A place for Percy Jackson and the Olympian fans to roleplay.

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    You Will Remember Me

    Role Playing Legend

    Number of posts : 14200
    Age : 25
    Registration date : 2011-08-04

    You Will Remember Me Empty You Will Remember Me

    Post by daddeme 4/8/2015, 1:12 pm

    but you’ll remember me, remember me for centuries
    Some legends are told. Some turn to dust or to gold, but you’ll remember me - remember me for centuries. And just one mistake is all it will take. We’ll go down in history. Remember me for centuries. Hey, hey, hey. Remember me for centuries.

     It doesn’t interest me what planets are squaring your moon...I want to know if you have touched the centre of your own sorrow, if have been opened by life's betrayals or have become shrivelled and closed from fear of further pain. I want to know if you can sit with pain - mine or your own - without moving to hide it or fade it or fix it.

    Name: Jourdan’s full name is Jourdan Isabella McGraw. Her name, meaning “descend; to flow down”, is meant to be a boy’s name. Her father named her out of panic - Jourdan kind of surprised him - and gave her the first name that came to mind, which was her paternal grandfather’s name. Her middle name came from that old soap opera "The Young and the Restless", another panicked portion of her name since the show was on the television when she arrived. Her middle name brought further joy to her father in 2005, as Wendell is a huge fan of the Twilight Saga (i.e. Isabella Swan). He went to Comic Con dressed as Edward once. It was horrible and they don’t talk about it.
    Nickname(s): As far as Jourdan knows, she has no nicknames. The last person that called her “Danny” was sent to the infirmary with a broken nose. Ever since, she hasn’t very much accepted nicknames and prefers to just be called by her first name.
    Gender: Born a female, though gender fluid. She doesn’t mind what pronouns are used when referred to, though most people use “she/her/hers”.
    Sexuality: Jourdan is sure she’s bisexual, though she hasn’t had very many crushes in her life.
    Mortal Parent: Dr. Wendell Anthony McGraw is Jourdan’s mortal father. As hinted at above, he participates in Comic Con and happens to be a collector of various items. These items and cosplays are from T.V. shows and books that include Twilight (Edward), The Walking Dead (Rick, Daryl, and at one dark time Michonne), the Avengers (Clint Barton, Tony Stark, and Bruce Banner), Supernatural (Castiel), and many, many more. He has made it a point to heavily educate his daughter on his knowledge of fandoms and has been successful, even though he really works as a lab technician. Jourdan thinks he’s trying to make himself a superhero.
    Mortal Family: Other than her father, Jourdan lives with her dad’s roommate Saul (she’s pretty sure they’re not just roommates but whaaatever) and his two sons. The older son is 17 (Solomon) while the younger one is 14 (Flint). Jourdan to this day doesn’t understand how they are relevant to her life, but they’re pretty cool she guesses.
    God Parent: Nike, who went by Victoria (ha), caught interest in a man who only desired to be perfect with his cosplay. You could say that it was the man’s craving for victory that drew Nike to him, and it was victory he got. She began dating Wendell for a few months before they decided to take things to the next level. Then Nike left the next day because, lo and behold, she was pregnant with a little jumping bean. She wasn’t quite sure about whether or not Wendell wanted a child (the topic never came up) so her plan was to have her on Olympus and ditch her at an adoption center. After leaving to have the child, a little birdie told her that Wendell apparently was super sad and depressed because she left. Sooo after popping out Jourdan Nike dropped her off on her dad’s balcony so she didn’t have to watch him whine. Nike has things to do, man.
    Date of Birth: November 18th, 2000 makes Jourdan 15 years of age. She was born during the night, but who really keeps time when you’re a goddess with golden wings to polish and wreaths to reward?
    Place of Birth: Jourdan was technically born on Olympus, but her Mist-hyped birth certificate states that he was born in some public hospital prior to being ditched at her dad’s
    Hometown/Last Residence: Jourdan last lived in her hometown of Cleveland, Ohio before traveling to Camp Half-Blood. She lived in her dad’s apartment with the rest of her...family? Sure.

    Race/ethnicity: Jourdan is Swiss-German and English race-wise, since her grandfather was. She also carries some Jewish, Scottish, and Welsh traits from her grandmother. Regarding ethnicity, Jourdan would be American.
    Skin Tone: Jourdan’s skin is somewhat pale, though with a pinkish tint. She tans easily, though it is also more common for her to burn.
    Eye Color: Jourdan has medium grey eyes with hints of green.
    Hair Color: Combined with her grey eyes, Jourdan also has hair the color of wheat that often gets her mistaken as a daughter of Athena. She has natural lighter highlights that are more visible during the summer.
    Hair Length: Jourdan’s hair reaches around the top of her shoulders if she wears it straight. It breaks a lot in the winter, so it occasionally only reaches the end of her ears.
    Height: 5’6” (five feet, six inches). Jourdan is an average height.
    Weight: 127 lbs (one-hundred twenty-seven pounds)
    Body Type: Jourdan’s body type in general is pear/triangle-shaped. Her hips are wider than her bust, and her waist is well defined. She is also very thin.
    Appearance: The only thing that would make you be able to tell the Jourdan is a girl off sight is her hair, and even that is sometimes-y since it is shorter than average. Physically she has a feminine shape (slightly-wide hips, narrow waist, smaller bust) that she tends to cover with “boys’” clothing. Shirts, jeans, shorts, and all, Jourdan dresses like your average teenage male. On occasion, and usually for training purposes, she can be seen dressing a tad more “feminine” I guess. That basically means female athletic gear (I don’t like saying sports bra it sounds weird okay) with ladies’ jeans/leggings and a hoodie. She does wear women’s tennis shoes. Also all of her clothes are from the brand Nike because that’s how she rolls.
    Okay, without the style involved let’s get down to the nitty gritty. Jourdan has a narrow heart-shaped face with a straight nose, thin eyebrows, narrow eyes, and plump lips. She wears little to no make up, only going as far as Chapstick and eyeliner. Her body is fairly thin with small muscles, and her stomach his flat and fit though it pokes out a little when she breathes or sits. Her legs and arms are trained and toned from swordfights and rock climbing. Jourdan is also very sturdy despite her leanness, and does not get moved very easily.

    Accent: Jourdan’s accent is kind of funny - a mixture of Easterner slang mixed with those of the Midwest. It sounds like the stereotypical country accent combined with a relaxed Canadian socialite’s. It’s weird. She says words like “pop” for soda and “tennis shoes” for sneakers. Words with “t” in the middle sound distorted when pronounced (ie: “Canton” is “Can’en”, “Water” is “Wad’der”, etc.).
    Personality: Jourdan’s personality is all over the place, though never ditzy and frilly. She could be the most hardcore person you’ve ever met but then later on the most idle thing on the planet. She tries her hardest not to be in the spotlight and will go to all lengths not to be a main character in any story. She does, however, aim to be the best at everything she does - which kind of gets confusing. She thinks of herself as part of the stage crew, getting everything under her control while sticking behind the scenes.
    Skills/Talents: Physically challenging sports, strategic games, quick-thinker, betting, voicing opinions, recognizing strengths and weaknesses.
    Abilities Because her mother is Nike, she has a more lax version of Nike’s abilities. Instead of being able to tell who will be the victor of something off the back, Jourdan is able to guess the victor and have a 70% chance of her guess being correct. This is a passive ability that she doesn’t know about. It has, however, helped her win some bets.
    Fatal Flaw: Audacious
    -Withdrawn from people in general
    -Succumbs under pressure
    -Has trouble resisting challenges
    -Thin wiry frame
    Strengths: Seeing one’s strengths and weaknesses, understanding her own weaknesses and strengths, betting, disguises (heh, thanks to Dad), physically taxing activities.
    Weaknesses: Competitions, peer pressure, puppies, family, tailgating.
    Likes: General: Winning, avoiding attention, avoiding people, creative writing, basketball/the Cavaliers, competition, swearing, travel, weapons, Comic Con, superheroes. Food: Vegetarian-friendly foods. Activities: Demigod training, rock climbing, dirt biking, paintballing, team sports, cosplaying. Personal: Family, small groups of friends, journaling, scrapbooking.
    Dislikes: People who want attention, cowards, decision making, large crowds, glitter, bossiness, losing.
    Fears: Making the wrong decision, letting people down, complete darkness (she is afraid of the dark no joke).

     The Weird Stuff
    Weapon: Jourdan fights with a deadly sharp Celestial bronze xiphos that is kept on her left hip in a hand-made leather sheath.  The blade is 350mm (that’s about 13.8 inches), and the grip is rubber and fitted to Jourdan’s hand. The sword has neither magical abilities nor a name.
    Armor: Her armor is made of Celestial bronze and fits her form. Now, get that whole “WonderWoman” image out of your head right now. She has a set back home, but her actual armor will seriously protect her. She wears heavy full-body armor that protects her from shoulder to ankle, along with a Corinthian helmet without a plume. Without the armor covering her foot, she is left with a weak spot. Pretty sure Converse high tops won’t protect someone from a sword.
    Pet(s): Back home, Jourdan’s father managed to sneak in a fluffy little Corgi named “CORAL!” a la The Walking Dead. The capitals and exclamation point are included. Her father’s roommate and his sons also own three chorus frogs named Larry, Curly, and Moe because they think they’re funny.
    Powers: Oops, Jourdan has no powers.
    Social Status: Jourdan is lone wolf, but not the mysterious kind. She just like ignoring people and doing her own thing.
    Summer or Year Rounder: Jourdan switches every other year.
    Years at Camp: Jourdan has two beads on her leather necklace.
    Life Before Camp: There wasn’t too much of a tragic backstory for Jourdan. She didn’t grow up on the streets and fight illegally. She knew that her father loved her, and he showed it (sometimes a little too often). She liked her family even though it wasn’t technically hers, y’know? It was just something about it’s oddity that she found comforting.
    High school was just a little bit more difficult, but not much. A lot of the students and faculty didn’t accept Jourdan’s genderfluidity at first, which was to be expected since they were in Ohio. I’m also not throwing any shade at Ohio (I am I totally am). She was treated unfairly along with the other kids with different gender identities and sexualities. Eventually, Jourdan told her father about what was going on, and Wendell ditched the Star Trek convention and everything to have a conference with the Board of Education. He was dressed like Spock but somehow he got his point across, because the next day this whole anti-bullying thing went in action across the school. Jourdan was kind of appreciated after that. She hated the attention.
    With the demigodish-stuff, she first found at the beginning of ninth grade year. It was just after the Great Anti-Bullying Movement, so of course she was glad to be gone. Even if she didn’t know what exactly a demigod was.
    Wendell said it happened when he was in his lab inspecting anthrax from under a microscope. He happened to look away to record something when he discovered that his notes had been replaced with an envelope. Within it was a map with a simple phrase written messily on the back: “Bro her mom was a Greek goddess”. He looked towards the window of his lab and saw that one weird lab tech, Gale Rosewood, peeping through the glass pretty conspicuously. Wendell went out to talk to him about his weird note and surprise! Gale was a goat man.
    On the day that followed, a Friday, Wendell, Saul, Flint, and Solomon flew with Jourdan to Long Island to send her off.  It was very emotional for the guys, but Jourdan was excited to get out of Ohio so. She was claimed a week after arriving, and now lives in Cabin 17.
    Role-playing Example: A year ago, Jourdan wasn’t able to understand what was the big deal about her dad’s friend from work staying with them for a little bit after his witch of a wife divorced him. The guy had two sons, but what could go wrong right? Apparently, a lot could go wrong. To this day Solomon’s hair gel still ended up missing in the mornings, the space underneath Flint’s bed began to suspiciously smell of product and last night’s dinner, and Saul was a bathroom hogger. On the bright side, Jourdan’s dad was there as always flipping his Monday blueberry pancakes onto plates and spreading them with that special cream cheese Solomon picked up every Sunday after his show choir practice. Jourdan loved how her dad’s pancakes filled the apartment with their familiar smell, reminding her that somethings would remain the same even with the extra people in their home. She sat at the brown kitchen table and finished up the history homework that should have been done last Friday but, you know. Internet. She was almost finished with her conclusion paragraph that explained how John D. Rockefeller was more of a robber baron than a captain of industry when a shriek sounded through the living space. Jourdan, Wendell, and Saul’s heads shot up towards the hallway in time to see Solomon holding Flint in a headlock, cursing at him for hiding his hair things. Flint, despite, turning from red to purple, laughed and tossed the gel to his also laughing father. Saul caught the gel and waited until Solomon charged after him before tossing it to Wendell. Jourdan rolled her eyes and went back to finishing her essay. Sure, he gave some of his money to charity after he kicked the bucket, but the guy couldn’t be trusted. In conclu… Her statement ended right there. Why? There was a streak of blue jelly cutting across her entire paper. Wendell had thrown the gel to her without knowing whether she was looking. The laughter grew silent as Jourdan stared down at her paper in an emotionless way.
    “Look, Jourdan, I’m sorry…” Wendell tried, but Jourdan shook her head. Instead, she shook off some of the product, stuck it in a plastic bag, then her folder, then into her backpack.
    “I’m taking the bus to school.” Was all she said before taking her set of keys for the apartment and leaving without breakfast. She did, in addition, lick her hand and palm the stack of pancakes her dad had just finished. Heh. Jerks.
    > Jourdan was inspired from a Tumblr post.
    > I bought a slot.
    > Fc changes from Jennette McCurdy and Chloe Moretz.  


    Last edited by MoonMoon on 4/10/2015, 5:40 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Senior Member

    Number of posts : 2302
    Age : 35
    Registration date : 2014-12-31

    You Will Remember Me Empty Re: You Will Remember Me

    Post by Kwacken 4/9/2015, 1:40 pm

    I really, really didn't want to find anything wrong with this. It's perfect! Except that Twilight wasn't published until October of 2005.
    Role Playing Legend

    Number of posts : 14200
    Age : 25
    Registration date : 2011-08-04

    You Will Remember Me Empty Re: You Will Remember Me

    Post by daddeme 4/10/2015, 5:41 pm

    Whoops, I got ahead of myself. xD Edited!
    Senior Member

    Number of posts : 2302
    Age : 35
    Registration date : 2014-12-31

    You Will Remember Me Empty Re: You Will Remember Me

    Post by Kwacken 4/10/2015, 5:43 pm

    You Will Remember Me Seal-of-approval_zpsdaksgilo

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