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    The Infirmary


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    The Infirmary - Page 2 Empty Re: The Infirmary

    Post by Bell 8/21/2013, 11:40 am

    Laraine was really afraid that Lindia might pass out again that she did not dare to speak any word for a couple of minutes. Her mind was racing, trying to fill the blanks in her brain with practically anything and everything she could think of. In a couple of seconds, she’d already entered her ‘nervous’ mode. She started to focus her sight on random objects rather than Lindia and her hands trembled—hard enough to be seen my both of the girls. Lindia had seen her in this condition several times—It was quite a miracle that Lindia had startled her many times today, anyway—so she would probably know that Laraine started to run out of words to say.

    Laraine mentally slapped her head. Gosh, Laraine, wake up, she thought. Lindia—a great friend of yours, mind you—is in pain! She shooked her head and focused back her mind on Lindia. She started to notice little things as she observed and observed: Lindia’s pained expression, her swallow breathes...and Laure’s demanding eyes. A chill went to her spine. It seemed that...Laure was expecting her...to heal Lindia.

    Oh, gods of Olympus, Laraine thought miserably. I wish I could.

    “I...I can’t,” Laraine plucked up her courage to let out that sentence from her mouth. “It’s...a curse. I can only heal illness....such as cold....or—“ she stopped absurdly. Gosh, she was stupid for not thinking about this earlier. “Slight sympoms of curses, as long as they are categorized as an illness. I haven’t tried this yet, but I think it would work...at least to help Lindia a little bit...until the herb is in her hands.”

    Morgan Landry
    Morgan Landry
    High Queen of Narnia

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    The Infirmary - Page 2 Empty Re: The Infirmary

    Post by Morgan Landry 9/4/2013, 5:09 am

    Laure looked at Laraine with a new surge of hope. When she had said there was nothing she could do, she had wanted to hit her. She was employed in the infirmary! Of course she could do something! If not, why was she here?

    When Laraine told them about the plant, Laure nodded.
    "What is that plant?" she asked.
    Of course, if Laraine said 'Panacea', she would hit her for real. Panacea was a plant that could heal anything - that was what it's name meant - but it was of course impossible to find. As far as Laure knew, it grew on the Fortunate Islands - the Islands in front of Elysium.
    So the Underworld.

    "Have you tried nectar and ambrosia?" the French girl suddenly asked.
    Perhaps a regular dose of diving food could cure Lindia, who knew.

    OOC: Sorry for the short post.
    Role Playing Legend

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    The Infirmary - Page 2 Empty Re: The Infirmary

    Post by Holly 9/4/2013, 8:19 am

    Lindia looked up at Laure and nodded "of course we have, that creates only a temporary relief, and it's not all that dependable. The plant I need it a select type of the moss Calliergon giganteum" she explained, looking between the two. "It's only found in the Siberian tundra...." She sighed and coughed hard, pounding her chest. Her young Canadian mind was racing at a thousand miles a second as she thought, trying to think of how they would get the plant when Lindia realized it, only too late. Her curse had come around and snuck up on her, right under the dying affects of the antidote as she slumped back, her eyes open, though black and glassy. Her pulse was frantic, and other vitals too high. Lindia trembled., shivering under the affects of her sword.

    Lindia screamed inside her dream, searching for a way out of the empty, dark hole that inprisoned her mind. "Let me out!" She called desperately, tears rolling down her cheeks as the curse went into affect, perhaps it would take five minutes to revive her, or an hour and five? Her curse was very unpredictable now.

    OOC: it's ok!

    Number of posts : 1653
    Age : 26
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    The Infirmary - Page 2 Empty Re: The Infirmary

    Post by Bell 9/7/2013, 12:45 am

    Laraine smiled at Laure and tried to show a face of courage at Lindia...before Lindia spoke that name.

    Laraine’s shoulder went slack, and lessons of herbology came into her mind. “ Calliergon gigantium,” she said automatically, “Also called as Artic Moss. Grows in the artic tundra, in Northern Hemisphere. It is an aquatic plant that grows on the bottom of tundra lakes, bogs, and fens. A fairly common type of plant—“ Laraine stopped for a moment and sighed before she continued. “but it is surrounded by area with very cold, harsh environment.”

    She stopped and looked at Lindia desperately. She didn’t mind if she have to go to find that plant—she remembered that she’d studied that kind of plants before—but she was really afraid of the harsh weather.  Her mind raced, two sides of her brain arguing with each other, trying to decide whether she would offer to help Lindia find that plant or not.

    But it was quite obvious that she didn’t have any choice. Laraine was startled to see Lindia on the ground, suffering. For a few seconds she stood there, shocked. For a few heart beats Laraine couldn’t do anything...but thankgoodness she slapped herself. “Lindia—“ she gasped, half-sobbing. Laraine kneeled and touched Lindia’s forehead. It was really hot. Panickly, she closed her eyes and concentrate. Lindia’s temperature was getting lower, she could feel, but she was still...suffering. Laraine looked up at Laure desperately.
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    The Infirmary - Page 2 Empty Re: The Infirmary

    Post by Aves 9/7/2013, 2:43 am

    Chance walks in wearing blue jeans and a bright orange sweater, He sees Laure, "What up?" He asks. Then he sees the grey looks on their faces. "What happened?" He asks.
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    The Infirmary - Page 2 Empty Re: The Infirmary

    Post by Holly 9/7/2013, 11:29 pm

    OOC: new posting order

    Morgan landry
    Morgan Landry
    Morgan Landry
    High Queen of Narnia

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    The Infirmary - Page 2 Empty Re: The Infirmary

    Post by Morgan Landry 9/8/2013, 7:29 am

    Anything. Laure would do anything to ease Lindia's pain. She took her girlfriend's hand and squeezed it gently, stroking her damp, hot skin with the tip of her thumb.

    When Laraine and Lindia started talking about getting that plant in the tundra, Laure frowned.

    "Couldn't we just ask a child of Ceres to make it grow?" she questioned. "Okay, the temperature isn't perhaps the right one, but that can be easily fixed. Same for the soil. I don't think we'd have to go to the tundra to get it. Besides, the tundra is out of the gods's sphere of influence, we'd be left to ourselves totally. It'd be incredibly dangerous -- now don't get me wrong. (She looked at the sick girl.) I would endanger myself every day to save Lindia. But I'm just pointing out we could do things in a simpler way. There's this son of Ceres I used to date (Alex is his name, I think), we could ask him."

    A smile curved her sweet lips.

    "Or every child of Ceres. If I recall, he wasn't so happy I dumped him. We might have to ask somebody else."

    At that precise moment came the boy Laure thought she'd never talk to again -  Chance, her ex-boyfriend. Well, one of the uncountable ex-boyfriends she had.
    He came in casually, his pace unworried, and when he saw her, he gave her a little smile. "What's up?" he asked.
    Laure almost didn't notice him; she was so taken by Lindia's state of sickness all the rest seemed unimportant and futile. However, he came nearer, and that was when she looked up to see him. "What happened?" he questioned again.
    Well, just look, you idiot, Laure almost replied. My girlfriend is suffering under a curse, and you just ask 'what happened?'
    However, she calmed herself - after all, she was a sweet-natured girl - but she didn't reply. Let Laraine do that, her mind told her.
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    Number of posts : 10415
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    The Infirmary - Page 2 Empty Re: The Infirmary

    Post by Holly 9/8/2013, 10:10 am

    Linda shook as she lay on the single white cot, her body hot to the touch and only getting hotter as her temperature rose, 100....101....102.... She felt clammy to the touch, her pale skin covered in beads of salty sweat, desperately trying to cool and calm the seventeen year old child of trivia. She could barely feel Laure holding her limp hand, and wanted to squeeze it back so hard for comfort...but she couldn't, she was already into her curse.

    In her dreams they started out well enough....Laure and Lindia holding hands together as they walked the streets of the city, perhaps ten years from now or such. It was a happy summer day, and Lindia was enjoying herself when all of a sudden Laure shimmered away to become a demon, causing the child of trivia to scream in her dream, and in the real world outside her subconscious. Camp around her began to fade, it's colors draining away, flames leaping up on the buildings of the city. Lindia screamed, the demon that was next to her, grabbing her. It's claws dug into her body, slowly shredding the skin off of her...

    Lindias heart rate rose to extreme rates, clocking in on the charts at almost the human limitation, which she might be able to safely pass seeing she is a demigod, but you would never know. Her eyes remained wide open and black, a little stream of drool dripping from her pale lips as her body convulsed and flopped around in pain. Her visions and nightmares continued without end, her mentality quickly losing its grip as she cried, screamed, and shouted at people who weren't there like...her father, or some camper, or whoever had come across in her visions.

    Number of posts : 1653
    Age : 26
    Registration date : 2012-04-23

    The Infirmary - Page 2 Empty Re: The Infirmary

    Post by Bell 9/15/2013, 9:00 am

    “A son of Ceres? I’ve never heard anybody who can grow plants like that, but if you think that the camper can do it, well, let’s try.” Laraine said, quite surprised to hear smooth tones as those words came out from her mouth. She flashed a smile full of hope at Laure, her hand was still on Lindia’s forehead. Despite all of these crazy things, Laraine felt that they could actually solve this.

    But did she put her hopes too high?

    As she turned to face Lindia, Laraine heard footsteps, and when she looked back once again, she noticed that a new camper had decided to enter the scene. She didn’t know the camper at all, but judging from Laure’s expressions, she had to assume that Laure knew that guy…and when the camper asked, ‘what happened?’ Laraine saw Laure’s jaws tensed. She wasn’t really surprised, though. Even a twelve years old demigod would know that this was a critical situation.

    Laraine hesitated for a moment before she answered. “Lindia’s suffering from her curse,” she said in the simplest way and returned her gaze towards Lindia. She frowned as she examined Lindia’s face. It was still in pain, and it seemed to be worse and worse in each seconds. At first, Laraine had hoped that Lindia would get better when she lowered her body temperature, but it turned out that her help didn’t have any affect at all. She frowned deeper and looked at Laure. “Have you seen her in this condition?” she asked weakly.

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    The Infirmary - Page 2 Empty Re: The Infirmary

    Post by Aves 9/17/2013, 10:18 pm

    "Oh," Chance says after hearing that Lindia is suffering from a cruse. "Is there anything I can do?" He asks The girl help Lindia and Laure. He then realizes that he had never met the girl helping them, "Sorry, I don't believe we've met." He says to the girl, "I'm Chance." he looks at Lindia.
    Morgan Landry
    Morgan Landry
    High Queen of Narnia

    Number of posts : 15908
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    The Infirmary - Page 2 Empty Re: The Infirmary

    Post by Morgan Landry 9/21/2013, 9:28 am

    "This isn't the time for introductions," Laure mouthed in a very audible whisper.

    She sat on the edge of Lindia's bed and took her beautiful face into both her hands, supporting her head. With her right hand, she pushed her blonde hair back and as she did so, she brushed her forehead. It was damp with sweat.
    Please stay with me, Lindia,she prayed, closing her eyes.
    She placed a delicate kiss on her pale lips before moving away to check nobody had seen her except Laraine and Chance. Fortunately, no one was looking their way.
    Still having a hand around Lindia's cheek, she turned around to face her ex-boyfriend.

    "Fetch a child of Apollo and a child of Ceres. Now. First talk to a child of Ceres and send him or her here, then talk to an Apollo offspring."

    Her voice was hard with fear and determination, but she didn't blink as she looked at Chance and commanded him.
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    The Infirmary - Page 2 Empty Re: The Infirmary

    Post by Holly 9/21/2013, 9:38 pm

    Lindias blonde hair, stained with her highlights and streaks of red and black covered part of her eyes, eyes that had used to be the sky blue color she loved were now black, empty, and absolutely unnatural. Lindias breathing quickened suddenly, her heart rate varying greatly as her eyes fluttered open, taking her away from the awful nightmares, the despicable images she had viewed while she had been under. Her first sight was the harsh, glaring light of the infirmary, moving her hand on instinct to cover her eyes.

    At first the Canadian thought she was dead, thought she had died and gone to hell....wait, heaven gives you the bright lights, not hell.... She thought as she opened her eyes again, gasping for breath as if she had just emerged from a burning building. Glancing around the room wildly, her eyes first fell upon Laure, who was still clutching tight to her hand. Then Lindia allowed her head to drop back onto the cotton pillow, her lips tingling with the familiar sensation of Laure's kiss. Next she noticed Lauraine, and finally, Chance. However she frowned when she noticed the boy, wondering why exactly he was there. She didn't exactly hate Chance, but it was extremely awkward for her web he was around, after all it was Lindia who had dated Laure directly after him, and was still dating her for that matter.

    She could feel the cold grasp of fear slowly building up inside of her....she honestly hated doctors, hospitals, infirmaries, dentists, really any building or person that had to do with anything medical wise. She wasn't against basic first aid, or magical healing, but anything seemingly mortal in a medical area freaked her out, and currently, she was still in a bed in the infirmary. Stainless steel instruments, warm blankets, bags of fluids and canisters of oxygen, hydrogen, and nitrogen. Lindia's blue eyes shined with brief fear, before staring into Laure's and slowly, slowly calmed down.

    "H....how long was I out?" The nervous girl whispered to the three of them, her slight Canadian French poking through as she stared at each one of them in turn, mostly at Laure, then Lauraine, then Chance in order of how long. She hoped that it wouldn't have been as long as days, but maybe an hour? Two? The record was a week, and that she did NOT want to talk about, not even to Laure. Struggling to sit up, she found herself weak, and the slender teenager slipped back down onto the bed for a second time.

    Her dark clothing, although lighter than her usual clothing consisted of bright blue jeans, styled in a boot cut, even if her sneakers had been taken off when she entered the infirmary. Her top was a purple V-neck t-shirt, 'Camp Jupiter' written across it, and her legion also added below the camps name. On her right ring finger, the imperial golden ring she shared with Laure still shined brightly under the bright lights, the inscription barely legible in the light though, which could be a good thing, seeing they were secretive. Lindia slowly raised her hands to her neck to make sure her lead1 dog tag was still around her neck, from when she had first joined the legion, purely sentimental value.

    When the child of trivia did raise her arm she noticed her legion tattoo, still burnt into her upper left arm, still there. The tattoo showed the symbol of trivia, the eagle of the Roman Empire, and the stripes that showed how long she had stayed at camp. Also on that arm...medical bracelets, which Lindia absolutely despised. "Someone get these blasted things off my wrist...." She hissed in a whisper, not wanting to alert someone of authority in the infirmary.

    Her mind still hurt, aftereffects of the curse she was forced to live with, forced to endure. Groaning in the uncomfortable mental pain, she squeezed her eyelids shut, hiding the gorgeous blue eyes for seconds, before snapping them open again, her breath shallow and rapid. It was obvious to the three other demigods of different parentage and legions that Lindia was still suffering, though signs of a slow improvement were still constant as well in her strange, perhaps mystical condition.

    She felt stressed, weak, as well as a coward for not being able to fight her curse, push through and overcome it like so many other famous demigods could. If she had been alone, perhaps she would have cried but she was not a crybaby anymore, she might cut...but Laure always had control of Lindia's knives, as well as abolishing her smoking habits, which Lindia had been faithful to, she knew cancer would follow if she continued her habits of tobacco and nicotine. She did have a mental note though, to help with the urge, but right now the habit of smoking wasn't as important as her curse, the seemingly uncontrollable curse.

    OOC: 1=it is lead, right?

    Number of posts : 1653
    Age : 26
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    The Infirmary - Page 2 Empty Re: The Infirmary

    Post by Bell 9/24/2013, 11:08 am

    It was probably the longest day in Laraine Frobisher’s entire life.
    Lindia didn’t wake up for another hour, for another two hours, and for another four hours. At the first two hours, Laraine had been pretty optimist that Lindia would wake up. She believed that anytime...anytime at that moment...that Lindia would open her eyes and tell that everything is fine. Her hope, however, started to drop as time went on. She had waited and waited and waited for what it seemed to be forever, but yet...Lindia had not opened her eyes.

    Desperately, she looked around at the senior campers and healers around her. She detected a few campers and New Rome citizens she knew, and when their eyes met hers, she flashed a hopeful expression, mentally asking—begging them to help her heal Lindia. So far, their responses were disappointing. Some of them tried to make themselves busy by taking care of the other patients. Some of them looked at each other, looked at Lindia, and frowned as if they’d never seen this kind of sickness. One muttered bathroom and walked out from the infirmary in a hurry. The others wouldn’t even meet her eyes. It seemed that they didn’t want to get into this kind of situation.

    So you guys are just going to give this big problem to the small hands of a twelve years old girl? Deep down inside, Laraine wanted to spear them all. It wasn’t cool to leave such a big, scary problem to her alone. Well, she did have some responsibilities to help Lindia—gosh, Lindia was probably the closest friend she had—but this...this was too much. She was still young, and had not experienced things. She could be considered as one of the new campers. She had only gotten her mark two or three months ago! And on the top of it, Laraine couldn’t help it but to feel guilty. She felt bad for not being able to help Lindia...although she was the daughter of a healer god.

    In a way, it was one of Laraine’s worst epic fails.

    In order to show that she cared much about Lindia and her other friends she just met today, she had offered herself to bring the lunches and the dinners into the infirmary so that they could still watch over Lindia. She had ran to the library to fetch some medical books, hoping that she would find something—anything that would help Lindia. She had asked some campers she knew about curses, wishing that they would know what to do in this situation. She didn’t get so much information, and she didn’t think she’d helped too much, but it was the least she could do.

    Now, roughly eight hours had passed since Lindia fell into her comatose. The sun had set down and the sky had become dark. They had put Lindia back onto the nearest bed and ‘decorated’ her not only with godly—demigodly medical things, but also with mortal medical instruments. The other senior campers had helped Laraine to put those things up—she assumed that they had regretted for not helping her earlier since they were now quite nicer—and now, sitting on chairs near the bed, Laure, Chance, and Laraine eagerly waited for Lindia to wake up.

    Laraine was re-reading a book about herbs when she heard Lindia’s weak, whispering voice. In a second, she jumped from her chair, making some books that were on her lap fell down, and cried, “Lindia! Oh gods, Lindia!” Her books were now on the ground and some patients as well as some healers were looking at her because of the noise, but she didn’t care. She touched Lindia’s forehead and sobbed with relief. It was still warm, but not as hot as before. “You—“ she said weakly, “You have been out for...eight hours, Lindia. It’s—it’s night now.”

    OOC: Sorry it took so long to reply!
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    The Infirmary - Page 2 Empty Re: The Infirmary

    Post by Aves 9/24/2013, 10:34 pm

    Chance had fallen asleep for a couple of hours, maybe four, then woke up when Laraine started talking. The side of his face way wet, 'Great', he thought, 'I was drooling .' I look around, "Is there anything else I can do?" he asks, then adds, "Besides provide moral support."
    Morgan Landry
    Morgan Landry
    High Queen of Narnia

    Number of posts : 15908
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    The Infirmary - Page 2 Empty Re: The Infirmary

    Post by Morgan Landry 9/25/2013, 3:21 am

    Laure couldn't believe Chance had fallen asleep.
    Fallen asleep.
    As if this was the time or the moment to fall asleep; she had asked him to do something, and he had just dozed off!

    Charming, flirty Laure Dornois rarely flew into a temper, but now she did.
    Standing up, she grabbed Chance's shoulder and shoved him a little. It wasn't meant to hurt him, but it was angry nonetheless.

    "You fell asleep?" she hissed. "I told you to go and fetch a child of Ceres and a child of Apollo Phebus, and you fell asleep?"

    She shoved him again.

    "Are you kidding me? Get us the first kid of Ceres and Apollo you find and bring them here - at once! And don't come back until you do!"

    Laure had yelled the last words. Normally, she never got angry, but Chance had just driven her mad by dozing off. This was about Lindia's sanity, her life... and he didn't care?
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    The Infirmary - Page 2 Empty Re: The Infirmary

    Post by Holly 9/25/2013, 9:53 am

    Lindia groaned when she heard that, glaring up at the ceiling of the infirmary as her mind raced. Eight hours, all three of them had been here for eight hours cause of me. Why didn't they have up? Why didn't they leave? Lindia glanced and saw that Laure and chance were arguing before looking at Lauraine. "Get these blasted medical bracelets off right now, and take the IV out. I don't need anything mortal on my body, got it?!" She snapped, using agitation over her fear, something that Laure knew happened a lot.

    She just wanted to leave honestly, but her head was still dizzy, and her legs were numb. "I need something to eat, something to drink and make sure it has an energy factor, I need to stay awake" she looked at the three of them, fear forcing her voice to crack. She hated being nervous, but it's just the whole idea of being helpless in an infirmary for eight hours! She pulled on her hair nervously, waiting for someone to move, someone to say something to her...maybe she was over exaggerating, maybe she was delusional, but she knew she was in a horrible condition.

    OOC: sorry it's short!

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    The Infirmary - Page 2 Empty Re: The Infirmary

    Post by Bell 10/3/2013, 11:08 am

    Laraine wiped her tears and managed to smile, even though Lindia was staring at her with so much intense that a part of Laraine wanted to scream at the top of her lungs and run away from the infirmary as fast as she could back to her comfy bunk, hiding under the blanket. Alas, she tried her best to regain her confidence, as this—the infirmary—was her domain, she could say.

    “Lindia,” she said, again checking Lindia’s temperature. “Just...let those mortal instruments stick in you for a while. Not even a half of the medicine is in your body yet.”

    And just when she was about to check the IV, Laure’s voice reached her ears. She jumped nervously and looked back, only to see Laure yelling words at Chance. Laraine felt really bad, looking at this quarrel, and there was nothing she wanted to do more than run from all these problems. Dumbfounded and anxious, Laraine decided not to check the IV and instead returned back to her seat in absolute silence.
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    The Infirmary - Page 2 Empty Re: The Infirmary

    Post by Aves 10/5/2013, 11:49 pm

    [color=#3333ff]"Look Laure," chance says calmly, "If I knew one I'd go out right now and find one." He said still sitting. " Laure, maybe you need some sleep," he suggested.

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