A place for Percy Jackson and the Olympian fans to roleplay.

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    All for one, one for Rome (private)

    Role Playing Legend

    Number of posts : 11340
    Age : 23
    Registration date : 2011-11-05

    All for one, one for Rome (private) Empty All for one, one for Rome (private)

    Post by Mason 3/21/2015, 11:27 am

    Wade was at the lake, swimming around a little, cooling off a little. It may not have been a wise decision to swim here, but he didn't care. He had just spent six hours practicing. It was a sunny Tuesday evening, almost time for dinner. And after dinner, he'd get to do the War Games, one of his favorite things in all of Camp Jupiter. Wade's trunks were red, and he laid his sandals at the edge. He did a backfloat, enjoying himself for a few minutes, before going back to the edge, to dry off and get ready for dinner.

    He dried himself off with his towel, putting on his shirt and sandals. His hair was super wet and kept dripping. He ran a hand through his hair, and attempted o dry it some more. Wade sat down on his towel afterwards, just thinking to himself.

    ooc: sorry it sucks
    Role Playing Legend

    Number of posts : 23711
    Age : 27
    Registration date : 2010-07-05

    All for one, one for Rome (private) Empty Re: All for one, one for Rome (private)

    Post by Shade 3/21/2015, 11:50 am

    Romulus was not one for relaxation, he was not one for taking it easy and allowing himself to have some down time. Ninety percent of the time it either took Tiberia, Decimus, or one of his superiors to actually get him to admit he needed time to rest. This time it had been at the insistence of both of the Neptune Twins. So, there he sat by his usual rocks leaning up against one of them and finishing up the last book in the Song of Ice and Fire series that Tiberia had insisted he read all the way through even though she knew he despised fiction books. However he would admit that the book accurately represented the fighting styles, dress, and cultural necessities of the time period the series was seemingly portraying. What he would never admit to was that he might have actually enjoyed them.

    Closing the book as he finished it up and placed it down upon the ground and looked up taking in the view of the lake. A slight smile came onto his face, one that most people would be hard pressed to find if they did not know the son of Quirinus well enough. He had spotted one of the people in the camp that he called friend, or at least he used to and then there was the whole debacle with Tiberia and now he wasn’t entirely sure if he was allowed to even consider the boy a friend. Another reason why he rejected the notion that love was even a true emotion or had any sense at all was because of what happened after people ‘broke up’. The loyalty between the two and their friends as well was always skewered and loyalty was something Romulus valued highly.

    Standing up, with the book in his left hand, he walked over to the son of Cupid who was now washing his hair. “Wade, long time no see.” He greeted as he got within normal talking range so that the other male could hear him without Romulus having to shout or raise his voice. Holding his open hand out for him to shake. Romulus was in the First Cohort and Wade was in the second meaning they worked together often but that was during war games or things of that sort, they never truly actually saw one another outside of the training times so it was nice to see him off duty. Even if it was one of Romulus least favorite times.
    Role Playing Legend

    Number of posts : 11340
    Age : 23
    Registration date : 2011-11-05

    All for one, one for Rome (private) Empty Re: All for one, one for Rome (private)

    Post by Mason 3/21/2015, 12:05 pm

    Wade heard a familiar voice say something to him, and saw Romulus in front of him. The son of Quirinus and legacy of Mars- they were somewhat related, for that reason. Not only that, but they had both been in the Legion for a decent amount of time. He put a smile on his face and shook his hand. "It's nice to see you again, Romulus." Romulus was in the first cohort and he was in the second, so they could sometimes work together in War Games, but they hadn't had a one on one conversation in a while.

    He thought of Tiberia. Wade and Tiberia were what you called 'frenemies,' but at one point they dated. However, that was a year ago, and they had both gotten over it (at least he was pretty sure). Romulus was a good friend of Tiberia's, so, well, yeah. Wade thought of Decimus, too, Tiberia's twin. He wondered, even though it wasn't awkward between him and Tiberia now, if it was still awkward for Decimus and Romulus to talk to him. "What have you been up to, besides the normal training?" he asked.

    Wade usually didn't take days off, but right now he felt like he deserved it. He was swore, sweaty, tired, and everything else- however, usually that wasn't an excuse for him. He actually couldn't wait for the War Games after dinner; as said, War Games were one of his favorite things. It was a lot of the time the highlight of his day. The son of Cupid looked out to the water for a second, then back at Romulus. "I'm looking forward to the War Games, tonight, what about you?" he raised an eyebrow.

    Wade thought to himself; when was the last time he had talked to the son of Quirinus? Maybe a month or two, maybe three? He just hoped that these conversations weren't awkward for him. He looked at a few people walking by.
    Role Playing Legend

    Number of posts : 23711
    Age : 27
    Registration date : 2010-07-05

    All for one, one for Rome (private) Empty Re: All for one, one for Rome (private)

    Post by Shade 3/21/2015, 3:47 pm

    When Wade asked what Romulus had been up to he had to sit back and think about the answer. His immediate answer would have of course been training or learning. Romulus was always seeking knowledge, trying to better prepare himself for what was to come, Tiberia called him insane, Selene called him an arrogant ass hole, Jordan called him over committed, and Decimus called him paranoid but he believed he was simply prepared. By learning whatever knowledge he could be it combat, cultural, or other of any mythology he could he truly believed he would be prepared for most any situation he was thrust into in this world. His time spent at Camp Half-Blood had shown him that Greek and Roman mythologies weren’t the only ones poking their noise around, as the other camp was home to both Norse and Egyptian.

    However, he did have one answer he could give was honest. “Reading.” He said holding up the book. “I may not enjoy fictional works but Tiberia insisted. She tends not to relent easily.” That was really all the explanation that was required because anyone who knew her knew just how absolutely stubborn Tiberia could be. When she had her mind set on something even if she was forced to do something else she didn’t give up easily. “As for the War Games of course I’m looking forwards to it. It’s always a good test of one’s abilities. I just hope your Cohort is ready.” It was common knowledge that First and Second generally worked together in the War Games and tonight was no different. Except in the fact that tonight they’d be taking on the Third, Fourth, and Fifth Cohorts.

    ((bad post is bad sorry))
    Role Playing Legend

    Number of posts : 11340
    Age : 23
    Registration date : 2011-11-05

    All for one, one for Rome (private) Empty Re: All for one, one for Rome (private)

    Post by Mason 3/22/2015, 8:21 am

    Wade looked at the book he had. He was thinking about the book title for a minute, before Romulus started to explain why he was reading fiction. "Oh, that's cool. Yeah, I usually enjoy nonfiction, learning about Ancient Rome and such." Although, he enjoyed much more than learning about Ancient Rome; he liked learning about the Old West, American history, etc. etc. Wade chuckled when he said that Tiberia didn't relent easily. He nodded really fast. "Preach it, brother, preach it." He grinned.

    "My cohort? Your cohort better be ready for the hellstorm we'll unleash on you," he said, a bit of his competiveness kicking in. However, he was never worried about the First Cohort- often they teamed up against the others. Sometimes they won, sometimes they didn't. "Well, I guess we better be getting to the Mess Hall for dinner, eh?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. Wade got up, brushing himself off a little. He picked up his towel, folding it.

    ooc: super bad post is super bad, sorry xD
    also your bad posts^ are like my good posts xD
    Role Playing Legend

    Number of posts : 23711
    Age : 27
    Registration date : 2010-07-05

    All for one, one for Rome (private) Empty Re: All for one, one for Rome (private)

    Post by Shade 3/22/2015, 10:57 am

    Romulus simply raised an eyebrow when Wade replied that his Cohort better be ready for the hellstorm the Second was going to unleash on them. He was seconds away from replying that they were actually going to be working together that night when he realized that this was simply Wade being competitive. Romulus may not have been the greatest person in the world when it came to displaying his own emotions but he could read others as if they were an open book with all the little annotations and answers written on the sides of the pages. The comment on Tiberia needed no reply either other than a simple nod signifying that he heard what the other boy said and agreed with him.

    Dinner however made Romulus stomach growl showing that he was in fact hungry and looking up at the sky to determine what time it was he nodded once more in agreement. “Yes, I do believe it is high time we found our way to the Mess Hall. Wouldn’t want to miss, I hear tonight the Ceres kids are actually going to try making the food.” Sure that meant it was going to be grain oriented but Romulus was a liar if he said he didn’t actually think the biscuits they made were amazing. It was just something that the most of them excelled at and he had no reason to question it, other than the fact that most of the other food the Legion had on normal days was much better.

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