A place for Percy Jackson and the Olympian fans to roleplay.

    The Creepypasta Children

    High King Fridgeir
    High King Fridgeir
    Senior Member

    Number of posts : 2007
    Age : 23
    Registration date : 2012-12-06

    The Creepypasta Children Empty The Creepypasta Children

    Post by High King Fridgeir 8/3/2014, 7:02 pm

    Slenderman’s POV
    Today was the day they would be told. I had put it off for so long, not wanting them to become irresponsible. But I guess it was time for them to know. I yelled throughout the mansion, “Everyone! Into the dining room, now!” Each of them came in pushing and shoving eachother. Jeff was fighting with Jane, Ben had a 3DS in his hand, Laughing Jack was trying to give Sally poisoned candy, and SCP-173 was behind them all, with his arms out as usual, just standing there as still as a statue, which he was. More were coming down the stairs and then almost everyone was there, all except one. Just at that moment, an evil laughter was heard throughout the room as the lights dimmed. And out of the shadows came Zalgo.
    I looked at the group and said, “Alright, so I have an important announcement. I have been giving this some thought, and I have decided that we need a new generation of creepypasta around here. So I am allowing each of you to have a child,” I looked at Offenderman and continued, “And only one kid.” I saw a few of the Creepypasta grin or look confused. I said, “That will be all for now.
    (A/N) And this is the beginning. It is short because I didn’t exactly want to make the introduction long and because I ran out of ideas because most of my ideas revolve around the children. So next chapter we will introduce some of the children and who their parents are. And before I go, I am going to let you know I don’t own any of the creepypasta, I only own the plots. And also, my friend is going to start alternating writing starting chapter three. So I will write the next chapter, then my friend writes one, then me, then her, and so on until we finish. So please like, comment, and give me feedback.
    High King Fridgeir
    High King Fridgeir
    Senior Member

    Number of posts : 2007
    Age : 23
    Registration date : 2012-12-06

    The Creepypasta Children Empty Re: The Creepypasta Children

    Post by High King Fridgeir 8/4/2014, 10:24 pm

    16 years later
    Derek’s POV
    Today was July 21st. Exactly 13 years since I was born. Exactly 8 years since I began seeing the visions. Exactly 5 since he started talking to me. Exactly 2 since he told me to kill. I wouldn’t listen to him, but sometimes I thought he was right. My name is Derek, and I am haunted by a shadow. It talks to me and tells me to kill, no matter how many times I tell him no. He just keeps telling me to, whispering it in my ear whenever I get angry. I almost snap, but I quickly calm myself.
    I went downstairs with the shadow following me as usual. Nobody else could see or hear him. I planned on playing video games all day with no interruptions. Today I would finally play Morrowind.
    I sat at my computer and the shadow floated behind me. I sat there and played for a few hours when I finally died from a bandit. So I turned the game off and began playing Skyrim. But about an hour into the game, my brother came behind me and slammed my head into my keyboard. The shadow whispered to me, “Kill him. He has done nothing but be mean to you. Him and your parents. They make you work all day and your brother just hits you.” I tuned him out after that but I realized… he was right. I never get a break. Not even on my birthday.
    So later that night, I grabbed my foldable comb and crept into my brother’s room. I covered his mouth with one hand and forcefully slit his throat with the comb. It wasn’t very effective, so before I went for my parents, I grabbed a bread knife from downstairs and went into my parent’s room. I covered my mother’s mouth and slit her throat, then did the same to my father. I then went into the bathroom, cleaned all the blood off my comb and knife, and then combed my hair.
    Then laughter was heard throughout the house, and it began to shake. The lights flickered on and off, and each time I saw a hideous figure in front of me. Then the lights stopped flickering and all was quiet. Suddenly, the lights flashed on and all of the shadows over t the center of the room, creating a ball that floated in the air. Then, the ball burst open and blood splattered all over the room. There stood a monster with seven mouths.
    The beast laughed once more and said, “Well done my child.” The voice sounded like Molag Bal from Skyrim. I backed up towards the wall and said, “Y-You are not my f-father. I just k-killed my f-father.” He laughed again and said, “No my child, those were your… how should I say it… foster parents. Well, your foster father. That was actually your mother though. I am your true father. I am Zalgo.” Wait… as in THE Zalgo? The one from Creepypasta? I shrank down and whispered, “The shadow…” I stood up and said, “That was you?” Zalgo said, “Well, sort of. It was a minion of mine that I possessed. Now you will come with me.” I looked at him in disbelief and said, “And if I don’t?” He smirked and said, “Then enjoy dealing with the police. And any of the others who might come after you.” I sighed and said, “Fine… let’s go.” He grinned and we were taken in the shadows.

    Anna’s POV
    I was getting ready for dead when I began to hear rustling outside my window. I ignored it and went to brush my teeth and stuff. My pale skin seemed to get brighter in the light. I put my hair down to my knees for the night and crawled into bed and fell asleep.
    Jane’s POV
    I watched the house that Anna, my daughter, lived in. I wanted to get her back to the mansion before Jeff could reach her. He had tricked me into having a child with him, disguising himself so he looked normal. But now he was going to take my child and turn her into what he became. Insane. I wanted her to be nothing like him.
    I crept up towards her window and looked in. I was too late. Jeff was already there, standing over Anna. I looked at her face and was horrified. He had carved a smile on her face, just like him. How she slept through it, I will never know. I jumped in the room and said, “Jeff, get away from my daughter. I will not hesitate to leave your blood splattered all over her room if I have to.” He looked at me, smirked, then said, “Ah, but she is my daughter now. You will never get to love her because you will either be dead, or she will. You can decide.” He had an insane smile on his face, one that told me he wasn’t joking. And there is no way Slender would be able to come and help me.
    I said, “Jeff, we are going to get Anna to the mansion, and then we can decide who keeps her. I want her to be safe, but if that means losing her forever, I will. But we have to get her to the mansion first before we do anything.” He thought about this for a minute then said, “Fine. She will go to the mansion. Then you and I shall fight to see who keeps her.” So I carried her to the mansion, knowing Jeff was behind me. Maybe I could get Slender to help me. He was always on my side when Jeff and I fought…
    Hoodie’s POV
    I went outside my daughter’s house and looked through the window. It was daytime, so I had to be careful. Raven had grown so much since I last saw her. I went into her room and hid within the shadows. After she began to draw, I went behind her and tapped her shoulder. She turned around and was about to scream. I quickly covered her mouth and she began to struggle and try to escape my grasp.
    I said, “I’m not going to hurt you, but I want to explain some things to you. Now, If I let go of your mouth, will you promise you won’t scream?” Raven nodded her head and I uncovered her mouth. Her eyes had light tears in them. I said, “Alright, first let me introduce myself. I am Hoodie. I am a proxy of Slenderman-“ She gasped and backed away from me, then I continued, “And I am also your true father. She looked terrified and I said, “Now, will you come with me to Slender mansion?” She thought about it and nodded. This was easy… very easy… I’m gonna have to teach her not to trust strangers. I told her to grab the clothes she would want to take, which happened to be dark tees and a few black and grey hooded sweaters, and took her to the mansion.

      Current date/time is 10/6/2024, 7:49 am