A place for Percy Jackson and the Olympian fans to roleplay.

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    Lights and spikes (private for the Blaze and the Morgan)

    Morgan Landry
    Morgan Landry
    High Queen of Narnia

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    Lights and spikes (private for the Blaze and the Morgan) Empty Lights and spikes (private for the Blaze and the Morgan)

    Post by Morgan Landry 1/29/2015, 7:55 pm

    Thea arrived at the lake, glancing over the sparkling blue-green surface. Naiads were sitting on the rocks, chatting and combing their hair under the hot sun rays. They looked like normal teen girls except they spent most of their lives underwater; either way they weren't worth Thea's attention.

    The daughter of Iapetus set down her bag and kicked her new rock shoes off, passing a hand through her hair. She had arrived maybe two hours ago and after the pizza she had gotten in the Big House's kitchen, an afternoon on a lake shore seemed divine. Well more than that, titanic.
    She was wearing a punk-rock crop top with spiked shorts, a viper bite piercing made out of actual gold glistening on the corner of her lip. She wasn't wearing any make-up but her hands were covered in a web of Celtic symbol tattoos, black like ink, coiling around on her skin like snakes. Sitting on a rock, she put in her headphones and blasted Fall Out Boy, looking up at the sky. How long would she be stuck here?
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    Lights and spikes (private for the Blaze and the Morgan) Empty Re: Lights and spikes (private for the Blaze and the Morgan)

    Post by Blaze 1/30/2015, 9:37 pm

    Crystal and her Aphrodite troop entered the lake with the Aphrodite girls chattering non-stop as usual and Crystal being head of the pack, leading them wherever she wanted. Somehow she had managed to keep them under her control after telling them that her god parent was actually a Titan. She expected it to be quite difficult, with people telling her that people were scared of demi-titans. Really, it wasn't. Maybe it was because of that natural glow she had, or at least, that was what she heard. Apparently she had a "glow" that was "quite visible". Probably a metaphor. She used facial wash while washing her face, so...

    Crystal and her group settled on some rocks close to the edge of the lake. A few started tanning, a few continued talking, and a few were doing their make-up. Crystal simply sat there, looking around the lake. Her head stopped at a girl sitting on the rock.

    Wasn't that the new Demi-Titan chick? she thought to herself.

    Crystal gestured for the Aphrodite girls to stay put and walked over the girl. "Aren't you the new Titan girl?" she asked her before realizing that she probably couldn't hear her, hence the headphones.
    Morgan Landry
    Morgan Landry
    High Queen of Narnia

    Number of posts : 15908
    Registration date : 2011-12-31

    Lights and spikes (private for the Blaze and the Morgan) Empty Re: Lights and spikes (private for the Blaze and the Morgan)

    Post by Morgan Landry 1/31/2015, 6:52 am

    Thea caught movement at the corner of her vision and turned her head to see a girl of about her age with long carefully blow-dried hair and large blue-green eyes glittering with make-up. Her face had a type of warm glow, but that might be her foundation though. Glancing at the group of teens behind her, Thea immediately understood what type of girl she was. Popular. She oozed confidence and a kind of authority, so she was probably the Queen Bee of the group. Another worthless btch, she thought. She had seen a bunch of girls like her at that wretched school her aunt had sent her to. Lipstick, glitter and high heels, that was what these girls were made of. She saw the girl's lips moving and knitted her eyebrows in a disgusted expression.

    "Fck off."
    Retired Staff Member <3

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    Lights and spikes (private for the Blaze and the Morgan) Empty Re: Lights and spikes (private for the Blaze and the Morgan)

    Post by Blaze 1/31/2015, 12:45 pm

    "That's not a nice way to talk to your cabin mate," Crystal frowned before once again realizing the girl's headphones were on. How rude. To tell her to go away after meeting her was alright, but people rarely did that, but to tell her to f*** off when she actually made an effort? Rude. As. Hell. See, this is why she became so stuck-up.

    Oh, yes. She had heard from a few of her cabin mates that this girl was...hot-tempered? Was that the right word? Unapproachable? Bitter? Something like that.

    Crystal crossed her arms and waited for the girl to actually acknowledge her presence. She wasn't going to move until she exchanged a few words with the girl and actually learned her name. What a rare thing. Crystal usually didn't care for names, but since this girl was her cabin mate, and Crystal sort of/kind of had a tight knit relationship with them, she was going to be nice to this girl, whatever her name was, and whatever she did to her. Demi-Titan gang or die, am I right?
    Morgan Landry
    Morgan Landry
    High Queen of Narnia

    Number of posts : 15908
    Registration date : 2011-12-31

    Lights and spikes (private for the Blaze and the Morgan) Empty Re: Lights and spikes (private for the Blaze and the Morgan)

    Post by Morgan Landry 1/31/2015, 5:21 pm

    The girl was still there, which annoyed Thea. Most people would just look offended, walk away or attempt to somehow punch her but she just stayed there as if she had all the time in the world. Thea took another look at her. Her perfectly brushed hazel blonde hair made her look like she had jumped out if a L'Oréal ad, her make-up contoured her face, made her eyes look deeper and her lips fuller, just like what the make-up professionals did to her aunt whenever she needed to go out in public. All in all, with her pretty face and latest-fashion clothes, she perfectly belonged on the cover of some celebrity teen magazine. A lot of boys and girls must be running after her.

    Thea lowered the volume of her music just in time to hear her say something about being her cabin mate. Thea's lips curved into a predatory grin.

    "Cabin mates?" She asked, switching from English to the Old language, the inflexions of her voice deep and raspy. "I don't think I belong into your pink Barbie cabin, I am a demititan!"
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    Lights and spikes (private for the Blaze and the Morgan) Empty Re: Lights and spikes (private for the Blaze and the Morgan)

    Post by Blaze 2/1/2015, 12:23 pm

    "Yeah, yeah, that's nice, but I don't think Stella and Gabe would like you calling the Titan cabin a pink Barbie cabin," Crystal replied. Wow, she really fit in with the Aphrodite girls, didn't she? That was perfect. Underestimation equals loss. She didn't plan on hurting any of the demi-Titans, though. Just demigods. The demi-Titans were practically her family here, though, she had hooked up with one of them, but that was besides the point. "Crystal Walters, daughter of Theia. And you are?" she asked calmly.

    Crystal decided that now would be a safe time to sit next to the girl, so she kneeled down and looked at the girl, analyzing her features. She had piercings, tattoos, short hair that made her look a bit tomboy-ish, and shockingly distinct facial features. The girl wore clothing that made her look like a punk rock person -- thing -- whatever. Maybe it was just to give off that dangerous type of personality? She was probably one of those girls who wanted to be alone all the time or something.
    Morgan Landry
    Morgan Landry
    High Queen of Narnia

    Number of posts : 15908
    Registration date : 2011-12-31

    Lights and spikes (private for the Blaze and the Morgan) Empty Re: Lights and spikes (private for the Blaze and the Morgan)

    Post by Morgan Landry 2/1/2015, 4:25 pm

    Alright....she was a demititan.

    "Daughter of Theia, huh? Makes you my cousin. I'm Thea Rider," she said, "daughter of Iapetus."

    She took one headphone off and gave her another look. Theia, that made her Stella's niece and Gabriel's cousin slash stepsister. She definitely looked like a child of Theia would look like though: sparkly make-up and glittering jewels, Theia was also all over shiny stuff. Main reason why she married Hyperion, I mean why else would you wanna spend your immortal life with a jack@ss like him.
    Retired Staff Member <3

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    Lights and spikes (private for the Blaze and the Morgan) Empty Re: Lights and spikes (private for the Blaze and the Morgan)

    Post by Blaze 2/2/2015, 12:03 pm

    "Yeah, but relations don't really matter here, do they?" Of course they don't. Otherwise she'd be screwing with (in all meanings) all her- Yeah, let's not continue this.

    "Iapetus as in...Bob? Hades' janitor?" She had heard from the Aphrodite girls, who eavesdropped on a lot of conversations and gossiped a ton that Iapetus lost his memory and was convinced to be Hades' janitor. How sad. Thea must've felt ashamed -- y'know, that her father probably didn't remember her and that he, the Titan of mortality, was now a janitor.

    "Nice to meet you. Have you met any of our other cabin mates?"
    Morgan Landry
    Morgan Landry
    High Queen of Narnia

    Number of posts : 15908
    Registration date : 2011-12-31

    Lights and spikes (private for the Blaze and the Morgan) Empty Re: Lights and spikes (private for the Blaze and the Morgan)

    Post by Morgan Landry 2/2/2015, 6:43 pm

    "Can you fcking not," Thea snarled. "No I'm not the daughter of Bob, I'm the daughter of the original Iapetus, the one who impales his enemies on his spear, who diced up Ouranos with his brothers, I have nothing to do with that pet of Hades'."

    Who did this girl think she was, making fun of her father like that? What Jackson had done to him was a disgrace. Thea remembered the day she had learned it. She had known about the rescue mission and was sulking in her room on the Princess Andromeda because Nakamura had been chosen over her to get her own father, then this dracaena had walked in and told her; at first she had thought it was just a stupid joke but when it had dawned on her, she'd have skewered the snake girl on the spotif she hadn't been her friend. But the worst was Hyperion's and Koios' laughter. Iapetus renamed Bob, made Hades' servant, carrying around a broomstick forever... His brothers couldn't stop making jokes.

    Last edited by Morgan Landry on 2/7/2015, 5:50 am; edited 1 time in total
    Retired Staff Member <3

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    Lights and spikes (private for the Blaze and the Morgan) Empty Re: Lights and spikes (private for the Blaze and the Morgan)

    Post by Blaze 2/2/2015, 8:23 pm

    "Bob and Iapetus -- whatever. Same person. You're going to have to accept that one day, because it's true. He's just a degraded version of himself, but you're still his daughter, no matter if it's 'Bob' or 'Iapetus'." That was the smartest thing she's said in a while. Being around mindless airheads who only cared about boys and their looks could really hurt your mental state.

    Demi-Titans were known for their big egos and distinct personalities. Crystal, of course, also had a big ego, but it wasn't the same as Gabe's or Stella's ego. Because of those two, Demi-Titans had a reputation for being ruthless and murderers. Somehow she managed to convince her troop otherwise. Sure, some had abandoned her, but really, nothing she couldn't do to destroy them -- and if she couldn't destroy them, she could ruin them.

    Thea seemed a lot like most demi-Titans she met -- bitter and violent. Well, maybe she wasn't violent, but she acted quite so. Gabe and Stella were violent and bitter a lot, but surprisingly, they were the ones she was closest to. Firefox bothered her and annoyed her, but she still managed to be friends with her. Wolfgang...she didn't really know well.
    Morgan Landry
    Morgan Landry
    High Queen of Narnia

    Number of posts : 15908
    Registration date : 2011-12-31

    Lights and spikes (private for the Blaze and the Morgan) Empty Re: Lights and spikes (private for the Blaze and the Morgan)

    Post by Morgan Landry 2/2/2015, 8:50 pm

    "Y'know, smartass, a person isn't defined solely by their body. I know what I'm talking about when I say Iapetus and ..Bob aren't the same person."

    She selected I Don't Care by Fall Out Boy and enjoyed it being blasted into her right ear. Much better than listening to that birdbrain right there.

    She wished she had known Iapetus before his meet-up with Jackson. Just talk to him, even for a minute. A hug, why not, a tap on the shoulder. But no. Jackson had taken that from her. Now what did she have, a comatose mother and an amnesiac immortal father sweeping Hades' floors forever. How glorious. The only parent figure she had was her aunt.
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    Lights and spikes (private for the Blaze and the Morgan) Empty Re: Lights and spikes (private for the Blaze and the Morgan)

    Post by Blaze 2/2/2015, 10:21 pm

    "That might be true, but here, in the real world, sadly, people are defined by their body and appearance." She laid down some cold, hard truth. This was the real world too -- not just some fantasy where people are accepted even though they look absolutely d i s g u s t i n g. She didn't live by this, but it's blatantly obvious that some people were quite superficial.

    Crystal glanced at her nails once again. She did this often, and it became a habit when she was waiting or bored. She turned her head slightly to sum Thea up. Sort of/kind of pretty, bitter rebel with a small tolerance for goofballs. Yep. Basically. She could do this with a lot of the children here. They fit stereotypes a lot of the time.
    Morgan Landry
    Morgan Landry
    High Queen of Narnia

    Number of posts : 15908
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    Lights and spikes (private for the Blaze and the Morgan) Empty Re: Lights and spikes (private for the Blaze and the Morgan)

    Post by Morgan Landry 2/3/2015, 6:48 am

    "That's fantastic. Keep telling yourself that."

    Dude how much more superficial could this girl get? Thea gazed out at the lake, determined to ignore her now when she caught sight of her giving her a once-over in the corner of her eye.

    "Why are you still here? Don't you have to refresh your make-up or share juicy gossip with your doll friends?"
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    Lights and spikes (private for the Blaze and the Morgan) Empty Re: Lights and spikes (private for the Blaze and the Morgan)

    Post by Blaze 2/3/2015, 11:12 pm

    Oh, oops. She could have worded that better, but really, Crystal didn't need this girl. But she did. Why? Because she was also a demi-Titan, and demi-Titans stuck together. Not literally, obviously. They'd probably kill each other if that happened.

    "And, no. I don't actually indulge in their gossip all the time. I just boss them around," Crystal replied simply. Queen Bees don't interact with worker bees except for some instances. You could say she was the alpha of the pack as well, but the Aphrodite girls weren't exactly worthy of being a "wolf".
    Morgan Landry
    Morgan Landry
    High Queen of Narnia

    Number of posts : 15908
    Registration date : 2011-12-31

    Lights and spikes (private for the Blaze and the Morgan) Empty Re: Lights and spikes (private for the Blaze and the Morgan)

    Post by Morgan Landry 2/4/2015, 6:18 am

    "Well, if these kids are the best minions you could find..." Thea cocked an eyebrow at the chatting populars, sunbathing, reading magazines and comparing their toe nail polish.

    Thea didn't have any group or crew, not since the Titan War. As of now, she played solo. A lone wolf, you could say. Sometimes she allowed people to hang out with her for a bit, but sooner or later she moved on and left them behind. In the mortal world, she hadn't experienced true friendship bonds, half the people she knew were made out of manners and politeness and the other half were birdbrained gangs who had dropped out of school in sixth grade. She had hung out with these gangs to get the thrill of the fight, the adrenaline, hoping that being in extreme situations would forge the friendships she needed..... but no. Everyone was too selfish to care about others, not once had she seen one of these gangers stop and wait for one of their own. Repelling.
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    Lights and spikes (private for the Blaze and the Morgan) Empty Re: Lights and spikes (private for the Blaze and the Morgan)

    Post by Blaze 2/7/2015, 3:35 pm

    "They aren't," Crystal cut in. It was true, the Aphrodite girls were not the best minions, but surely they were good ones. I mean, who doesn't love minions you can control with no problem? "But they're efficient enough. I have a few guys wrapped around my finger too, so, y'know..."

    The guys here were not-so surprisingly shallow. It took a few kisses and a bed to have them under her control. Was it because she was a demi-Titan? No, that couldn't be it. People here were supposed to be afraid of demi-Titans. Then what was the cause of her being able to get so many boys? A talent -- flirting. Honestly, she could say that she was as good or even better than most of the Aphrodite girls, mainly because she actually had the brains to think about what to say instead of mindlessly giggling and twirling her hair and making men uncomfortable. Of course, men do make some women uncomfortable, so she supposed it was alright.
    Morgan Landry
    Morgan Landry
    High Queen of Narnia

    Number of posts : 15908
    Registration date : 2011-12-31

    Lights and spikes (private for the Blaze and the Morgan) Empty Re: Lights and spikes (private for the Blaze and the Morgan)

    Post by Morgan Landry 2/10/2015, 5:11 pm

    "Fantastic. You must be proud of yourself, manipulating shallow people has to be so difficult."

    Her tone was as sarcastic as usual, she wasn't even looking at Crystal. Queen bees, beauty kings, that was what the populars here were made of. Thea wasn't sure they were that stupid though; she had witnessed Queen Bees in her school and they were smart in the discretely-but-thorough-bullying kind of way; they had their ways with people and social groups and always managed to make other people bend to their will, using their insecurity against them. Too bad for them Thea was anything but insecure.
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    Lights and spikes (private for the Blaze and the Morgan) Empty Re: Lights and spikes (private for the Blaze and the Morgan)

    Post by Blaze 2/12/2015, 11:05 pm

    "You're hilarious," Crystal replied, rolling her eyes. "They're not all shallow, but yes, most of them are."

    It was true. I mean, some people she actually had to put work in to get them to the current state that they were in right now -- pawns on a chessboard. And she was their queen. And if the time ever came for the demi-Titans to like, you know, destroy the demigods, she could wreck them internally. She usually became frustrated if she couldn't break them in a few conversations, though. Which would lead to her destroying them -- physically or socially. She could work with either.
    Morgan Landry
    Morgan Landry
    High Queen of Narnia

    Number of posts : 15908
    Registration date : 2011-12-31

    Lights and spikes (private for the Blaze and the Morgan) Empty Re: Lights and spikes (private for the Blaze and the Morgan)

    Post by Morgan Landry 2/13/2015, 5:33 am

    Thea shrugged and took another glance at the popular girls. "They still look pretty useless. What are they gonna do, spray perfume at me?" She scoffed and stood up, grinning her wolfish grin at Crystal. "Enjoy your little power," she condescendingly said and turned away, casually walking back towards the cabins' courtyard.
    She must feel so powerful -- "they're not all shallow", as if that changes anything. A demititan should be able to do more than that. Little people, little power. When are these boys and girls going to do something really useful for her? Apart from giving her a make-over? That's right, never.
    Retired Staff Member <3

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    Lights and spikes (private for the Blaze and the Morgan) Empty Re: Lights and spikes (private for the Blaze and the Morgan)

    Post by Blaze 2/13/2015, 11:49 am

    Crystal glared at Thea as she walked off. She just didn't understand the actual power Crystal had, did she? That doesn't matter, though. Crystal would only tolerate her because she was another demi-Titan. Gods, she felt like gagging at the thought of being friends with more than half of the demi-Titans, but she had worse.

    She almost burst out laughing once Thea left, but she controlled herself and stood up. She walked back to the Aphrodite girls and told them that it was time to go elsewhere. They all gathered their belongings and followed her who-knows-where.

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