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    The True Secret of Hogwarts


    Number of posts : 983
    Registration date : 2012-01-26

    The True Secret of Hogwarts Empty The True Secret of Hogwarts

    Post by CynicalSkin 6/7/2012, 9:14 am

    The True Secret of Hogwarts

    Chapter 1

    "It was a cold and bitter winter, it was. Seven students hospitalized four from Hufflepuff, one from Ravenclaw, and two from Slytherin." A group of Hogwarts students were listening to an old wizard tell his tales on the roads of Hogsmede. This story, in particular was leading her to more evidence about the mystery she was trying to uncover. She, however didn't know what this mystery was, or how to solve it. Well, I guess that's what made it a mystery, eh?

    "The castle was under lockdown, the rest of the students were strictly assigned to their dorms. Professor Longbottom went missing, the school was in hysteria, and mysterious writing was appearing on the walls. Now children can anyone tell me, the last time in Hogwarts history, when mysterious writing was found alongside the walls of the castle?" The man asked a question. A girl in the crowd of students nudged another female student in the crowd. "Hey this guy is kind of a freak, right?" This was Megan Erest, she was sorted into Gryffindor her first year at Hogwarts. She bared crimson-brown hair that fell to her shoulders. The girl who was nudged seemed to ignore Megan's comment. This girl was Madeleine Hearth, also known as Mad. They call her Mad because of her mad theories that always seemed to work. She was known for her brains and her skill throughout her 2 years at Hogwarts. Madeleine truly did live up to her Ravenclaw title no matter what the cost was.

    Mad's hand shot up. "Ah yes," The old man proceeded, "The young witch with the short, brown hair." "Ginny Weasley. Her writing was found on the walls of the Hogwarts castle, in blood. This was the year the chamber of secrets was said to be opened again. It truly was because the heir of the throne was found. The heir was the famous wizard Harry Potter himself." Mad said the answer with ease. The crowd of second year students looked at Mad with awe. The Slytherin's rolled their eyes. "Very good Miss?" Mad cut him off "Hearth, Mad Hearth."

    The clock tower bell went off and the group of students seemed to disband from the story teller. The only two people standing there were Megan and Mad. Megan turned to Mad and whispered; "Seriously let's go, we'll get back to the castle late. I have a weird feeling about this man…..he's probably crazy" Megan trailed off. "I am not crazy." The Wizard said. Both of the girls gasped as they were amazed with how the man could hear them from such a distance. Megan, not so much surprised than infuriated by this wizard. "Then I'm sure you're stories are all fake." "The stories are real, young witch. I can assure you." The man responded. "Then how do you know every detail that occurred?" Megan asked guaranteed that she won this argument. "Because, I was there." The man said, with a smirk that grew across his face. Megan stormed off into the hogshead without another word.

    Mad stood there intrigued. "What is your name?" The wizard said, "Seamus Finnigan"

    End of chapter 1

      Current date/time is 10/6/2024, 2:26 pm