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    my hunger games fanfic

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    my hunger games fanfic Empty my hunger games fanfic

    Post by shortyy.xo 5/23/2012, 9:01 pm

    Chapter 1- Emma:
    Waking up in 13 isn’t always sunshine and unicorns. So when I finally DO get up im in a bitter mood. “Morning Emmy!” says my 8 year old little sister Courtney. She has beautiful curly bright red hair and brown eyes. “Morning Miss.Priss” I smiling and picking her up. She smiles and starts squirming and laughing. Seeing her in the morning gets me out of my bad moods. I take a shower, and put on my gray uniform and black boots. Im a soldier in training, working day and night for Coin. Coin is our President basically. She is about 45 and has brown hair up in a perfect bun. I step out of our house and into the sunshine hearing the leaves crunch under my feet. As im walking to the training area I see Liam. He and I have known each other for 9 years. Liam has jet black hair and TONS of freckles. “YO!!!!!! FRECKLES!! You wanna wait on me?” I say jokingly. He stops and turns around. “COME ON THEN!” He says and takes off as fast as he can. I smile, roll my eyes and begin to run. In about 30 minutes I catch up to him but instead of running he stops. Sadly for me I didn’t see him and run head on into his back. “What are you-“ “SHHHH!” he says annoyed. We sit in silence for 10 minutes and hear it. First a hovercraft approaching and my eyebrows raise…then the warning sirens. I stare at Liam. Not able to move, not even breathe. “COME ON!!” He shouts but instead I start to cry because Liam is running for his life in the other direction. “LIAM!!!”I cry “Liam don’t leave me.” I whisper. Liam runs back towards me and scoops me up before I could even attempt to get up myself. I hear the distant sound of a bomb and scream “HURRY!!” “Im trying! You’re NOT a feather ya know!” He carries me to my house and we duck down. Courtney and mom must be in the emergency bomb shelter. “Im so sorry.” I say to Liam. He just glances at me and stuffs his hands in his pockets. “Liam-“ “JUST SAVE IT EMMA!” he yells and turns towards the window. “What did I do LIAM?? YOU KNOW ME!! YOU KNOW HOW I BREAK DOWN IN EMEMERGENCY!” “THEN HOW ON EARTH ARE YOU PLANNING TO BE A SOLDIER??!!!” and after that I blacked out.
    Chapter 2-Emma:
    It seems like hours before I wake up again but once I am awake all the commotion has stopped. “Liam?” I call getting up off what used to be the floor. I walk out the door and my heart stops. Everything has been destroyed. “MOM!!! LIAM!!!!!!! COURTNEY!!!!!” I run over to Liam’s house and open the door. Empty. I run to the now broken Community Building. Empty. Then I rush to the emergency shelter and there in the darkness is Liam, mom, and Courtney. They all seem okay but everyone else is well….gone. I rush hurriedly down the steps and run to Mom and Courtney and begin to cry as they shower me with kisses and hugs. Mom inspects me and squeezes my arms. Mom and Courtney look EXACTLY the same but I look more like my dad. I have curly dirty blonde hair and green eyes with a couple of freckles around my nose and cheeks. “Are you okay?” I ask Courtney who has been beside Liam the whole time. “Yeah.” “Is that all im gonna get?” she giggles and nods. I just smile and roll my eyes when I notice we aren’t the only ones in here.
    Chapter 3- Liam:
    I think Emma might’ve noticed it first but once she gave me that look I pick of Courtney and carry her out casually. “What are you doing?” she asks kicking around and squirming. I open the door and step into the ruins of District 13. It was too much for me to take in but I continue walking. When I feel im far enough away I put Courtney down. I squat in front of her holding her arms. “Listen to me.” Courtney moves her attention to the burning buildings but I need her to pay attention. “ No don’t look over there look at me. There you go now then… bad things have happened but we’re gonna be alright. Your mom and sister are in the shelter and need some time alone so we are gonna sit here and wait.” “BUT Im hungry!” she whines. Luckily I have a bite of bread and some water in a canteen; as soon as I hand them to her she stuffs her face like she’s never been fed in her life. Well about an hour later Emma and Mrs. Cole show up. Emma is bloody and is limping and her mother is pale from shock. “Whoa what happened?” I asked Emma a little concerned. “Come over here.” She says aggravated and leads me behind the Community Building. “They were there. All of them. Snow, the Peacekeepers, all of them!” as she breaks down again I feel bad about earlier. “Listen Emmy about earlier... im really sorry.” She looks up and smiles her-its okay it’s no biggy smile. As she pulls herself together a loud bell summons us all to the towns square. Emmy and I look at each other and get up. We walk scared…the whole time im thinking- who’s name will be drawn in the reaping…I only hope she doesn’t get called because I finally realized that I loved her.
    Chapter 4: Emmy
    The reaping. The death sentence. Same thing. My name is in there 75 times…the all-time maximum. Once we arrive Effie Trinket is standing there along with of course Snow and the Peacekeepers. Snow rules all the districts. He has white hair and reeks of blood and roses. The voice of Effie Trinket rings clearly and cheerfully around 13. “Hello!!!! AND welcome to the 1st annual Hunger Games. The only reason Liam and I knew about this is because it’s been talk of 13 for 3 years now and we know all about it. OF course we weren’t expecting the bomb though. Once Effie is done with her little speech she goes to two round bowls side by side labeled LADIES and GENTLEMEN. “Now then let’s get started!” she walks over to the bowls with a stride in her step. Her high heels make a small crunching noise on the ground. “Ladies first!” I notice Liam staring at me out of the corner eye but I ignore it. “OUR first EVER Hunger games tribute is….” Then a long silence as her cold hand fishes in the bowl. “EMMA COLE!” my heart stops. I stand there shocked. “Is Emma here?” Effie says quite disappointed. I raise my hand and slowly walk up to her. “Ahhh and what a lovely young lady to. How old are you Miss. Cole?” “14” I say shakily. She walks away smiling and moves on to the guys bowl. “Not Liam Not Liam Not Liam.” I whisper over and over. “CONNOR O’HARRIS!” she shouts. Connor is around 12 and is scrawny with chestnut hair. “Now the next thing-“ I tune her out and look at Liam. This is going to be the last time I see him. EVER. Liam is about to cry. I can tell and I know I am because I feel the hot tears down my cheeks. “Now before we say our goodbyes would anybody like to take either child’s place?” Connor’s older brother, William volunteers for him but my luck stops here. As we’re on the train they just HAD to drop another bomb on 13. I can’t even look but I see Peacekeepers lined up along a door. So I decide to tell them how I feel. I begin to tear up as I say this. “You ALL are sick people. I HATE ALL OF YOU!” I scream in tears. Then one of them opens his mouth. “Thanks I hate you to.” I scream and grab a plate and charge. He dodges me the first time but once he thinks he’s outran me im right behind him and I smack the plate on his head and it shatters. Next I pick up another with sharp edges. “STOP!” he orders at a corner of a hallway. I stop dead in my tracks and hold out my hands for him to cuff. “Put them down” he says quieter. As I put them down he takes off his helmet and I instantly recognize him. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?” “Nothing much just standing around breathing talking-“ I giggle then punch him in the arm. “OW!!!!” “Yea it was supposed to hurt.” I say harshly as I begin to walk away he grabs my arm. “Wait Emmy im here to be a late tribute.” “They don’t allow that…you heard Effie.” “Okay well-“ as another Peacekeeper approaches he puts his helmet on and begins to answer a random question. “No mam we don’t have a buffet of Lamb Stew.” As the other Peacekeeper walks off Liam takes off his helmet again “I’ll see you tomorrow.” He says paying attention to some brown haired girl with red highlights. “CATTY WAIT UP!” the girl turns around and smiles. The next thing he does DISGUSTS me. He pulls her in close and kisses her on the nose. They walk off hand in hand and it isn’t until then I realize how much I’ve longed for him to be mine.
    I walk slowly down the hallway….so much to miss in just 2 days. I see the girl multiple times the next day but I never speak. I can’t talk to Liam because he’s always around her. Finally I pull him away and sit him down at another table. “Who is she?” I ask harshly. “She’s nobody.” He says looking down. “Doesn’t look like nobody to me” “OKAY fine she’s from District 4, her name is Catty and Im only doing this because the other peacekeepers want me to.” “WHY?” “So I can have an excuse to not wear a helmet AND we have a plan to make the games say….easier.” he says with a sly smile. “Does she know?” “Yes she knows….why? “No reason.” I say and walk away. It’s a relief it’s all fake but he makes is so believable. Every time their together I talk to Catty but today is the day we arrive. I take my first breath of Capitol air…for some reason I hate it more than I did before. I try to tell Liam bye but I don’t see him so I walk to Catty. “Have you seen Liam?” “Yeah I did now that you mention it but he walked towards the restroom so I let him be.” She says squinting at the shady outline below us. “WELCOME DARLINGS WELCOME!” Effie says brightly. “Come! Come! We have MUCH to! Districts one and two follow Flavius. Districts three and four follow Mandy. Five and six with Octavia. Seven and eight with Bekha. Eight and nine with-“ When she gets to thirteen William and I we follow a young man named Scooter. He doesn’t speak that much but he does pretty well with his hellos. He’s odd. His face looks like a cats and he has sea blue skin with little wave looking things around his feet. “I wanted four….they told me four.” He mumbles. “Gee well your no pick nick either sweetie.” I snap. “Oh sorry four is my home district…and I just-“ “Sorry for her behavior im William Bernard O’ Harris the fourth.” He says and bows. “Cheesy much?” I whirl around and ask. He rolls his eyes and waves me away. “You wanna keep your eyes? If so I suggest you don’t do that.” I say we walk to a dome and get separated. “Just down that hallway and a right.” Scooter tells me. As we walk ahead of Scooter William says "I can't wait to kill you." "Same to you."I say and wait to walk with Scooter.

    Role Playing Legend

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    my hunger games fanfic Empty Re: my hunger games fanfic

    Post by Holly 5/24/2012, 12:48 am

    But nice and giid
    Dedicated Member

    Number of posts : 1740
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    Registration date : 2011-11-12

    my hunger games fanfic Empty Re: my hunger games fanfic

    Post by shortyy.xo 5/24/2012, 7:26 pm

    thanks..yea its sorta a work in progress...I started it like in March and it was on paper but now apparently its not :D
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    Dedicated Member

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    my hunger games fanfic Empty Re: my hunger games fanfic

    Post by shortyy.xo 6/10/2012, 11:05 pm

    Its called a FANFICTION for a reason thank you very much....A fanfic is your own twist on a awsome story and this is my twist..but thanks for the constructive critisisim.. :D But I do think I know that...Ive read all the book saw the movie and made an ESSAY on all four...I also have the parody book a mockingjay pin, etc
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    Dedicated Member

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    my hunger games fanfic Empty Re: my hunger games fanfic

    Post by shortyy.xo 6/11/2012, 10:54 pm

    Oh its fine and thhanks :D

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