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    It's Bigger on the Outside

    Rick Sanchez
    Rick Sanchez
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    It's Bigger on the Outside Empty It's Bigger on the Outside

    Post by Rick Sanchez 4/9/2019, 1:53 pm

    "Can you make something that's bigger on the inside?"

    His sister inquired him. Rick turned in her direction, giving her an extremely perplexed expression, as if she had just offended his intelligence, which she did.

    "Of course I can make something that's bigger on the inside! It's not even rocket science, it's just quantum physics." Rick scoffed. After the both of them became dedicated fans of Doctor Who, Reyna's always been inquiring her brother about building a TARDIS. Rick was a genius, and not just any genius, but one of the best of the geniuses. Of course, an object that's bigger on the inside breaks all laws of physics, but when you're children of the gods themselves, the job becomes simpler.

    "Okay, then, why don't you make something that's smaller on the inside?"

    "NOW YOU'RE TALKING!" Rick jumped, bolting out of his bed like an insane idea had just struck him. Bigger on the inside? Piece of cake. Bigger on the outside? Now that's a real challenge. That's all that he's been thinking about for the past 6 weeks, building, stealing components from the Hephaestus workshops and his siblings' blueprints. He needed a real functional TARDIS, and eventually,

    he did it.

    As he pulled the lever inside the cramped chamber, the machine came to life, roaring with the same wheezing and groaning as it did in the series. Pride would not describe how he feels right now. Fortunately as well, he was in the middle of the workshop at midnight, after having broken in, carrying the TARDIS using a trolley, and took the parts to complete his work. Now he can get out of here undetected by simply dematerialising and reappearing on the other side of the camp in the Athena cabin. Easy peasy.

    As he opened the TARDIS doors, he was interrupted by a voice, making him freeze, realising that he had once again failed to break into the secure Hephaestus cabin, and this time he'll be washing the dishes for 6 months straight.
    Junior Member

    Number of posts : 175
    Age : 26
    Registration date : 2015-12-09

    It's Bigger on the Outside Empty Re: It's Bigger on the Outside

    Post by Jinjaku 4/9/2019, 3:34 pm

    About to head to bed, Jin was interrupted by the noise of a very familiar noise, a noise he had only heard when watching his favourite show on tv. That show was called doctor who and no other show compared in his opinion.

    Hearing the wheezing and groaning noise that was only made by one machine, the TARDIS. He made his way towards the noise if only because of his hope that the doctor was not as fictional as the show presented and that he would be whisked away on dangerous life-threatening adventures with the time lord.

    "Oi, please tell me you're the Doctor".
    Rick Sanchez
    Rick Sanchez
    Dedicated Member

    Number of posts : 1520
    Age : 22
    Registration date : 2015-10-06

    It's Bigger on the Outside Empty Re: It's Bigger on the Outside

    Post by Rick Sanchez 4/10/2019, 1:40 pm

    “The Doctor? Doctor who?”

    He glanced at the person in the dark, relieved that it wasn’t a child of Hephaestus. He wondered how they managed to break in the same way he did. Then again, if this person heard the TARDIS’ materialising, then the entire camp must’ve heard it as well. As the realisation hit him, he pointed at the other person,

    “You! Get in the box, now!” Rick hurried inside the cramped space, which comprised of a telephone that is in reality a telepathic interface used to fly the TARDIS. As the sound of curious campers began to get closer, he waited until the person rushed inside and the TARDIS made her standard vworping sound as she bailed out of there, reappearing running on silent mode inside the Athena cabin’s workshop.

    “Hah, close one.”
    Junior Member

    Number of posts : 175
    Age : 26
    Registration date : 2015-12-09

    It's Bigger on the Outside Empty Re: It's Bigger on the Outside

    Post by Jinjaku 4/11/2019, 2:12 am

    Getting closer, to the TARDIS, Jin was able to see that it was not the TARDIS he thought it was. This one seemed to be made out of different materials as if someone used spare parts laying around a junkyard.

    “The Doctor? The doctor who?” *Okay yes, he did the thing but that definitely confirms its not The doctor. "If you aren't him who are you then? Jin asked before he was cut off by the mad man in the box.

    Get inside with you no way! he responded but as he heard the noise of approaching campers, he wondered why not, this could be the adventure he was waiting for and with that rushed into the machine.

    Holy Forkballs it's bigger on the inside. Jin exclaimed before shrugging and explaining that he had always wanted to say that if he were ever in a TARDIS.
    Rick Sanchez
    Rick Sanchez
    Dedicated Member

    Number of posts : 1520
    Age : 22
    Registration date : 2015-10-06

    It's Bigger on the Outside Empty Re: It's Bigger on the Outside

    Post by Rick Sanchez 4/11/2019, 1:42 pm

    [ooc: it's not bigger on the inside, it's smaller lmao]


    He jumped at the sound of someone yelling at him. It was in the middle of the night. For some reason, Reyna was still dressed in jeans and a Camp t-shirt, even though her messy hair and posture suggests she has been sleeping.

    "Where the hell have you been?"

    "I've been to the Hephaestus workshop. I just finished the TARDIS! It's smaller on the inside, just as promised." Rick leaned against it, slapping the box twice as a symbol of pride.

    "Oh, and this is my new companion, err-what was your name again?"

    "Rick, that was ten days ago!" she sighed. "Ok, listen. You, I mean the you right now, is sleeping over their on our bunk." Reyna pointed to a figure, who slept like he was dead over her own bunk. The hair, the bowtie outfit in his sleep, yep, that was him.

    "You also told me about this. To prepare when this happens. All of this is really complicated "timey wimey" stuff, as you called it. Anyway, now, you gotta go back ten days and take me with you. And Jin as well. Before you ask, yes, I know your name. I'm from the future. Well no, I'm in the present, you're in the future. Anyway, I can't tell you what will happen because spoilers, so just go back in time, and you'll pick up the pieces along the way."


    As she headed back to bed, Rick turned his attention back to his new companion, grinning like a 12-year-old. "Come on. Into the box." As he hushed the person inside, he pulled the lever and the TARDIS began to disappear again, returning to ten days earlier at the same location.

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