A place for Percy Jackson and the Olympian fans to roleplay.

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    Megan Meyers - Dionysus (Edit #3)

    Junior Member

    Number of posts : 142
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    Megan Meyers - Dionysus (Edit #3) Empty Megan Meyers - Dionysus (Edit #3)

    Post by Harch20 5/31/2016, 5:05 pm

    Name: Megan Meyers

    Age: 17

    Gender: Female

    Eyes: dark brown almost black

    Hair: dark brown like ebony wood

    Height: 5’6

    Body Type: Slender with long legs

    Skin Color: lightly tanned


    God Parent: Dionysus

    Mortal Parent: Sherry Meyers a show girl from Vegas that loved drinking and partying

    Country of Origin: USA

    Pets: small Bengal kitten

    Talents: making money through weird jobs, negotiating, speed reading, talking with random people, making tasty drinks, drinking a lot without getting a really bad hangover

    Weapon**: Celestial bronze knife that changes into necklace

    Megan usually doesn’t care that much about what other people think or feel. She is usually brutally honest and yet when she really tries she can be nice. Megan is dyslexic and yet can still read very fast. But she doesn’t usually use her reading ability and much prefers to have fun and be crazy. When faced with any sort of conflict she resorts to violence almost always last. She prefers to talk her way out of things (mostly responsibilities). Megan also loves to party all the time. She would have a non-stop party if she could. She enjoys the rush and fun of a giant crazy dance. Yet a chaotic mob would suit the same thrill. Overall Megan doesn’t really have any life goals at the moment. She had wanted to go to college before but kind of gave up on it. Now she is just living in the moment and riding the coat tails of camp.

    Flaws: is sometimes careless with important things, doesn’t always care about others feelings or thoughts, not strong with any weapons besides her knife, is not good at math at all

    Life Before Camp*:
    Megan was born in Las Vegas and lived with her mother who was a show girl in a casino. When she was little she had many late nights waiting for her mom to get home and put her to bed. Then when she was older (about 11) she also helped at a restaurant attached to the casino after school. Her uncle owned it and his kids helped out too. She would wipe down tables, wash dishes and sometimes man the cash register. At school she had okay grades but spent most of her time socializing. She had a big squad of friends that all were similar minded when it came to parties. There were a lot of parties and events that she went to. Since there were usually a lot of teenagers there were also a lot of under age drinking. Megan didn’t mind and found out she could actually hold a lot of alcohol better then most of her older comrades. This stayed a little secret to her hoping her mom wouldn’t find out her interesting talent. Then when she was about 15 a new guy came in and started coming everyday. She didn’t know him that well but one day he asked to speak to her mom. Thinking she was in trouble she freaked out as she told her mom. The two later talked without Megan knowing what was going on. The satyr told her mom that he had been looking for her for a while and explained she had to come to camp to be safe. He said he had picked up her scent and finally found her.  Then her mom announced she was going on a vacation for the summer. A little bewildered Megan just went along with it. Apparently the guy was an old family friend and was taking her to New York. She was suprised but trusted her mom and did what she was told. Her mom gave her some money she had one and sent her shopping. She went on a big shopping and bought a ton of new clothes. Megan packed and was off in the next few days on train to catch a flight in California. On the train ride the guy revealed the other world to her behind the mist. It freaked her out but she was surprisingly okay with it. Then he let her know he was a satyr and they were really going to Camp Half-Blood.  During a rest stop something caught her eye. There was a little stray spotted kitten. She called to it and it came to her. She played with it for a while and brought it up into the room. Despite the concern from her satyr she decided to keep it. The next day they went to Camp Half-Blood where she was claimed.

    RP Example*:
    Megan walked on a dirt trail making a bunch of dust come up behind her. It was just starting to be summer and a nice breeze blew against her back. Behind her she rolled two suitcases and she was also carrying a dufflel bag. It was a lot of stuff but she had just went on a spending spree. Plus she was planning on staying her for at least a year. Going back and fourth between here and her home across the country would get really expensive. So along she went walking along towards a building not to far away. It was a huge house and where her satyr had pointed for her to go. Then she heard a little mew before a small fluffy head popped up from her unzipped duffel bag. It was tiny spotted cat looking around at the new surroundings. Previously it had been sleeping and just woke up. Megan stopped and allowed the cat to jump out from the bag before continuing on. The small kitten went to following her and finally they made it to the building. She took the bag from her shoulder and dropped it to the ground before quickly going up the steps. Arriving on a porch she looked around but didn’t see anyone. Then stepping forward she went up and knocked loudly on the doors.

    Any notes about your characters: none

    Last edited by Harch20 on 6/2/2016, 7:16 pm; edited 13 times in total
    Mr. Moseby
    Majestic Unicorn Queen

    Number of posts : 43512
    Age : 2023
    Registration date : 2008-09-13

    Megan Meyers - Dionysus (Edit #3) Empty Re: Megan Meyers - Dionysus (Edit #3)

    Post by Kendall 5/31/2016, 5:49 pm

    - She has to be dyslexic if she's gonna be able to read Ancient Greek at all.

    Add another flaw.

    - Nobody would let a kid help out at a casino -- if they get caught by supervisors or police they could easily be investigated/fined, which would not be an ideal situation for anyone involved.
    - What did the satyr and her mother talk about behind her back? Was he just explaining the situation?
    - Why didn't they immediately go to the camp after arriving in NYC? It's unsafe to have a demigod over the age of 13 that knows her identity as such out of camp for very long at all.
    - ... How did she find an underground casino?
    Junior Member

    Number of posts : 142
    Age : 22
    Registration date : 2015-05-17

    Megan Meyers - Dionysus (Edit #3) Empty Re: Megan Meyers - Dionysus (Edit #3)

    Post by Harch20 5/31/2016, 6:06 pm

    Okay I edited it and I think I fixed everything.
    Mr. Moseby
    Majestic Unicorn Queen

    Number of posts : 43512
    Age : 2023
    Registration date : 2008-09-13

    Megan Meyers - Dionysus (Edit #3) Empty Re: Megan Meyers - Dionysus (Edit #3)

    Post by Kendall 5/31/2016, 9:13 pm

    - "Unlike most demigods Megan is dyslexic but can still read very fast." --> You mean like most demigods?

    - How old was she when she started working at the restaurant?
    - The satyr had been looking for Megan? Had he picked up her scent, or...?
    - Why did Megan willingly go with him without any context? She hardly knew the guy, so her mom just randomly sending her off with him would seem out of character or very strange.
    - Since they're so close to camp, I doubt the satyr would have to meet up with anyone to talk about another demigod -- there are other satyrs capable of taking up that assignment, or they could have just IMed each other. His goal would probably be to bring her in first, instead of stalling in an area where monsters probably roamed all the time.
    - ... She gambled where now?
    Junior Member

    Number of posts : 142
    Age : 22
    Registration date : 2015-05-17

    Megan Meyers - Dionysus (Edit #3) Empty Re: Megan Meyers - Dionysus (Edit #3)

    Post by Harch20 5/31/2016, 9:25 pm

    I fixed it again hope everything’s good. I have just a few notes:

    -I just decided that she is not dyslexic and she can’t read Greek
    -I know it’s unlikely they would stop in the city but would it still be fine if they did? I can’t see it being that big of a problem and probably something a teenager would do.
    Mr. Moseby
    Majestic Unicorn Queen

    Number of posts : 43512
    Age : 2023
    Registration date : 2008-09-13

    Megan Meyers - Dionysus (Edit #3) Empty Re: Megan Meyers - Dionysus (Edit #3)

    Post by Kendall 5/31/2016, 10:34 pm

    - She sort of has to be able to read Greek? Otherwise she'll miss out on quite a few details while at camp.
    - It sort of would be an issue. The satyr's job is to get her to camp as soon/safely as possible. By staying a few days, they risk getting attacked by monsters. Since she knows she's a demigod and she's over the age of 13 (around the time most demigods should be claimed) her scent would be much stronger.

    - Was she working under the table at the restaurant? It's sort of illegal to have kids working anywhere if they're under the age of 16 unless their family owns the place.
    - ... It's also illegal for a 15 year old to gamble, so I highly doubt she would have been able to win money from a casino to go on a shopping spree.
    Junior Member

    Number of posts : 142
    Age : 22
    Registration date : 2015-05-17

    Megan Meyers - Dionysus (Edit #3) Empty Re: Megan Meyers - Dionysus (Edit #3)

    Post by Harch20 5/31/2016, 10:44 pm

    Notes response:
    -It would make it harder and definitely challenge her. But I couldn't find anything that said it was mandatory so I'm going to keep her reading only English.
    -I couldn't tell from your note but are you saying this definitely can't happen or it's unlikely. because if they stay there is a Chance of them getting attacked but it isn't definite.

    LBC response:
    -I can fix the top one
    -Even though it is illegal i think she would be able to do it. There are many cases of adolescents gambling and winning quite a bit of money.
    Mr. Moseby
    Majestic Unicorn Queen

    Number of posts : 43512
    Age : 2023
    Registration date : 2008-09-13

    Megan Meyers - Dionysus (Edit #3) Empty Re: Megan Meyers - Dionysus (Edit #3)

    Post by Kendall 6/2/2016, 7:00 pm

    - Considering that there's no known cases of any canon Greek demigods not being able to read Ancient Greek, that would be an indicator that it is a standard trait.
    - Very, very unlikely -- nigh impossible, since it would be incredibly unreasonable for a satyr to tarry too long in one spot with a demigod.

    - As the daughter of two casino dealers, I can tell you that in most cases they often get caught pretty quick and booted out (and I doubt she'd be able to cash in)... so you're gonna need to change it.
    Junior Member

    Number of posts : 142
    Age : 22
    Registration date : 2015-05-17

    Megan Meyers - Dionysus (Edit #3) Empty Re: Megan Meyers - Dionysus (Edit #3)

    Post by Harch20 6/2/2016, 7:17 pm

    Okay fixed it again.
    Mr. Moseby
    Majestic Unicorn Queen

    Number of posts : 43512
    Age : 2023
    Registration date : 2008-09-13

    Megan Meyers - Dionysus (Edit #3) Empty Re: Megan Meyers - Dionysus (Edit #3)

    Post by Kendall 6/2/2016, 7:20 pm


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