A place for Percy Jackson and the Olympian fans to roleplay.

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    War of the Gifted

    Retired Staff Member <3

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    War of the Gifted  Empty War of the Gifted

    Post by Haiden 8/8/2011, 2:33 pm

    ~Hiya! So I was thinking of creating a new story, y'know? And while I was eating lunch today, I totally thought of this idea. It was about a class of teenagers, who have been kidnapped into becoming experiments for a group of Scientists. Now before you go "THIS IS TOTALLY LIKE MAXIMUM RIDE /RANT", these kids begin to 'mutate' (sp? lol) into getting super powers. I'm not really gonna go into whats gonna happen, so here is the Epilogue, enjoy children.~


    Silence filled the arena. Many have told me about the arena. It was a tall boxed room where everything was white. There was a rectangular window on the right wall. That’s where the Scientists watched us from above. I took a deep breath and looked around the room. My class was all here. They were standing nervously, their hands gripped into fists. The only person I could focus on was Connor. His face was emotionless, as usual. His grey eyes were hard and he was staring right back at me, as if he was reading my mind..which he could. We had made an truce, but I knew it wasn't gonna last.

    Suddenly, a loud buzzer went off, which broke the silence.

    The fight to the death has begun.
    Role Playing Addict

    Number of posts : 26561
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    Registration date : 2009-12-19

    War of the Gifted  Empty Re: War of the Gifted

    Post by ML 8/9/2011, 9:03 pm

    Alfred F. Jones
    Alfred F. Jones
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    War of the Gifted  Empty Re: War of the Gifted

    Post by Alfred F. Jones 8/9/2011, 9:09 pm

    Retired Staff Member <3

    Number of posts : 15348
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    War of the Gifted  Empty Re: War of the Gifted

    Post by Jennie 8/10/2011, 1:09 am

    Jennifer approves.
    Loyal Member

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    War of the Gifted  Empty Re: War of the Gifted

    Post by SonofChaos 8/10/2011, 1:30 am

    I HATE cliffhangers >.<
    Retired Staff Member <3

    Number of posts : 25815
    Age : 26
    Registration date : 2010-01-10

    War of the Gifted  Empty Re: War of the Gifted

    Post by Haiden 10/10/2011, 9:15 pm

    Yay for continuing old stories that I haven't continued because I was so busy!
    Lul, late first chapter.

    War of the Gifted  622430-256-122014
    (ameliaspond is my wattpad username)

    Chapter 1: The Beginning

    "Hey! Siren-head!"

    I didn't even have to contemplate on who the voice was calling for. I spun around, not in the mood for any arguments.

    It was Miranda Meek with her posse of friends.

    This is how my Monday morning began. Being terrorized by a group of girls who had nothing to do but bash on the red head.

    I was just getting out of my car when Miranda and her friends came up behind me.

    She stared me down. "You must be pretty smart if you're in that stupid little Gifted class"

    "Its not stupid if its called the Gifted class. Do you even know what its about?"

    Miranda rolled her eyes. "Don't try to out smart me Winston. You're just a freak with your siren head. Do you even go out into the sunlight, or do you stay inside all day doing homework and read?"

    I was not one of those girls that could just stand up and say snappy comebacks right off my mind. Instead, I just turned around, hugging my bag close, and walked right into school. I was very sensitive, but I knew better not to cry in front of them.

    I never told anyone I was in the Gifted class. Never. It just sorta spilled out through the school. Secrets are never kept secret in Brooklyn Hall.

    The class was ignored until Connor Beckham joined. Connor was the star football player, but he never bragged. He was one of those guys that was popular, but kept to himself. With his shaggy dirty blonde hair and bright blue eyes, people would think he was a guy that would brag about everything. Those people were wrong. He was as humble as he can be. And of course, he was dating Miranda Meek. The other popular girl at school.

    Typical High School love story.

    G Class (what I always call it) was the only class that I personally liked. Its where I could be with other kids that have the same type of knowledge as me. It was like a shelter for us nerds away from the gossip and social turmoil of the school. Plus, there were only 12 of us, and I liked that.

    When Connor first walked into the classroom, the room fell silent. We all watched as he walked in like it was no big deal.

    "..What? Can a football player not be smart or something?" He said, raising an eyebrow at our expressions.

    We accepted him right then.

    He fit in perfectly, which surprised us all. All of us in the class weren't exactly 'close friends', but more like 'academic acquaintances.' We all still had our own cliques, which was a problem to me because I had no clique.

    I only hung out with my best friends Josie and Spike, who were also in the class.

    "Nadia!" Josie called out behind me. I could feel her trying to catch up with me so I stopped walking and turned around. It must of looked like I was still hurt by Miranda because Josie immediately frowned. "Hey, why the sad face?"

    "Miranda and her...'crew'." I muttered, pushing a strand of hair away from my face.

    "Hey! Don't let them get to you!" Josie put her hand on my shoulder. "I got something exciting to tell you that I think would make you a little bit better."

    "What is it?" I asked, a bit doubtful. Usually the stuff she tells me is about this book she's reading, or the movie that she just saw the other day.

    "I saw some men behind the school in some kind of labcoats carrying some boxes of stuff. I dont' know what was in it, but I think it may be the new lab equipment that were getting! Y'know, the one that may have the new bunsen burner that we get to use?"

    That wasn't something I was really excited about so I just nodded. "Oh...really?"

    "Yeah! Exciting, huh? Me and Spike can't wait for Science today."

    Josie blabbed on about how she wants to become a scientist when she grows up until we finally walked into G Class.

    "Good morning ladies!" Mr. Fitch said as we walked through the door.

    I smiled. "Good morning."

    Mr. Fitch was in his mid-30's and had curly brown hair with rectangular framed glasses perfectly aligned onto his face. He looked like he was a major nerd in his High School years, which is funny because he hasn't really changed at all. There was a huge collection of Star Wars figurines lined up on his desk. He tells us not to touch them, or even breathe on them. Its something he is really possesive over.

    Everyone assembled into their seats at exactly 8:00 A.M.

    "Glad to see everyone is awake and ready to learn this Monday!" Mr. Fitch exclaimed, clapping his hands together.

    Jaelyn rolled his eyes. "Not everyone.." He muttered.

    Mr. Fitch went on with the lesson as some of us listened intently. Sure, we were a pretty smart bunch of kids, but we are still teenagers. Some of us tend to almost fall asleep, or get distracted and start to doodle on a piece of paper.

    Today, I was one of those people.

    There was just something on my mind that I couldn't get rid of. Its been bugging me since it ever started.

    Miranda Meek.

    I didn't get how she would only pick on me. I know it wasn't because of my bright red hair. That was just something that Miranda could make fun of me that covered up the real reason.

    But what was it?


    I jumped in my seat as I heard my name being called. Oh crap.

    Mr. Fitch was looking at me curiously and opened up his mouth to say something when suddenly there was a blood-curdling scream outside in the hall.

    I will never forget that scream. The goosebumps it gave all of us. The panic it has caused.

    Everyones head instantly shot to the door.

    Even the people who were sleeping were up and awake, but not ready to learn.

    "I..I'll be right back kids, just stay here! Don't leave, Don't do anything!" Mr. Fitch warned shakily. He slowly walked out of the door, and carefully shut it behind him.

    Jaelyn Baker stood up, his hands clenched into fists. "Lets get out of here." He declared.

    "You heard Mr. Fitch! 'Don't leave, Don't do anything!,'" Maryland Cooks said, her small voice shaking with fear.

    Jaelyn scoffed. "You really gonna listen to him Mary? Theres a murderer out there and we are gonna get killed if we don't do anything!"

    "How do you know its a murderer, Jaelyn? It may of been some racoon out there trying to get up a teachers dress." Spike protested with a smirk.

    I elbowed Spike in the shoulder, but couldn't help but smile. Spike always had to make a joke somehow.

    "This isn't time for jokes, Spike." Conner said seriously, standing up.

    Some students were already roaming the halls outside. They looked a bit confused and were trying to figure out what was going on.

    "See? Some kids are already out there, so chill out Conner." Spike said with a little shrug.

    "Well lets go join them!" Jaelyn said and started to walk towards the door.

    "Wait!" I protested, standing up suddenly.

    Jaelyn stopped at the door and turned towards me, along with everyone else.

    I took a deep breath.

    "I-I don't think we should go out there..N-Not yet." I stuttered. There was just something that didn't seem right, and I didn't want to risk all of our lives.

    "Well how about we go warn the people out there and tell them to go back into the room?" Conner suggested, looking out to the window.

    Students were still wandering around in the halls.

    "No...we can't. Lets just wait a few more minutes. When Mr. Fitch comes back, we can go." I concluded, then sat down and slumped down in my chair. I didn't feel good.

    Everyone else sat down and was quiet for a moment as we heard the rustling of kids shuffling around outside.

    Suddenly, there was another scream. And another. And another.

    We all looked immediately at the window again. All the students stopped.

    There was a light green smoke outside, and one by one, the students fell.

    "Oh my go-"

    "SEAL THE DOORS!" Garrett Hughes yelled as he quickly took off his jacket. "Make sure nothing can get in this classroom!"

    I was frozen, I didn't know what to do. I was hoping this was a dream. I was hoping that none of this was real, but it was. It was so real.

    Garrett, along with Conner and Jaelyn sealed up the doors with their jackets while the rest of us hurried over to the farest corner of the room.

    Josie covered her face as she began to cry. She was curled up in the corner behind everyone else. I crawled over to her and put my arm around her trying to comfort her.

    "We'll be fine Josie. We'll be fine..." I say, sorta in a daze.

    I was so confused. We were all confused. We didn't know what was going on.

    Just then, there was a knock on the door.

    A knock on the door.

    Who would knock on the door at a time like this?

    Garrett, Conner and Jaelyn all looked at each other. They didn't dare look up at the window to see who was awaiting for them at the other side. Instead, they crawled to the left side of the door so that whoever was on the other side, didn't see them. The green smoke wasn't seeping through the door, which was good. But, that wasn't our concern anymore.

    The concern was who was at the door. We didn't want to know. We were all waiting for our fate.

    They knocked again.

    Knock Knock Knock.

    I looked around worriedly at everyone else.

    Spikes eyes were tightly closed. He was praying as he crossed his fingers.

    Maryland was silently crying, her face buried in her knees.

    Georgia Davis and Mark Sterling were hiding behind the desks. They seemed to be calm, but you could still see the fear in their eyes.

    Hunter Price, Silena Wood, and Hailee Macro had their backs pressed against the back wall. The two girls were hugging their knees and pleading quietly for help. Hunter was shaking and tried to act calm.

    The fear on everyones face told me that this was real.

    Everything that was happening was not a dream.

    It made me sick.

    I felt as if this is where I was gonna die.

    I wasn't going to be able to say 'I love you' to my parents or my little brother anymore. I wasn't going to be able to go to college or get married. I was gonna die right here. In school. With my classmates.

    The mystery person behind the door finally gave up and kicked the door in. The door fell with a bam and a man in a pinstripe suit strided in.

    "Ah...I see. This must be my intelligent class." His voice sounded sinister, and he smiled deviously.

    The only thing that disturbed me was his eyes.

    They were a dark red, which was humanly impossible.

    When I stared into his eyes, all I could think of was evil. I shuddered and looked away quickly. Tears welled up in my eyes. This was it. This was the end.

    "Please..Please don't hurt us..." Marlyand croaked, her lip quivering.

    The man gasped. "Why would I want to hurt you?" He walked towards her slowly.

    "Why would I want to hurt such a beautiful mind..." He touched her face softly.

    Maryland flinched. "D-Don't touch me.." She whispered.

    I could see across the room that Conner's eyes were hard. He was mad. Fear turned into anger quickly for him.

    The man chuckled. "Well, no one answered the door, so I decided to just...walk right in." He walked away from us and to the middle of the room.

    Two men in white labcoats in masks walked in with objects in their hands that looked like bombs.

    "I knew about this class. I knew about all of you." The man looked at both of his assistants and smiled that devious smile again. "And my first thought was: You would be perfect experiments."

    The two men in white labcoats dropped the bombs onto the ground and a explosion of light green smoke flew throughout the room.

    One by one we fell.

    And everything blacked out.

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