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    Gabriel McAllister Son of Hyperion

    Role Playing Legend

    Number of posts : 23711
    Age : 26
    Registration date : 2010-07-05

    Gabriel McAllister Son of Hyperion Empty Gabriel McAllister Son of Hyperion

    Post by Shade 12/27/2014, 1:32 pm

    Gabriel McAllister

    Gabriel McAllister Son of Hyperion Tumblr_miezcrbqB31s66k0uo2_500

    "I don't exactly have a reputation for being a thinker. I follow my blood, which doesn't exactly rush in the direction of my brain. So I make a lot of mistakes, a lot of wrong bloody calls.”

    Name: Gabriel McAllister

    Gender: Male

    Mortal Parent: Patricia McAllister

    God Parent: Hyperion the Titan of  burning light, the sun, the moon and the dawn.

    Date of Birth: Born on November 23, 1997, Gabriel is seventeen years old.

    Place of Birth: He was born in Dublin, Ireland making him Irish.

    Hometown/Last Residence: Although born in Dublin he lived in Buffalo for the past two years before coming to Camp.

    Race/ethnicity: He’s Caucasian and Irish making him an Irish Caucasian or Indo-European/Irishmen, Mediterranean
    Accent: East Coast Irish English (Working-Class Dublin)

    Skin Tone: Gabriel has what would be called a tan skin tone. Gained from countless hours spent out in the hot sun and due also to his affinity with the sun.

    Eye Color: Molten Gold, he isn’t quite sure how and he doesn’t really care. They’re his eyes and that’s all that matters in his…eyes.

    Hair Color: Blond, nice and shiny too.

    Hair Length: It’s about medium length for a guy pretty average now a days and comes down around his ears.

    Height:  6’0”

    Weight:  Gabriel weighs in at one hundred and ninety pounds of what he describes as pure muscle…however.

    Body Type: Gabriel’s body is what one would call muscular, but not overly to the point that it looks grotesque. He is more what one would call built and toned, biceps defined and carrying around a respectable six pack.

    Gabriel is a tall and dignified young man with golden hair standing up like a blazing flame. He is described as handsome with an elegant face, and his eyes, golden like the stars above, are visibly not those of a human and give off a mysterious radiance that makes people wither. He has a "perfect, Golden-proportioned body" described as emanating majesty that makes flames surrounding him afraid to come close, and his very soul glows golden.

    Underneath the clothes he wears is the scarred and bruised body of a boy who has lived life on the streets. Only the one across his chest, the one that goes from the top of his right pectoral down diagonally across his body to the top of his left hip, truly still causes him pain but about twenty five percent of his body is either scar tissue or bruised in some sort of way. As for the clothes he wears he can usually be seen wearing jeans,khakis, or shorts of any kind with t-shirts and sometimes he can be seen wearing sunglasses even if it doesn't hurt him to look into the sun. He likes the way they look on him.  

    Weapon: Gabriel has three weapons that he uses, or two if you want to see it that way, and they consist of two celestial bronze knuckles (brass knuckles essentially) and one collapsible celestial bronze staff that can also be split at the middle to become two smaller staffs.

    Nope, he doesn’t wear armor (which is how he got that nasty little scar you’ll read about soon) as he finds it ill-fitting and simply clunky. It restricts his movement and in his mind armor makes the wearer feel as if they are invincible and thus leaves them open to attacks. Which he will gratefully exploit. However do to the camp rules he does own the standard set all Demi-Gods are issued during their first capture the flag...doesn't mean he likes it of course.

    Pet(s): Sadly he does not have any pets.

    Gabriel is a quick thinker, fast on his feet and always willing to learn new things. He’s the type of person that can’t just see something and pick it up, he actually has to try it out and learn what he’s doing wrong before he does something right. This once silent boy is also a natural at learning other languages, something you pick up when you didn’t say your first word until you were eight.

    Unarmed and Hand to Hand Combat, an odd thing for a Demi-God to be proficient in but he is quite good at it after learning what he could up off the streets. Which by the way goes to say that although skilled he is in no terms a master, as he’s never had ‘adequate training’ and knows what he does from getting in fights on the street and older street rats beating him up or teaching him how to defend himself from certain things. This also means he fights dirty, and boy is he good at that.

    He won’t admit it but Gabriel is about as insecure about himself as they come. Years upon years of picking himself up and trying to prove to the world that he isn’t going to be defined by the type of life he’s led, or the little amount of money he has, or the fact that he has an absent father has been hard on the boy, and this isn’t even mentioning what happened with Anthony. Thus the real Gabriel, the little shining beacon of hope, is buried deep down inside of him. He’s buried under at least five years of lies, and arrogance boosters.

    Speaking of arrogance boosters , after years of building himself up into the lie he is today Gabriel is an arrogant ass hole and he isn’t afraid of letting you know how much better he is than you will ever be. This also usually tends to lean over into his fighting capabilities as well, while in a fight Gabriel will usually never resort to using his full potential especially during the middle of the day because he doesn’t believe anyone in the world human, monster, Demi-God, or even God can stand to match his full power. Believing himself to be a God in his own right. That doesn’t mean he won’t fight you, or even challenge you to a fight; no far from it.

    Which leads us to our next little flaw. He can’t back down from a fight, or rather his mind simply will not allow him to back down from a challenge, a dare, or anything of the sort even if it is said in a joking manner. The boy constantly feels as if he needs to prove himself, to show that he is who he claims to be and that nothing anyone says will ever kick him down; he won’t be the scared little boy he used to be. No, he is a man who lives life for the thrill of the dance wanting to test himself in ways no one should ever do, and woe is the one who gets in his way. Or the person that catches his eye.

    Gabriel lies like there is no tomorrow. Nearly all of his life the boy has had to lie to get by in life and it carries over even now when there should be no reason for him to lie about who he is. When he’s surrounded by people who would accept him for who he really is. So, anything out of his mouth should be taken with a grain of salt and because of this even he isn’t completely sure when the things he’s saying are true or false anymore. It takes skill and a hell of a lot of years doing it to convince one’s self that the lies they are telling are actually the truth.

    Finally he has a nasty scar across his chest, one that goes from the top of his right pectoral down diagonally across his chest to his left hip. Not only does it hinder his movement at times, as a sort of ‘shadow’ injury, but it also serves to remind him that he isn’t as invincible as he likes to believe. A sort of literal stab in the gut, the wound brings back painful memories and can actually rip open quite easily if it is harmed enough.

    As much as it is a flaw Lying is also one of Gabriel’s many strengths he is silver tonged and quite possibly able to convince anyone to let him do just about whatever he wants; it also helps that he is what some people would call attractive even after all the bruises. He can also be quite charismatic when he isn’t going around looking for a fight, if you’ve never met him and you aren’t on his crap list that day he could seem like a guy you’d trust your life with until you realized he was lying his pants off the entire time. Growing up on the streets, even if it was only five years, you pick up a couple of things and Gabriel can get into any lock if given enough time. However his greatest strength perhaps comes in hand to hand combat, or street fighting as this is what he truly loves.

    Having been living on the streets sense middle school Gabriel only has the teachings given up to that point in one’s life. Therefore he is not in any sense of the word book smart, thus making him struggle in anything harder than basic math, reading, and writing. He also does not enjoy talking about his past and will refuse to bring it up or even tell a different story every time someone asks. In his own words “If I’m going to have a history I’d rather it be multiple choice.” He also goes out looking for his next ‘dance’ and won’t exactly be happy when someone turns him down, as he doesn’t usually take no for an answer.

    Dancing, but not in the traditional sense. No, the Dance of Death is Gabriel’s pride and joy. He’s a street fighter at heart and is always looking for his next brawl, his next scuffle, or fight. He enjoys music ranging from classical and jazz to slow ‘classic’ rock and heavy punk. Additionally the boy quite enjoys running and every now and then he likes to pull a prank like he used to be so fond of. Which is why when he was stuck in the Hermes Cabin they got a long so swimmingly.

    Which leads us into the dislikes. Besides the obvious dislike of his past or any mention to his true past Gabriel does not enjoy swimming or anything to do with water. It isn’t as if it’s a deep rooted fear, or that he’s scared of it at all in fact he’s a very good swimmer, in his mind, and he enjoys the feeling of water but it also weakens him and he does not enjoy being weak. In fact he hates weakness and any sign of it, which is why he looks down on those he determines to be beneath him. With all this power they’ve been given to change the world this is how people use it? He’ll never quite understand why.

    Being forgotten. As odd as it seems Gabriel does not want to be forgotten in this life or the next, he strives to make his claim on this world before he passes over into the next to make up for his years of silence, which accounts somewhat for why he is always looking for his next big dancing partner. The past is an obvious fear of the Demi-Titan as his entire personality and life is built upon running from his past and never once looking back; he created his entire persona simply to change from the boy he used to be and never wants to remember the truth of himself.


    I’m just kidding.

    Gabriel is loyal to a point of no return, that is of course if you are lucky enough to get to earn his respect and trust. In his life time he has been known to have a capacity for extreme acts of selflessness and loyalty to people that he truly loved and cared for displaying strong senses of honor and devotion. However earning this devotion and loyalty aren’t easily come by, mostly because he usually thinks only about himself and no one else. However due to circumstances in his past that ended terribly, getting close to people and trusting has become that much harder for the son of Hyperion, even more so than he would care to admit.

    One of the man’s most notable personality traits is his lust for violence and his love of brawling. Shortly after his powers developed his love of thrill seeking became that much more involved. He liked to engage himself in life-and-death battles, and became obsessed with fighting other Demi-Gods or Monsters, because in his mind they were the only ones who were able to keep the dance going. He even finds fighting and acts of violence quite therapeutic to the extreme sense that when feeling sad or angry he will purposely go out to look for something to bash in the head not caring what he gets to fight as long as he can fight. However he has never really enjoyed inflicting pain on others; he simply revels in the rush he gets while ignoring the countless victims he’s left behind.

    As a child of the Titan Hyperion, Gabriel also has some of the capabilities of the Titan lord of the burning light, the sun, the moon and the dawn.  His powers themselves are potent and make him dangerous.

    Pyrokinesis: He is consciously capable of controlling fire around him, ranging from a small match to a wild fire, and yet the greater the fire the more concentration he must put into the flame itself. Along with this, he is capable of increasing the size of a flame to a desired size, but it takes energy to increase the size of these flames and can take a lot out of him if he is to make a flame too large. He is also capable of producing his own flames, these however taking on a golden color and he can produce far less of these flames, than when he simply increases the size of a flame. Usually Gabriel just uses this flame to create a sort of cloak of fire that serves as an aesthetic, though it can be far more than that. Due to his affiliation with fire, he has a high tolerance for both it and the heat that comes with it. He however becomes weaker upon being made wet. The hottest his fire can be that he can create is 621 degrees Fahrenheit which is the melting point of lead and is the highest temperature he himself can withstand. He can control enough fire to fill a 10' x 13 area. He can do this ten times a day, with a thirty minute rest in between each one and can use it for ten minutes each time as well. However after the tenth one he won't be able to use it for an hour anyway. Add onto that if he is wet or has recently been soaked in water the usage is halved and the cool down is doubled.

    Photokinesis: Being that his parent is also the Titan of light, he is gifted in the control of light and anything that goes along with it. This comes in the form of causing himself to glow like a beacon, radiating a bright white light from his center and illuminating an otherwise dark room for five minutes, with an hour rest, and five times a day at the most. Releasing hot bursts of light that cause damage to things upon contact as well as simply creating sources of light. As well as releasing a harsh burst of light from his body that would damage nearly anything it touched, however that can only be done twice a day, but of course he needs to wait fifteen minutes before doing so again. The light bursts do about as much damage as getting hit with a pellet gun grenade as they go out in a circle around him the radius is about five feet and they're only about 200 degrees so enough to burn but it won't leave any serious damage. His eyes are also able to adjust to light quick enough that quick changes in lighting would not cause him any discomfort.

    Light Constructs: Along with this, he is capable of creating items from light, in the forms of weapons as well as anything he can think of. When it comes to the frequency of the creation of these constructs, he can only create about 10 smaller constructs a day. 5 medium sized ones and only 1 large one when straining himself. However he must rest at least five minutes between each use of the construct power, otherwise he risks overexerting himself. However is he is in direct sunlight, he can create 3 more small constructs, 2 more medium ones and 1 more large construct. Nothing living, nothing that would be electronic (phones, iPods, televisions, kitchen appliances, ect). Small things in sets count as one thing (say he tries to make five necklaces all at once instead of one at a time, that would be counted as one item) though larger things will be counted as multiples. It takes five minutes of rest to recover from each usage, though if he doesn't let himself rest and uses up all of his ten items, it will take him up to forty-five minutes to an hour to recover depending on the amount of direct sunlight received. The largest thing he could create is a shield. (4.5 inches by 2.31 for the height and width of the smallest small object and the range carries out to about anything under a 12 inches by 12 inches and largest would be the size of a spartan shield, which is about 40' diameter. They're are breakable and they are hot to the touch unless he makes them cool, they last about five to ten minutes at the most and ten minutes only for the smaller items.)

    ‘Light Speed’: Continuing with the light powers he has the capability of traveling at the speed of light by becoming light, moving from one location to another at a speed that one would consider impossible and appearing much like teleportation. This movement however can only be performed at the length of Rhode Island for the maximum, and doing it twice a day at that distance would tire him out. Island. (2 times a day at maximum length on a bright day, up to 5 times just around and about on a bright day and he also needs to five minutes between each use.) He will pass out for up to four hours if he goes over his ability on 'light speed' travel, though the time depends on how much direct sunlight he's in. The less there is the longer it takes.This means of travel can also be messed with by the presence of a mirror or glass, as if he were to pass through glass, or a prism it would cause him to lose control and end up far from where he intended. Also as this takes concentration while in combat this cannot be used except to enter or exit the combat.

    Illusions: Another capability of his photokinesis is creating illusions through bending light, allowing him to create what one would call realistic visual illusions, however they lack the quality to affect the other five senses, and can only be perform 3 times a day for up to five minutes at the most. The largest is about a human sized illusion, they don't do much and are purely for fun as they can't do anything other than fool someone's eyes. Even then they are always golden and the other senses aren't fooled by them, a hand could pass through it, they don't smell, and if you actually looked at it you'd see them kind of like one sees a rainbow.

    Solar affinity: Due to his parentage, Liam finds himself empowered by the sun and its rays. When standing in open sun, The sun thing gives him a slight boost, like it rejuvenates him and gives him the energy he needs to keep going. (Kind of like what water does to Percy accept it has to be direct sunlight.) The boost makes his reaction time 5% faster, lift about 300lbs, and move slightly faster, moving at  fifteen miles an hour. However it only lasts for a short range of twenty seconds,  and only happens the one time he enters direct sunlight, this can also only be done once a day. He also finds himself healing faster. This healing is efficient enough to heal him at a rapid paxe however he does not heal automatically and while he is actively using his muscles to fight or run away he will not heal. The largest thing that heals is a wound about  2.5 inches in length and 1.5 inches in width, so about the average size of an arrow head or a 2.5 inch fracture, the fracture however takes a couple minutes (3) longer to heal. The healing is neary instintaneous, in the eyes of a human taking about two minutes to heal him as long as he isn't moving or exhausting his muscles in anyway and of course the worst only being the mentioned wounds.

    Social Status: Social Status? Delinquent, run away, brawler, lover, fighter any of these will do.

    Summer or Year Rounder: Gabriel is a year rounder, he doesn’t have much to return too other than Juvey.  

    Years at Camp: Gabriel will be just starting his second year at Camp when he gets approved. Therefore he’s been here around a year.

    Life Before Camp:
    Gabriel’s life was not what one would call troubled, nor was it really filled with danger. He was born to a young woman by the name of Patricia McAlister, and with no father in sight he was raised by a single mother. His mother treated him fairly, didn’t spoil him, nor did she treat him roughly. However from a young age the male was what one would timid, afraid to interact with anyone and not really making himself a friend until the age of eight. It was before then that he constantly clung to his mother’s leg, or tried to every chance that he got, granted that was not always a successful venture. Still, it was around the age of eight that he met his first real friend, a male by the name of Anthony and a person that he seemed to get along with strangely almost instantly. Despite his shy demeanor, the male seemed to take to him rather easily, the two becoming the best of friends almost instantly.

    It was from there that the two became inseparable, Gabriel always wanting to be around his friend and his mother could not be happier, even though sometimes she did worry about her son and his slowly changing personality. Granted it was just more of him beginning to express himself rather than just changing altogether, coming out of his ironclad shell. He started to act more like his best friend, more crass and willing to speak his mind, becoming mischievous and even going as far as to play pranks on people he disliked. This however was mostly harmless, and so no one really seemed to have a problem with anything that he did. It was around the age of twelve while he was in middle school that his powers manifested.

    Like most stories this is where things start to take a turn for the worst. You see, one day Anthony and Gabriel decided they were going to prank the school ‘bullies’ who just so happened to be Eighth graders who were a tad bit too old to be in middle school. Sufficient to say they did not take too kindly to being pranked and retaliated by doing what ‘bullies’ to best, and took their anger out on the two young seventh graders. You all know how this story ends, the bullies turn out to be monsters and poor little Anthony all though a clear sited mortal was not a Demi-Titian. Cornering the two boys at Gabriel’s house, as the boys were seeking solace with his mother, they attacked and this however was when his gift fully manifested and it ended up with a powerful golden flame that devoured his entire home, leaving him with nothing as he ran; mother, friend, and ‘bullies’ (which were both Laistrygonians ) having been consumed within the flames as well as the wood that composed the home.

    With nowhere to go, he did the only thing that a young person could do and he ran, not really stopping until he was far away from what was once his home, still hysterical about the whole situation. It was however over the course of the next few years while living on the streets as a ward of the state that Gabriel found his thrill of fighting, that he bottled up any and all past emotions he once had to become the man he is today. In his mind he had become a murder and taking up fighting, ignoring the pain, forcing his anger on someone else, and becoming something he wasn’t was easier than to look behind his back for invisible pursuers that would want to punish him. Eventually his running and fighting lead to him arriving in America at the age of sixteen.

    Even here though the attacks followed him, yet it seemed to only get worse. Creatures he’d never seen before, some like the two from home, and many more found their way to him and one even got close enough to nearly rip his chest open. He believed he was going die as he slowly slipped into unconsciousness, yet his body was found by a Saytr who was able to heal the boy back to working condition before leading him the rest of the way to camp. Finding a place that he felt as if he would belong, and with a new scar, the male settled in. However what he was not expecting happened, which seemed to be the trend of his life. Around the end of his first year at the camp, he was claimed but not by who he thought his parent was; but by the titan Hyperion. A bright glowing symbol in the shape of a sun would flash about him releasing a light that hurt the eyes of all save for the one that it was shining for.

    Role-playing Example:
    Gabriel walked through the camp, his book bag carrying all of his supplies slung over his shoulder as he moved from Cabin Eleven down the rows towards Cabin Twenty-One. It was an interesting experience getting claimed in the middle of the courtyard like that, mainly because it seemed his father didn’t abide by the same standards that the rest of the Gods did thanks to a certain son of Poseidon. Sure, at first he felt strange not being claimed but that was in the past and now that he was claimed he knew that he was special, he was different, and he was better than the rest of the poor little crop of Demi-Gods that resided around this camp. He’d always been a fighter before, trying to prove his worth to the world but now he’d have to do so in a bigger league.

    No longer was he in the minors, once he got claimed the air in the courtyard drastically changed, even now he could still feel the sideways glances, the off putting comments that the others thought he couldn’t hear, hell if they pointed any more obviously he thought for sure their hands would be up his a**. That mattered little in the long run, he’d show them all he was meant to be there that he belonged. Hell if they ever questioned him he’d just prove them wrong, bash their faces in, or sweep them off their feet before they even knew what hit them. At least that’s what was going through his mind as he walked up the steps to the aforementioned Cabin.

    Most people walking up the steps to the Cabin were doing so in fright, fear, or dragged along behind one of the very few residents. In the past couple years it had slowly went from the spooky and empty Cabin in the Woods to more populated than the Hera and Hades Cabin yet even now the numbers of its residents still didn't add up to equal anything near that of the others surrounding it. This was no problem for Gabriel though, it gave off an air of mystery and was his new home. Placing his hand on the handle he pushed it open and stepped inside with a glint in his eyes, it was a tad too dark for his liking. But, the Son of Hyperion figured he'd get used to it eventually.

    Last edited by Shade on 2/18/2015, 8:53 am; edited 13 times in total
    Mr. Moseby
    Majestic Unicorn Queen

    Number of posts : 43512
    Age : 2022
    Registration date : 2008-09-13

    Gabriel McAllister Son of Hyperion Empty Re: Gabriel McAllister Son of Hyperion

    Post by Kendall 12/27/2014, 3:19 pm

    Caucasian is rather general for a race; be more specific. (Ex: He's French and English and Irish.)

    Add a bit more to Appearance.

    Just a note, but he does need a set of armor, even if it's just the standard camp stuff for CTF.

    - What's the largest amount of fire he can control?
    - How hot is his fire (in degrees C or F)?
    - How hot of a fire could he tolerate at most?
    - How many times a day can he use his pyrokinesis?
    - For how long could he make himself glow?
    - How much damage will his light bursts cause, and what is their maximum range? How large are they at most, and how hot?
    - How many times a day can he use any of these photokinesis powers?
    - Anything else he can do with the photokinesis?
    - Define the sizes/weight of what constitutes a small/medium/large construct.
    - Are these items breakable? Are they hot to the touch? Do they last only a specific amount of time?
    - I'm a bit iffy about the light speed power -- if he can do it for much shorter bursts, it would be a little too OP.
    - Not exactly sure Hyperion would constitute as a healing god -- I understand letting your character heal himself, sure, but others is a bit of a stretch; I'll need to think that over.
    - Otherwise: What's the worst wound (size) that he can completely heal?
    - What sorts of illusions can he create? How large could they be at most?
    - How much more powerful does the sun make him?
    - Making the sun power him enough to heal "most" fatal wounds is too much.

    - What kind of monsters were the bullies?
    - What kinds of monsters attacked him when he got to America?

    Role Playing Legend

    Number of posts : 23711
    Age : 26
    Registration date : 2010-07-05

    Gabriel McAllister Son of Hyperion Empty Re: Gabriel McAllister Son of Hyperion

    Post by Shade 12/27/2014, 6:49 pm

    -In his history it says he burned down his house, and in the actual powers it says a small wild fire. As those both don't actually have a set I'm going to say the largest amount he can control is enough to burn down a house.

    -The hottest his fire can be that he can create is 621 degrees Fahrenheit which is the melting point of lead and is the highest temperature he himself can withstand.

    -  The power drains him for up to twenty minutes each use, depending on how much direct sunlight he receives. After the tenth usage without letting himself rest he won't be able to use the power for an up to an hour, depending on how much direct sunlight he receives. Add onto that if he is wet or has recently been soaked in water the usage is halved.

    -He can make himself Glow for about five minutes at most.

    -The light bursts do about as much damage as getting hit with a pellet gun grenade as they go out in a circle around him the radius is about five feet and they're only about 200 degrees so enough to burn but it won't leave any serious damage.

    -The glow thing he can do five times a day, the burst is only twice as it says in the form

    -Only what's stated.

    -Nothing living, nothing that would be electronic (phones, iPods, televisions, kitchen appliances, ect). Small things in sets count as one thing (say he tries to make five necklaces all at once instead of one at a time, that would be counted as one item) though larger things will be counted as multiples. It takes five minutes of rest to recover from each usage, though if he doesn't let himself rest and uses up all of his ten items, it will take him up to forty-five minutes to an hour to recover depending on the amount of direct sunlight received. The largest thing he could create is a shield.

    -Yes they are breakable, they're hot to the touch unless he makes them cool, they last about five to ten minutes at the most and ten minutes only for the smaller items.

    -What about how I have it now? It's essentially a form of Shadow Travel but if not I can make it so it's simply a means of entering and exiting a topic.

    -Willing to talk about that if you'd like as for the biggest wound size he can heal think a hair-line fracture or a stab wound about three inches deep.

    -The largest is about a human sized illusion, they don't do much and are purely for fun as they can't do anything other than fool someone's eyes. Even then they are always golden and the other senses aren't fooled by them, a hand could pass through it, they don't smell, and if you actually looked at it you'd see them kind of like one sees a rainbow.

    -The sun thing gives him a slight boost, like it rejuvenates him and gives him the energy he needs to keep going. Kind of like what water does to Percy accept it has to be direct sunlight.

    - Laistrygonians
    - Anything ranging from Hell Hounds to Basilisks, and a couple Empousa.
    Mr. Moseby
    Majestic Unicorn Queen

    Number of posts : 43512
    Age : 2022
    Registration date : 2008-09-13

    Gabriel McAllister Son of Hyperion Empty Re: Gabriel McAllister Son of Hyperion

    Post by Kendall 12/28/2014, 3:55 pm

    - Frankly, any amount of fire is enough to burn down a house; it just needs enough time and fuel to keep going. You're gonna need to be a lot more specific.
    - Edit in the temperature of his pyrokinetic flames as well as the heat of his light bursts.
    - I'm not making any sense of what you're saying for the pyrokinesis limits. Are you saying he can use this power for up to 20 minutes each time? [Also, you do need cool-down/rest periods between each usage.]
    - How many light bursts does one usage equal? Just one -- or more?
    - You're gonna need to be a LOT more specific about the sizes of his light constructs. Shields vary in size, as well as necklaces and so on and so forth.
    - If it's a form of teleportation, sure -- but I'm just concerned with him using it too many times and making it seem like he's got a speed boost akin to Hermes kids'.
    - I'm gonna say no to healing others unless an admin steps in and says otherwise.
    - For worst wound, you're gonna need to say how long the hairline fracture extends and the width of said stab wound.
    - You saying a "slight" boost here sort of contradicts you saying in the form he becomes "much stronger" and etc. Phrasing does matter, so please clarify that in the form.
    Role Playing Legend

    Number of posts : 23711
    Age : 26
    Registration date : 2010-07-05

    Gabriel McAllister Son of Hyperion Empty Re: Gabriel McAllister Son of Hyperion

    Post by Shade 12/28/2014, 4:30 pm

    - He can control enough fire to fill a two car garage which is 18' x 20'.
    - Edited it in.
    - No, I kind of worded that weird. So, he can do it ten times a day, with a twenty minute rest in between each one and can use it for ten minutes each time as well. However after the tenth one he won't be able to use it for an hour anyway.
    - One light burst usage equal's one.
    - 4.5 inches by 2.31 for the height and width of the smallest small object and the range carries out to about anything under a 12 inches by 12 inches and largest would be the size of a spartan shield, which is about 40' diameter.
    - Nah, he has to wait five minutes between each use and can only do it (maximum length) 2 to 5 (around and about) times a day.
    - Taken out.
    - Edited so it's simply the size of an arrow head as I couldn't find reference to the exact size opf a hairline fracture.
    - Edited as well.
    Mr. Moseby
    Majestic Unicorn Queen

    Number of posts : 43512
    Age : 2022
    Registration date : 2008-09-13

    Gabriel McAllister Son of Hyperion Empty Re: Gabriel McAllister Son of Hyperion

    Post by Kendall 1/10/2015, 7:11 pm

    - Reduce the size of that fire a bit -- say, by 4'-5' for each part.
    - Edit in the range of the light bursts and the extent to which they can damage things, as well as how many times he can use his glow power per day.
    - Add in how long his light constructs last as well as their temperature and if they're breakable or not.
    - For his light speed, you say that he can use it twice on a bright day -- and then 5 on a bright day. Is the latter for distances less than the length of Rhode Island?
    - (Does the size for the worst wound he can fully heal go for both the stab wound and the fractured bone? Fractured bones should be harder to heal than stab wounds.)
    Role Playing Legend

    Number of posts : 23711
    Age : 26
    Registration date : 2010-07-05

    Gabriel McAllister Son of Hyperion Empty Re: Gabriel McAllister Son of Hyperion

    Post by Shade 1/10/2015, 9:47 pm

    Edited, yes the 5 is for distances less than his max, and yes the fracture takes longer.
    Mr. Moseby
    Majestic Unicorn Queen

    Number of posts : 43512
    Age : 2022
    Registration date : 2008-09-13

    Gabriel McAllister Son of Hyperion Empty Re: Gabriel McAllister Son of Hyperion

    Post by Kendall 1/10/2015, 10:06 pm

    - "For how long he can control the fire depends on the size and the intensity of the flames, ranging from a half an hour to an hour and a half." versus "He can do this ten times a day, with a twenty minute rest in between each one and can use it for ten minutes each time as well." --> Wouldn't these two parts contradict themselves here?
    - Also, increase the cool-down for the fire manipulation some more.
    - You should also add in how long he glows for each usage and the cool-down for this.
    - And add a cool-down for the light burst.
    - Be a bit more specific about the boost the sun gives him -- like how much faster would he heal (ie: 2 times faster)/he gets a 5% boost from standing in the sun for at least x minutes/etc.
    - When the energy from his sun boost is used up, is he able to get more energy from it or is it a one-shot deal for each time he goes into the sunlight?
    Role Playing Legend

    Number of posts : 23711
    Age : 26
    Registration date : 2010-07-05

    Gabriel McAllister Son of Hyperion Empty Re: Gabriel McAllister Son of Hyperion

    Post by Shade 1/10/2015, 10:31 pm

    Everything has been edited and added into the app.

    Fixed the confusion, the cool down is thirty minutes now.

    Both cool down and time have been sddded in

    The specific things of the boost have been added in. It lasts for thirty seconds and is a once a day thing and must be direct sunlight.
    Mr. Moseby
    Majestic Unicorn Queen

    Number of posts : 43512
    Age : 2022
    Registration date : 2008-09-13

    Gabriel McAllister Son of Hyperion Empty Re: Gabriel McAllister Son of Hyperion

    Post by Kendall 1/10/2015, 10:48 pm

    - Reduce the size of the maximum-sized flames by a few more feet and you should be good there.
    - Oh, yes, you should also edit in the size limits for the illusion power that you told me before.
    - Hmm. For reference: How fast can he normally run, and how much could he lift?
    - Also, what would be the depth of the flesh wound for the healing?
    - To clarify: When he gets his power boost, the healing begins and then he can't use it again?

    Role Playing Legend

    Number of posts : 23711
    Age : 26
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    Gabriel McAllister Son of Hyperion Empty Re: Gabriel McAllister Son of Hyperion

    Post by Shade 1/10/2015, 10:54 pm

    How much do you want it. I reduced it to the size you suggested before which was by 4 and 5 respectively.

    Edited in

    The length of the arrow head. So 2.5 inches, the fracture takes longer because it's a bone.

    Mr. Moseby
    Majestic Unicorn Queen

    Number of posts : 43512
    Age : 2022
    Registration date : 2008-09-13

    Gabriel McAllister Son of Hyperion Empty Re: Gabriel McAllister Son of Hyperion

    Post by Kendall 1/10/2015, 10:58 pm

    - By another 2 feet per side should be sufficient.
    - You didn't answer my third bullet.

    Role Playing Legend

    Number of posts : 23711
    Age : 26
    Registration date : 2010-07-05

    Gabriel McAllister Son of Hyperion Empty Re: Gabriel McAllister Son of Hyperion

    Post by Shade 1/10/2015, 11:03 pm


    I am unsure how I skipped that. He can normally bench a max of about 200 pounds, ten over ones body weight is considered average for a max bench. He usually runs at about 10 miles an hour which is slightly above average but below that of an Olympic athlete.
    Mr. Moseby
    Majestic Unicorn Queen

    Number of posts : 43512
    Age : 2022
    Registration date : 2008-09-13

    Gabriel McAllister Son of Hyperion Empty Re: Gabriel McAllister Son of Hyperion

    Post by Kendall 1/10/2015, 11:08 pm

    Considering that double his normal speed is not really a "slight" boost, reduce that by around 5 mph and then I'll approve this.
    Role Playing Legend

    Number of posts : 23711
    Age : 26
    Registration date : 2010-07-05

    Gabriel McAllister Son of Hyperion Empty Re: Gabriel McAllister Son of Hyperion

    Post by Shade 1/10/2015, 11:12 pm

    Done as requested
    Mr. Moseby
    Majestic Unicorn Queen

    Number of posts : 43512
    Age : 2022
    Registration date : 2008-09-13

    Gabriel McAllister Son of Hyperion Empty Re: Gabriel McAllister Son of Hyperion

    Post by Kendall 1/10/2015, 11:14 pm

    Approved. You will be awarded 1700 drachmas for your form.

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