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    Sleekest Sun 2: The Golden Aged War

    Role Playing Legend

    Number of posts : 11340
    Age : 23
    Registration date : 2011-11-05

    Sleekest Sun 2: The Golden Aged War Empty Sleekest Sun 2: The Golden Aged War

    Post by Mason 5/27/2012, 12:03 pm

    Chapter One

    "Airforce! Get to work! We're crashing!" the Ice King yelled. Jack charged out in his gear. "Cip, it's time." I nodded. I jumped out of the airplane, and put on my parachute. I landed right next to the bomb."You got one try at this or Mexico is no longer a country!" I hear Marthy over the speaker. "I got it," I replied back into the speaker. I climbed to the top of the bomb. I try to find a panel. "THIS BOMB HAS NO PANEL!" I panic into the speaker. "CIP! LOOK AT THE BACK! HURRY!" Bel's voice came over the speaker. For her. I sighed, and looked at the side of the bomb. I saw a mini panel. I quickly went down to it and tried to bust it open. After three minutes, it busted open. I saw the wires. "CIP! ONE MORE MINUTE!" the Ice King's voice came over speaker. "I GOT IT OPEN! TELL ME THE WIRES TO CUT!" I yelled into the speaker. Suddenly, the speaker broke. Oh no! I hit it swiftly. "TURN BACK ON!" I yell at it. I heard the bomb ticking. I needed to just take a guess and hurry. I cut the yellow wire, then the blue wire, then the green wire. NONE OF THEM WORKED! "In fifteen, fourteen..." I heard the bomb's auto voice. I screamed. Suddenly, a poisoned arrow stuck into my side. I fell. I heard the bomb..."five, four, three, two...." BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM! I got blown up.

    Well, this might be too much of a beginning. Let me start from the way beginning. I am Cippesi Mimiik, but most call me Cip. All the years before this year, there was a thing called the World Challenge. You had to travel through the world, trying to find the sleekest part of the sun. Last year, my counselor Rigonor, who is now dead----long story----were traveling around. I found Bel, and we teamed up. I also found Jack, whenever he killed Rigonor---like I said, long story. We all teamed up and got help from my aunt, and went to the sun. I teamed up with the ice people, and became one, along with Jack and Bel. It was the only way we could win. But, rebels came and destroyed that part of the sun. So, my team and I had to team up with the ice people against the rebels. Ever, since...well.....

    One morning, my friends and I found the Ice Kingdom. We decided to live there. We all formed an army against the rebels. It was called Team Icecip. 'Ice Cip'. Get it? Anyway, one day we found out the rebels were gonna blow up Mexico. No idea why. So, we had to call in the Ice Airforce and went out. I was the leader of the team-----fun, eh?---so I had to disable the bomb. And well...you saw how that went.



    Sleekest Sun 2: The Golden Aged War Empty Re: Sleekest Sun 2: The Golden Aged War

    Post by Guest 5/27/2012, 12:15 pm

    Wow Mason....this is really good!
    Role Playing Legend

    Number of posts : 11340
    Age : 23
    Registration date : 2011-11-05

    Sleekest Sun 2: The Golden Aged War Empty Re: Sleekest Sun 2: The Golden Aged War

    Post by Mason 5/28/2012, 9:16 am

    Chapter Two

    So, back to the story.....

    The bomb blew up in my face. My glass mask exploded, and it scarred my face. I yelled in pain as the apple-red blood swiftly went down my face. "Cip!" I heard Bel's voice. I wiped the blood off my face, trying to prevent more. I saw one thing---fog. The country Mexico had blown up. And it was all my fault. I ran in the fog until I found Bel's screaming closer. I turned, and saw her. She looked hurt---not as hurt as me, but still pretty hurt-----from the bomb. The ship must of blown up when the bomb went off. Bel was the only important one right now. I had mixed feelings for her. I loved her, but at the same time she was just my friend. We'd kissed last year after the sleekest part of the sun exploded, and that was the one moment I felt like she was my girlfriend. But ever since, we went back to just friends. We never even talked about the kiss since then. So, anyway, I picked up Bel and saw her marks. I took my hand and froze the blood. I broke it off of her. I did the same to me, but, I put ice between my scar to prevent the blood. A lot of other parts of me were broken, but I shook it off. I picked Bel up and took her to the blown up ship. "Cip...." Bel's voice got weaker. "I'm here," I said and smiled.

    The next few hours Bel and I waited for the rest. They were no where in sight. "So...." Bel started. "About that kiss last year!" I blurted out. Bel blushed. "I'm sorry..." she said. "No, it's just....." I looked in her eyes. We kissed. "Bel, I really like you," I blurted out. Bel blushed again and giggled. "I really like you too," she said. We held hands. I liked this moment. But, suddenly, four men with guns appeared. They held up the guns. "Hey. Night, night," they said in perfect unison, then shot Bel and I. We passed out.

    I woke up in a helicopter. The four men looked down at me. I was tied up, and on the floor. "Take them away," a voice over the speakers said. I recalled it. It was the leader rebel. "Yes, sir," one man said and glared at me. He grabbed a hammer. "Your life was so short. What are you? Fifteen? Sixteen?" the man asked. "Almost sixteen," I said, grinning evilly. The man nodded and swung his hammer. "Any last words?" he asked. "Yes. FREEZE!" I froze my ropes, threw them off, then froze the main rotor blades. I grabbed Bel and a parachute, then jumped off the helicopter, as it fell from the sky. I heard the rebels screaming, but I ignored them. Bel and I landed. "Now, to find the rest," I mutter under my breath.


    Sleekest Sun 2: The Golden Aged War Empty Re: Sleekest Sun 2: The Golden Aged War

    Post by Guest 5/28/2012, 10:24 am

    I like it so far Mason!
    Role Playing Legend

    Number of posts : 11340
    Age : 23
    Registration date : 2011-11-05

    Sleekest Sun 2: The Golden Aged War Empty Re: Sleekest Sun 2: The Golden Aged War

    Post by Mason 5/28/2012, 3:53 pm

    Chapter Three

    Now, don't get me wrong, but I hated the sound of the rebels crashing. It sure wasn't pleasant to hear someone die. I look at Bel. I untied her and woke her up. "Hey, there," I smiled at her. She smiled back. I suddenly felt the air getting cold. It was gonna rain. I had to find a cave or something. I took Bel's hand, and we quickly ran as the rain came on.

    On the way, I tripped on something. I tumbled down a hill, loosing Bel. I got up and looked around. She was nowhere in site. I sighed and sat back down. "OW!" something pricked me. I got up, and saw a big golden seashell. I picked it up. Instantly, power went through me. "Woah!" I yelled and dropped it. It glowed golden. I covered my eyes and ran. But, I had a feeling I should go back. I went back, seeing it was getting bigger. I needed to test this thing. Be a strong leader. I picked it up again, and power went through me again. I closed my eyes as more and more power went through me. Suddenly, I felt like time stopped. When I opened my eyes, it was still raining, but I couldn't feel the water. I just kept hearing "WHOOSH! WHOOSH!" Then, I heard a voice. It sounded like it was really far away. Help! Help! My trial is up at midnight! it said. Where are you? I tried to speak to it. New York City it said, then the voice shut off. I dropped the seashell instantly, and fainted.

    I woke up at what I assumed was about 10:00 P.M. I needed to find my friends more than anything, but I was also curious about the voice. I don't know how far away I was from New York, but I had to make it. I had about two hours, or this thing was never gonna be there again. I grabbed the seashell and stuffed it in my pocket. THAT'S IT! I will use my ice powers to track where I am. I closed my eyes and started touching and smelling everything. I opened my eyes, and in ice, it said 'CONNECTICUT'. I could make it! I looked around, trying to find a town or something. Nothing. Then, I looked above my head. What I had tripped on were train tracks. And right now, the train is coming.

    Role Playing Legend

    Number of posts : 10415
    Age : 27
    Registration date : 2012-02-21

    Sleekest Sun 2: The Golden Aged War Empty Re: Sleekest Sun 2: The Golden Aged War

    Post by Holly 5/31/2012, 2:59 am


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