A place for Percy Jackson and the Olympian fans to roleplay.

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    Helen of Troy's characters

    Desperate Souls
    Desperate Souls

    Number of posts : 560
    Age : 27
    Registration date : 2012-07-13

    Helen of Troy's characters Empty Helen of Troy's characters

    Post by Desperate Souls 7/13/2012, 8:43 am

    Name: Ophelia O'Hara
    Age: 15 1/2
    Gender: Female
    Eyes: Green
    Hair: Black
    Height: 5'6
    Body Type: lean
    Skin Color: Tan
    God Parent: Apollo
    Mortal Parent: Ellen O'Hara
    Country of Origin: United States of America
    Pets: N/A
    Talents: Playing piano and the harp, also a fast runner
    Skills: Archery,
    Weapon: A celestial bronze dagger named Andromache
    Flaws: Friendly, and flirty, a bit shy though, Ophelia can be very strong-willed and ambitious. She hates being told what to do and she prefers being the one telling people what to do.
    Powers: None
    Life Before CHB: Ophelialeft her home at the age of twelve after a terrible accident that left her 6 year old step brother dead. She had been babysitting her brother and there had been someone inside the house and she had used her bow and arrows that her mother had told her to use in case of danger and she accidentally misfired and hit her brother in the stomach instead. Ever since then she has dreaded facing the music and she is scared that somehow even though she is safe at camp that the authorities will catch her. She ran away, hiding in alleys and stowing away on cargo trains, She made it to Charlotte North Carolina where eventually the authorities caught up with he, she was taken to an orphanage because her stepmother no longer wanted her. She stayed at the orphanage for two years, but one night it was attacked by a monster and she was on the run again, she was then eventually rescued by a satyr and they made it to camp. To this day
    Ophelia feels that she caused her little brothers death and is very cautious about who she trusts and what she does, she still feels like the police are breathing down her back.
    RP Example: Ophelia ran, faster then she had every run before, her breath coming in short puffs. She kept running, the world slowly falling away, she felt as if she could run away from everything that had ever bothered her, mentally and physically. Her feet glided across the golden sand and she abruptly stopped. She watched the sun slowly set, the magnificent pinks and purples lighting up the sky and making it seem as if it was on fire. As the sun slipped out of view, the moon became visible. Ophelia sighed, feeling at peace with herself, she shook her contentness away and began running again. This time she ran fiercer as if something was after her, and in truth something was after her... guilt. Pictures of her little brother lying on the ground with blood pooling out of his stomach filled her head and with an inchoate sound of distress, she banished them from her mind. Today she was supposed to relax, and she couldn't relax when she thought of that day. She heard the sound of sirens far away, but she instantly cringed, even when she was safe at camp, she couldn't shake the feeling that the police were coming for her
    Any notes about your characters: Fatal Flaw is Hubris - Extreme pride and self confidence

    Last edited by Helen of Troy on 7/13/2012, 2:26 pm; edited 2 times in total
    Sugar Daddy

    Number of posts : 5225
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    Helen of Troy's characters Empty Re: Helen of Troy's characters

    Post by nix 7/13/2012, 8:48 am

    Five sentences for Life before CHB and RP Example. How is being friendly a flaw, if she's shy at the same time? Is the dagger Celestial Bronze?
    Desperate Souls
    Desperate Souls

    Number of posts : 560
    Age : 27
    Registration date : 2012-07-13

    Helen of Troy's characters Empty Re: Helen of Troy's characters

    Post by Desperate Souls 7/13/2012, 9:00 am

    ok, thanks for the tips, I edited it
    Retired Staff Member <3

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    Helen of Troy's characters Empty Re: Helen of Troy's characters

    Post by Blaze 7/13/2012, 11:16 am

    Piper has the dagger so no. We wouldn't allow another person to have the same dagger.
    Mr. Moseby
    Majestic Unicorn Queen

    Number of posts : 43512
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    Helen of Troy's characters Empty Re: Helen of Troy's characters

    Post by Kendall 7/13/2012, 1:18 pm

    You need to change her name, since that's the real name of a real-life actress.
    Desperate Souls
    Desperate Souls

    Number of posts : 560
    Age : 27
    Registration date : 2012-07-13

    Helen of Troy's characters Empty Re: Helen of Troy's characters

    Post by Desperate Souls 7/13/2012, 2:25 pm

    huh never heard of that actress anywho thanks for the corrections and I edited it to fit your corrections
    Mr. Moseby
    Majestic Unicorn Queen

    Number of posts : 43512
    Age : 2023
    Registration date : 2008-09-13

    Helen of Troy's characters Empty Re: Helen of Troy's characters

    Post by Kendall 7/13/2012, 2:27 pm

    Desperate Souls
    Desperate Souls

    Number of posts : 560
    Age : 27
    Registration date : 2012-07-13

    Helen of Troy's characters Empty New Character

    Post by Desperate Souls 7/14/2012, 12:04 pm

    Name: Emily Sparks
    Age: 16
    Gender: Female
    Eyes: Blue
    Hair: Blonde
    Height: 5'6
    Body Type: lean
    Skin Color: olive
    God Parent: Terpsichore – Goddess of Dance
    Mortal Parent: Thomas Sparks ( Father), Rebecca Sparks ( Twin Sister)
    Country of Origin: United States of America
    Pets: N/A
    Talents: Dancing, and choreography
    Skills: Novice Archery, Sword fighting
    Weapon: Celestial Bronze dagger named Anatoilus meaning sunrise
    Flaws: Ambitious, greedy, and antagonistic
    Powers: None
    Life Before CHB: Emily Sparks was somewhat of a lucky demigod, her father loved her and she was inseparable from her twin sister. The only damper on her great life was that she didn’t have a mother and she was constantly teased about it. Emily and her twin constantly begged their father to tell them about their mother, but the goddess had never revealed her true identity to their father. A minotaur attacked their school and because the mist veiled the mortal’s eyes, they thought the twins had brought a gun to school and they were promptly expelled. One of their close friends was their protector and they brought them to camp. Emily has always felt like her sister has been hiding something from her, but she is loathe to believe it as they made a pact several years ago to never ever keep secrets from each other . Emily enjoys dancing with her sister and that is one thing that strengthens their bonds as sisters.
    RP Example: Emily plopped her ballet bag down in the amphitheater where it was nice and quiet. She carefully unzipped it careful not to make any noise and pulled out her bobby pins. Emily gingerly pulled her hair up into a bun and her hair instantly fell into the form that it was so familiar too. She carefully pinned her bobby pins into place making sure that they stayed. She reluctantly pulled hairspray out of her bag, it was bad for the environment but great for hair. She quickly sprayed a mist over her bun and put the bottle back.Emily pulled her chacott pointe shoes out of her back and slipped them on. Somehow the world seemed different when she slipped those shoes on. It was magical. She hastily tied the pink silk ribbons around her ankles and secured them tightly.She stood up and gingerly pressed up and down, making sure that they were stable, the last thing she needed to do was break her ankle.

    Name: Rebecca Sparks
    Age: 16
    Gender: Female
    Eyes: Blue
    Hair: Blonde
    Height: 5'6
    Body Type: lean
    Skin Color: olive
    God Parent: Terpsichore – Goddess of Dance
    Mortal Parent: Thomas Sparks ( Father), Emily Sparks ( Twin Sister)
    Country of Origin: United States of America
    Pets: N/A
    Talents: Dancing, and choreography
    Skills: Novice Archery, Sword fighting
    Weapon: Celestial Bronze dagger named Aristomache meaning best battle
    Flaws: Ambitious and too confident, antagonistic
    Powers: None
    Life Before CHB: Similar to her twin Emily, Rebecca Sparks was somewhat of a lucky demigod, her father loved her and she was inseparable from her twin sister. The only damper on her great life was that she didn’t have a mother and she was constantly teased about it. Rebecca and her twin constantly begged their father to tell them about their mother, but the goddess had never revealed her true identity to their father. A minotaur attacked their school and because the mist veiled the mortal’s eyes, they thought the twins had brought a gun to school and they were promptly expelled. One of their close friends was their protector and they brought them to camp. Rebecca is very different from her sister, she is quiet and laidback and hates being interrupted when she is dancing. Dancing is her life and her passion.She hopes to become a principal ballet dancer and be able to travel all around the world.
    RP Example: Rebecca slipped out of the cabin with a neon pink yoga mat tucked under the crook of her arm. She headed in the direction of the beach. She tucked her earplugs in and put on her morning workout playlist. She would be working out alone this morning, as her sister was to lazy to come. Once she arrived at the beach, she laid her yoga mat out and on the sides of it in bright green she had engraved, Veni Vidi, Veci, ( I came I saw I conquered). It was her trademark motto that she had stolen from Julius Caesar. She pulled her hair into a quick ponytail using one of the handy hair ties that she always kept on her wrist, Once it was secured, she put her ipod on higher. Rebecca took a deep breath and easily slid into a split, then pulled one leg back. She let go of the leg, and rolled into plank. She set the timer on her ipod for two minutes and held it for a second longer then the set time.
    Any notes about your characters:

    Last edited by Helen of Troy on 7/14/2012, 12:36 pm; edited 2 times in total
    Retired Staff Member <3

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    Helen of Troy's characters Empty Re: Helen of Troy's characters

    Post by Blaze 7/14/2012, 12:20 pm

    We don't allow gods to visit their child since it may cause gifts we didn't know about...

    Add one more flaw to both.

    Could you separate the two forms?
    Desperate Souls
    Desperate Souls

    Number of posts : 560
    Age : 27
    Registration date : 2012-07-13

    Helen of Troy's characters Empty Re: Helen of Troy's characters

    Post by Desperate Souls 7/14/2012, 12:40 pm

    ok thanks, i edited it
    Mr. Moseby
    Majestic Unicorn Queen

    Number of posts : 43512
    Age : 2023
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    Helen of Troy's characters Empty Re: Helen of Troy's characters

    Post by Kendall 7/14/2012, 1:12 pm

    Approved x2. Add your characters to your signature, please.
    Desperate Souls
    Desperate Souls

    Number of posts : 560
    Age : 27
    Registration date : 2012-07-13

    Helen of Troy's characters Empty My new character

    Post by Desperate Souls 7/16/2012, 10:05 am

    Name: Andromache Woziancki
    Age: 15
    Gender: Female
    Eyes: Blue,
    Hair: Blonde
    Height: 5'9"
    Body Type: lean
    Skin Color: Tan
    God Parent: Aphrodite
    Mortal Parent: James Woziancki
    Country of Origin: United States of America
    Talents: Modeling and such
    Skills: Archery, Sword fighting
    Weapon: Small Celestial dagger named Clytemnestra
    Flaws: Self-Absorbed, overdramatic, and ambitious
    Powers: None
    Life Before CHB: Andromache grew up with an extremely abusive father that came home late from the pub and was constantly drunk. He used to hit her when he was angry and she spent countless hours hiding from him at her friend’s house or locked up in her room. There was a monster incident at him and her father cast her out with no money at all. She stayed at her friends house for awhile until a protecter came to get her and convinced her that she needed to go to Camp Half-Blood.
    She immediately fled there with her protecter but they got into a little monster skirmish just outside the gates of camp and her protecter was fatally wounded. She bravely dragged him into camp, but he couldn't be save, she had really liked him, and they had become great friends and she has vowed to bring down any monster that crosses her path.
    RP Example: Andromache ran as fast as she could away from her house, her father had cast her out and she had no where to go. She ran for a block to her best friends house and frantically knocked on the door, frightened that at any minute her father would swoop down on her and decide that she would stay holed up in her room for the rest of her life. She dug in her backpack and pulled out a spare key her friend had given her, just in case something like this ever happened. She used it and unlocked the door and crept inside. The house was completely dark, save for the lone kitchen light that was one. She set her backpack down and quietly turned all the lights one, things were less frightening in the light
    Any notes about your characters:
    Mr. Moseby
    Majestic Unicorn Queen

    Number of posts : 43512
    Age : 2023
    Registration date : 2008-09-13

    Helen of Troy's characters Empty Re: Helen of Troy's characters

    Post by Kendall 7/16/2012, 2:36 pm

    Desperate Souls
    Desperate Souls

    Number of posts : 560
    Age : 27
    Registration date : 2012-07-13

    Helen of Troy's characters Empty Another one bites the dust ( Helen's new charrie)

    Post by Desperate Souls 9/23/2012, 12:22 pm

    Name:Ariadne Goarla
    Age: 15
    Gender: Female
    Eyes: Grey
    Hair:Long, pinstraight blonde hair with some highlights
    Height: 5'8
    Body Type: Lithe
    Skin Color: Tan
    God Parent: Athena
    Mortal Parent: Acristos Goarla
    Country of Origin: Panarea Aeolian Islands, Sicily
    Pets: Hamster named Anatolius
    Talents: Architecture, learns things quite easily
    Weapon**: Celestial Bronze dagger
    Flaws: Hubris, deceitful, ambitious, and greedy
    Powers(must relate to god parent; optional): None
    Life Before CHB*: Ariadne has been spoiled rotten every since she was born because her father was lonely and she was the only family that he had. Things took a turn for the worst when she turned ten. her father lost his job and their house foreclosed so they had to pick up their dignity and live with Acristos parents. Her little school was attached by a dracanae and her father truly believed that it was not her fault. Of course, the grandparents did not agree and they threatened to send her away. Ariadne took matters into her own hands and ran away. She was found by a saytr while using her escape money to stay in a small motel, after that she was brought to camp.
    RP Example*: Ariadne ran, faster then she had ever run before. She wasn't sure why she was running, she doubted that anyone was looking for her. Why would they, to them she was the very epitome of trouble. She approached a small dinky motel that sold rooms for thirty euros per night. She quickly ducked inside and handed the sketchy concierge her money, grabbed her room key and ran to her room. Once she was inside her room she locked the door. Then she did something that she hadn't done for years, she cried...
    Any notes about your characters: Has a mix of Italian and Greek accent

    Last edited by Helen of Troy on 9/23/2012, 12:33 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Mr. Moseby
    Majestic Unicorn Queen

    Number of posts : 43512
    Age : 2023
    Registration date : 2008-09-13

    Helen of Troy's characters Empty Re: Helen of Troy's characters

    Post by Kendall 9/23/2012, 12:24 pm

    No owls.
    Desperate Souls
    Desperate Souls

    Number of posts : 560
    Age : 27
    Registration date : 2012-07-13

    Helen of Troy's characters Empty Re: Helen of Troy's characters

    Post by Desperate Souls 9/23/2012, 12:33 pm

    Mr. Moseby
    Majestic Unicorn Queen

    Number of posts : 43512
    Age : 2023
    Registration date : 2008-09-13

    Helen of Troy's characters Empty Re: Helen of Troy's characters

    Post by Kendall 9/23/2012, 12:36 pm

    Desperate Souls
    Desperate Souls

    Number of posts : 560
    Age : 27
    Registration date : 2012-07-13

    Helen of Troy's characters Empty Me New Character

    Post by Desperate Souls 9/26/2012, 7:25 pm

    Name: Johnny Black
    Gender: Male
    Eyes: Brown
    Hair: Short black hair
    Height: 5'6
    Body Type: Skinny
    Skin Color: Pale
    God Parent:Erida ( Goddess of Hate)
    Mortal Parent: Margo Black
    Country of Origin: USA
    Weapon**:Celestial bronze sword
    Flaws:Ambition, Greed, Hubris, and selfishness
    Powers(must relate to god parent; optional):
    Life Before CHB*: Johnny Black and Ophelia O'Hara go wayyyyyy back, in a bad way of course. Johnny Black has always been cruel, mean, and selfish, there is no good in him. Ophelia had a crush on him and they started to date. Johnny started to abuse her and got her pregnant. He didn't want to ruin his repuatation so he paid her to get an abortion and go away. She accidentally told one of her friends and word got out, and of course everyone hated him. Johnny has been waiting to get his revenge ever since.
    RP Example*: Johnny narrowed his eyes, many called him the epitome of hate, and indeed he was, and he had no qualms with that. In fact, he liked the title, loved it. It meant nobody stood in his way and everyone stayed away from him which suited him perfectly fine. Johnny looked around feeling a little lonely, everyone was with their friends except he unfortanetly didn't have any, but he shook the thought away. Friends would only bring him down
    Any notes about your characters:
    Mr. Moseby
    Majestic Unicorn Queen

    Number of posts : 43512
    Age : 2023
    Registration date : 2008-09-13

    Helen of Troy's characters Empty Re: Helen of Troy's characters

    Post by Kendall 9/26/2012, 7:30 pm


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