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    The travels of Theseus Kirtley

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    The travels of Theseus Kirtley Empty The travels of Theseus Kirtley

    Post by Theseus12 11/30/2010, 2:38 pm

    This will be where I post stories of my travels to CHB. First story will be posted soon, from when I was first on the run. This story is a FanFic.

    The Travels of Theseus Kirtley
    A log of the Travels I took on the way to Camp Half-Blood
    By Theseus Kirtley

    I wasn’t always a Half-Blood. Well, on second thought, I was always a Half-Blood, so you know the first sentence was a load of Minotaur dung, but I’m getting off track. I’ve always been on the run, and I’ve always felt alone. I’ve been kicked out of every school that I’ve ever been to for the last twelve years. I’ve never had any explanation on what in the name of the Holy Hearth of Hestia is going on. All I know, is that I’m ADHD, a problem kid that should be “put away”, like I’m something unclean. For must of my childhood, I was “kept quiet” by being put on Ritalin, a drug that “calms down” hyper-active children. I don’t claim to know the effects it ever had on Mortals, all I know is that it made me go almost certifiably nuts. I mean off the walls nuts. Nuts like “Call in Planters, this kid isn’t worth peanuts” nuts. Unlike most Half-Bloods, I was not Dyslexic as well. Go figure. Later, it was determined that it was the Ritalin that made me crazy and I was pulled off of it. Then things went calmer, till the twelfth grade, which is when my travels began…

    Day One,

    It was at a Ping-Pong tournament that my travels first began, on august 13th, 2010. Typical, the moment I start to have a good time, something has to happen. I should have seen at least that much coming. Anyway, there were at least twenty-something kids, all in high-school age, coming to the tables. I was the sole representative of my school, Preston. I was the only “Pirate Paddler” in the school. Some would say that means I’m the best of the school. All that I know is that being the only Ping-Pong player in the school makes it difficult to practice. A lot of kids wore a uniform to represent their school. I didn’t follow with that, wearing only a denim, long-sleeve button-up, and denim jeans. I had a red backpack on my back and a floppy leather hat on my head. Unlike most kids who accepted free paddles, I took my own, for it was the only one that felt right in my hand. It was a lightweight, red, plastic paddle with a flat handle wrapped in Duct-Tape for grip, and it was in my right cheek pocket, underneath my untucked shirt. I left it untucked because I got a kick out of the look on my opponent’s face when I deny a free paddle, and whip out my own faster then an old fashioned gunslinger. Anyway, at the very end of the tournament, there were only two people left, a Beggs girl named Pam Snowden, and myself.
    She seemed to also follow my example of not affiliating herself with her school. I didn’t know why, I guess she just didn’t like being a Beggs Demon. She wore a green shirt and blue jeans, and had sandals on her feet. Her eyes were Reptile green.
    I approached the girl. “Thomas Kirtley”
    “Yess, I know who you are.” She had a weird accent, I couldn’t quite place it. “We sshall meet on the field of battle, and I sshall be Victoriousss!”
    “Umm, ok. Err, if you say so.” I walked to the Table, looked at the surface, and my heart went cold. Two words were etched into the table words that I’ve always seen in the time that some Doom was nigh, words that have stalked me my entire existence, the words Lone Wolf. my heart pounded, if I blink, will the words go away? I only saw one way to find out. I blinked, hard, and when I opened my eyes, the words were gone.
    I breathed a sigh of relief, but it came out shakily.
    “Thomassss are you going to ssserve, or am I?”
    “Umm, how bout we flip for it?” I pulled a goldish coin out of my pocket a souvenir from a trip me and my step-dad Michael took to a Washington State Park. “Heads, I serve. Tails…”
    “I sshall be the one sserving.”
    “Ok, you seem to get the idea. I may as well flip.” I flipped the coin, and it landed on heads. She wailed in outrage, “Imposssible! How can I losse?”
    “Simple. The coin landed on heads, I serve. Am I right?” This last part was directed at a referee, who said, “quite right, young man. You serve.”
    Snowden made a weird noise, almost like… Well, hissing. She then conceded to the fact that the flip was all but in her favor. We played some Ping-Pong, standard rules with 11 being the winning point. I won, but by a slim margin, I’m certain. When she lost, she reacted worse than about the coin toss.
    ISSS you cheated, you musst have!”
    “Now, how am I supposed to cheat at Ping-Pong? ” I asked the reff. It seemed a fair enough question. The referee shrugged.
    “You sshall now DIE! And I sshall Feasst on your bones! ” she cried in fury.
    “Lady, you’re taking this way too seriously,” I squeaked.
    “Miss Snowden, you have threatened an athlete, violating the Code of Conductive Sportsmanship, and I am going to have to ask you to leave the premises” stated the referee.
    She made this weird noise like hissing laughter, like she didn’t care.
    “Look, Mortal, do you really think that I even cared about the game? I wass aware that thiss sschool had a Half-Blood. A very powerful Half-Blood, sso I figured he would make a tassty treat.”
    “Look lady, I don’t want to be Lunch,” I stated. “See, I’ve got homework to do when I get home, so…”
    “I didn’t assk if you wanted to be lunch! You’re just going to be lunch!” Suddenly things got very strange. Pam Snowden hissed, as her skin turned green. Her teeth grew into fangs, as her green clothing melted into scaly skin. Her pants turned into a pair of serpent-trunk legs. A small part of my mind realized why the lack of even a Beggs letter jacket. She was a Demon long before she went to Beggs. Suddenly, on her back was a scabbard for a sword. And what a huge sword it was! She drew the thing, and the blade was longer than that of a baseball bat. Feeling like an idiot, I readied the only weapon available to me: I drew my paddle.
    Meanwhile, the referee bravely ran for the exit.
    Snowden hissed out, “Do you ssserioussly believe you can beat me with that?”
    Trying to sound braver than I felt, I said, “I already have once. Come get some, Lizard Lips.”
    She hissed like I just insulted her. “I am a Scythian Dracaena, a Dragon Woman. Dragon! not lizard! That tongue thing that they do is inexsspressibly rude.
    “With an accssssssssssent like that, I have no doubt its inexsssspressssibly rude!” I countered; making fun of her accent, for a small part of me thought that if I made her angry enough, her rage would make her reckless, making her less defensive. I have no clue where I thought of that, I just did. And as it was an instinctual thought, I decided to stick with it, try it out.
    “Do you really wish to die ssslowly!” she shouted.
    Oh, so you will ssing? The horror of it all iss so horrible, I think I’ll ssscream!”
    I didn’t get to say any more, because that’ was when she charged.
    I’d like to say that I faced her bravely. That I faced her without a trace of cowardice in my heart and soul, that I had no fear, blah, blah, blah.
    The truth is, my only thought was slightly stronger than: Holy Mother Freaking Crap!
    She swung the blade at my head, and I dodged, rolling behind her. I got up, and I hit her in the skull with the edge of my Ping-Pong paddle.
    She dropped the sword and clutched her head in pain. Maybe I couldn’t kill her with it, but a red Ping-Pong paddle could still give her a Tylenol Headache. Meanwhile, I wasn’t taking any chances. I holstered my paddle and grabbed at the sword. Almost, I have almost… Got it!! I rolled out of the way, as Lizard Lips sliced at me with her clawed hands. I got up, the sword in my hands. I found it odd, but the thing felt right in my hands, gave me the feeling that I stood a chance. It wasn’t much, but it was something, and it calmed me down a bit. She hissed at me, extending her claws, “ you will die!! ” and she charged. Cornered, I did the only thing that came to mind naturally: I swung the sword. It passed through her like it was a butter knife and she was the world’s largest tub of softened margarine, HISSSSHHH!!!! She then exploded like a black cat firework on methamphetamine, and I was covered in it. “Yuck!” I dropped the sword, and spat out yellow monster dust. She may have wanted to eat me, but I sure as heck didn’t want to be eating her. Alarms were ringing. I knew I would be blamed for all the damages, (I almost always was) so I didn’t stick around. I ran for the exit, and began my travels to Camp Half-Blood.

    End Day One.

    Last edited by Theseus12 on 3/10/2012, 2:42 am; edited 5 times in total
    Senior Member

    Number of posts : 1923
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    The travels of Theseus Kirtley Empty Re: The travels of Theseus Kirtley

    Post by Theseus12 12/10/2010, 3:53 pm

    I am Aware of the no Double-Posting Rule, but is ANYONE going to comment?
    Junior Member

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    The travels of Theseus Kirtley Empty Re: The travels of Theseus Kirtley

    Post by Tethys 12/10/2010, 8:39 pm

    Really good! When are you going to post more chapters?~ :D
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    The travels of Theseus Kirtley Empty Re: The travels of Theseus Kirtley

    Post by Theseus12 12/12/2010, 2:22 pm

    Soon, I hope. but Day two will take some work, as i am undergoing some technical difficulties.
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    The travels of Theseus Kirtley Empty Re: The travels of Theseus Kirtley

    Post by Ardelis 1/11/2011, 10:35 am

    I doubt it but hey don't forget about you meeting both Ardelis Youngson and Aeolus Blitz.
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    The travels of Theseus Kirtley Empty Re: The travels of Theseus Kirtley

    Post by Theseus12 1/11/2011, 10:38 am

    if the charries are approves i'll see them, but till then they kinda don't exist
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    The travels of Theseus Kirtley Empty Re: The travels of Theseus Kirtley

    Post by Ardelis 1/11/2011, 10:46 am

    That's true Mannnnnn... I hate waiting :|
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    The travels of Theseus Kirtley Empty Re: The travels of Theseus Kirtley

    Post by Theseus12 1/11/2011, 10:53 am

    waiting sucks
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    The travels of Theseus Kirtley Empty Re: The travels of Theseus Kirtley

    Post by Ardelis 1/11/2011, 11:23 am


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    The travels of Theseus Kirtley Empty Re: The travels of Theseus Kirtley

    Post by annabeth13<3 1/13/2011, 12:11 am

    This is really, really good!<3
    Role Playing Legend

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    The travels of Theseus Kirtley Empty Re: The travels of Theseus Kirtley

    Post by pilot 1/13/2011, 12:22 am

    Wow that is really good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    The travels of Theseus Kirtley Empty Re: The travels of Theseus Kirtley

    Post by Theseus12 1/18/2011, 9:31 am

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    The travels of Theseus Kirtley Empty Re: The travels of Theseus Kirtley

    Post by Theseus12 2/7/2012, 7:52 pm

    Day 2

    I wake up, my body stiff. sleeping in a ditch will do that to you.
    geez, why didn't i grab a sleeping bag? i uncurl myself, and stand up.
    I'm at a dirt road in some god-forsaken plains. there's nowhere for me to hide from
    as i stretch, I ponder the problem. at least there are no hiding places for any monsters.
    plus, i have some swing room for my sword.
    speaking of my sword, i grabbed it, and started
    off. what'd the thing call me? oh right. a demigod. isn't that the offspring of a
    mortal and a god? pah! who is he, the god of Ping-Pong?
    i chuckle, and make sure my
    paddle was still in my pocket. it was. suddenly, my phone rang. i pulled it out. "yello"
    "green," my mother replied.
    i groaned. i was afraid of this.
    "the school called. said something about a fight at your tourney, you running off, and
    how you're not to come back."
    i got the message: i was expelled from the 12th school in 12 years. lovely. then my
    mother asked what happened, and her voice told me to spill, so i did. i told her the
    truth. all of it. afterward, there was a silence.
    "but are you ok?"
    "i have a sword, mom."
    my mother swore. "where'd you get a sword?"
    "hey, the demon lady didn't need it."
    "hmm, i suppose you have a point. and since you took those fencing classes, i guess
    you'll be OK."
    "hmm... mom, who was my father?"
    "noone important."
    "moose dung. that demon lady knew what i was, and i'm ashamed to not know myself as well
    as some demononic female trying to kill me!"
    "OK!OK! I'll tell you! his name is-"
    "GRAUGHR!" and at that point I jumped sky high, swearing profanely.
    Instinctively, i dodged as a giant fist made rubble of the road. Styx!
    "call you back, ma!" I shouted into the phone, then hung up.
    "Behold!" the giant shouted. "Dinner!"
    "not likely," I grumbled. I readied my sword, and charged.
    The giant laughed, stooping to catch me, when I jumped, reared my arm back, and threw.
    My ping pong paddle got him in the eye.
    "Eyargh!" the giant reared back. I jumped, climbed it's shoulder, and decapitated it.
    "owned" i said.
    calling mom back, she revealed my father's identity.
    "Yes, Thomas. The god of messengers. and by the way, your name is really Theseus, and your past..." thunder rumbled, here and there. "ok, I won't tell him!" my mother sighed. "sorry Son, the gods won't let me tell you certain things."
    "such as..." my mother's silence was the closest thing to an answer i got.
    "Right. bye then." i hung up, and started traveling East.
    Always, to the East...

    End Day 2
    Senior Member

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    The travels of Theseus Kirtley Empty Re: The travels of Theseus Kirtley

    Post by Theseus12 2/19/2012, 3:18 pm

    Day One


    Day 2

    Day 3

    After walking for a couple days, you find that you are a lot more Tolerant of Walking than you used to think you were. having trekked across most of the midwest now, I suppose I can talk. At one point in Time, I found a small roadside Business.
    It was geting Robbed.

    I looked inside, and saw two thugs with Shotguns terrorizing the old man behind the register, and I got mad. it was hard enough in the economic world for a small business without them getting robbed blind. I walked up to the Thugs' car, and stabbed their Tires with my Sword. pisssssssshhhhhh! then, I waited in the shadows for them to get out of the store. I set my sword down. I don't claim to know how, but I somehow knew the weapon wouldn't hurt them. so I set it down, put some shades on, and waited. They came out, and put their shotguns in the backseat, completely oblivious to their slashed Tires. even better. that was their shotguns out of the way. they put the keys in the ignition, and suddenly, the dude in the passenger noticed the fron tire.
    "hey, someone slashed the tires!" they got out, looking at the tires, then they turned back to the store. "that old man's gonna get it" one growled.
    "no," I said. "you are the ones that are gonna get it."
    they charged.

    Normally, facing two buff dudes who look like they just finished their time in prison would give someone a heart attack, but I wasn't scared. I was mad they were robbing a clerk who didn't have a chance in Hades, for one. plus, I knew I was a Half-Blood, Which meant I had to root for the Underdog. I ducked the fisrt guy's swing, and jabbed him in the stomach. he doubled over. I then pounced upward, jumping on his back, and jumping off that, I landed on the other dude's shoulders, forcing him to the ground. then my phone rang.
    "oh, come on. not now." i groaned. I kicked a guy in the face, sending him sprawling onto the ground. I went to him and quickly KO'ed him with a punch that bashed his face to the floor. the other guy got out the shotgun.
    My phone Rang again. "hello, It's your girlfriend Ophelia, and I'm calling your phone!" a nice ringtone my girlfriend made for me, but right now it was inconvenient.the dude with the shot gun fired, and what happened next, or even how it happened, is beyond me. I dodged a shotgun blast, point blank. then, we both looked at each other, stunned.
    the thug spoke first. "...how... how did you..."
    "seriously," i answered, My phone still ringing. "I don't know." I then kicked him in the Shin, Punched the gun upward, got in the thug's Guard, And elbowed him in the nose. the guy fell to the ground, out cold. I then went into the store, and bought some Zipties and Duct tape. with my new tools, I tied the goons up. I then Changed the Tires, and Hotwired the Vehicle. I took the Store-owner's cash, and gave it back. then, putting my sword in the car, I drove off.
    While on the Road, I called Ophelia back. "hey Ophs!"
    "why didn't you answer?"
    "sorry, I was a bit busy."
    "like you were too busy to come to our date the night before last?!?"
    styx! I thought. I had gotten Preoccupied what with the Ping pong game.
    "Sorry, Ophs. I was... Side Tracked."
    "What. Do. You. Mean." she was barely containing her anger. I gulped, and said to her: "you wouldn't believe me."
    "just tell me."
    i thought about it for a couple miles.
    "ok, you know the stories of the greek gods?"
    "Well, they exist. they still run arounds having kids with mortals. kids called Demigods... and I'm one of them."
    Ophelia Sighed on the other End. "save it, Thomas. if you're gonna dump me, just say so."
    "it's for you're own good."
    she suddenly sounded grief stricken. "ok then! I'm going home to Europe! at least the asses there don't pretend to be nice." she hung up, and I felt an aching in my chest. I'll spare you the Details, but let's just say I pulled over and Cried myself to sleep.

    End day 3
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    The travels of Theseus Kirtley Empty Re: The travels of Theseus Kirtley

    Post by Theseus12 3/28/2012, 7:02 pm

    Yeah, this is Totally overdue.

    Day 4

    god, make it stop... I thought. this ran through my head as the Demons kept throwing knifes and axes at me, and shot arrows. I was currently- wait, back up. I forgot to point out what the hell happend. I don't claim to know all the details, but as best as I can figure, I was jumped while I was asleep in the car. Some demon tribe currently has me tied to this altar-like thing, looking upon this huge throng of Messed-Up Demon things. Lovely. What's actually weird is that their clothing is S&M reminiscient, if not so downright similar you'd think they shopped there. Every once in a while, one of the demons would approach to a distance of about 75 paces. My sword was in the hands of one of what appeared to be some kind of nun, which was odd. Demons with religion? That was just too weird. anyways, the demon would stop at about 75 paces, and select a weapon. That wasn't the scary part. The scary part was when they threw the weapon at me. Thunk! The knife planted itself an inch from my face. I swore quietly. How the hell would I get out of this one? I looked around. Arrows, knives, axes, all impaled in the wood, but not one had hit me. I decided to make my peace. I'm sorry, Ophelia. I calmed down a bit. eventually, they would get bored. I then felt panic rise again. They get bored, they'll just slit my throat and be done with me. I decided to insult them. "Come on! Get someone out here who can Throw or Shoot! Please, kill me! I can't stand to see you fail with such skill! Or rather, lack of skill!" I waited. three Demons sprang forward. one threw a knife, another shot a bow, and the other threw an axe. Incredibly, they all missed.

    Finally, the nun with my sword shouted something, and all the demons getting weapons, dropped them. The Demon Nun lady walked over to the mark, and took aim with a knife. all of a sudden, I remembered on of my stepdad's talks. that old indian would say all sorts of stories on how younglings became men. one such way was the Blade, the Stone, and the Arrow. all of a sudden, I realized this was a twisted reversal of the old ritual. in the trials, a Brave would be tied to something as a warrior throws a knife, shoots a bow, and throws an axe, trying to kill the Brave. if all three missed, and the brave showed no fear, he was made a warrior. Here, however, the person who does the killing is made a warrior. anyone else was too squemish. the Nun prepared to throw, and I thought to my dad's words. If he has faith in the Great One, the Knife will not Cut him. Thunk! the knife missed. maybe it was all in my head, but I swear I heard some sort of Tribal music playing. The demoness picked up an axe. If the brave's heart has courage, true Courage, the Stone will not break him. Thunk! A swing and a miss. Finally, the Nun picked up a bow, and two scenarios ran through my head. either the arrow would miss, and the nun would kill me by running up and stabbing me, or the arrow would catch me. either way, I was dead. For some reason, I felt Okay with this. I must have made my peace. If the Brave is Pure in Heart, the Arrow would not catch him. Thunk!

    I smiled. even if I would die tonight, I had made an embarresment out of the Leader. Nice. the nun screamed in rage, or was it fear, as she threw my sword at me. the blade impaled itself.... into the chain of my left hand's cuff, severing it completely. I grabbed the sword, and the first thing I did was salute the Heavens. "Whoever you are," I said. "Thanks." I then cut some more links, freeing my feet. a demon rushed me, and I kicked him off, and sliced him open. I then freed my hand. and checked my back pocket. oddly, Pinger was still there. maybe they didn't consider it a weapon. Most likely. It was a Ping Pong Paddle, after all. I then sliced my way out of there. How I avoided getting dead from the trials is beyond me, but I didn't escape unscathed. some demon with a battle staff managed to get a dagger in my side. my side suddenly felt like it was in flames, but I cut him down and kept running. eventually, I escaped the Demon camp. I stumbled down into the Road, and sleep overtook me, sending me into evil nightmares.

    End day 4

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