A place for Percy Jackson and the Olympian fans to roleplay.

    Guardians of Gaea


    Number of posts : 16
    Age : 28
    Registration date : 2012-04-06

    Guardians of Gaea Empty Guardians of Gaea

    Post by SereneSabotage 5/21/2012, 6:07 pm

    Did you ever wonder about dying? What it would feel like? What it would BE like? As teenagers, dying is a myth. In our youth, we walk with giants that will never be brought down. Yet, one day we will die. One minute we will be there, and the next minute... it's over. Our time on mother earth will be over, rent will be overdue and we will be evicted. Ha-ha, at least for some of us. There are five among us that have no intention of looking into that light anytime soon. Jason Mane, Samuel Milton, Drew Murr, Drake Murr, and Michael Castle are intrusted with one simple task that has been there’s since they were born...
    Protect Gaea.

    These five boys are demigods, not just any demigods either. The suckiest kind. They go through everyday bullcrap AND protect Gaea aka a shriveled up old lady with bright green eyes who just happens to be the life force of earth. Jason Mane is a son of Aphrodite, he is the douche bag who wears the sunglasses at night, and leaves four buttons unbuttoned on his shirt, and wears his hair like he is a model for American eagle or something. However, it gets worse, he is the one who is looked over when he half does his chores, homework, and everything else was unfinished... Plus he gets the girl. Drew and Drake Murr are twins of Apollo, the type that has the looks and fits in perfectly but never really pushes their potential like... some others. They are the all around nice guys until you diss their mother or... their father. Samuel Milton, son of Hermes. He is a kidder, a thief, and a sneak. He could be anything he wanted, track star, air force pilot... WORLD'S GREATEST MAIL MAN, you name it. Who knows where that kid will end up if this certain lifestyle of friggin titan protecting goes south? Last, but not least there is Michael, son of Hephaestus, shop class master. The shop teacher Mr. Mann usually lets him lead the class. Michael has had kind of a hard life, he had an older brother that was a guardian before him but was KIA when things started getting bad a couple of years back. Anyway, He is the youngest, most sensitive, and the kindest of all of them... Zeus save him.

    ~ From bad to worse ~

    So here we are, Salem, Massachusetts. Leaves screaming with beauty at the heart of fall. The boys on their way to the fall fest, also known as the biggest event of the year. There is one thing that the boys do not miss, and this lil shindig is it. Drew and Drake always took turns driving their new four door jeep. When one of them was driving the other, both of them being masterminds of music, the other would be manning the radio finding the best tunes. I guess Olympian Radio was perfect considering all you had to do was think about the type of music you wanted and BAM! There it was. Samuel and Jason sat in the back, texting girls for Jason, Samuel would always be doing something stupid like carving out a lock pick or trying to memorize lock pick combos that belonged to girls he liked. He would always slip them lovely notes that he would have the twins write. In between those in the uncomfortable middle seat that EVERYONE hates sat Michael. The other took him under their wing after Mason, Michael's older brother died. They pestered him constantly, but never too much. The occasional ear flick or wet wily in front of pretty girls was never away long for him.

    Michael: “Guys, please slow down. I think that was a cop we just passed... and you were kind of oh gee I don’t know FLYING! “He said scooting up in his seat and leaning forward to see the twins.” Seriously guys slow down or I’ll tell the old lady. I don’t think she would be too thrilled to find out you got another ticket, Drake. "

    Drake: " Oh c'mon little man...” His Irish accent was thick as the words rolled off his tongue. He nodded to the rear-view mirror to Michael who had finally settled back and combed some of his rich brown hair to the side. He looked over to his brother who started to doze off and slowly advanced his hand torward him and flicked his ear hard and laughed wildly beating the steering wheel. It was like the twins had a game going since they were three years old to see who could flick each other’s ear the most. Drake looked to Drew and laughed “Oh, I’m sorry Drewie. Did I wake you? He said and focused on the road again.

    In Drew’s dream he was standing in a warm Dublin field back home. The tall grass with the perfect morning dew nestled in it brushing against his knees. He looked into the distance, the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. Her long red curls lying on her shoulders as if they were sleeping, her deep green eyes staring at him as if he were the only other person on the planet. Suddenly she began to run to him, and he to her. Right as their hands were about to touch... right before he was home... right before bliss... FINK!

    Drew: “hufmmmm.... Hf... OWWW... AYE, SLEEPIN'S OFF LIMITS AND YOU KNEW IT YOU TWAT!” He said and thrusted his large hand into his brother’s shoulder. Michael and Samuel erupted with an immense amount of laughter and all of a sudden Jason looked up.

    Jason: “You guys are so immature… ‘’ He said and moved his glasses in front of his eyes. Drew leaned over and slapped him upside the head and shook his head.
    Drew: “You know its nine o’clock, don’t ya? ‘’ He said pulling off his sunglasses and throwing them at his chest.

    Suddenly, a quiet high pitch emerged. The boys had been given rings, five rings that could detect danger within one hundred yards. Jason’s cobalt stone began to shine, along with Drake’s emerald stone, Drew’s garnet stone, Samuel’s onyx stone and Michael’s deep topaz stone. Each ring had an image of a Greek war shield inlayed in it. The boys looked at each other.

    Drake: “Should I pull over, lads? “

    Drew: “Are you nuts? I’m not fighting tonight… “

    Michael: “It might be a mistake... We haven’t seen one in months… “

    Drew: ‘’ No, little man, YOU haven’t seen one in months… We have been keeping the fight concealed… or trying to at least. “
    Samuel: “Doesn’t matter now. “ He said twisting the ring on his finger and unleashed his Celestial Bronze short sword. “The fight’s here… “

    Drake: “Dammit...” He slammed the breaks on and looked outside. “Alright, lads, Get ready. “ He said and all of them opened their doors and slowly closed them.

    ~ A new battlefield ~

    The five boys stared down the road about 25 yards to the tall figure staring right back. The tall kid couldn’t be more than 17 years old was wearing a pitch black field jacket with a grey button up and a brown undershirt. Michael shivered as the man started to walk up to them, his dark boots clanking as they hit the road. As he get closer he was tan, long hair, parted down the middle, with eye that were black as night. The figure stood about ten yards away, with a sly grin on his face.

    The man: “The guardians… “He chuckled and pointed to each and everyone. “ Jason… Samuel…Drake….Drew… and little man Michael… “He lowered his hand slowly and crossed them over his chest. “ What a ragtag group of protectors we have here… “ He raised one hand to rub his chin.

    Drake: “Well, you seem to have left out your name. Considering you know all of ours it is rude, aye? “He stepped up and stuffed his hands inside of his dark pea coat, giving the man a stare with no emotion.

    The man: “Drake… you’re too correct… Where ARE my manners? “He put his hand to his chest and lowered his torso slightly. “ I am Elijah… ‘’ He raised back up and looked to all of them.

    Drake: “I would say it’s a pleasure, but that’ll depend on the conclusion of this conversation. What are you doing here? ‘’ He asked him as Samuel began to grow at Elijah.

    Elijah: “I think you know what I’m doing here, Drake. I want the old lady. You give her to me, and I’ll be sure to tell my master you were very cooperative. Now how does that sound. “He said tucking his hands in his jacket waiting for an answer.

    Jason: “Are you for real? You’re going to come to our town, throwing this bull crap threat at us like a petty parking ticket? Man, who are you? Why don’t you just go on somewhere? The last time one of you showed up you took one of my friends. Michael’s brother… What makes you think we won’t just take you on right here!? ‘’

    The boys looked at each other and chuckling, Jason was never an outspoken one. In fact, this was the first time he actually gave an enemy a piece of his mind. Drake high fived drew while Michael and Samuel both gave Jason a low five at the same time.

    Elijah: His grin turned to a sour purse of the lips. “Well, Son of Aphrodite, it’s funny you should mention that… because the funny thing is… “

    There was a loud crash, breaking the windows of the jeep. The boys ducked and stayed low before they stood up, seeing Elijah had disappeared. Drew looked to Michael who was shivering and Drake looked to Samuel and they all started chuckling. They all looked to Jason who was frozen, and slowly started to fall. His once white v-neck shirt began to turn a rich crimson red from the center of his chest. Drake grabbed his back and lowered him slowly and Michael held his head up.

    Drake: “Jay… no... Oh god, JAY! “

    Michael: “He is going to be okay right guys, guys? “He looked to them all and they all began to lose themselves. Tears fell on Jason’s Khaki shorts like rain. “You’re going to be alright, Jason… It’s not that bad… “
    Jason: He was shaking slightly as he slowly got colder. He pulled on Drake’s sleeve and looked between them. “I’m s-… sorry about your guy’s window… I guess I s… shou… should’ve kept my mouth shut, huh? “
    Samuel: He was having a hard time holding back his tears as he spoke. “Hey, don’t you worry your pretty little head about anything, model boy. “ He said patting his sneaker lightly.
    Jason: “Drake… if you… if you ever see… my... My mom… will you t... Tell her how brave I was?’’ he asked, his dull blue eyes that were once bright and full of life looking into drakes. He never met his god parent like Michael. The rest of them had seen theirs at least once.
    Drake: “You bet I will… ill make the rest of us seem like a bunch of sheep. Does that sound about right? “
    Jason: He nodded and chuckled for the last time and shivered uncontrollably now. “More than right to me… I’m cold, guys... ‘’ He said still shivering.
    The boys gave up their jacket and threw them over Jason and began to rub his chilled body. All of them still crying, none of them truly believing he was going to die except for Drake and Michael.
    Jason: “T…Thanks, guys. ‘’ he said and began to cough wildly, but regained himself.
    Drew: “Don’t talk, pretty boy… you’re too pretty to talk. ‘’ He said and brushed some hair out of his face.
    They all began to go quiet and sobbed before Michael leaned over to him and cried hysterically. He gripped his hand and spoke wildly and frantically.
    Michael: “J…J…Jason? “ He asked softly
    Jason: He looked down to Michael and gave him one last smile and nodded to him. “Yeah, little man? “
    Michael: “If you see, Mason… tell him I’m sorry… and I… I love him. ‘’
    Jason nodded and then went silent…
    Drake put his forehead to Jason’s and began to cry again.
    Michael: “NO! ‘’ He stood up and ran down the road. Drew was quick on his trail and wrapped his arms around him.
    Drew: “Aye, Lad, easy... easy... The police are on their way… ‘’ As Michael began to bawl and fall to his knees Drew fell with him. “He wouldn’t want you to do that, little man… Be strong… Let it turn to anger… and rage… When Elijah comes back… we’ll be ready… don’t worry. ‘’
    Michael: “So will I… ‘’

    When the cops arrived the boys gave a convincing story. Around two o’clock in the morning the boys finally got back to the lighthouse. They walked in and the titan Gaea was rocking in her rocking chair and saw the blood on their clothing and waved her hand to her.
    Gaea: “Come here, boys. Tell me what happened… By the gods I didn’t think it would happen again so soon. ‘’
    The boys walked up to her slowly, looking at her with tears in their eyes. Losing a brother was never easy. Especially a guardian brother, someone who you had bled with, fought with, fought for.
    Drake: “He said his name was Elijah… Aunt G… what’s happening?’’
    Gaea: “I don’t know boys… ‘’
    Samuel stormed of the light house and slammed the door behind him.
    Drake: “How do we kill him?’’ He asked in a hushed tone.

    Gaea: “Son… I have no idea… honest. You would have to see the god who knows the most about that area of expertise. ‘’
    Drew: “Who’s that, G? ‘’ He got out a pad of paper and a pencil and was ready to write it down.
    Gaea: “Thanatos, the god of death himself. ‘’
    Michael: “I thought Hades was the god of death? “
    Gaea: “That stubborn fool wishes. He is the god of the underworld. If you want to know how to kill something, you go Thanatos. ‘’
    Drake: “Alright. Well… how do we get to him? ‘’
    Gaea: “You’ve got to die… you think one of you can manage that? ‘’ She looked between them.
    The boys look at each other…

    Michael: He steps forward. “I can… ‘’

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