A place for Percy Jackson and the Olympian fans to roleplay.

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    Titus Maximus


    Number of posts : 935
    Age : 2023
    Registration date : 2014-01-31

    Titus Maximus  Empty Titus Maximus

    Post by Brastus 5/27/2015, 6:15 pm

    Titus Claudius Maximus

    Titus Maximus  Cool-blonde-hair-men

    Name: TItus Claudius Maximus

    Nickname: Max due to his last name

    Age: 18 years old. He was born in August 5, 1996

    Gender: Male

    Eyes: Titus has sea-green eyes that seem to present an image of a classic lady killer. Contrary to popular belief he has extremelly poor eyesight and requires the use of contact lens or glasses to even see. He suffers from acute myopia. His eyesight is minus 7 in his left eye and minus 10 in his right eye. He often jokes that he is near blind.

    Hair: He usually keep his short blonde hair styled backwards. He mainly leaves his hair in an undercut hairstyle that is maintained in shape by the use of hair products.

    Height: Titus considered himself quite tall. He stands 188 Centimeters or 6 feet and 1 inch.

    Body Type: Titus is predominantly a mesomorph due to his v-shape torso, athletic figure and general fit form. He however has elements similar to those characteristic of endomorph due to the fact that he has a stockier upper body, compared to his lower body. Due to the combination of being a combination of an endomorph and a mesomorph, Titus is prone to gaining weight easily, be if fat and muscle.

    Skin Color: Titus has a mildly caucasian complexion. He tans easily.

    God Parent: Bellona, goddess of war, devastation and destruction

    Legacy of: Victoria, goddess of victory and triumphs.


    • Marcus Claudius Maximus - A middle aged son of Victoria  who became one of the richest citizens of the United States of America after using his powers to win several consecutive state lotteries in New York and California.  He naturally doesn't work much due to the wealth he has amassed, yet is an active gambler. While he is quite wealthy, Marcus does not live in a large mansion or owns a particularly big estate, instead he lives in flat in L.A. that while big for an apartment, is not baroque or gaudy in decorations or interiors. Marcus is a man who does not like to show off his money and instead enjoys using his money to travel the world and living debt free. He is cheerful, kind, easy-going, charming and a lover of friendly competition along with wine and women. He has never really married, not counting that one time he married a lady of the night ( prostitute) in Las Vegas after a night of debauchery and craziness. He is physically similar to his son being a tall and muscular individuals with  blonde hair and natural green eyes. His face claim is Nikolaj Coster Waldau.

    Country of Origin: USA


    • Gambling! ( due to his father's training he is considered a gambling prodigy)

    • Flirting

    • Seducing

    • Making friends

    • Playing Board Games

    • Talking

    • Fighting

    • Running

    • Swimming

    • Knows more or less when a person is lying

    • Has an Eidetic Memory

    • Is a good saxophone player yet is an even better trumpet player.

    • He can memorize his opponent's fighting styles and can use his memories to afterwards made predictions on what they next move will be. This is due to his eidetic memory and mastery of combat arts.

    • He is more persuasive than common people and can often win people over with just simple conversation.


    • Venoxa: Titus uses a special pilum spear made out of ash wood, which is considerably more durable than yew yet not as flexible, and Imperial Gold.


    • Bow and Arrow: As a son of the Goddess of War, Titus  is well versed in long range combat,  which  is why he mainly uses a modern, recurved bow fashioned from yew wood and some twenty tri-pronged arrows made out of yew as well yet tipped with imperial gold as his principal long range weapon.


    • Gladius Hispaniensis: This was the largest and heaviest of the gladii style of swords used by the Romans. His Gladiolus Hispaniesis is three feet long and made out of imperial gold, yet is painted steel so it doesn't shine. He has two of these and sometimes uses both in combat whenever he fights using his Dimachaerus style of combat.

    Gladii Hispaniensis:

    Personality: Titus considered himself to be an extraordinary specimen of nature. He is fearless before the face of battle and combat and indulges himself in the pleasures of life such as partying, gambling, flirting and drinking. Titus's love for the members of the opposite sex and those fleeting fancy moments of life, coupled with his straightforward and abrupt personality make Titus one of the more daring members of Camp Jupiter. By his own admission the only thing he fears is being rejected by a beautiful girl, and even then he laughs it off if it wasn't someone he really cared about.

    Titus is very charismatic and exuberant, almost always seen with a pleasant and friendly smile on his face. He likes to be on good terms with those around him and takes care to not soil any of his relationships, or if they do become strained then try to cease the damage caused to them. He cares greatly about those he considered his comrades and he would selfishly risk his life, his safety and his reputation for those he cares about. It's hard to actually get Titus angry or mad, but it has been said that when he is enraged he makes for a terrifying sight with his compassionate and friendly eyes becoming hollow and blazing, his lips tightening and his muscles tensing and the general air around him becoming heavy and tense.

    One of the chief attributes of Titus is his impulsive and passionate personality. He is a guy who lives for the thrills of life and rarely second-guesses his decisions, even if those decisions are bad or chaotic. In his beliefs he is quite stubborn and he refuses to live a life of fear and safety. This of course has lead him to trouble with other campers, but generally nothing serious. It goes without saying that Titus is incapable of hiding his emotions or feelings, which means he is a terrible lier, aside from when he is gambling of course. Though he pursues physical female companionship on a constant basis, Titus does not mistreat women and possesses a strong moral code. Yet, beyond his cockiness, there's an underlying sense of honor about him that creeps to the surface, especially in the presence of his mother. Though considered a diamond in the rough, he is kind, open and very optimistic.

    Yet perhaps the most important aspect of Titus is his way with love. Titus is one those individuals that when in-love, are warm, caring and attentive to detail. A Titus that is in love is a man who is utterly-and completely devoted to his partner. Sadly this has the effect of him becoming paranoid and easily succumb to jealousy. When he feels these emotions he turns to a clingy and possessive personality that irritates his partners further. Eventually, Titus's greatest failure is that he loves far too much and sadly often loves jointly. He commonly surrounds himself with people he is attracted to yet is loyal and a staunch monogamist.


    Physical Flaws

    • He has terrible eyesight.

    • His hands are bony and large.

    • He has a mole underneath his left eye

    • He has a large Gorbachev-Style birthmark on his left pectoral muscle.

    • He has a dimple that is split between his two left eyelids.

    Non Physical Flaws

    • Titus has a gambling problem. Even though he rarely loses he is addicted to gambling.

    • Is a risky gambler and sometimes makes outrageous wagers.

    • He is arrogant when fighting and has been known to belittle his opponents.

    • He is extremely passionate. This often leads to him turning violent and reckless if someone he cares about is hurt.

    • He is a poor judge of character and often thinks little of others, though he rarely says this.

    • Can be a narcissist.

    • Can be highly condescending.

    • Is prone to jealousy and clingyness.

    • Often changes partners of love.

    Fatal Flaw:

    • Titus is a person that loves way too much. He is someone that becomes fully vested into the other person when he is in love. While not generally a bad thing, such trust and investment of self over another person sometimes ends in tragic heart-breaks and subsequent depressions. He also becomes paranoid and clingy when he is in love, yet often dates more than one person at the same time.


    • Weapon-Mastery: Just by touching a weapon, Titus is capable of understanding how a weapon, or an object that can be used as a weapon, can function. He is capable of then adopting said weapon into his fighting style.


    • Telumkinesis: Titus is capable of manipulating his weapons telekinetically if they are within three meters of distance. He can also curse the weapons his enemies have and increase the sharpness of his weapons. In order to curse weapons he has to say the words in latin. For example if he wants to make the weapons his enemy is holding heat up and sizzle, he needs to say the word Ardens, and if he wants the weapon to lose it's edge, he has to say retusum. He only knows these two curses and can only cast one at a time. These curses have a cooldown of four posts and last about two posts. His telekinetic control can be used for one post and has a cooldown of two posts.

    • Victory's Dice: Titus is capable of increasing the chances of winning a fight, a game, a bet or a gamble by 40% for a maximum of three posts. Whenever he is playing a card game for example he would get better cards for three posts, while during fights he would gain a slight increase in skill and prowess. This has a codlin of six posts and have the additional effect of making Titus gain a faint white aura around his persona. White light allows him to camouflage his aura, meaning he can use this power best when he is surrounded by white light due to the fact that his opponents and adversaries wouldn't know when he is using his power.

    • Power-Augmentation: By channeling his bloodline Titus is capable of increasing his strength, speed and reaction time by 20% for three posts. This has a cooldown of four posts. Normally he is capable of bench-pressing around some high two hundred pounds low three hundred pounds. With his increased reflexes he is capable of dodging attacks much more easily. His standard running speed is 1 mile in five minutes.

    Years in Camp: 6 years

    Life Before CJ*: Titus was born on August 5 1996 and was the son of a demigod who became wealthy and famous for winning several state lotteries after using his powers to influence his chances of winning tremendously. He was born in the Sacred Temple of Bellona and afterwards was sent to this wealthy demigod who never really expected or even imagined he could be a father. At first Marcus, Titus's father, had no idea how he could raise a child and due to the highly competitive and busy atmosphere of New York, he decided to move to L.A. where he enrolled Titus into a common school and where Titus gained a couple of close friends who never really learned he was a descendant of some Roman gods. While Titus grew up surrounded by moderate comforts and pleasures, his father, who was a famed gambler in his own right, taught the young boy how to play several card games, of which Poker became Titus's favorite. Marcus and Titus eventually developed a very close relationship, with Marcus acting as both the father and the mother of Titus and encouraging him ( Titus) into doing whatever he wanted to do as long as it wasn't something criminal. Titus still has memories of his jolly and fun-loving father. Eventually, when Titus became eleven that is, Marcus abandoned Titus in a remote part of California for him to survive on his own. Unknown to Titus at that time, a pack of wolves that worked for Lupa were around the area. It were these same wolves whom brought  Titus to Lupa's where he learned the ways of Rome and become a legionnaire on his own right. While the Wolf Goddess was tough and militaristic with Titus, it eventually resulted in Titus becoming a successful student who learned everything he needed to learn after a year. Afterwards he entered the services of the legion and rose to become a full-fledged member of the force.

    RP Example*:

    The lights were white. The stakes high. It was just Titus and his rival that remained in the table. Everybody else had folded their hands and/or ran out of chips to play. The son of Bellona smirked to himself and placed his bet confidently. Ten coins, twice as much as his rival had placed before. Thought he knew it wouldn't really intimidate the other guy completely, it was just one of the many steps he needed to do in order to win. The last card was placed on the table and the last round of bets were placed, Yet it was at this second that Titus gained a faint white gold, impossible to detect due to the bright light of the room. It had been as he wanted. The other guy grumbled to himself before screaming in shock. The son of Bellona had just won the round with an astonishing Four of a Kind of Queens!

    Any notes about your characters: None

    Last edited by Brastus on 5/28/2015, 12:55 am; edited 3 times in total
    Role Playing Legend

    Number of posts : 23711
    Age : 27
    Registration date : 2010-07-05

    Titus Maximus  Empty Re: Titus Maximus

    Post by Shade 5/27/2015, 10:58 pm

    Poison on the spear? No sorry, not unless you bought like a special weapon or something.

    Going to have to say no to this one, it really just sounds like you're saying he has a silver tongue which could be a talent but it doesn't mean he can manipulate people all the time.

    Combat mastery sounds more like a talent. He just knows a lot of fighting styles, it's more of an after effect of his touch and learn ability.

    For the victory one because he's a legacy of Victoria drop it down to about 40%

    Augmentation one, okay so it increases by 20% sure but what is his normal speed, his normal strength?

    LBC: only thing here is I don't think your parents being you straight to Lupa, part of the whole thing is them finding the wolf house or the wolves finding him. So maybe say his dad brought him to the forest and then he made it to the wolf house by himself or something?

    Number of posts : 935
    Age : 2023
    Registration date : 2014-01-31

    Titus Maximus  Empty Re: Titus Maximus

    Post by Brastus 5/28/2015, 12:17 am

    Role Playing Legend

    Number of posts : 23711
    Age : 27
    Registration date : 2010-07-05

    Titus Maximus  Empty Re: Titus Maximus

    Post by Shade 5/28/2015, 12:28 am

    Last thing, the 1 mile in 3 minutes is a no go. the fastest recorded time is 3:43. i'd be alright with like 4:30 for his standard time. that's like a very good high school cross country runner.

    Number of posts : 935
    Age : 2023
    Registration date : 2014-01-31

    Titus Maximus  Empty Re: Titus Maximus

    Post by Brastus 5/28/2015, 12:55 am

    Role Playing Legend

    Number of posts : 23711
    Age : 27
    Registration date : 2010-07-05

    Titus Maximus  Empty Re: Titus Maximus

    Post by Shade 5/28/2015, 1:06 am

    Titus Maximus  Large

    Approved Until Stated Otherwise
    Morgan Landry
    Morgan Landry
    High Queen of Narnia

    Number of posts : 15908
    Registration date : 2011-12-31

    Titus Maximus  Empty Re: Titus Maximus

    Post by Morgan Landry 5/29/2015, 9:20 am

    Your character has been assigned to the 4th Cohort!

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