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    What Will Come From the Ashes? (Private)

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    What Will Come From the Ashes? (Private) Empty What Will Come From the Ashes? (Private)

    Post by QMeetsWorld 2/8/2017, 2:47 am

    What Will Come From the Ashes? (Private) Tumblr_ok5as0LVR21vt1wwko2_250What Will Come From the Ashes? (Private) Tumblr_ok5as0LVR21vt1wwko8_250

    Dallas was fairly certain that he had made it to the right place. Even from outside, he could feel the heat radiating from inside. Dallas was pacing outside the door, waiting for Jedidiah. Was she going to show up? Was she just messing with him? Did he care at all? The son of Psyche shook his head to shake the thoughts away. His mind was everywhere as he looked around, hoping to catch a glimpse of Jedidiah approaching the forge. "Please show up." He whispered to himself.

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    What Will Come From the Ashes? (Private) Empty Re: What Will Come From the Ashes? (Private)

    Post by Green 2/8/2017, 2:56 am

    What Will Come From the Ashes? (Private) Michaela-Pratt-how-to-get-away-with-murder-37620246-245-150
    "I see you're already here." Jedidiah stated as she walked up to the steampunk styled forge where Dallas was waiting outside of. "Ready to go in?" Without waiting for an answer, Jedidiah walked into the forge. The humidity of the building washed over her as she smiled and nodded to a couple of Hephaestus kids that she knew personally. "So, do you know what you want for a weapon?"
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    What Will Come From the Ashes? (Private) Empty Re: What Will Come From the Ashes? (Private)

    Post by QMeetsWorld 2/8/2017, 2:41 pm

    What Will Come From the Ashes? (Private) Tumblr_ok5as0LVR21vt1wwko2_250What Will Come From the Ashes? (Private) Tumblr_ok5as0LVR21vt1wwko8_250

    Dallas stumbled in behind Jedidiah, stumbling over his feet trying to keep up. Jedidiah smiled at a few of the people that they walked past. They were all sturdy and had worked hands. Dallas nodded to the ones that Jedidiah smiled at as they hurried past. "Oh, um, no. I don't know." Dallas sputtered out.

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    What Will Come From the Ashes? (Private) Empty Re: What Will Come From the Ashes? (Private)

    Post by Green 2/8/2017, 3:00 pm

    What Will Come From the Ashes? (Private) Michaela-Pratt-how-to-get-away-with-murder-37620246-245-150
    "Well, there's the kopis, spear, shield, xiphios, javelin and other orthodox Greek weapons." Jedidiah gesutered to the different ones that was on the walls of the forge. "Just pick one. Most demigods chose the xiphios. That's basically your typical sword."
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    What Will Come From the Ashes? (Private) Empty Re: What Will Come From the Ashes? (Private)

    Post by QMeetsWorld 2/8/2017, 10:30 pm

    What Will Come From the Ashes? (Private) Tumblr_ok5as0LVR21vt1wwko2_250What Will Come From the Ashes? (Private) Tumblr_ok5as0LVR21vt1wwko8_250

    Dallas finally caught up and was able to get his stammering under control. "That one, then. The common one, because I am normal." Dallas said, taking the final breaths to get his breathing down and under control. Now that he was walking with Jedidiah and not running at her heels, Dallas could look around the forge. It was amazing. There were so many different kinds of weapons. The Hephaestus children were pulling pieces of true at from the flames. It was all amazing.

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    What Will Come From the Ashes? (Private) Empty Re: What Will Come From the Ashes? (Private)

    Post by Green 2/8/2017, 11:12 pm

    What Will Come From the Ashes? (Private) Michaela-Pratt-how-to-get-away-with-murder-37620246-245-150
    "You're far from normal. Even by demigod's standards." Jedidiah pointed out as she walked over to a already made xiphios and came back, handing it to Dallas. "You'll get your body armor and shield when you train with the Ares' kids. That should be fun for you."
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    What Will Come From the Ashes? (Private) Empty Re: What Will Come From the Ashes? (Private)

    Post by QMeetsWorld 2/8/2017, 11:46 pm

    What Will Come From the Ashes? (Private) Tumblr_ok5as0LVR21vt1wwko2_250What Will Come From the Ashes? (Private) Tumblr_ok5as0LVR21vt1wwko8_250

    Dallas took the sword from Jedidiah, almost dropping it. "Wow, this is heavy." Dallas grumbled as he listened to Jedidiah talk. He gulped lightly. He didn't know all the Greek gods, but one of the ones that he did know was Ares. "That will be arguably one of the worst days of my life." Dallas looked down at the sword in his hands. "Jedidiah, what if I'm no good at all this?"

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    What Will Come From the Ashes? (Private) Empty Re: What Will Come From the Ashes? (Private)

    Post by Green 2/9/2017, 12:00 am

    What Will Come From the Ashes? (Private) Michaela-Pratt-how-to-get-away-with-murder-37620246-245-150
    The daughter of Athena actually laughed and shook her head. "Oh, boy. If you can't fight, then you'll die." Jedidiah was very serious with that statement. "This isn't a game. No one knows whether they'll see December or if they turn eighteen." She pulled off her ring and activated her spear. Twirling it with ease, she rested the spear on the ground and sighed. "We all had to learn."
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    What Will Come From the Ashes? (Private) Empty Re: What Will Come From the Ashes? (Private)

    Post by QMeetsWorld 2/9/2017, 11:52 am

    What Will Come From the Ashes? (Private) Tumblr_ok5as0LVR21vt1wwko2_250What Will Come From the Ashes? (Private) Tumblr_ok5as0LVR21vt1wwko8_250

    Dallas laughed. "You better not be underestimating me. Only I can do that." Dallas joked. His eyes grew wide, though, as he watched Jedidiah's spear appear in her hand. "Dude, how does it do that? Can I do that?" Dallas said, looking at the sword in his hands. It was finally starting to feel comfortable in his hands and not feel absolutely foreign.

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    What Will Come From the Ashes? (Private) Empty Re: What Will Come From the Ashes? (Private)

    Post by Green 2/9/2017, 1:03 pm

    What Will Come From the Ashes? (Private) Michaela-Pratt-how-to-get-away-with-murder-37620246-245-150
    "No, you can't do that. Your weapon is common, right, just like you?" Jedidiah teased back, giving him a small smile. She deactivated her spear and slipped her ring back on. "Maybe one day."
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    What Will Come From the Ashes? (Private) Empty Re: What Will Come From the Ashes? (Private)

    Post by QMeetsWorld 2/9/2017, 1:41 pm

    What Will Come From the Ashes? (Private) Tumblr_ok5as0LVR21vt1wwko2_250What Will Come From the Ashes? (Private) Tumblr_ok5as0LVR21vt1wwko8_250

    Dallas raised an eyebrow at her. "I knew you were something special." Dallas said. He set the sword down on the table next to him, for the first time felling comfortable enough to pull the blade from its holder. It was bright and shiny and the handle was a dark silver metal with a red gem set in it. It was an orangy-red and it reminded him of the dirt back in Arizona. He smiled lightly.

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    What Will Come From the Ashes? (Private) Empty Re: What Will Come From the Ashes? (Private)

    Post by Green 2/9/2017, 4:59 pm

    What Will Come From the Ashes? (Private) Michaela-Pratt-how-to-get-away-with-murder-37620246-245-150
    Jedidiah blushed at the sudden compliment and turned her body away from Dallas' so he didn't have to see, though her aura was a mix of different shades of orange and hints of pink. "...When you've stayed here long enough, eventually you'll get to have a personalized weapon. Those are the best."
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    What Will Come From the Ashes? (Private) Empty Re: What Will Come From the Ashes? (Private)

    Post by QMeetsWorld 2/10/2017, 3:05 am

    What Will Come From the Ashes? (Private) Tumblr_ok5as0LVR21vt1wwko2_250What Will Come From the Ashes? (Private) Tumblr_ok5as0LVR21vt1wwko8_250

    Dallas  looked back up at the daughter of Athena. "Did you like what I said?" Dallas asked. He wasn't very good at keeping his thoughts to himself, and that was an example of such. He had seen the change in Jedidiah's emotions, and he really like the change. The son of Psyche smiled to himself, and looked back down at his sword.

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    What Will Come From the Ashes? (Private) Empty Re: What Will Come From the Ashes? (Private)

    Post by Green 2/10/2017, 3:24 am

    What Will Come From the Ashes? (Private) Michaela-Pratt-how-to-get-away-with-murder-37620246-245-150
    "No." She quickly denied and looked over her shoulder at Dallas. Jed fully turned around to look at him. "How does your weapon feel? Good, I hope. There's different sizes made for different body heights and sizes."
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    What Will Come From the Ashes? (Private) Empty Re: What Will Come From the Ashes? (Private)

    Post by QMeetsWorld 2/10/2017, 12:36 pm

    What Will Come From the Ashes? (Private) Tumblr_ok5as0LVR21vt1wwko2_250What Will Come From the Ashes? (Private) Tumblr_ok5as0LVR21vt1wwko8_250

    Dallas looked down nervously. Jedidiah's response made Dallas realize that it probably something that he should have said out loud. Dallas picked up the sword again, testing its size and weight. "It feels strangely... right. Like I was meant to have a sword." Dallas set the sword back down gingerly and nervously. Dallas ran his hand back through his hair.

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    What Will Come From the Ashes? (Private) Empty Re: What Will Come From the Ashes? (Private)

    Post by Green 2/10/2017, 1:58 pm

    What Will Come From the Ashes? (Private) Michaela-Pratt-how-to-get-away-with-murder-37620246-245-150
    The daughter of Athena turned back to look at Dallas and nodded his head. "Right, well, let's go look around camp, then." Jedidiah led Dallas out of the humid forge and stopped. "Alright, so the cabins are over there. Don't look directly at the Apollo cabin or you'll go blind." She was boarder line joking. "Uh the dining pavilion is the building with the pillars and of course you went to the big house."

    Last edited by Green on 2/10/2017, 6:05 pm; edited 1 time in total
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    What Will Come From the Ashes? (Private) Empty Re: What Will Come From the Ashes? (Private)

    Post by QMeetsWorld 2/10/2017, 4:36 pm

    What Will Come From the Ashes? (Private) Tumblr_ok5as0LVR21vt1wwko2_250What Will Come From the Ashes? (Private) Tumblr_ok5as0LVR21vt1wwko8_250

    Dallas slid his sword in his sheath and strapped it around their waist for convenience of carrying it. Dallas hurried his way out of the forge and caught up with the daughter of Athena. He took strong note of what Jedidiah was pointing out. He wasn't one to forget things, but he knew that he could not forget any of this. This was his new home.

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    What Will Come From the Ashes? (Private) Empty Re: What Will Come From the Ashes? (Private)

    Post by Green 2/10/2017, 6:13 pm

    What Will Come From the Ashes? (Private) Michaela-Pratt-how-to-get-away-with-murder-37620246-245-150
    "And over there are the arenas. Now, the arenas have four distant areas: sword fighting which is usually occupied by children of Ares and Athena. After that, you have the wrestling ring. Luckily, people are clothed unlike how they were back in ancient Greece. Next you have the archery range where the Apollo kids mostly hang out. Finally, you have the power developing area where those who don't have powers can try their hand at them and those who do can tone them and become even more formidable. Questions?" Jedidiah turned to look over at Dallas to make sure he was understanding what she was saying.
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    What Will Come From the Ashes? (Private) Empty Re: What Will Come From the Ashes? (Private)

    Post by QMeetsWorld 2/11/2017, 1:11 am

    What Will Come From the Ashes? (Private) Tumblr_ok5as0LVR21vt1wwko2_250What Will Come From the Ashes? (Private) Tumblr_ok5as0LVR21vt1wwko8_250

    Dallas swallowed and shook his head when Jedidiah asked if he had any questions for her. "Actually, wait, just one. Do you actually know everything, or do you just talk like you do?" Dallas asked earnestly. He wasn't saying it sarcastically. He meant it. Dallas wasn't used to having an intellectual superior.

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    What Will Come From the Ashes? (Private) Empty Re: What Will Come From the Ashes? (Private)

    Post by Green 2/11/2017, 1:59 am

    What Will Come From the Ashes? (Private) Michaela-Pratt-how-to-get-away-with-murder-37620246-245-150
    "My mother's the goddess of wisdom and intelligence. It would be embarrassing if I weren't smarter than you." Jedidiah pointed out quickly. "What? You haven't met anyone that's smarter than you? Well prepared to be humbled because there are a lot of people here who are." The daughter of Athena looked over at Dallas. "Anymore questions?"
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    What Will Come From the Ashes? (Private) Empty Re: What Will Come From the Ashes? (Private)

    Post by QMeetsWorld 2/11/2017, 1:35 pm

    What Will Come From the Ashes? (Private) Tumblr_ok5as0LVR21vt1wwko2_250What Will Come From the Ashes? (Private) Tumblr_ok5as0LVR21vt1wwko8_250

    Dallas sighed and looked off to the side. "I mean, I guess I'll just have to get used to it. I've always been just as smart as Allison, but I fear that since coming here, she has made leaps and bounds past me. At some point her DNA was bound to surpass my developed nature." The son of Psyche sighed a bit. "Oh, uh, no other questions." Dallas said, passingly.

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    What Will Come From the Ashes? (Private) Empty Re: What Will Come From the Ashes? (Private)

    Post by Green 2/11/2017, 2:02 pm

    What Will Come From the Ashes? (Private) Michaela-Pratt-how-to-get-away-with-murder-37620246-245-150
    Jedidiah slowly raised an eyebrow. She wanted to feel sympathy for him, but it was hard to. She liked when people got brought down a size. Someone had to do the same thing to her when she first arrived at Camp Half-Blood two and a half years ago. "Good." Jedidiah took in a deep breath and looked back over the landscape. After some thought, she decided to start walking toward the common area of camp. "This is where most everybody hangs out."
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    What Will Come From the Ashes? (Private) Empty Re: What Will Come From the Ashes? (Private)

    Post by QMeetsWorld 2/11/2017, 10:38 pm

    What Will Come From the Ashes? (Private) Tumblr_ok5as0LVR21vt1wwko2_250What Will Come From the Ashes? (Private) Tumblr_ok5as0LVR21vt1wwko8_250

    Dallas watched the people in the common area. What he found the most insane was how all the demigods didn't have anything in common except that they were all demigods. They all looked different, they all talked different, and they all had weird special abilities. The son of Psyche looked at Jedidiah. "What is your favorite place?"

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    What Will Come From the Ashes? (Private) Empty Re: What Will Come From the Ashes? (Private)

    Post by Green 2/11/2017, 11:18 pm

    What Will Come From the Ashes? (Private) Michaela-Pratt-how-to-get-away-with-murder-37620246-245-150
    The daughter of Athena thought about the question that Dallas asked her. "Honestly? It's between my cabin and the library." She looked over at Dallas, then over at the basketball court. She smirked, nodding her head to an African American demigod. "That's Lorne. He's a real ladies man, but lately he's been hanging around Jackson." Lorne had come up behind Jackson who had the ball in his hand and tried to get it away from him. "Hm, anyway, what do you like doing?"
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    What Will Come From the Ashes? (Private) Empty Re: What Will Come From the Ashes? (Private)

    Post by QMeetsWorld 2/13/2017, 12:46 am

    What Will Come From the Ashes? (Private) Tumblr_ok5as0LVR21vt1wwko2_250What Will Come From the Ashes? (Private) Tumblr_ok5as0LVR21vt1wwko8_250

    Dallas watched as Lorne and Jackson fought over the ball, making little snarks at each other the whole time. "They look happy." Dallas commented, wondering what is like to feel that way for someone. "Um... I like learning, obviously. I'm really good at chemistry and forensics. I also like swimming and playing piano." Dallas felt weird explaining himself. He was so used to Arizona where everyone knew him already. He wasn't used to people not knowing him.

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