A place for Percy Jackson and the Olympian fans to roleplay.

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    surf and sun

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    surf and sun Empty surf and sun

    Post by beanie 8/17/2014, 4:29 pm

    courage keeps you going

    "Hani! Hurry up!" Geez, doesn't she ever lose her voice? Hani groaned, turning from his board to the little nuisance, his little sister Jess. The last time he saw her she was a cute, little 9-year-old. Now, she was an annoying, bossy 12-year-old girl. Hani blames the middle school.

    "Can't you see I'm busy?" Hani said, motioning to his surfboard. The design was too cool, it was as if the sea was on the bottom of his board. He had it custom made and he treated it with care. It was his favorite board out've the other 3 he had. Even his father wasn't able to touch the board. But did that stop Jess? Noooo!

    "I'm telling papa." Jess stated before stomping off. Hani groaned before standing up, wiping the sand off his blue swim shorts. With his board tucked under one arm, Hani made his way down the shore. Catching a few waves wouldn't hurt anyone, right? He had come from camp to enjoy himself and he wasn't going to let his little sister annoy him.

    Last edited by punkademic on 9/4/2014, 5:38 pm; edited 1 time in total
    mabel pines
    mabel pines

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    surf and sun Empty Re: surf and sun

    Post by mabel pines 9/4/2014, 5:17 pm

    lolita knows she should have moved on by now, packed her metaphorical bags and left. but the beaches and the waves were just so nice. how can she be expected to resist the pull? she can't. the correct answer is that she can't.

    sure, she had to spend a lot of her savings to rent the surfboard for the day, but. surfing. she hadn't been since she had left lāna`i, when lucy would let her borrow a board from the hotel and they'd spend the day in the ocean. she misses those days. sometimes she wishes she had stayed, working at the resort and slowly working her way up, but she couldn't go back now.

    nobody is ever too far from the ocean at any given point of time while living in hawaii, but there's still something that just feels better about being on the beach, the grains of sand shifting around underneath her feet. 'home,' some distant part of her thinks. 'weird,' a less distant and more in charge part of her replies.
    Senior Member

    Number of posts : 2047
    Age : 357
    Registration date : 2013-12-21

    surf and sun Empty Re: surf and sun

    Post by beanie 9/5/2014, 8:19 pm

    courage keeps you going

    After riding about 6 waves Hani finally noticed that Jess was missing. Well, not exactly missing. She had probably ran back to his dad's lifeguard station on the other side of the beach complaining about Hani being a "bad big brother". One of the disadvantages of having a dad working where you hang out is that you could get in trouble often. Bummer right?
    Hani was well done with his share of surfing for today. On his last run he had wiped-out and it was a hard blow. He was even more dehydrated than usual because he had gulped some sea water in when he fell in (never.taste.the.water). His water bottle was almost empty, he found that out when he went to get a drink. Too bad he still had the taste of  sea water still in his mouth.
    Placing his board to the ground, Hani sat down as well, watching the people in the water (there was one kid who looked like he was going to poop) when he noticed the girl not so far away from him. She didn't really look familiar, Hani's family pretty much knew almost everyone on the island, but she looked nice. He thinks.

    "Hey." He called out to the girl.

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