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    The Chronicles of the Tribes

    Role Playing Legend

    Number of posts : 11340
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    The Chronicles of the Tribes Empty The Chronicles of the Tribes

    Post by Mason 12/14/2012, 5:03 pm

    Hullo! I recently had a new story idea! Here's a little sneak-peak! Please, give feedback! Anyway, there are three narrators: Maria, Andrew 'Drew', and Cheli. They have two chapters before moving on to the next person! Enjoy!


    Chapter One

    She screamed.
    She cried.
    She nearly died.
    Maria struggled as the air tanks busted out of the back as the whale slammed into it, making her fall back into the water, blood splattering. The whale slammed into her, when she realized....it wasn't a whale. It looked like her grandpa with horns and a mermen tail that made him fast in water. Maria pushed against the bottom of the ocean, loosing her breath. She swam up, struggling. This was it.
    As flashes came and her lungs released and started filling up, she was stabbed right into the stomach, blood spreading through the water.
    "YOU CUN'T 'ILL 'ATRON SULAZA'R W'T'OU' GETTIN' THROU'H 'S," said the merman, which meant 'You can't kill Patron Sulazaar without getting through us'.
    BOOM, a canon came.
    BOOM, BOOM, BOOM, three more came. BOOM, BOOM, that same second two more came.
    Maria breathed. She panicked...she was still underwater...but she wasn't choking. She felt better than normal. Maria found a dead mermen, the one who was after her. Was she dead, too? Maria swam fast, and knew.....
    She was MerMaria. She had somehow made those canons kill the mermen, and his fish powers went to her. You see, in this world Maria lived in, if you killed a merperson, you were "chosen" (I'll talk about that later) onto their tribe. Same for the humans being killed by merpeople, they become a human.
    There were five tribes; the Humans (also called the Skins), the Merpeople (also called the Fins), the Cyclopes (also called the One-Eyes), the Werewolves (also called the Furs), and finally, the Vampires (also called the Fangs). They had all been at war for over 3 million years. You see, adding to if you became a part of the other tribe, the good thing is about "chosen" is that if you want to be a part of the tribe you were last in, you have 24 hours, then the scent of the tribe you turned into wears off. But, if you want to stay to that tribe, you can sign into it with law.
    Another way that is never spoken of (for their own safety) to get into a tribe is called the "Betrayicule". There is a court called that, and you go there to meet up with the Leader and Patron of the tribe you want to go to, and after VERY long work and a long, painful time you go into that tribe. It is meant so the person in that Courthouse, who ever's tribe their in, that tribes Leader and Patron can not see the Courthouse until that person leaves.
    This is very illegal, but some take the risk.
    Maria loved the Skins, and would just have to suffer being a Fin for the next day. She looked around for the canons that she somehow made explode, but there were none. She swam on, hopefully close to the surface.
    As she rose from the water, she took a bush to dry off. The lucky thing about Fins is that when they were dry, they could pass as Skins. Maria would just have to stay away from water the next day, so no one would know, and that was easy enough. She trudged on, after she was dry and looked human (yes, she had Royal-Skins armor on).
    As she walked back into her village, she stopped by an elder man who held a sign: WILL DO ANYTHING FOR FOOD OR WATER. The thing about Maria is she had a soft-heart. She cut half of her bread she found in the little bakery and gave it to him. It was hard to get food, if you were poor----actually, no. You HAD to be really rich, not just poor or normal, RICH.
    She walked into her little-village home. "Mama, Papa, Gammy, I'm home. " Maria got out the half-piece of bread she had to get from the bakery, and just gave half to the man.
    Papa walked out in his regular knitted clothes he got when he was young from his father as a gift of becoming a tribeman. Whenever you officially, for the first time, signed up from a tribe, and went through a battlefield with another tribe, you get a reward from the Patron (who can be known as the Queen) and the Leader (who can be known as the King) of anything you want within a certain price limit. That's the only nice thing they do. Anyway, Papa looked up t Maria, then at the half-piece of bread. He moaned, putting a hand on his forehead.
    "You gave half of our food away again, seriously, Maria?" he moaned, "Lina, I told you it would happen again!"
    Mama came into the kitchen, then frowned. "I thought you were old enough to know that - "
    "HE WAS STARVING!" Maria bursted with anger, interrupting. This was the fourth time she did this to a person.
    "We don't know that. He might've been a fake," Papa said. "Don't you outburst at your mother!"
    Maria madly went over to her sick grandmother in the next room. Her two twin brothers, Alex and Andrew 'Drew', were also there, quietly checking over her.
    "Is she alright?" she whispered, really softly.
    "Yea. She's sleeping," Alex whispered back. Drew nodded to this statement.
    Maria bent to one knee, kissing her grandmother's forehead.
    "She'll be OKay, I promise," Drew whispered to his sister. "We may be two years younger than you, but we can handle her."
    Maria glared at the eleven year-old boys. She quietly walked out, her blonde hair sweeping behind her and her cyan eyes glowing. She went into her room she quietly made a couple years back.
    Here comes this story.
    When Maria was two, she stared having to share a room with her two brothers, and disliked it. So, one day, she found a hidden closet that was behind an older wall, in the basement. Only she knew it was there. She put some of her stuff in there, and moved in. It was a decent sized room, just a bit littler than her parents' (about 9x12). Sometimes, she secretly sleeps there and goes back up to her shared room before her brothers' or parents' wake up.
    She looked around, feeling lonely. She had always wanted a baby goat, but the only way to get one was by accomplishing getting through a battlefield with some of her tribe and another tribe. Maria always wanted to do this, but Mama and Papa said she was too young.
    Maria picked up the little five inches high dagger her grandfather gave her before he died. He had used it in his first battlefield ever, and he wanted her to use it someday. She was thankful, but she'd never get through a battlefield with that kind of weapon, which lowered her chances of getting a baby goat even more. She was sure her grandfather had mostly used his strength, in that first battlefield.
    Her father would never let her use his weapon, which was the only one in the whole entire house besides her little dagger. He had gotten it with his clothes in the reward (his clothes were actually just protective gear whenever he shot the gun). The gun was huge and powerful and she'd probably make it through a battlefield with it, with a little practice.
    Maria put the dagger down, hearing her mother calling for dinner. She quickly went out of the room, and ran upstairs. As usual, her father was finishing polishing his gun, and putting bullets in it.
    "I 'ave to go to a werewolf attack, so I will be missing dinner. Let us pray, before I have to go," Papa said. Maria prayed, knowing automatically she wouldn't be able to go.
    As Papa left, she helped her mother put out plates with a tiny piece of bread with soup and a carrot on it. Now, just a little bit, she was starting to regret giving half of her bread away.
    As they ate, Drew got up, for the sixth night in a row. He had gulped down his dinner, unlike the rest, who had barely ate. "I have to go," he said, wiping his mouth and putting on his itchy coat.
    "Honey, where do you go? This is the sixth night in a row," Mama said.
    "Um...just a little work. Bye!" he quickly left before anybody could say another word.
    "If he gets to go somewhere, I should too!" Alex muttered under his breath.
    Maria, later on, finished her dinner. She went to the outhouse with some water, trying to clean her teeth with some cleaning material-toothpaste her grandmother gave to her, Alex, and Drew.
    After this, she went to her shared room, where Alex was already sleeping. Drew was still not back, nor Papa. She got her water-bubbler and headed to the 'tub. After she was clean, Maria got in comfy clothes and headed down to her room, in the basement. She told her Mama she was sleeping in the basement (in the main basement room, which her Mama believed was the only basement room).
    Thinking about Drew and Papa, she slowly fell asleep.
    Senior Member

    Number of posts : 2082
    Age : 24
    Registration date : 2012-12-09

    The Chronicles of the Tribes Empty Re: The Chronicles of the Tribes

    Post by Komaeda 2/21/2013, 6:24 pm

    I love your story please more

      Current date/time is 10/6/2024, 2:18 pm