bunk to change into a comfortable modern armchair and leaned back, eating her crackers while watching the movie.


    The next day, after a quick shower, Sawyer left the room.
    curly-haired charmer

    Number of posts : 1450
    Age : 28
    Registration date : 2012-11-10

    Bunk 1-D Empty Re: Bunk 1-D

    Post by jake. 5/27/2014, 6:58 am

    Bunk 1-D Tumblr_m9v3l131Hy1qigoj2o1_500

    Logan cursed under his breath as he stumbled into cabin 9. He had broken his wonderful Ice watch, and he needed a Hephaestus kid to help him fix it. He walked into a random bunk, and frowned. "Um...Is there anyone around?" He chimed, raising an eyebrow as if questioning if someone would actually appear magically infront of him.
    Morgan Landry
    Morgan Landry
    High Queen of Narnia

    Number of posts : 15908
    Registration date : 2011-12-31

    Bunk 1-D Empty Re: Bunk 1-D

    Post by Morgan Landry 5/27/2014, 9:03 am

    At first sight, the Hephaestus cabin didn't seem to host any beds. Only slated walls carrying weapons and shelves full of mechanical stuff: nuts, bolts, gears, wires, screws, metal....
    As Sawyer walked in, having finished her forging lesson and ditching the archery training (she was exempt because of the nasty burn on her hand) , she saw somebody in the cabin; Logan, the guy she had met at the Climbing Wall last week. Ever since, they had exchanged a couple of words, and Sawyer rather liked him at the moment.

    "Sup, Logan," she said in her Texas accent. "Whatcha doin' here?"

    Her dirty hair was pulled back in a wild ponytail, she was wearing a black tank top and camouflage shorts with her hiking boots, the dark clothes emphasizing her copper skin.

    Last edited by Morgan Landry on 5/30/2014, 3:41 pm; edited 1 time in total
    curly-haired charmer

    Number of posts : 1450
    Age : 28
    Registration date : 2012-11-10

    Bunk 1-D Empty Re: Bunk 1-D

    Post by jake. 5/29/2014, 8:06 am

    Bunk 1-D Tumblr_m9v3l131Hy1qigoj2o1_500

    Logans eyes softened at the sight of Sawyer, the girl he had met some days ago, and he laughed. "Well, I was clumsy and broke my watch, and I was sorta wondering if you, or someone else of the Hephaestus bunch could help be fix it." He said and shrugged. "It was gift from my dad, so its kind of important to me, ya know?" He said and grinned. He looked around. "Nice place you got here, girl." He said and made that expression from the meme not bad.
    Morgan Landry
    Morgan Landry
    High Queen of Narnia

    Number of posts : 15908
    Registration date : 2011-12-31

    Bunk 1-D Empty Re: Bunk 1-D

    Post by Morgan Landry 5/30/2014, 3:49 pm

    "Well, I was clumsy and broke my watch, and I was sorta wondering if you, or someone else of the Hephaestus bunch could help be fix it." He said and shrugged. "It was gift from my dad, so its kind of important to me, ya know?"

    Sawyer nodded and took the watch; her hands were big and looked clumsy but she handled the object with surprising delicacy. Even her wounded hand (the burn having receded to a simple black crust on the back of her hand) was steady. She didn't need to think herself into it, she could sense the mechanisms inside it just by touching it, and immediately realized the problem.

    "Did yah let it fall?" she asked. "B'cause the bridge and a part of the cage are broken."

    When he said it was nice here, her brassy, chapped lips stretched into a frank smile, showing her somewhat regular teeth. "Thank yah, I love this cabin. Nothing like mechanic stuff to make us guys feel at home." She gave him his watch back and went searching for a spare bridge in the various metallic parts scattered across a shelf. After a minute or so of searching, she came back with a frown. "Ain't got it up here. Pity the forge is crammed full with cabins six and seven, otherwise I could've gotten a spare thing there. But I think I got some watch stuff in my room, from last time I patched up mine. It'll take five minutes, you can come if you want."
    curly-haired charmer

    Number of posts : 1450
    Age : 28
    Registration date : 2012-11-10

    Bunk 1-D Empty Re: Bunk 1-D

    Post by jake. 6/6/2014, 3:43 am

    Bunk 1-D Tumblr_m9v3l131Hy1qigoj2o1_500

    Logan smiled. "Show me around your kingdom." He said and smiled again, following Sawyer through the cabin. There were tons of things lying around, and he liked it. It was messy, but so was Logan, so he felt right at home here. There were screws and other things lying around, and he picked up one and tossed it up into the air. There were some pretty cool automatons standing around, and he admired them.
    Morgan Landry
    Morgan Landry
    High Queen of Narnia

    Number of posts : 15908
    Registration date : 2011-12-31

    Bunk 1-D Empty Re: Bunk 1-D

    Post by Morgan Landry 6/6/2014, 11:03 am

    "Show me around your kingdom," Logan said with a smile.

    He had a very nice smile, a frankly cheerful one that made Sawyer smile too. She jogged down the staircase in the middle of the room to the basement, where a dozen forging places lowly hummed with small fires and mechanics on standby. She stopped in front of a wall and put her hand on it. A small rectangular panel slid open, revealing a set of numbers from 0 to 9 on which Sawyer tapped a code; as a response, a whole side of the wall glided to the right, and they entered her room.

    It was an empty room. There was nothing but the floor, the ceiling and the four walls all slated with stainless steel.

    "Work bench," she told the room as the wall slid back into place with mechanical purring.

    To her right, another stainless steel panel went to the right by a silent system of magnets to let her work bench glide out . Composed of a table and a shelf filled with mechanical stuff, it was covered with drawings of prototypes, mainly cars (she had been designing her car for quite some time now), different types of exoskeletons, machines, engines, and in the middle of that ocean of paper and gears, a windowpane oyster.

    "Gimme your watch again," Sawyer grumbled while looking through the labeled plastic boxes ("Nuts", "Bolts", "Gears", "Wires", "Staples") and finally found the one with watch parts.
    curly-haired charmer

    Number of posts : 1450
    Age : 28
    Registration date : 2012-11-10

    Bunk 1-D Empty Re: Bunk 1-D

    Post by jake. 6/6/2014, 12:02 pm

    Bunk 1-D Tumblr_m9v3l131Hy1qigoj2o1_500

    Logan gaped as a whole new room enfolded infront of him, and his eyes widened as he mouthed the word 'neat.'. He shuffled beside Sawyer, his sneakers barely making a sound. Well, that's why they were called sneak-ers. He gave Sawyer his watch and looked around. "It's cool, this place. Bunker, whatever." He said and laughed. A wonderful, flowing sound. Girls found it cute. Sawyer's smile was nice too, she might have been scarred, but it seemed like if she smiled, the world was sort of okay. Atleast that's what Logan thought.
    Morgan Landry
    Morgan Landry
    High Queen of Narnia

    Number of posts : 15908
    Registration date : 2011-12-31

    Bunk 1-D Empty Re: Bunk 1-D

    Post by Morgan Landry 6/14/2014, 2:42 pm

    "Haha, thank ya," Sawyer smiled and took out the plastic box labeled "Clockmaking stuff" in Ancient Greek letters (if she had written it in normal letters it would have ended up more like "klocmakin staf" or something along those lines).

    Her large fingers roamed inside it for a second before taking out a spare cage and bridge (in their storage solution), then pushing some papers to the left to get some working space. Grabbing a sleek metal support, she took out a blue paste as well as little vials of lavender and almond oil. Very delicately, she collected a bit of the blue paste onto a clean screwdriver and spread it on the support, then removed the cage from its solution and laid it into the blue paste, pressing it down with her finger and making rotating moves to polish it.

    At the corner of her eye, she could see Logan move and realized he might get bored; it wasn't very polite to just work and not talk, he might feel uncomfortable.

    "Um, room? Mode four, please," she said, and mechanical sounds filled the space. Her bunk bed slid out of the wall, then rearranged itself into a country-style couch, a small table Sawyer had made herself coming out of the floor in front of the couch. The wall screen flickered on, showing an image of a 2006 Aston Martin Vanquish, low-volumed music fizzing out of the inlaid speakers; right now, it was Another Brick In The Wall by Pink Floyd. In the corner behind her, a section of the floor got replaced by a lava fountain made out of blue-ish black volcanic stones naturally arranged into basins and short chimneys, the red-orange magma boiling from bowl to bowl, releasing vertical streaks of red light surrounded by lazy orange sparks. The fountains was cast in a transparent filter to keep the toxic vapors and heat away. Normally, Sawyer didn't put the filter because she could breathe those vapors just fine and the heat didn't bother her either way, but she felt it was still a precaution to take when having visitors.

    "You can flick through the playlist, if ya wish," she told Logan. "Commands are on the couch's arm. The are also some snacks 'n' drinks in the fridge."

    She mainly listened to Pink Floyd, Joan Jett, Queen, Deep Purple, Linkin Park, Eurythmics, ACDC and such; Logan seemed to be more the popular type of guy, so she didn't know if he'd like it. On the wall screen, the Aston Martin got replaced by a picture of a 2012 F1 Custom Ramp-Car.

    The daughter of Hephaestus went back to her work, brushing the dust off the cage with a soft piece of wood, then polished its edges, removing tiny bits of material so the other parts could fit to it.
    curly-haired charmer

    Number of posts : 1450
    Age : 28
    Registration date : 2012-11-10

    Bunk 1-D Empty Re: Bunk 1-D

    Post by jake. 8/5/2014, 11:14 am

    Logan gaped at the scene infolding infront of him. It was really, really epic. "Do ya have coke?" He asked and grinned.

    OOC: I actually had a longer reply, but then my F*cking internet died, so please forgive me D:
    Morgan Landry
    Morgan Landry
    High Queen of Narnia

    Number of posts : 15908
    Registration date : 2011-12-31

    Bunk 1-D Empty Re: Bunk 1-D

    Post by Morgan Landry 8/5/2014, 11:56 am

    "Um yeah, in the fridge somewhere," Sawyer said. "Just take a can. Don't tell, though."

    Coke wasn't allowed at Camp like that for reasons Sawyer couldn't fathom, but she was an active customer of the Hermes cabin network on that point. You just gave them a couple of drachmas and they made soda cans appear magically. They most go shoplifting quite a lot, she thought, finishing the cleaning before taking a very slim screwdriver out and opening Logan's watch to switch cages.
    Senior Member

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    Bunk 1-D Empty Re: Bunk 1-D

    Post by beanie 2/14/2015, 8:42 pm

    I loved my sis Sawyer. She was probably one of my favorite siblings other than Celaena. We'd normally watch a bunch of series on Netflix at night or play video games. She was so easy to talk to about anything, especially with hard problems. In conclusion, she's awesome.

    "Sawyer, I'm back!" I practically yelled when I dashed through the metal door of our cabin. My muscles were tense and my forehead dripped with sweat from a sparing session I just had with the Ares cabin. It was a huge pain and the weirdo I went up against made me bloody my black tee-shirt. Right now, I could use a Coke. "Where are you?"

    Morgan Landry
    Morgan Landry
    High Queen of Narnia

    Number of posts : 15908
    Registration date : 2011-12-31

    Bunk 1-D Empty Re: Bunk 1-D

    Post by Morgan Landry 2/15/2015, 6:51 am

    Sawyer made the wall of her room slide to the side noiselessly, seeing Jia Li hurtle down the stairs to the basement of the Hephaestus cabin. The brawny Latino girl was wearing a plain white muscle shirt with boyish denim shorts and a red plaid jacket, her hair held back with her U.S. army bandanna.

    "Hey there," she said, her Texas accent poking through her deep voice before taking in Jia Li's bloody tee shirt. "Wow, who messed you up like that?"

    OOC: Sorry short post, not a lot of time
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    Bunk 1-D Empty Re: Bunk 1-D

    Post by beanie 2/15/2015, 10:41 am

    "Some idiot from the Ares cabin. This is why I hate sparring." I groaned, plopping down in a nearby chair and resting my head on my hands. I didn't really care that there was still grease and dirt from when I was working on my mechanical dog project earlier, my face was already dirty. "But then again, he got off with a bloody leg as well so we're pretty much even."

    My throat was pretty much burning by know from all the dryness and my burned from the dirt. It hasn't been a nice day so far. "Coke me please."

    Morgan Landry
    Morgan Landry
    High Queen of Narnia

    Number of posts : 15908
    Registration date : 2011-12-31

    Bunk 1-D Empty Re: Bunk 1-D

    Post by Morgan Landry 2/15/2015, 10:59 am

    Sawyer grinned and let her come in, walking over to the opposite wall. Crouching down, she put her hand on the cold, smooth stainless steel, a rectangular portion of it lining out and growing a handle, which Sawyer grabbed and pulled, revealing a fridge. She took two cans of coke and tossed one to Jia Li before closing the door again and sitting on her bunk bed next to her.

    "Sorry, sheets are kinda messy," she chuckled, opening her Coke can with a fresh psssht! sound.
    Senior Member

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    Bunk 1-D Empty Re: Bunk 1-D

    Post by beanie 2/15/2015, 3:43 pm

    I nearly dropped the can when Sawyer nearly hit me in the head with it. I had sent her a playful glare before popping it open, taking a huge gulp after. Now that was nice and the coldness soothed my throat. Sadly I couldn't have it all the time because this was banned for some reason. "So what's new with you? Haven't seen you a lot since I just came back from home." I asked before taking another gulp.
    Being back at home was fun. Hanging out with my cousins, working with my grandpa at the shop, eating some of my grandma's amazing food. Now that I'm back im already homesick. Oh well.

    Morgan Landry
    Morgan Landry
    High Queen of Narnia

    Number of posts : 15908
    Registration date : 2011-12-31

    Bunk 1-D Empty Re: Bunk 1-D

    Post by Morgan Landry 2/15/2015, 4:05 pm

    "I've just come back too," Sawyer replied, taking a couple of gulps from her Coke. The metal was icy against her lips and the so was the drink in her throat, tickling her with the rush of bubbles. "Last year of high school, y'know. Gotta work hard, ace the SATs, apply for college. Also doing my robotics project, playing for my school's basketball team and participating in maths and physics contests. Apart from that, everything is pretty chill."
    Senior Member

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    Bunk 1-D Empty Re: Bunk 1-D

    Post by beanie 2/16/2015, 8:23 pm

    I took a couple more gulps while listening to Sawyer. "Yeah, I know the feeling." I said once she was done. "When I was home, all my grandma would talk about the SATs and finalizing the rest of my computer and technology classes. Its great advice and all but I already know what I'm doing when I graduate. I'll just help out my grandpa and take over the auto shop." After a mouthful like that, I needed another sip of my Coke.
    "So, how's camp been treating you?" I asked, trying to get a conversation starter.

    Morgan Landry
    Morgan Landry
    High Queen of Narnia

    Number of posts : 15908
    Registration date : 2011-12-31

    Bunk 1-D Empty Re: Bunk 1-D

    Post by Morgan Landry 2/17/2015, 7:24 am

    "I get you," she said, her muscles rolling under her copper skin as she lifted her arm to take another sip. "I've not yet decided if I wanna study in New Rome or the mortal world. Their Minerva Capitolina university looks pretty wicked if you ask me."

    Ever since Sawyer was a kid though, she had wanted to go to MIT. It had always been her goal, and she knew she'd do great as a daughter of Hephaestus. But her ADHD and dyslexia always managed to come in the way of her grades and she seriously didn't know if they'd even consider her application. Too bad she couldn't put Fought to save y'alls asses in her curriculum.

    "Well considering I just came back, it's been treatin' me good. A pal of mine came back, Zane. Y'know him? Thanatos guy, Asian. He's pretty cool." For Sawyer, that meant she'd protect him with her life. "Apart from that, well, normal demigod life I guess. Training, training, basketball, canoeing, working out, training. Also visiting New Rome. Have ya been there yet?"
    Senior Member

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    Bunk 1-D Empty Re: Bunk 1-D

    Post by beanie 2/18/2015, 9:53 am

    "New Rome?" I nearly chocked on my Coke after that. No, I didn't really have anything against New Rome or the Romans. The Romans were still a mystery to me, since I haven't had the chance to visit them yet. Some have and say that everything is great there, like a little society in a camp. I'd have to see it to believe it.
    "Nah, I haven't been there yet. Be nice though, I guess."

    Morgan Landry
    Morgan Landry
    High Queen of Narnia

    Number of posts : 15908
    Registration date : 2011-12-31

    Bunk 1-D Empty Re: Bunk 1-D

    Post by Morgan Landry 2/18/2015, 10:59 am

    "You kiddin' me, the place is incredible. You should see the architecture. Plazas and columns and mosaics everywhere, Roman-style villas and palaces, gardens... It's breath-taking. Even Annabeth is impressed."

    Her Coke was half-empty now, still cold against her large fingers. She sat back, leaning her muscled back against the flawless stainless steel wall and gazed at her work bench on the opposite side.

    "I might move there, whether I study there or not. Just imagine it... living free from monsters."
    Senior Member

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    Bunk 1-D Empty Re: Bunk 1-D

    Post by beanie 2/24/2015, 8:55 pm

    As Sawyer explained each and every detail, some ideas flowed through my head. I had seen pictures of old Rome and the ruins in textbooks from what, 6th grade? It had given me a slight idea of what New Rome was like and to be honest, I'm pretty excited.

    "It does sound awesome but I would get a little bored with a world with no monsters. I mean, it'd be nice to be able to get to go out to New York and not get attacked by hellhounds every time but monsters are part of my lifestyle and I'm used to it." I explained before crushing the can of Coke it my hand and attempting a little basket in the trash can a couple feet away. It clucked around before finally landing inside. Score!

    Morgan Landry
    Morgan Landry
    High Queen of Narnia

    Number of posts : 15908
    Registration date : 2011-12-31

    Bunk 1-D Empty Re: Bunk 1-D

    Post by Morgan Landry 2/25/2015, 4:14 am

    "You're into a dangerous lifestyle, Jia Li," she said, still gazing ahead. "I mean sure, it is our life, we're demigods. But living peacefully must be awesome too. Walking out of your house and knowing it'll be there when you come back, not needing to be afraid talking to people because they might just turn into a harpy..." She finished her Coke can in two large gulps, squashed it between her fingers and tossed the crumpled aluminium into the bin right after Jia Li. "Goal!" she laughed and held out her hand for a high five.

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