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    For Your Sake, Don't Let Me on That Horse

    The Seelie Queen
    The Seelie Queen
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    For Your Sake, Don't Let Me on That Horse - Page 2 Empty Re: For Your Sake, Don't Let Me on That Horse

    Post by The Seelie Queen 10/26/2013, 9:15 pm

    Caleb laughed, and nodded. "Of course," he said, his head looking down but his eyes on Lorelei. "I have no idea what to wear. Hell, I don't even know if I'm going to go." It was the truth. He had no idea if he wanted to go, because let's face it: Teens with ADD do not make up their minds easily.

    For Your Sake, Don't Let Me on That Horse - Page 2 Empty Re: For Your Sake, Don't Let Me on That Horse

    Post by Guest 10/26/2013, 9:29 pm

    For Your Sake, Don't Let Me on That Horse - Page 2 28rpi1j

    Lorelei Westmore

    "You should, it's going to be so much fun." It really was going to be fun. Halloween and a party, what could be better.
    Plus for the boys there are girls in waaaay too short costumes for their amusement. Lei would probably never ever do that. Scary costumes are normally not skimpy. Well normally.
    Lorelei was going to go by herself. No one normally wears the same costume as she does so why go with someone who's wearing a totally different costume. That' just stupid.
    The Seelie Queen
    The Seelie Queen
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    For Your Sake, Don't Let Me on That Horse - Page 2 Empty Re: For Your Sake, Don't Let Me on That Horse

    Post by The Seelie Queen 10/26/2013, 10:29 pm

    Caleb shrugged. "Maybe I'll consider it." He didn't want to tell her the truth- the reason he didn't want to go was because he had never even been to a party, much less a dance. Although, there was that bad experience in seventh grade- but he didn't talk about that. Then again, what would he wear? He hadn't realized how much he missed when he was younger from trying to support his mom and himself.

    For Your Sake, Don't Let Me on That Horse - Page 2 Empty Re: For Your Sake, Don't Let Me on That Horse

    Post by Guest 10/27/2013, 11:03 am

    For Your Sake, Don't Let Me on That Horse - Page 2 28rpi1j

    Lorelei Westmore

    Lei rolled her eyes, "Don't be a loser and skip the party."
    That might've came across a little harsh, but Lorelei didn't care. Lorelei wanted everyone at this Halloween party. She didn't even plan this party. But it's a Halloween party. Who wouldn't want to go to a Halloween party. Costumes, candy, dancing. It's like the best dance ever. Halloween. Just think about it.
    The Seelie Queen
    The Seelie Queen
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    For Your Sake, Don't Let Me on That Horse - Page 2 Empty Re: For Your Sake, Don't Let Me on That Horse

    Post by The Seelie Queen 10/27/2013, 11:13 am

    Caleb snorted. "Fine, fine. I'll go." He took a hard brush from the top of the shelf Lorelei had tried to climb, and began to walk back to Miguel's stall. He unlatched the door, and carefully began to brush down Miguel, who happily stood still and munched on his hay and grain. "How many campers do you think are going to go, anyways?" He called out to Lei.

    For Your Sake, Don't Let Me on That Horse - Page 2 Empty Re: For Your Sake, Don't Let Me on That Horse

    Post by Guest 10/27/2013, 11:05 pm

    For Your Sake, Don't Let Me on That Horse - Page 2 28rpi1j

    Lorelei Westmore

    Lei smiled, clapping her hands, "Wonderful."
    She thought about Caleb's question. How many people will be at the party? Lei's guess is fifty. Majority of the camp is populated by mopey kids sulking about their life. Not Lei. She enjoys her life just fine. Being a demigods isn't even that bad. "I dunno, fifty maybe." She replied.
    The Seelie Queen
    The Seelie Queen
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    For Your Sake, Don't Let Me on That Horse - Page 2 Empty Re: For Your Sake, Don't Let Me on That Horse

    Post by The Seelie Queen 10/28/2013, 7:50 am

    Caleb nodded. "That's a good amount of people." When he finished brushing Miguel's right side, he moved to the horse's left. When he finished, he walked out, latched the horse's stall door, and walked back to the tack room, smiling at Lei when he passed her.

    For Your Sake, Don't Let Me on That Horse - Page 2 Empty Re: For Your Sake, Don't Let Me on That Horse

    Post by Guest 10/28/2013, 6:52 pm

    For Your Sake, Don't Let Me on That Horse - Page 2 28rpi1j

    Lorelei Westmore

    Lorelei returned the smile. Not that big of a smile, but a smile none the less. "Fifty isn't that big of a number. 200, now that's a big number."

    ooc-ah this is so short omg.
    The Seelie Queen
    The Seelie Queen
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    For Your Sake, Don't Let Me on That Horse - Page 2 Empty Re: For Your Sake, Don't Let Me on That Horse

    Post by The Seelie Queen 10/28/2013, 7:08 pm

    Caleb laughed, put the brush back into its previous spot, and then walked back to where Lei was, leaning against the wall right in front of her. "Yes, but alas, fifty campers who are in fact not depressed or upset or half dead is a good thing- therefore, a good number." He laughed again, shaking his head.

    For Your Sake, Don't Let Me on That Horse - Page 2 Empty Re: For Your Sake, Don't Let Me on That Horse

    Post by Guest 10/29/2013, 7:29 pm

    For Your Sake, Don't Let Me on That Horse - Page 2 28rpi1j

    Lorelei Westmore

    She nodded. Lorelei turned towards the shelves behind her. "I like this shed." She said changing the topic. "It's cozy."
    Lei smiled, playing with the hose on the third shelf. She really did like it in here. She could but her bed in here and not be bothered by anyone. Well, except for the people who need supplies in here. Lei would just kick them out. And um, kick the supplies out too.
    The Seelie Queen
    The Seelie Queen
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    For Your Sake, Don't Let Me on That Horse - Page 2 Empty Re: For Your Sake, Don't Let Me on That Horse

    Post by The Seelie Queen 10/29/2013, 8:29 pm

    Caleb nodded, raising an eyebrow at the sudden change of subject. "I guess," he simply stated. He had never really seen the tack room as cozy- more as a place where he got energetic, with all the thoughts of practicing horse back riding dancing in his mind. He stood up straight, and put his hands in his pockets, unsure of what to do or say.

    For Your Sake, Don't Let Me on That Horse - Page 2 Empty Re: For Your Sake, Don't Let Me on That Horse

    Post by Guest 10/29/2013, 9:26 pm

    Lorelei laughed a little, "You have to admit this little shed thing is quite comfortable." She turned around again, now facing him. "Well at least I think it is. I could store all of my snowboards in here." She smiled running to the other side of the shed(not a log run, might I add.). "This shelf could easily fit three of them.
    The Seelie Queen
    The Seelie Queen
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    For Your Sake, Don't Let Me on That Horse - Page 2 Empty Re: For Your Sake, Don't Let Me on That Horse

    Post by The Seelie Queen 10/29/2013, 9:37 pm

    "You snowboard?" Caleb asked with curiosity. "That's kind of cool. I've never done it myself, but I wanted to." He didn't follow the girl; he just stayed where he was, watching her from a distance. He then turned his head, skimming the walls full of equipment and tack with his eyes, trying to figure out what Lei mention by 'comfortable'.

    For Your Sake, Don't Let Me on That Horse - Page 2 Empty Re: For Your Sake, Don't Let Me on That Horse

    Post by Guest 10/29/2013, 10:26 pm

    Lorelei nodded, "Snowboard, longboard, skateboard, anything with board in it really."
    "I don't snowboard here though, back in Sweden I did but this is New York. Well I think it is, camp is different from New York. But still, I jus skateboard here."
    Lei must admit that her friends don't always like her on we skateboard. They're scared she'll fall on her pretty little face and bust it. She's not scared of that. Battle scars are cool. They're not really battle scars, they're more like accident scars. But the scars are still cool.
    The Seelie Queen
    The Seelie Queen
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    Number of posts : 1172
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    For Your Sake, Don't Let Me on That Horse - Page 2 Empty Re: For Your Sake, Don't Let Me on That Horse

    Post by The Seelie Queen 10/29/2013, 10:49 pm

    Caleb smiled. "That's really awesome," he nodded, and then thought about what the older girl had said. "Wait, you lived in Sweden?" He smiled wider. "Ma'am, I believe you're a long way from home." He teased her, making a 'matter of fact' gesture with his hands, and then folding his arms across his chest.

    For Your Sake, Don't Let Me on That Horse - Page 2 Empty Re: For Your Sake, Don't Let Me on That Horse

    Post by Guest 10/29/2013, 10:59 pm

    The daughter of Khione approached Caleb. "Ingen dopp Sherlock." She told him.
    Lei was not culturally Swedish. Her last name is Westmore, not wry Swedish sounding. Her dad met Khione in Sweden. So the twins were raised there.
    There was nothing much to do there, except for snowboard, she did that. Gus didn't and that bothered her. If they were twins shouldn't they do the same things ?
    The Seelie Queen
    The Seelie Queen
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    For Your Sake, Don't Let Me on That Horse - Page 2 Empty Re: For Your Sake, Don't Let Me on That Horse

    Post by The Seelie Queen 10/29/2013, 11:10 pm

    Caleb smirked. "Did you just say 'No dip Sherlock' in Swedish?" He asked, his grin growing wider with each word. "Because that would have been kind of awesome if you did."

    He only knew what she said, because in seventh and eighth grade he had taken an extra- credit language course, where he learned useless phrases in all different languages. Apparently, he thought, that particular phrase was actually of use.

    For Your Sake, Don't Let Me on That Horse - Page 2 Empty Re: For Your Sake, Don't Let Me on That Horse

    Post by Guest 11/1/2013, 5:30 pm

    For Your Sake, Don't Let Me on That Horse - Page 2 28rpi1j

    Lorelei Westmore
    "Some one is a smart cookie." Lorelei teased. She winked turning around again.
    Lei fiddled with her Green Lantern ring, adjusting it so the ring wouldn't fall off of her ring finger. Lei's ring has her sword in that ring. Well not really. When she presses the lantern, the sword appears. So she guessed it's not really inside the ring. Yeah?
    Lei admits that she is a little geeky. But her friends are cool with it. Well, she doesn't know if they are she kind of just assumed.
    The Seelie Queen
    The Seelie Queen
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    For Your Sake, Don't Let Me on That Horse - Page 2 Empty Re: For Your Sake, Don't Let Me on That Horse

    Post by The Seelie Queen 11/1/2013, 5:58 pm

    Caleb shrugged. "I just went to school." Cable noticed Lei fiddling with a ring on her finger, and decided to ask her about it. "What's that?" He asked with curiosity. He noticed it was a green lantern ring, one of his favorite superheroes. Well, at least in the DC world.

    For Your Sake, Don't Let Me on That Horse - Page 2 Empty Re: For Your Sake, Don't Let Me on That Horse

    Post by Guest 11/1/2013, 8:39 pm

    "A ring." She said bluntly. Lorelei stuffed her hand in her pocket.
    SHe's not ashamed of her ring, it's more like she doesn't want people seeing it at camp. Then the kids would be like 'OH GIRL LETS SPAR YOU HAVE A SWORD.' Lei doesn't spar. All the Ares kids basically say that to her. Well except for that chick Arietta. She's dumb.
    The Seelie Queen
    The Seelie Queen
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    For Your Sake, Don't Let Me on That Horse - Page 2 Empty Re: For Your Sake, Don't Let Me on That Horse

    Post by The Seelie Queen 11/1/2013, 9:23 pm

    Caleb nodded. "Is it like a weapon or something?" He asked. He was used to different objects being weapons. He wouldn't be surprised of Lei's ring was one of those objects.

    For Your Sake, Don't Let Me on That Horse - Page 2 Empty Re: For Your Sake, Don't Let Me on That Horse

    Post by Guest 11/2/2013, 9:49 pm

    Lorelei looked around the room or diversions. Nothing. "Well, um." Lorelei looked out from the little shack as she saw the light dimming. "Oh my! Caleb the party has already started. Caleb how could you not notice this. Were you trying to stall me. Look I need a good Halloween and I will bring you down with me if I have to."
    ooc-oh this is too short for ;life
    The Seelie Queen
    The Seelie Queen
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    For Your Sake, Don't Let Me on That Horse - Page 2 Empty Re: For Your Sake, Don't Let Me on That Horse

    Post by The Seelie Queen 11/2/2013, 10:38 pm

    "Oh, um..." But Caleb just shook his head. "I still have things to do. But I'll meet up with you later, alright?" He smiled at the girl.

    OOC: I edited it, if you didn't notice. :)

    For Your Sake, Don't Let Me on That Horse - Page 2 Empty Re: For Your Sake, Don't Let Me on That Horse

    Post by Guest 11/15/2013, 9:36 pm

    ooc-I am an absolute horrible person omg I haven't been on in forever ah no.
    Lei nooded. "Mhm, whatever." She played with the ends of her hair. Things to do. Lorelei has plenty of things to do. Well she'd have to thing about the things she had to do first. Now that the daughter of Khione thinks about it she had nothing to do. Great.
    The Seelie Queen
    The Seelie Queen
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    For Your Sake, Don't Let Me on That Horse - Page 2 Empty Re: For Your Sake, Don't Let Me on That Horse

    Post by The Seelie Queen 11/15/2013, 9:49 pm

    Caleb smiled at her, bored. "I'll see you later, then." With that, he nodded at the girl, and turned around, walking away.

    OOC: lol it's ok

    and this is possibly the smallest thing i have ever written. i don't know whether to be happy or mad about it

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