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    My super hero story i'm the main charrie!


    Number of posts : 19
    Age : 26
    Registration date : 2012-03-19

    My super hero story i'm the main charrie! Empty My super hero story i'm the main charrie!

    Post by Medic 3/23/2012, 4:52 pm

    Ghost Flame's adventures Part 1

    Hi my name is Jack Harkness but you can call me J.

    I live in a place that is beyond description. It is not like the place that you live and perhaps worse than you could ever imagine. The surface of the planet is almost like a tropical paradise on Earth, however the under realms are like the worst place you will ever imagine, they are hot, rocky, full of lava, with creepy demons and a band of evil spider like beings that will kill you on sight. Come join my adventure in QUIRKIA.


    When I was born at the Quirkia General Hospital, my grandfather, Templar Adephon had said “Nephew your cousin has been born”
    “Really” asked Knight Peculiar.
    “Yes! Come and see him” said Adephon
    “Thank you uncle.” said Knight Peculiar.

    6 Years later...

    As my brother X, a pyromaniac, comes home from school, he accidentally sets the house on fire. Really this shouldn’t surprise me because, 2 years ago, he had set my bed on fire. He loves setting stuff on fire like floors, beds, carpets, doors, sectionals, walls and much much more. Why does my mom let him have a flint and steel? Is she crazy??
    I said "X what the doodle have you done"
    "I have no idea" said X.

    7 Years later...

    As I walk into the house, I say to my mother “I'm home”
    “How was your day, J?” asked mom
    “Not bad” I replied
    “Your cousin Knight Peculiar is coming to pick you up for a week away” said mom “Alright I’ll go get packed” I say
    “J there's something I need to tell you” said mom
    “What is it mom?” I ask.
    “When you were about 3 years old you got bit by a poisonous spider and you’ve got powers” said mom
    “WHAT! I'VE GOT WHAT?” I say shocked.
    “Yes J I know it’s hard to believe but you have powers just like Karpath, your great grandfather did” mom said worriedly.
    “Are you okay mom?” I ask.
    “Promise me that you’ll be safe with your cousin Knight Peculiar?” asked mom.
    “I promise but tell me what going on first” I say.
    “Alright, alright. I’ll tell you. This happens ever fifth generation your powers are Invisibility, Time, Super Speed and Fire.” says mom
    “Cool. Can I go and get packed?” I asked completely clueless.
    “Yes” Said mom.

    A couple minutes later I was packed and ready to go. I had just turned on the TV and plopped down on the sectional when Knight Peculiar strolled in the door and said “Ready to go?”
    “Yep, bye mom!” I say
    “Bye J. Be safe.” Said mom, looking slightly concerned.
    “I will. Let’s go” I said.

    As we leave mom’s house and we start to walk … I ask Knight Peculiar “Where are we going?”
    “Terrorvale” he said.
    “What! No. No. No. I am not going to Terrorvale at all! I'd rather go to Mistral City than there.” I said stumbling along the path.
    “Very well you may go to Mistral City and when you get there, find Skylord Lysander and give him this message.” He said
    “What's the message?” I ask
    “The message is that a Demon has risen again and is harming innocent people.” He said.
    “Okay bye. Will I see you in Mistral city?” I ask.
    “After I find a couple of my friends” he says.
    “Who are they?” I ask curiously.
    “Spaceman Xephos and the Dwarf Honeydew.” He said. Trying not to burst out laughing at the names of Knight Peculiar’s friends, I say “good bye” and carry on to Mistral City.

    As I travel, I see this young, crazy looking kid he looks like he would harm me, however, I don’t think he could raise his arm to swing his sword. The guy was breathless like he had been running for a long time. He staggers up to me and says “You will die tonight if you don't reach Mistral City by sun down”
    “How quickly can I get there?” I ask.
    “In the next 10 minutes if you can run” he says then dies in my arms with his eyes open. As I look into his eyes I see that they are pure gold, it is almost creepy the colour which causes me to shudder with horror. After collecting my self, I close his eyes and steal his sword to protect myself on the journey ahead. As I set off to Mistal City time seems to stand still. I run, so fast that it must look like I’m flying, over bare land. I pass an odd looking man in a preacher’s suit who shouts “WORLD HOLES”. I didn’t have time to wonder what that meant, I just kept running.

    The moment I enter Mistal City, I am overwhelmed and I gawk at everything there is. I walk up to a guy who appears to be a local with a large personality.
    I say “Hi. I'm looking for a Skylord named Lysander”
    “Well you've found him. How may I be of assistance?” he asks.
    “I have to tell you something’s” I say
    “What is it?” he asks
    “I need something to drink and a place to stay” I say
    “Very well you may stay with me until I can find you a house” he replies. As we turn into the local pub for some food and ale. I see that there is a sky ship called The Celantro, is on fire “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO” he yells, “that’s my ship”
    “Muhahahahahahahahahaha!” says some white-faced and very evil looking man in a suit.
    “Who are you?” I ask
    “Okay then” I say with a false sense of security.
    “THE DUEL FOR MISTRAL CITY SHALL START TOMORROW!” he shouts. “Very well” I say, secretly panicking, he walks away into the setting sun.

    As the time draws close for the battle, my fear begins to take over and I say “Lets get this over with”

    I begin trying to pluck up my courage; I start to say to myself “I'm going to live. I'm going to live.” I’m startled by a sound from behind me; I turn and look to see X has appeared. I’m glad to see him, but scared that I’m going to have to tell mom if something goes horribly wrong with him, he is very accident prone, he’s really a klutz.
    I ask X to work with me and we both begin to say “I will not die easy!!!”
    “Yes you will!” yells Israphel.
    “Charge” we shout in unison.

    As the battle begins, X goes to a local bakery, behind the location that Israphel’s gang is hanging out, X tosses a flint into the bakery and causes a huge fire that distracts the gang.

    From out of no where, Xephos and Honeydew appear and say “the fight is getting worse in the Town Square. Quickly to the fight!”

    Finally, we arrive at the town square, both X and Xephos get shot by a cross bow bolt. I am pinned up against a wall by a creeper who is trying to make me explode.

    Israphel is standing to the side and laughs like a madman.
    I shout “die you moron” and throw a fireball at him. I do a flaming Spartan kick; X sets a spider on fire with the flint and steel I gave him saying “Die! Die! Die!” the spider starts to panic.
    “Noooooo” yells Israphel. “Soon I shall have your soul” he says
    “Try again” says x and sets him on fire.
    “OW! OW! HOT! HOT!” says Israphel
    “Is the poor princess burnt? Should I call an ambulance?” I ask.
    “Don’t even start on me with that” he says.
    “Why” I ask. “I'll kill you now” shouts Israphel.
    As we go in to battle, I wave my hand and time stops so he's moving in slow motion, actually it looks like has trying to fight me through syrup.
    “No” he says, trying to slice at my arm and almost cutting it open.
    Time unfreezes and I say “Skylords! Help”. I am trying to dodge every attack.
    “Not this time” he says.

    Jasper appears suddenly right in front of me, he is dying, Israphel is pinned underneath him.
    “Ha! Get out of that” I say as Israphel tries to shove Jasper off, but fails.
    “Ouch my legs have no feeling now” says Israphel.
    Finally Israphel shoves him off and throws him away. “Crush him” yells Israphel. “Let’s end this once and for all”

    For many hours we battled, both sides losing warriors, friend and family, except me and Israphel, only causing minor wounds to each other.
    As Israphel calls in scorpions I finally realized we're doomed.
    “Come on we can still win this” I say “Are You Crazy?” asks some random warrior in the crowd.
    “I'm not crazy! My powers will help get us through this” I shout. As we charge back in to the fight, I decide that it's time to call in the big guns “ahwoooooooo” I howl, it is the sounding the Wolf Battle Call. The wolves respond and come in from the back of Israphel's army and attack.

    I call out “willing to give up yet”
    “no” he yells.
    I yell and ask with a deadly voice “COME AND GET SOME OR HAVE YOU NO SPUNK?”

    Israphel stabs me and a scorpion bites me at the same time. I am struggling now, it is hard to breathe, my body aches,

    The end has come, I am seriously hurt. As I lie on the ground with a sword in my chest and scorpion venom coursing through my veins, my vision turns green, I lose all felling in my body, my cousin Knight Peculiar is beside me, he’s worried, and I say gasping for breath, “I...Promised...Mom....I'd...Be...Safe...tell...Her...I'm...I'm...travelling...to...a...different...place...now.”
    “Xephos! Honeydew! Come here we must bury him, it must be done properly, as it is the right thing to do.” says Knight Peculiar crying.
    “Coming” they say as they finish another burial.

    I pass on to a different place, they pick me up, then carefully put me in the chest in my grave in Mistral city.


      Current date/time is 10/6/2024, 12:24 pm