A place for Percy Jackson and the Olympian fans to roleplay.

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    Number of posts : 915
    Age : 148
    Registration date : 2014-05-12

    Drabbleeeeees Empty Drabbleeeeees

    Post by Sammy 12/30/2014, 6:43 pm

    I write too many sucky drabbles. So I figured, why not make a topic for sucky drabbles?

    Idk they're mainly Marina and occasionally leiin and other stuff

    So yeah


    Number of posts : 915
    Age : 148
    Registration date : 2014-05-12

    Drabbleeeeees Empty Re: Drabbleeeeees

    Post by Sammy 1/2/2015, 3:02 am

    Spiked Punch and Fake Snow

    The Winter Wonderland Dance

    Athena hated this. She hated the stupid dress. She hated the way everyone twirled on the dance floor, acting like their relationships actually meant something. Please. The only reason she was here was because Mare had near-begged her to come with her so she wouldn't have to go alone. And, gods, if she has one weakness, it's that girl's begging.

    She really didn't understand why little Maria couldn't've just come with her boyfriend. She assumed it was probably another one of the stupid fights. It seemed to her that the two were destined to be enemies. Really, after right around a month of on-again-off-again (which was more like not-exactly-ever-on-to-begin-with-off-again, to be honest), Athena was kind of sick of hearing about the other girl's inner torment. She'd found it easier to just give her beer disguised as soda, some of Victor's suggested conspiracy theory studies, and let the poor girl cry her heart out over the JFK Assassination.

    Well, at least she'd found a good use for those studies.

    Meanwhile, Athena would retreat somewhere else to smoke and let herself rip her own heart apart. Victor and she and been pretty...rough, lately. The last time she'd seen him, they'd gotten into a bit of a one-sided argument. Literally, one-sided. Athena was yelling at him for once again ditching her for some stupid research project, while he sat there, working on a stupid research project.

    Even Laure hadn't been able to cheer her up. After the fight, she'd given her more than enough alcohol to drown out the feelings and the memories, and a pretty unforgettable night, but she'd woken up the next morning hungover and heartsick.

    So, Mare here, the cute, adorable, puppy-like little Princess who, outside of appearance, was anything but, was her only option. Yeah. It's as sad as it sounds.

    "Drink?" A rosy-cheeked little elf offered her a cup, leaning against the poorly-decorated wall beside her.

    "You know these are probably spiked, right?" Athena informed her date, who she knew had a pretty hard time holding her liquor.

    "What? No, no spikes. I mean, why would they put spikes in the drinks?"

    "Who knows?" Athena replied with a bit of a smirk, turning away and pretending to study the fake snow covering every corner of the floor. "Let me get you another," She added, noticing that her cup was near-empty. Mare offered it to her willingly, her navy long gloves brushing against Athena's hand.

    Now, to just get over to the drink station. The previously mention fake snow was pretty hard to walk in with her heeled silver gladiators, but the knee-high sandals had gone so well with her dress. The dress, by the way, was something to marvel at. It was a short, white cocktail, with a blue to white ombre jeweled lace-up corset and a strapless sweetheart neckline. It was probably one of the few dresses that had survived Victor and her perilous journeys. Which meant he'd printed off the fake credit card that bought it. Which meant, if it weren't for him, she wouldn't've had it. Which was basically the same as him buying it. Which made her feel like crap.

    She figured Maria and she looked pretty odd coming together.  Mare in her white, light jeweled kitty heels, vintage cameo choker, fancy updo and that stellar dress of hers. She looked like a real princess in it, the way the silky blue fabric hugged her before hitting her waist, where it transformed into tulle fanning out into straight, silver-white curtains that shifted delicately in the wind, making her boyish, almost-nonexistent figure somehow ten times more attractive than Athena's natural hips and curves. The dress ended in a tattered, kind of burnt look, as if it had survived some kind of fire. Apparently, Mare had took an actual match to the fabric to get the look. Huh. Some people.

    She realized she'd been staring at the girl when some dude bumped into her while she was halfway to the drink table. The guy looked really embarrassed and awkward. Athena was about to give him a certified death-glare when she realized that one of the not-so-pleasant Aphrodite girls was hanging onto his arm. He probably thought she liked him. He'd probably be proven wrong later tonight.

    "No problem, babe," She said, tossing him a flirty wink and noticing as his arm candy looked at her date with a sudden burst of confusion. "Save me a dance, kay?" She yelled over her shoulder as she began to walk away, laughing silently to herself.

    "Victor wouldn't be happy, you know," A small figure suddenly appeared to her right.

    "I thought we agreed we wouldn't discuss our significant others. Besides, Victor sees me flirt all the time. Its part of our relationship. Strictly business, until one of us saves the others life," She said with a bit of a snarl, pouring some punch into the cup and tossing it back into the bowl with a splash. A couple passerby shrieked, even though they were too far off for any to hit them. "But, hey, if you wanna play like that, here's a question for you. What do you think Lou's doing right now? Bet you a hundred I can find him out by the lake, wooing some other girl."

    "As if I care what he does. He's a jerk. I deserve better," She said, though Athena could tell she didn't believe a single word.

    "Liar," She taunted, still pretty annoyed about the girl's earlier comment.

    "Oh, as if you're any better? You think Victor's worried about you right now? No, he isn't. In fact, you probably haven't even crossed that messed-up mind of his. You likely don't even mean anything to him," She said, fired up. She was pissed, there was no denying it. "You know what you are to him? Looks. Persuasion. A way to get stupid boys to drunkenly answer questions. So what, if he puts on an act for you? You're nothing to him. You're a tool. A dirty, slu-"

    "Don't you dare finish that sentence. Don't you dare." Athena cut her off abruptly, her voice shaking with something in between anger and sadness. Oh, gods, no. She needed a smoke. She needed a drink. She needed out. Everything was suddenly too cramped. She needed air, and a nice book to read.

    She watched the other girl's eyes begin to widen as she realized what she'd said, but didn't stay long enough to hear her apologize. She pushed away from her, pushing past everyone in her way in order to get out as fast as possible.


    Mariasonia had screwed up. Big time. She hadn't known what she'd been saying, hadn't realized until it was too late. And now, here she was, chasing after Athena and yelling her name, watching her disappear into the crowd.

    She was pushing, now, not even bothering anymore with her manners, shoving past everyone until she broke into the cold winter air. The stars were dim, the moon just a sliver in the sky. Clouds began the cover the few dim lights in the navy blue background. It would probably rain that night. Along the sides of the mess hall, a couple somewhere laughed, with breathless breaks in between. But that wasn't what Mariasonia noticed.

    She smelled smoke. Not like a fire, but tobacco. Someone smoking. She followed the smell until she found Athena, at the very back of the building, cigarette in hand. She held a blackberry in her hand, talking to someone on the other end. From the way she talked, she assumed it was Laure.

    Athena stopped midsentence when she noticed her, sighing and hanging up. "Can't you leave me alone for two seconds?"She asked, closing her eyes and leaning her head back against the splintering wood.

    "No. I can't." She answered simply, taking a seat beside her. "I came apologize, okay? So don't get all huffy,"

    "No, look, I know you're going to apologize. I get it. You're sorry. Now, just...leave me alone, please." She said in an exasperated tone, though Mariasonia didn't let up.

    "I broke the promise. The whole reason I came with you was so I wouldn't have to put up with myself. I guess I ended up making you put up with me, instead-"

    "-Look, okay, you can leave now. You're forgiven-"

    "But I wasn't the only one who did that. If it weren't for me, you'd be at the other camp drowning your sorrows in a bottle. We both came here for the same reasons, so you have no reason to be mad at me.  You came because wanted to. And yeah, maybe I said something about the boys first, but you said something as well. I'm not the only one at fault here."

    Athena said nothing for a while.

    "So...I'm sorry."

    Still nothing. Then, "I am too. Just don't invite me again. Next time, we can just go slash some tires or something." She said, lifting her arm and putting it around the other girl's shoulders.

    "Slashing tires? Is that the hip thing to do these days?"  Mariasonia asked, leaning her head against Athena's collar bona.

    She laughed a bit to herself, looking up at the stars as the clouds above them began to let loose flurries of snow.

    "Yeah, Mare. Yeah, it is."

    Sucky cliche marina story over

    The Genius

    Number of posts : 3580
    Age : 27
    Registration date : 2012-08-07

    Drabbleeeeees Empty Re: Drabbleeeeees

    Post by Josh 1/2/2015, 10:06 am

    I dont mean this in a bad way, but isnt the idea of drabble that its exactly 100 words in length?

    Number of posts : 915
    Age : 148
    Registration date : 2014-05-12

    Drabbleeeeees Empty Re: Drabbleeeeees

    Post by Sammy 1/2/2015, 3:04 pm

    I've, personally, heard two definitions of a Drabble, one saying that, yeah, it's exactly 100 words. But, seeing how I always obviously go over that, I just choose to do it the other way xD
    The Genius

    Number of posts : 3580
    Age : 27
    Registration date : 2012-08-07

    Drabbleeeeees Empty Re: Drabbleeeeees

    Post by Josh 1/3/2015, 2:47 pm

    eh alright then, with literature everyone has different interpretations anyway, so I wont argue. To me, I'd call that a short story, but if you call it a drabble, I see no reason as to why I should say otherwise.

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