A place for Percy Jackson and the Olympian fans to roleplay.

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    Laxyak's Characters


    Number of posts : 650
    Age : 33
    Registration date : 2010-03-13

    Laxyak's Characters Empty Laxyak's Characters

    Post by Laxyak 6/12/2010, 4:30 pm

    Name: Evangeline “Evee” Scott
    Age: 18
    Gender: Female
    Eyes: gold
    Hair: yellow-blonde
    Height: 5'
    Body Type: skinny
    Skin Color: pale

    God Parent: Unknown (Veiovis, Roman god of healing; sometimes known as Asclepius in Greek.)
    Mortal Parent: Holly Scott
    Country of Origin: United States
    Pet: A raven named Hachi

    Talents: minor healing, polite under pressure
    Skills: sword fighting, CPR and other medical necessities
    Weapon: Celestial-bronze rapier with gold accents on the hilt and sheath.
    Flaws: air-headed, daydreamer
    Powers: can heal minor injuries

    Life Before CHB: Evee was a girl of fairy tales; she's the kind of girl who was called “Princess” in her youth and liked to dress up as Cinderella from time to time. Her mother incorporated mythology whenever she could, to prepare her for the difficult life ahead. When Evee couldn't concentrate in school she liked to draw princesses and daydream about fairy tales. She often got in trouble for not paying attention.

    Evee's best friend was Thornton, nicknamed Thorny. They had been together for as long as Evee could remember, but she never thought of him as her handsome prince. He was more like the magical animals who helped adventurers along their journey. He introduced her to two things that changed her life: Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles and subsequently fencing. Her perspective changed from being the damsel in distress to the cunning she-warrior. After Evee got quite good at fencing, Thorny gave her a celestial-bronze sword, which she cherishes even now.

    RP Example:
    Evee glanced at Thorny, hoping she wasn't going insane... or about to die. She silently pleaded for him to tell her this wasn't real, but he had taken off his pants. One, that's not nice to do around a lady. Two, he had furry brown goat legs. He looked at her stricken face and smiled.

    “Satyr,” he said simply. He pulled out a rapier, much like the one he had given Evee a few years ago. “That's a harpy trying to kill you.”

    Evee struggled to make sense of the flying lady in front of her and the half-goat boy next to her. She understood the terms Thorny had used. Slowly, she came to a conclusion.

    “I'm a damsel in distress?” she asked her friend.

    Thorny smiled. “Don't you know? You're a she-warrior now!” The harpy came in for another attack and he slashed at her instead. Evee dodged out of the way and circled around with her own sword in hand. She attacked the evil flying lady from behind, and the harpy let out a shrill screech. Thorny gave a finishing blown and the harpy gave up and flew away.

    The satyr cleaned and put his sword away, then turned to his charge. “Your cover is blown. I gotta take you to Camp Half-Blood.”

    Notes: left handed; color: #FFD700; Would it be okay if I play Thorny as well? At least for the first while since she's new. Thanks!
    Mr. Moseby
    Majestic Unicorn Queen

    Number of posts : 43512
    Age : 2023
    Registration date : 2008-09-13

    Laxyak's Characters Empty Re: Laxyak's Characters

    Post by Kendall 6/12/2010, 6:42 pm

    You may play Thorny.

    How many injuries a day can she heal?

    Number of posts : 650
    Age : 33
    Registration date : 2010-03-13

    Laxyak's Characters Empty Re: Laxyak's Characters

    Post by Laxyak 6/12/2010, 6:43 pm

    Um... I never thought of that. I dunno. Maybe ten a day?
    Mr. Moseby
    Majestic Unicorn Queen

    Number of posts : 43512
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    Laxyak's Characters Empty Re: Laxyak's Characters

    Post by Kendall 6/12/2010, 6:50 pm



    Number of posts : 650
    Age : 33
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    Laxyak's Characters Empty Sagie Bedward

    Post by Laxyak 9/17/2010, 8:41 pm

    Name: Sage Bedward
    Age: 14
    Gender: Female
    Eyes: gray
    Hair: auburn or black, straight, to her shoulders, occasional colored streaks
    Height: 1.57 m
    Body Type: athletic
    Skin Color: white
    God Parent: Athena
    Mortal Parent: Gruffydd Bedward
    Country of Origin: U.S.
    Pets: N.A.
    Talents: alert, can dodge well, sneaky at getting what she wants
    Weapon: crossbow
    Flaws: gullible, anxious, critical, cynical, always right
    Powers: unknown

    Life Before CHB:
    Griffith, changed from the native Gruffydd, wanted his daughter to know her true heratige. He taught Sage a lot obout Greek history and mythology. Finally, when he thought she was ready, he brought up the subject of her mother.

    Sage has been going to CHB for several years now, nearing half her life. During school, she has managed to live comfortably in Perdido Beach, California. Her father moved to the U.S. from Wales, so she has an inherent love of King Arthur, and can speak quite a bit of Welsh. She is always trying to improve herself, especially since she learned who her mother was. She loves freedom and can get pretty selfish about it. It's because of summers at CHB that her dad can even stand her. ;) (Just kidding. Actually, he loves her a lot.)

    RP Example:

    Sage liked the feel of the tactical. She loved knowing what power was hidden behind the subdued recoil. She wished she could bring the gun to Camp Half-Blood.


    Three shots at once. The kick-back didn't even mess up her aim. Nice. She could get used to this gun. She felt two fingers tapping on her shoulder and found her dad beconing her. Once out of the range, she took her ear-muffs off and asked, "Do we have to go already?"

    "Yes, hon," Griffith Bedward said. "Your plane is leaving soon."


    In the car, Sage asked, "Why can't I take my new tactical?"

    "You know the rules," he sighed. "No guns at camp."

    "But everyone else has a weapon! Why are guns not allowed?"

    "We have this talk everytime, and you know I don't know why. It's just the way things are. At least you're good with a crossbow, now."

    A/N: That's probably enough... lol

    Any notes about your characters:
    She is gun-happy and has been trying to reverse-engineer a H&K USP .45 Tactical since she first came to CHB.
    Ace of Spades
    Ace of Spades
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    Laxyak's Characters Empty Re: Laxyak's Characters

    Post by Ace of Spades 9/17/2010, 8:47 pm

    When you mean her powers are unknown, does that mean she might discover them later? Athena kids don't really have any powers...

    Number of posts : 650
    Age : 33
    Registration date : 2010-03-13

    Laxyak's Characters Empty Re: Laxyak's Characters

    Post by Laxyak 9/17/2010, 9:12 pm

    Unknown as in I have no idea what her power could be other than a good memory, but I'd like to keep it open if I think of something later on.
    Ace of Spades
    Ace of Spades
    Retired Staff Member <3

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    Laxyak's Characters Empty Re: Laxyak's Characters

    Post by Ace of Spades 9/17/2010, 9:18 pm

    Okay, well if you think of a power later on, you'll need to PM an admin what it is so they can approve of it, k?

    Number of posts : 650
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    Laxyak's Characters Empty Re: Laxyak's Characters

    Post by Laxyak 9/17/2010, 9:25 pm

    Okay. I'll probably not give her a power.
    Kristal Meth
    Kristal Meth
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    Laxyak's Characters Empty Re: Laxyak's Characters

    Post by Kristal Meth 9/17/2010, 10:37 pm

    For flaws do you mean she thinks she is always right?

    Number of posts : 650
    Age : 33
    Registration date : 2010-03-13

    Laxyak's Characters Empty Re: Laxyak's Characters

    Post by Laxyak 9/17/2010, 10:40 pm

    Yes. And she likes to be always right. So if she's wrong, she has a hard time admitting it.
    Mr. Moseby
    Majestic Unicorn Queen

    Number of posts : 43512
    Age : 2023
    Registration date : 2008-09-13

    Laxyak's Characters Empty Re: Laxyak's Characters

    Post by Kendall 9/18/2010, 10:48 am


    Number of posts : 650
    Age : 33
    Registration date : 2010-03-13

    Laxyak's Characters Empty Shiro-kun

    Post by Laxyak 1/12/2011, 2:06 am

    Name: Shiro Foxx
    Age: 13
    Birthday: Feb 23
    Gender: Male
    Eyes: gray with a hint of purple
    Hair: black
    Height: 5’2”
    Body Type: average
    Skin Color: slightly dark

    God Parent: Hecate
    Mortal Parent: Jack Foxx
    Country of Origin: U.S.
    Talents: Fighting and catching monsters, piano, hiding the truth from mortals, can see monsters clearly through the mist
    Weapon: Two thin Celestial-Bronze swords that slide out from pouches on each arm. They carry monster souls until taken to a permanent object (see power).
    Flaws: Can’t read one bit of English, or Japanese for that matter. (His dad is half Japanese.) He’s proud of his skills with the piano, so he can be a bit snobbish. He can be cold and doesn’t pay attention to other people’s emotions, so it’s hard to be friends with him.

    Power: Can put monster souls into objects, such as weapons and jewels. He usually does this once a day, but is able to do five average monsters in two days. Objects become enhanced, but inexplicable things occur when they’re around. Once he goes to CHB, he enhances campers’ weapons. Precious materials, such as gems and Celestial-Bronze, hold souls best. A soul placed in a beach ball, for example, will escape quickly. At his current level, a monster such as Polyphemus would be too big for him.

    Life before CHB: Loves piano and got quite good at it. Jack taught him a lot about fighting monsters, and that’s why Shiro knows about his ability. Shiro believes his mother ran away and forgot about them after dropping him at his father’s doorstep, kind of a one-night-stand thing. Jack never learned she was Hecate. He will bring Shiro to CHB on his 13th birthday so everyone will see him get claimed.

    Jack also used Shiro’s piano brilliance to get into rich people’s homes. He then had Shiro attach previously ensnared monsters to objects that were the pride of the family. It was tricky business, so he wore a disguise to keep from getting caught.

    RP Example:
    Shiro Age 10

    With a sly smile, I held my hand out to the new kid. “Hey, I’m Shiro. Since you’re new here, I’ll show you around.”

    The satyr perked up. “Really? Awesome! Thanks, man!”

    “No problem,” I replied. “I mean, really, it’s a big school. To start, let’s go to the fields. There’s four of them.”

    “Four?” Cedar said, eyes wide.

    I nodded and dragged him along. “Yup. Let’s hurry, k?”

    Cedar followed me to the very back of the school yard, where overgrown trees marked the boundary before the underdeveloped land. I stepped just passed the boundary, so the trees would hide us. While the satyr was looking around, I slid one of my blades out. This should be easy, I thought.

    Cedar turned around. “Those are big trees!” His eyes shone with excitement… until he saw my intentions. “Wha-what are you doing?” He backed up slowly.

    “Don’t worry,” I said slyly, “It won’t hurt me nearly as much as it will hurt you, monster.”

    “M-monster? Wh-what are you talking about?”

    “I know what you are.” I was feeling unusually chatty. Maybe it’s because he wasn’t fighting back. “You’re a satyr. Most people wouldn’t say you exist, but I see you for exactly what you are.”

    If his eyes could get any wider, they did. “You can see through the Mist? And I thought my disguise was good.”

    “Yeah, it usually comes as a shock when monsters find out.”

    “Why do you keep using that word?”

    “Because that’s what you are,” I answered with a growl. “A monster. Monsters are better off dead.” I lunged, tired of talking.

    Notes: He didn’t actually kill the satyr. Cedar had come to the school because he heard there was a half-blood, who turned out to be Shiro. He managed to convince Shiro he wasn’t a monster, and he told him about Camp Half-Blood.

    My first few posts with him will be before he gets to camp. Also, I would like to use other characters with him every now and then, such as his father and people he knows outside of camp. He will only stay at camp during the summer, so this one time is an exception. (Though, he may eventually have to stay at camp year-round.)

    Last edited by The 22nd Pickle on 1/12/2011, 2:23 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Role Playing Legend

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    Laxyak's Characters Empty Re: Laxyak's Characters

    Post by Aiden 1/12/2011, 10:20 am

    Do the souls last or can they stay there forever?

    Number of posts : 650
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    Laxyak's Characters Empty Re: Laxyak's Characters

    Post by Laxyak 1/12/2011, 12:38 pm

    As far as Shiro knows, they stay there until something happens to the object.
    Mr. Moseby
    Majestic Unicorn Queen

    Number of posts : 43512
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    Laxyak's Characters Empty Re: Laxyak's Characters

    Post by Kendall 1/12/2011, 5:13 pm

    How enhanced do items become when a monster soul is put into them?

    Number of posts : 650
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    Laxyak's Characters Empty Re: Laxyak's Characters

    Post by Laxyak 1/12/2011, 6:10 pm

    Not terribly. Usually just a little more potent. If a sword is a couple inches from a fatal wound, the enhancement will kill the target.
    Grizzled Ancient

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    Laxyak's Characters Empty Re: Laxyak's Characters

    Post by Daniel 1/12/2011, 6:13 pm

    So if the sword was an inch away from the spinal cord the enhancement could sever it?

    Number of posts : 650
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    Laxyak's Characters Empty Re: Laxyak's Characters

    Post by Laxyak 1/12/2011, 6:15 pm

    Mr. Moseby
    Majestic Unicorn Queen

    Number of posts : 43512
    Age : 2023
    Registration date : 2008-09-13

    Laxyak's Characters Empty Re: Laxyak's Characters

    Post by Kendall 1/12/2011, 6:17 pm

    A couple of inches is a major difference.
    Grizzled Ancient

    Number of posts : 19601
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    Laxyak's Characters Empty Re: Laxyak's Characters

    Post by Daniel 1/12/2011, 6:17 pm

    So if your character had their sword an inch away from the spinal cord they could sever it though the sword hadn't penetrate the skin?

    Number of posts : 650
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    Laxyak's Characters Empty Re: Laxyak's Characters

    Post by Laxyak 1/12/2011, 6:21 pm

    No, it would have to penetrate the skin, I think.
    It could be limited to more like 1/2 an inch max.
    Mr. Moseby
    Majestic Unicorn Queen

    Number of posts : 43512
    Age : 2023
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    Laxyak's Characters Empty Re: Laxyak's Characters

    Post by Kendall 1/12/2011, 6:22 pm

    Even a 1/2 inch can be a major difference.

    Number of posts : 650
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    Laxyak's Characters Empty Re: Laxyak's Characters

    Post by Laxyak 1/12/2011, 6:28 pm

    Hmmm. What do you suggest?
    Mr. Moseby
    Majestic Unicorn Queen

    Number of posts : 43512
    Age : 2023
    Registration date : 2008-09-13

    Laxyak's Characters Empty Re: Laxyak's Characters

    Post by Kendall 1/12/2011, 6:31 pm

    Maybe stronger attacks? I dunno.

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