A place for Percy Jackson and the Olympian fans to roleplay.



    Number of posts : 747
    Age : 30
    Registration date : 2008-10-16


    Post by Zachary 1/18/2012, 2:56 pm

    CHAPTER 25: A hired hand
    The R-Team is in a bad situation as well. They can’t think of an effective plan anymore. The R-Team needs to resort to brute force to get the Tide back. With the future technology prototypes on board of the Principality of Sealand, it shouldn’t be too hard anyway. Their main concern in using brute force is the destruction of the Tide. Since Mr. T is closely guarding it, destroying Mr. T will resort to the destruction of the Tide as well.
    The other problem is that Mr. T has a mullet now, and The main way to identify him is his Mohawk, and bling, of course. But There were many people spotted with mullets and bling, so Mr. T could very easily blend in with the crowd, as long as he doesn’t try to lift his curse. However, if Mr. T lifts his curse, his hair will turn into an Afro again, and even though he is easily going to be spotted, Mr. T will become too powerful for the R-Team to even harm.
    The R-Team needs to hire a professional assassin. Unfortunately, The assassin only specializes on mascots for cereals, and calls himself the “Cereal Killer”. Having been successful in causing the death of numerous once famous but now obscure cereal mascots like Xyzzy the Clown and Mr. Cushion, The Cereal Killer should have no trouble with Mr. T, since he is cursed with the mullet curse at the moment. However, The Cereal Killer refuses to set out for Mr. T. “It’s strictly my policy to only include cereal mascots to my hit list”.
    The R-Team needs to get Mr. T his own cereal brand. Just their luck too, the R-Team came across an advertisement for Quaker’s Monkey Junky Cereal. The cereal’s monkey mascot has recently died from a sniper rifle related death, and they’re holding a contest for the replacement. Now they need to find a way to make Mr. T win their contest.
    They enter Mr. T, who’s still on the run from Singapore’s Special Operation Forces, to the contest, and sent them his personal information. A few weeks later, Mr. T was accepted into the finals along with 2 other finalists. And so, Mr. T suddenly found himself up against Nigel Jones, a man who’s muscles are overly-gigantic, can shatter the universe with one punch, and is the equivalent of Chuck Norris, and Chuck Norris, who doesn’t need an introduction. However, Chuck Norris already has his own cereal brand, and Nigel Jones is more interested in defeating Chuck Norris, his new found rival.
    Both Nigel Jones and Chuck Norris have opted out of the competition, and went to a open grassland field to begin their epic battle. Only one can survive. Having won by default, Mr. T wins the title of Mascot for Monkey Junky cereal. But Mr. T decided to make it his own cereal, named Mr. T cereal, with Mr. T stickers inside!

    Now that Mr. T has his own cereal, The R-Team can hire the Cereal Killer to assassinate him. When they found him again and asked him to assassinate Mr. T, The Cereal Killer wasn’t convinced that Mr. T cereal wasn’t just a homemade brand of cereal. Impossible, Mr. T cereal is legit! In order to convince him, The R-Team needs to make Mr. T cereal go viral. However, it is impossible for Mr. T cereal to NOT go viral, it’s just too amazing! Sure enough, Mr. T cereal became the most popular cereal brand in the world.
    And so, Having Mr. T become a legitimate target for the Cereal Killer, the hit contract has passed, and Mr. T will be assassinated by the Cereal Killer. The Cereal Killer sets out for the attempt to kill Mr. T.
    After a long journey, The Cereal Killer finds Mr. T, in an abandoned cereal factory. Mr. T turns around, in shock, because he hasn’t seen an assassin in a long time now. “Are you a member of Nightscar?!?” Asks Mr. T
    “Yes,” Replied the Cereal Killer, “I am the last remaining member of the Nightscar.”
    Astounding! Thought Mr. T, I never knew that there would be any survivors after my invasion to the Appliance Direct with the N-Guard’s Elite! Mr. T was caught up in the nostalgia from when he was an assassin to avenge his father, and steal the Tide. And so, Mr. T draws the sword he last drew a year ago when he defeated the Nightscar in Appliance Direct… on lined paper. Mr. T doesn’t have his sword anymore, because he sold it on eBay to Hammy, who was on a raid of spending the money earned a split millisecond ago. Having sketched his sword on a piece of magic paper, Mr. T now has a real sword to fight with.
    The Cereal Killer runs at Mr. T, and swings his sword towards Mr. T’s head. Mr. T ducks quickly out of the way. The sword cuts some of his hair off. That’s it! Thought Mr. T, who just had a stroke of genius, I’ll keep avoiding his sword in a strategic way, so he cuts my mullet into a Mohawk again! Mr. T continues to avoid he swings, slashes and Lunges that The Cereal Killer unleashes at Mr. T, removing bits of his hair. Then, just as The Cereal Killer’s weapon was about to remove the last strand of mullet hair, and transform Mr. T’s hair into a Mohawk again, Mr. T is stricken with the urge to go to the washroom once again.
    Mr. T ducks in pain, and the sword of the Cereal Killer cuts some of Mr. T’s wanted hair, making Mr. T’s hair grow into a Super-Mullet. Mr. T has never lost a one on one battle against an assassin before, and he doesn’t intend on losing now, even with his curse.
    Mr. T needs to find a washroom quickly. Luckily, there’s a dismembered outhouse around the area. This’ll do. Mr. T runs into the outhouse, and the Cereal Killer slashes at the doors of the outhouse, hoping to break through and hit Mr. T. After using a car magazine as toilet paper, Mr. T bursts out of the outhouse and continues to attack the Cereal Killer. The outhouse transforms into a hamburger-hotdog hybrid and flies into the distance.
    After a long battle, and Mr. T gets his hair cut into a Mohawk, Mr. T finally unveils to the Cereal Killer the truth. “I am no longer in the N-Guard, I have quit long since”
    The Cereal Killer stops attacking, though it is not the reason to assassinate Mr. T, He still has lost a reason to fight on. Opening spotted. Mr. T then kicks the Cereal Killer. The Cereal Killer flies into the distance, the same direction of the former outhouse. Mr. T has emerged victorious.
    Waiting for the return of the Cereal Killer, the R-Team has nothing left to do but wait. Then, a Hamburger-Hotdog Hybrid flies into Sealand and transforms into an outhouse. After demolishing the outhouse and throwing it outside, The Cereal Killer flies into the Headquarters, fully wounded. Someone needs to pay.... for his insurance.
    The R-Team, However, did not pay for his insurance. It wasn’t part of the deal. They decided to take matters into their own hands once again. Every one of their plans have failed. They have no other choice. They prepared for a head on assault as their last resort. The R-Team prepares for their full on assault, as they set out for Mr. T’s base.
    The Principality of Sealand transforms into a turbo jet once more, and sets out to Mr. T’s base. Before they reach it, However, they are greeted by enemies in the air. They are under attack by winged afros with jetpacks. That’s odd, The R-Team has never seen anything life that before. The winged afros fire plasma at the Principality of Sealand. The R-Team has never seen such powerful projectiles! The Principality of Sealand cannot keep up with the amazing speed of the afros. The R-Team needs to find a way to protect their soccor balls, and the Principality of Sealand. Hammy quickly devises a plan. “Can you spare me some money?”
    The size of the disappointment cannot be measured... Rickshaw comes up with a plan to replace Hammy’s. Rickshaw quickly wheels out the Battle Rickshaw and attaches wings on it. He gives it a jet and prepares to fly it. Later he attaches parts from the Turbo-Shaw onto it, making a fusion rickshaw called the JetShaw!
    Rickshaw mounts the JetShaw, and prepares for it’s first flight. However, in an attempt to earn money, Hammy removes the engine of the Jetshaw and sells it on eBay. Rickshaw can no longer fly. Rickshaw tries to buy it back from eBay, but the engine was sold to Tuk Tuk of the Mole Warriors. Hammy has done it again. His poor decision making has put the R-Team in trouble. The world’s clean clothes is at stake. The R-Team cannot give up yet.

    Rickshaw doesn’t have time to get a new engine, but he forgot about something important. Bromley can fly. Bromley grabs an assault rifle, and flies out the launching bay. Bromley shoots the afro fighters, while avoiding the plasma melon seeds they shoot at him. The afros are only hair, However, so regular bullets cannot damage them. The closest thing to destroying them he can do is to destroy their jetpacks. After the destruction of the jetpacks, Bromley watched as all the afros fall into the ocean.
    As The R-Team continues to fly at full speed towards Mr. T’s base, they experience a common problem with Sealand for the first time. They ran out of fuel. Now the R-Team is gliding in the air at a high velocity, searching for a place to land. They crash land in a small town named Rickbrerg. It appears that they are setting up for a fiesta.
    Rickshaw needs to ask the locals to find a local gas station. When he asked a nameless citizen for a gas station, he said “The gas station? Are you going to the fi-ay-sta there?”
    It seems that there is a fiesta going on at the moment. “How do you get to this fiesta?” Asked Rickshaw.
    “What? There is no fiesta going on right now...”
    Rickshaw is confused. Then, he realizes that the word “fiesta” ceased to exist since 1987. It has been replaced with “fi-ay-sta”.
    This is yet another minor setback. With the fi-ay-sta going on, there is no way they can fuel up. However, The R-Team cannot give up now. They take the Principality of Sealand to the gas station, where the fi-ay-sta was. “Hey, nice rice hat!” said one of the citizens.
    “It’s not a rice hat, it’s the invincible Rickshaw hat!”
    After arguing with about 15 and a quarter citizens, giant popsicles fall from the sky, and they start attacking the fi-ay-sta. The mayor of Rickbrerg is not amused. He pulls out 2 heavy machine guns, and charges at the popsicles, yelling “I will... Protect this city!!!”
    He fires his guns at the popsicle invaders. Even with this commotion going on, the fi-ay-sta continues without delay. “Ariba! Ariba!”
    “Yay, piñatas!”
    The citizens are enjoying themselves smashing the piñatas into bits of cranberry sauce.

    While the mayor of Rickbrerg continues to fight off the popsicles, the R-Team took the opportunity to fuel up the Principality of Sealand, since everyone is distracted with something else. Then, the popsicles turned and charges at Sealand, determined to destroy it. Now the R-Team needs to be involved. Bromley punches the popsicles while Rickshaw attacks them with his Battle Rickshaw. Hammy fights them off by begging them for money… Once again Hammy fails to contribute.
    After fighting off the popsicle invasion, The R-Team boards the Principality of Sealand and prepares their journey to Mr. T’s base. The R-Team flies through the sky, passing numerous zones, such as the Danger Zone, the Cloudy Zone, Green Hill Zone, and the Gummi Zone. The R-Team sails through the sky, at amazing speed. It seems that nothing can stop them now. Then, Giant blocks fall from the sky. It seems they accidently flew about the land of Nintendo. They are in Tetris country! Attempting to swerve around the blocks, the R-Team also needs to find the correct course to Mr. T’s base. Then they notice other things in the sky, such as boxes with wings, a pink blob like creature with an umbrella, a jelly fish, and a bomb.
    The R-Team sets course towards a hand sanitizer. The Hand sanitizer appears to be one of Mr. T’s elite guard. The Hand sanitizer bottle is so gigantic, that if any of its liquids were to hit the Principality of Sealand, It would simply destroy it as if it were a germ. Of course, The kittens with mittens would not allow such an event to occur. The Kittens with mittens come once again, and this time to provide the R-Team with their aid. Firing their mittens at the Bottle, They destroy the bottle in a single, unified hit. Now the R-Team can move on.
    Having past one of Mr. T’s elite guard, there’s no telling what would happen next. How many more of these elite guards are there? Was the only thing the R-Team could wonder. Then, they encounter a giant cigarette, with “Murphy” scratched on the side. The R-Team fires all of Sealand’s missiles at it, but all it did was light the cigarette. However, They know all cigarettes have a fear far worse than that of the Human’s fear of re-runs on TV... Nicorette. The R-Team gathers all the Nicorette from the storage room, before Hammy could get his paws on it to sell it. The R-Team loads it all in a cannon to fire it at the cigarette. They turn around to get a lighter to light the cannon, but when they turn back to face the cannon, It’s gone. It’s been sold on eBay. Dammit Hammy. Forced to fight without their vintage-cannons, they can’t use their missiles to fire the Nicorette out of them, they just don’t work the way they used to.

    Number of posts : 747
    Age : 30
    Registration date : 2008-10-16


    Post by Zachary 1/18/2012, 2:56 pm

    CHAPTER 26: There is no air mail
    With no alternative solution to attack, They are forced to air-drop them onto the Cigarette. They considered throwing Hammy off too, but he would sell the Nicorettes while in midair, as well as escape. Besides, that’s too much animal cruelty already. The R-Team flies over the giant cigarette and drops the Nicorette all over it. The cigarette dissolves into a pile of pixie dust and puppy dogs. A person with a video camera just so happened to get that on tape, and it became a new commercial used by Nicorette and Old Spice.
    The R-Team flies on, inching closer towards Mr. T’s secret base. However, a giant dinosaur appears. Now they have to defeat the legendary Booduhsaurus, (scientific name Budhiusmaximus, also known as the Philoso-raptor) With the head of a Triceratops and the body of a Buddha, It’s defensive force is going to be hard to break. The Booduhsaurus puts up its Philosophy Shield, rendering all of the R-Team’s weapons harmless. The only thing that can go through the shield is a simple object, something that can defy the “There is no ‘x’” Theory. They tried throwing a copy of Rickshaw the Movie the Novel at it, but it vanished as soon as it hit the barrier. “There is no book, just ideas written down on pages and topped with a cover.” said the Booduhsaurus, although it sounded more like “Fwa fwargle fwa”.
    All seems lost for the R-Team, but there is hope. Help once again appears. This time, a duck appears. The duck bites the Booduhsaurus, and the Booduhsaurus became a wereduck. On full moon, the Booduhsaurus becomes a duck, quacking into the night. Now, a giant timehole opens, and a gigantic entity emerges through. It was the destroyer of the world from 1999 AD. It arrived late and forgot to blow up the world, so it appears now to settle the score.
    Rickshaw goes to the storage room of Sealand, and grabs a mop. Rickshaw throws the mop with perfect precision, but the mop is gone. Hammy sold it on eBay. That mop was the only thing that could defeat the entity! With no weapons left, thanks to Hammy. Bromley grabs Hammy in frustration and throws it at the entity. This may have been a big mistake, but this was what defeated the entity. Hammy sails towards the entity at a high velocity, and the second he touches it, the entity has been sold on eBay. Finally, Hammy contributes positively.
    The R-Team continues to fly toward Mr. T’s secret base. They are bombarded by a happy fellow named Richard Thomas. Richard is a grand young chap who goes to the biggest and grandest balls of all. In fact, he was the one who invented ballroom fi-ay-stas. However, as grand and happy the bloke is, he has the most ungraceful allergy… Napkins. The Tide Lady jumps at the chance and pulls out her napkin-bazooka. Richard instantly recognizes the Tide lady from her commercial.

    Richard cowers in fear and begins to flee, but the Tide Lady’s Napkin-bazooka has been equipped with homing capabilities. The Napkins fly towards Richard, and pelt him in the back of the neck. Instantly, his skin transforms into a jellyfish and he turns into pixie dust.
    Then, a mountain sprouts out from the sea, firing lasers at the R-Team. Bromley flies out of the Principality of Sealand again, and flies toward the mountain. Bromley fires his built in turbo cannons at the mountain. The Mountain then transforms into a doughnut and begins to fire plasma napalm lasers. Bromley whirls around the lasers, and fires 11 year old Pineapples at the doughnut. The doughnut absorbs the pineapples, and becomes a gold watch. The watch begins to fire Highly Explosive, Alchemy fortified Bubble gum. It seems that Every time Bromley fires at the object, it transforms to a more powerful object and fire more powerful weapons. Bromley needs to call for help. Bromley contacts the cyberpolice. The cyberpolice backtrace the watch and consequences were never the same again. Such confidence! The Cyberpolice are a formidable ally, now that they had acquired backtracing technology.
    Having defeated Mr. T’s elite guard, The R-Team can now safely prepare for their invasion of Mr. T’s base. They fly onward, for what seemed like aeons, but in reality, it was only 5 seconds. They see Mr. T’s base in the horizon. The base is huge! Almost a hundred times larger than he principality of Sealand! They land on the roof, and break in using the ventilation system. The R-Team is greeted by lasers. If they were to touch the lasers, he guards will flood the vents. There is no way the R-Team could avoid the lasers, with the exception of Hammy, but he’d screw up somehow. Rickshaw moves on anyway, and triggers the lasers. Suddenly, an alarm blares, and guards are heard from a long distance. As the guards try to rush towards the R-Team, they all get stuck. These are only vents, after all. That many guards would prove unnecessary…
    They jump into the closest room, and they find themselves in a storage closet, where they find an alligator yelling “Find the computer room!” This must be a clue.
    The R-Team is now navigating Mr. T’s gigantic base, which is located in a forest with 3 huts surrounding. They move into the basement, and find aliens. Rickshaw mows them down with his Battle Rickshaw as he does when he mows his lawn. They climb a ladder to find themselves at a ruined hut, the roof seemed to have collapsed years ago, and under, lays the skeleton of a man. The skeleton has a shirt with “Tran” Written on it. Maybe he was a fan of Dr. Tran? They find a note in his hand. “One of these kids is not like the other. One of these kids is dead.” This is yet another hint for the R-Team.

    The R-Team climbs down into the basement again, and they find Hulk Hogan. Hulk Hogan Pulls out two fish skeletons, and throws one to Rickshaw. Looks like there’s going to be a sword fight. Hulk Hogan charges towards rickshaw. “Mmmmm….. Brother.” After viciously slashing at each other with the fish skeletons, Hulk Hogan suddenly pulls out his ultimate grill, and smashes Rickshaw in the head.
    Hulk Hogan didn’t know that Rickshaw’s hat is invincible, and the grill shattered into many pieces. The pieces became tiny little unicorns. The unicorns then began a rampage for gold. Their search for gold drove them away, in the direction of Mr. T.
    The R-Team must now follow them and escape Hulk Hogan at the same time. They follow the unicorns, knowing that Mr. T’s bling is made of pure gold. Hulk Hogan continues to chase after the R-Team, but Bromley comes up with a solution to stop Hulk Hogan. Bromley stops, and Hulk Hogan slams right into him. Both Hulk Hogan and Bromley die. However, since Bromley has powers of the divine, he comes back to life.
    Then, the R-Team was attacked by annoying people. They just wouldn’t go away. No matter how they tried to deal with them they just wouldn’t leave them alone. The annoying people were so annoying that they couldn’t feel pain, and they even forgot how to die as well. The R-Team patiently waited for the annoying people to go away, and after suffering a few hours of waiting, they finally left. Only for now though, the R-Team must move quickly.
    The R-Team has lost track of the unicorns, so they must continue on without a hint. They aimlessly travel through Mr. T’s secret base, hoping to find him to defeat him one and for all. The R-Team then gets attacked, by a fire breathing lighthouse. The light house shot a fiery inferno at them, Rickshaw was about to throw his Rickshaw hat at it like a discus, but, enraged by Hammy’s failure to contribute, he throws Hammy instead.
    Hammy sails through the air like a rocket, squealing loudly at a high pitch. By himself, Hammy is a very ineffective projectile. However, the squealing was so loud, and so high pitch, The lighthouse broke down into a heap of trash disposal factories. This time, even though it was against his will, Hammy contributed in aiding the R-Team.
    Rickshaw picks up Hammy, “Trust” Rickshaw says to Hammy as he attempts to lift up the poverty-deranged hamster. Hammy doesn’t only bite Rickshaw this time, Hammy sells him on eBay. Having been shipped out to Boston, The R-Team’s leader is no more. Could this be the end of the fight to get back the Tide? Could the world be out of clean clothes? Did Hammy get a good deal for selling a hero?!?
    Bromley decides to take over the R-Team, because the Tide Lady only cares about washing napkins, and Hammy just sold his leader on eBay.

    Number of posts : 747
    Age : 30
    Registration date : 2008-10-16


    Post by Zachary 1/18/2012, 2:58 pm

    CHAPTER 27: The loss of a leader
    The R-Team is now under command of Bromley, who must lead the Tide Lady (who has sat in the sidelines idly, leaving her combat ability to rust.) and Hammy (who... should have been left in the refrigerator...) Bromley has a lot on his shoulders.
    The R-Team moves on to find a horde of napkins. The Tide Lady knows exactly what to do with the napkins. In one smooth motion, she grabs all the napkins, goes to Appliance Direct to buy a washing machine, and washes the napkins. Since the detergent she used wasn’t Tide, the napkins tore, and were destroyed. Her battle combat fighting ability has been restored, and she’s ready to take on anything.
    The Tide Lady rushes ahead, and finds a room that smells of sunflowers. Bingo! She thought to herself as she rushes in, New sunflower flavoured Tide! She kicks the door down, and all she finds are smiling monks. The monks stop smiling, and make rage faces. The monks rush at the Tide lady, yelling “FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-!”
    The monks haven’t eaten in days. All they have been doing is smiling in that room. So they’re as thin as napkins. The Tide lady grabs all the monks in a swift motion, and throws them all into a washing machine.
    Suddenly, Aliens invade Mr. T’s base, and whisk everyone away. The R-Team finds themselves in space again. The R-Team needs to get back to Mr. T’s base before he does, and grab the Tide and return it to the world. The R-Team has an advantage over Mr. T, because they have more experience in space than he does.
    Bromley finds a hatch in the door of the spaceship and rips it open. The R-Team jumps out of the door, and lassos DISCOTHEQUE. The R-Team jumps on to DISCOTHEQUE, and Bromley lets go of the lasso, allowing DISCOTHEQUE to return into orbit somehow. Then, Comet Ronald zooms by, and Bromley uses it as a passage back to Earth.
    After returning to Mr. T’s base, the R-Team found their way through the base with little resistance, and they are met by an electric generator. The generator didn’t move. Staring at Bromley. Staring. Staring. STARING. STARING. STARING. STARING. Bromley doesn’t have time to waste. Bromley begins to walk away, but then, the generator speaks. “Let’s all go out for some frosty chocolate milkshakes!” There is a pause. The generator stares at Bromley again. The R-Team is pretty fatigued. They haven’t eaten much since their adventure began. Bromley turns to say to the generator. “Sure!” “NO!” The generator yells, as it jumps to attack Bromley.

    Bromley struggles to throw the generator off, and shoots it with his laser vision. The generator can no longer move, and all the R-Team can hear from it was a robotic voice saying “Work it”.
    The R-Team moves, opening millions of doors. All they find are storage rooms with nothing in them. This is very odd. As they approach the final door, they prepare for.

    Number of posts : 747
    Age : 30
    Registration date : 2008-10-16


    Post by Zachary 1/18/2012, 2:59 pm

    CHAPTER 28: The Final Battle
    ... Nothing. They open the door to find out that there is nothing in the room but a computer. The alligator from before bursts in, and yells “BINGO! The computer room!”
    The alligator jumps in, and uses the computer inside. It finally got to update its twitter status. Watching the touching scene of the alligator typing away with such passion, The R-Team was inspired to not give up. However, saying that, The R-Team has no idea where to go.
    Mr. T’s Base is completely bare. The Tide is not inside. Could this have been yet another diversion? Or is Mr. T using some sort of invisible block technology? They look up, and discover a Flying saucer with a mohawk. It’s Mr. T’s! The aliens that abducted them earlier turned out to be in cahoots with Mr. T.
    Now the R-Team needs to go to space once more, to go to Mr. T’s space fortress. The alligator finishes updating his twitter status, and runs off in the mist. Bromley accesses the computer to find more information. It is password protected, however, and the R-Team forgot to ask the alligator for it. They needed to find out the password for the computer.
    They ponder on what the password was, and The Tide Lady remembers the note that Tran wrote. (Only because it looked like a napkin). It read “One of these kids is not like the other, one of these kids is dead.” The computer said that the password hint was “I like turtles. I lets.” After an hour of pondering, Bromley figures it out. “The password is OEOFTEKSISNTLETEOROEOFTEKSISDD!” He inputs the password. Success. “How the Heckler and Koch did you find out that out?!” Squeals Hammy.
    “Well,” Explains Bromley “The proof is in the pudding.” The Tide Lady finds pudding. There is a note inside the pudding. The note reads “Tran has the password. The sentences’ first and last letters of the password. I decided to make a hint dedicated to him. He really liked turtles. So I made the ‘example’ I like turtles.” However, the R-Team didn’t read the note in the pudding. Hammy ate the pudding and then sold the container on eBay.

    The computer has the information in building a spaceship using nothing but sheer willpower. Bromley looks at Hammy. Hammy has a lot of money by now, selling EVERYTHING he touches on eBay. Bromley forces Hammy to buy “Sheer willpower” on eBay with the money he has earned.
    After acquiring sheer willpower, the R-Team assembles the spaceship. Bromley decides to leave Hammy behind. He knows that Hammy would probably sell the spaceship on eBay half way there, stranding them. Bromley and the Tide Lady set off for Mr. T.
    They find Mr. T’s space fortress, and they enter it swiftly. They sneak aboard, using a series of air ducts. They jump down from them and lands on Mr. T. The final battle begins.

    Number of posts : 747
    Age : 30
    Registration date : 2008-10-16


    Post by Zachary 1/18/2012, 3:00 pm

    CHAPTER FINALE: For Clean Apparel!
    Bromley and the Tide Lady are face to face with their enemy, Mr. T. They won’t hold back this time. The Tide Lady fires her Napkin Bazooka toward Mr. T. Mr. T throws a Mohawk grenade at the napkins and they turn into odd versions of Mr. T’s head. The odd versions swarm towards the Tide Lady, and she grabs them all, and throws them in the washing machine. Bromley pulls out his old rifle, the one that shot the last bullet of the war, and fires at Mr. T. Mr. T, tired of being attacked by petty projectiles, draws his sword again on a piece of cardboard, and slices the bullets into four. Mr. T knows that The Tide Lady can throw him in the washing Machine, so he needs to stay away from her.
    Mr. T begins to close the distance, and charges toward Bromley, who draws his old bayonet. Mr. T swings his sword at Bromley’s head. Bromley ducks under and he stabs at Mr. T’s chest. Mr. T’s bling was too heavy; Bromley’s Bayonet couldn’t penetrate. Mr. T goes in for a knee but Bromley does an overly exaggerated back flip to evade. Mr. T throws a Mohawk grenade at Bromley. Bromley was unable to draws his pistol and shoots the grenade. The grenade explodes, and turns the pistol into Mr. T’s head. The former pistol bites Bromley’s hand.
    Bromley is not fazed by this, he is a resourceful soldier that had been through far worse. Bromley uses the Mr. T head on his hand and swings it at Mr. T as a club. Mr. T was startled by the unexpected opening and takes a hit in the arm, disarming him. Mr. T goes in punch Bromley, and Bromley uses the Mr. T head as a shield. Mr. T continues to fight Bromley, punching and kicking away at him as he uses the Mr. T head as a shield, until eventually, Bromley’s hand falls off. Bromley didn’t even realise his hand was gone, and continues to use his arm as a shield.
    Mr. T continues to attack Bromley, and Bromley finds an opening in Mr. T’s defences. Bromley stabs his bayonet at Mr. T. Mr. T was just wearing an abnormal amount of bling, and Bromley’s bayonet couldn’t penetrate Mr. T’s heavy armour. Bromley inflates his inflatable hand, for temporary restoration of lost limbs, and attaches it to where his hand was. Bromley needs to continue to battle Mr. T no matter what happens to him.
    As this epic battle is going on, the Tide Lady begins to comb the station for the Tide. The Tide Lady searches room after room, encountering napkin-like enemies that she washes along the way. The Tide Lady finds a cold room, with a large amount of Mr. T heads. As she recalls, the Tide was stored in a large closet that was transformed into a Mr. T head. The Tide Lady needs to find a way to negate the effects of the Mohawk Grenade, and fast. She doesn’t know how long Bromley will last.

    The battle between Mr. T and Bromley continues. Bromley notices a hair clip in Mr. T’s Mohawk. Bromley begins to swing his bayonet at Mr. T’s head, slicing away at the hair clip. Mr. T evades Bromley’s attacks, ducking and swerving around the edges of his blade. Mr. T takes out a Mohawk grenade and throws it at Bromley. Bromley throws a hockey stick at the grenade, and the hockey stick turns into a crowbar.
    Bromley remembers the story of a doctor who saves the world with nothing but his PHD and a crowbar. Bromley takes the crowbar and hits Mr. T in the head. Mr. T’s Mohawk is like steel. It’s like Mr. T is wearing Knight’s armour! Mr. T continues to throw attack after attack at Bromley, as Bromley struggles to survive it all. I’m in a pinch! Thought the grizzled war veteran.
    Meanwhile, in the Mr. T head storage gallery, The Tide Lady is still trying to figure out how to change the Mr. T heads back into the objects they once were. A specific formula is needed to negate the effects of the Mohawk grenade. The Tide Lady has already tried washing the Mr. T heads in the washing machine, but Purex detergent just wasn’t enough to do the job. The Tide Lady then finds a document under the washing machine.
    Funny. She thought to herself. I don’t remember seeing any secret documents in this place. She opens the document’s envelope to find a disturbing image of two bears on pogo sticks and a schematic of the Mohawk Grenade. It seems that the Mohawk grenade is filled with Tide, amongst other materials. The only way to counter the effects of the Mohawk grenade is to cut the Mohawks of the Mr. T heads into Mullets.
    The Tide Lady is in distress. She did not take the Cosmetology class in her High School years, so she doesn’t know how to cut a proper Mullet! In the state of deep regret, she forgets about Bromley’s epic battle with Mr. T.
    Mr. T continues to apply pressure on Bromley. Bromley can’t withstand anymore attacks. Bromley parries Mr. T’s attack with the last of his strength, to buy him a few seconds of time. Those few seconds could be important, because the Tide Lady could be figuring out the solution within those seconds before Mr. T defeats Bromley. As Mr. T was about to lay down the final blow, a hamburger hits him in the face.
    “Cheeseburger?!? I pity da foo’ who threw that!” Mr. T growls, as he turns around to find none other than Rickshaw (Minus the pants). Rickshaw continues to throw the hamburgers at Mr. T, not saying a word about how he developed through his adventure, thus defiling the laws of cliché heroes who have been through a journey.

    Mr. T cannot be stopped by mere cheeseburgers. As they splatter upon him. He walks towards Rickshaw, and throws a table at him. The table turns into a gigantic anvil, and hits Rickshaw square in the chest. The Rickshaw Hat wasn’t covering that area! Could this be the end for our hero? Could the world be out of clean clothes? Is the anvil alright? WHY AM I STILL ASKING THESE MUNDANE QUESTIONS TO THE READER?!
    The anvil merely bounces off of Rickshaw. It seems that he is a cliché-ish hero now, and has gone through rigorous training to defeat Mr. T. Rickshaw continues to throw hamburgers at Mr. T, and Mr. T continues to throw furniture at Rickshaw. Suddenly, a chair transforms to a baby flamingo with diamond studded oil drums strapped to it. Rickshaw’s eyes widen with horror. He is face to face with his weakness… Cute things exploding. Instead of asking the divine questions to you, the reader again, I’ll ask them to myself when I go to bed tonight. Though I really doubt I would sleep, because I’m a freakin’ book. Books don’t sleep. The exploding flaming flamingo hits Rickshaw dead on. Bromley watches in horror as he witnesses his friend die right in front of him. Before Rickshaw was lost in the explosion, he looks at Bromley, in slow motion, and with a peculiar glint in his eyes, gives a smile. Such white teeth! He must have used Colgate.
    Rickshaw is confirmed dead now, and Bromley has had enough of seeing his comrades die in battle. Bromley gets up, as if he had never been pelted with attacks ten minutes ago, and flies towards Mr. T, with fire burning intensely in his eyes. Rocket propelled by his flaming eyes, Bromley exceeds the speed of sound. No… He exceeds the speed of light! Having defied physics once more, Bromley begins to throw attacks at Mr. T one after another. The table have turned, and Mr. T is on the defensive now.
    As the battle continues, The Tide Lady is still trying to figure out how to make a mullet out of a Mohawk. She snips one hair off the Mohawk of a Mr. T head, and it becomes an afro. Hm…. The Tide Lady thought to herself. The Mr. T heads are like bombs, and each individual strand of hair is like a wire. I just have to find the “red” one…
    Fortunately, The Tide Lady served as an elite member of the Bomb Squad before they started using robots. The Tide Lady opens her utility bag and accesses her bomb defusal kit that she refused to return to the police when she was replaced with the robot. She analyses the Mr. T head and looks at every individual strand of hair, and finds a red strand. She cuts the strand, and the Mohawk turns into cornrows. No. Not the red one. It must be the blue one then. She takes another Mr. T head and searches for a blue strand of hair. She cuts it, and the Mr. T head becomes bald. The Tide Lady has a lot to experiment on.

    After fifteen minutes of experimenting, the Tide Lady is still trying to figure out which strand of hair to cut. The Tide Lady doesn’t have much time, because Bromley could have been defeated within fifteen minutes. She remembers the training given to one of the robots. The robots had to identify colours when their vision was monochrome. They needed a special program to see the colors correctly. Maybe the Mohawk somehow only appeared monochrome, and they were all actually different sorts of colours! The Tide Lady isn’t a robot, or secretly an android or something like that, so she can’t just have a program installed into her to see the colors.
    Mr. T is still being attacked by Bromley, and it seems Bromley shows no sign of stopping his attacks until Mr. T is defeated. Mr. T is ready to reveal his true power. Mr. T pulls off the hair pin to reveal an afro. Now all of a sudden Mr. T is radiating with power. Bromley doesn’t intend on giving up yet, and continues to apply pressure on Mr. T so he has no opening to attack.
    Bromley gives a swift knee to Mr. T, but his bling protected him from it. Mr. T counterattacks with a punch to the gut, it stuns Bromley and leaves him open. Mr. T’s afro was the source of his power, and there’s no way Bromley can remove it. Suddenly, as Bromley begins to lose hope, a high pitch squeal is heard in the distance. A small object flies into Mr. T’s afro, and a large amount of dust that puffed from Mr. T’s head.
    When the dust settled, Mr. T is now bald, and his source for power is gone. On his head is Hammy, who had sold the afro on eBay. Rickshaw had found Hammy chewing on the ground for money when he came back from Boston, and threw him at Mr. T’s space fortress. Rickshaw breaks in from the window using the Principality of Sealand.
    Bromley looks at Rickshaw in awe. “I thought you were dead!”
    Rickshaw tries to recall the past, and asks “Was I wearing pants?”
    Bromley shakes his head. Rickshaw nods. “Was I throwing hamburgers?”
    “Cheeseburgers, I think.”
    “Then that was a lookalike.” Bromley is confused. He wasn’t present at the time when Rickshaw fought the lookalike that had no pants. But now isn’t the time for chatting. The R-Team needs to defeat Mr. T and return the tide to the world. Rickshaw jumps out of the Principality of Sealand.
    Mr. T isn’t ready to lose yet. He jumps at Rickshaw, yelling “I am not for die. YOU DIE!”

    Rickshaw punches Mr. T, and puts him in the ENFORCER CANNON (Patent Pending). Rickshaw fires him into space, and Mr. T collides with Ronald McDonald. Both fly onto Mars. Ronald McDonald becomes a Tim Horton’s restaurant again, and Mr. T crashes through the Space Casino and hits a Slot Machine, which gets a jackpot. Mr. T has finally been defeated.
    But there is still one thing that needs to be done. The Tide Lady is still trying to figure out the “defusal” of the Mr. T head. With great timing, Rickshaw, Bromley and Hammy bust into the room heroically. Bromley was a barber in the army before he became a soldier, so he knows how to make a mullet. Bromley trims the hair of the Mr. T head, and it becomes a giant storage closet again.
    All the tide of the world was stored inside the closet. After taking all the Tide out of the closet, Rickshaw Puts all of it on the Principality of Sealand, and flies it back to Earth. Rickshaw distributes the Tide back to households everywhere, making it National Tide Appreciation Day. People would stop everything they were doing to celebrate clean clothing. Hammy didn’t contribute to helping return the Tide. All he did was claw at the floor like a doggie bag. With Mr. T unable to cause any more trouble, the world is at peace again. Wars were brought to an end and leaders of the world followed Rickshaw and the R-Team’s great example.

    ~THE END~
    ..Fo’ realz this time!

    Number of posts : 747
    Age : 30
    Registration date : 2008-10-16


    Post by Zachary 1/18/2012, 3:02 pm

    EPILOGUE: Where did they go?
    Everyone in this story had a huge contribution to developing the story, and have such unique back stories. They all went their separate ways after the world’s first National Tide Appreciation Day. This is what happened to them:

    Mr. T remained on the moon for a little while, he worked at Pedro’s Space casino as a bouncer, and he went back to Earth, in hopes to get a new Mohawk. He then worked for the military, after they discovered his amazing invention, the “Mohawk Grenade”. He manufactured grenades by day, and fought off rogue assassins by night...
    The terrorist organization failed to take over the abandoned cracker factory. Its defences were too powerful to overtake. There were still some crackers left over, which were mutated and turned into powerful beasts. The crackers were later eaten by the survivors, who died of mercury-related deaths.
    The naked Asian child never did get to work. His yelling however did nail him a job as a radio host. It was perfect for him, because he didn’t need any clothes, which he could never afford.
    The panicked customer was at peace after the Tide came back. He went joined the grammar police after that, upon discovering the terrible structure of Mr. T’s graffiti.
    The Grammar Police couldn’t locate the culprit of the graffiti. The grammar was too terrible for them to locate the creator, even though the evidence was right in front of their faces.
    The salesman was SUPER WASHed. Afterward, he went on to find a partner, who was profoundly intrigued of the idea of same day delivery and hitting trucks. Appliance Direct hit a Golden Age that day.
    The owner of the Coffee Shop “Your Mother” couldn’t come out of the trance of the Sawdust and Pizza. Yoda. However, he found new joy in opening up a pizza parlour, which also did woodwork. Yoda worked there, too.
    Poncho went on to live a better life in America. This life was short lived, though, as THE ENFORCER found his whereabouts. He continued to run for the rest of his life, being more and more wanted by the authorities. He later was featured on “America’s Most Wanted”

    Billy Mays may be dead, but he will live on in our hearts forever. He forever lurks the Home Depot of the dead, looking for materials to build a home he never will...
    Chuck Borris’ legacy of having a name close to Chuck Norris’ lived on, and it intrigues citizens of cities all over the world, making a new national holiday, “Borris Day”
    The Cycle Path owner didn’t get his bikes back. He then started a journey to find Doc Louis, and later had a duel to the death for the bikes. Who won the duel? It’s lost in history...
    THE ENFORCER searches far and wide for Poncho. He went on to make his own documentary, “THE ENFORCER – Hunt for Poncho”, and became rich. He used the money as funding for the “Aid to find Poncho” Campaign.
    The DJ at the dance-off saw the spectacle of Mr. T creating DISCOTHEQUE. He became an astronomer, and later an astronaut, being the first to discover Pedro’s Space Casino, other than its regulars, of course. He later worked with a team of people who terra-formed Mars into a civilization after finding out about the structure of the office building on the moon.
    Ronald McDonald became a popular branch for Tim Horton’s, but eventually became normal again. He orbited between Mars and the Moon, and people decided to use him as transportation.
    Having no victims of hit and run to eat grass around, due to the peace of the world, it moved to a farm where it met an explosive goat, who later was its stunt double in movies.
    Omar met up with Poncho again before he arrived at America. After a touching reunion scene, THE ENFORCER finds them. Poncho leaves Omar behind again as a decoy, as Omar was shot back into Mexico from THE ENFORCER’s ENFORCER CANNON (Patent Pending).
    The Pawn shop in St. Rixxa continued to sell items for journeys. People kept buying the “Surprise Package” which might have useful tools, but it only has Chia pets inside.
    Ohm the Koala tried to overthrow the human Ohm with great failure. Nobody listened to him because he was a koala. Ohm then later formed a legion of Koalas, who plot about world domination every day, but never actually do anything because they’d rather sleep.
    The Hang gliding monkeys flew on, and became a brigade in the air force. They fought the evils of the jetpack afros to defend the skies.
    The Gummi Pimp was later known in the history of the Gummi Zone as “The one who fought a Hero of the outside” He was honoured with prodigious awards.

    The Gummi Genie never did get to say his lines. To honour his death, his lines will be written here: “Squadallah!” “It is written that only Rickshaw can defeat Mr. T” “All we have is GummiMonee” “We are off!” “Squadallah!” “Squadal-”
    Prince Roy Bates’ butler was waiting quietly in Sealand the entire time. After Sealand had broken into Mr. T’s base, he jumped out to go to DISCOTHEQUE, and became Space Butler XIII.
    Prince Roy Bates continued to live in the box. He later added enhancements to it, founding New Sealand. Unfortunately, it was no match for the Principality of Sealand, and was raided by pirated pirates.
    Justin Beiber’s body parts continued to fly around the globe, hitting people when they are about to eat. People were glad to hear of his death, and declared Sealand a hero. Since nobody knew who the leader was, no awards were given.
    The second World-Communication War ended right in the heat of battle, when the great goddess “Adamine” Entered the battlefield with her great weapon, the “Bahnn Hammer”. The soldiers of both the Sedge Army and the Bling Army trembled to her might. However, the ruler of the crumbling kingdom Geeaicheff , “Gee Bubba” stood up to fight with a hammer of his own. The two battled for supremacy.
    Alien #1, Ninja #2 and Space Pirate #3675 found out what a Double-Triple Big Artery Clogger Mac was. They found it amazing for its size. They brought it back to Alien #1’s planet and shared it to them. Their culture flourished, but obesity became a large problem for his planet now.
    The giant Oh Henry! Bar was clogging up the phone lines at one point, and after they cleaned it out, it was eaten and never heard of again.
    The Mint Genie was torn after hearing about the death of his idol, the Gummi Genie. He became a pyromaniac, burning everything he saw with a flamethrower, to avenge his idol, who had been burned to a crisp by stomach acids.
    The fat-cat producer was the only one to survive the missles, and he later took his staff’s advice to heart. He started his life with a clean slate, and started an honest lemonade stand. He was later bothered by a duck, who wouldn’t stop asking for grapes.
    The Space Wizard was ashamed for his mistake, and gave up studying magic to pursue his real dream. To become a kung-fu master.

    Pedro escaped THE ENFORCER’s grasp He traveled to the four corners of the earth to escape THE ENFORCER.
    THE ENFORCER of 1888 continued to search for Pedro. He didn’t have space technology at the time, so he passed it down to his son on his will to search for Pedro. Pedro was later found in 1930, and THE ENFORCER of 1888 gave the one who found him a thumbs up from heaven. However, by 1930, the reason for THE ENFORCER to find Pedro no longer was valid. They tagged Pedro and released him back to the wild.
    The Terrorist Goats failed to complete their missions, so they seeked out Charlie for a new home. They were later killed because of his obsession
    The Pedro lookalikes continued their career at the casino, and when they were found, the casino was the fourth recorded space casino in history.
    G.I. Jose tried to keep his title as the true Mexican hero. However, someone played the French Card, which turned him into a Frenchman. G.I. Jose became G.I. Jacque - The true French hero.
    Dubaiz’s idea of Gampling was abandoned. People couldn’t grow apples for their fields of the moon. He later founded a city named Dubai. Dubai was later burned down, because there was already a city with that name.
    The Rickshaw lookalike was confirmed to be one who died to rescue Bromley. May he find his pants in heaven...
    Rickshaw of the past actually lost the battle with the lookalike. He was saved by a rogue meteor before the rickshaw lookalike threw the last hamburger at him.
    Charlie couldn’t take it anymore. His parents kept yelling at him for selling the explosive goat, Smarties. He became a maniac who killed bunnies. PETA found his skill to be formidable, and Charlie was later voted as the head of PETA.
    The man ordering the Double-Triple Big Artery Clogging Mac never did get his order. It was actually his phone call when he was arrested and sent to jail.
    The Kitten with Mittens had found a way to remove the mittens. No longer bound by the chains of human amusement, it was free to grow up into a full-fledged elephant.
    The UFOs and Scientists that Rickshaw was whizzing by didn’t notice Rickshaw invade the base, but they found his pimp coat and thought it was from an alien’s wardrobe. They studied it for years.

    The scientist that was decapitated didn’t die. He actually continued his life as if the incident never happened. He conducted research by day, and by night, he went on journeys to find the one who ate all the doughnuts.
    All the guards at Area 51 were fired. Since they weren’t trusted by the government anymore, they were sent into space, never to see civilization again... Until Mars was terraformed.
    Turbo Granny realized that the pimp suit was empty after 5 months. She was scouted to be a racer in NASCAR. She caused many accidents, because she was enraged by all the young racers around her.
    The judges who judged the dive during the sports duel argued what the value of “duck” was. Charlie later came in and attacked the sign ferociously. After the attack, they came to the conclusion that duck meant 2142 points.
    Tuk Tuk, the leader of the mole people continued his reign, growing his tiny village into a great empire. The empire rose from underground and they discovered New Sealand. They established trade and became the most economic relationship between two countries.
    The combat worms recovered from their economy crash. They stayed in the safe side, and they never gave money to anyone again. Their economy crashed again because of their fear of spending money.
    The Battle Toads continued to Singapore Speedway. They waited years for Mr. T to challenge. Eventually they set out to find him. Their journey took them to The tombs of Egypt, where they were attacked by mummies. Their battle skills were far to great for the mummies, however.
    The Tim Horton’s restaurant became rich after the R-Team bought supplies from them. It turned out that they had paid in pesos, the most valuable currency in the multiverse.
    The chick from “Precious” couldn’t get up. She eventually floated away into space, and became a planet when she began to orbit. Nobody tried to live on her, because she was just too terrifying to settle on.
    The legend of Zeus continued on, but mythologists couldn’t accept the fact he was a watermelon. They changed the stories of Zeus to the tales we know of today.
    Zxeeuke wandered the Gummi Zone for a day and a half. He set up a shack on a field. He was later attacked by Gummi Rabbits and a Gummi Platypus. He was never heard of again.

    The barber who did Mr. T’s hair was not just some foo’. He was actually a nomadic barber, who would curse people by cutting their hair into styles that would slowly turn into mullets.
    Poopsock got over his first failure. He continued to work as a witch doctor, but was burned at the stake for witchcraft, even though he insisted that witches and witch doctors were completely different.
    The clerk of the cheese store was constantly attacked by a the Sumo. He eventually had enough of the extreme life of being the owner of a cheese shop, and went on a journey to find a jar of dirt.
    The Sumo wrestler started to think that throwing dictionaries was a bad idea to resolve his problems, and left the life of owning a pawn shop. He opened up a car dealership for large people. He was constantly attacked by a harmonica, who kept throwing cars at him. Looks like he started a business next to a pawn shop.
    The hamburger-hotdog outhouse hybrid continued to try bringing peace to warring stored, but only ended up disturbing them. He was later attacked by a flock of seagull-bombers. It was cursed to live a life constantly being bombed like expensive cars in parking lots.
    The people who were pawning the cheese were actually trolls. They constantly made raids on people who sold things and sold them to the nearest pawn shops. Enraging both sides and causing wars. Trolls love wars.
    Sherlock Holmes didn’t get much from his new budget, and he sold his empty propane tank. His poverty ate him from inside out. He went to duel Indiana Jones to the death for money. A lot of duels to the death going on in... It must be Lacrosse season again.
    Watson went on to invent electricity. Unfortunately he didn’t know that someone had already beaten him to it many moons ago. He went on to learn how to use psychic powers, and became the Psychic Detective... but someone already beat him to that too. Poor guy just can’t win, can he?
    The 400 Hammys didn’t make any accomplishments for their Marathons of Hope. The other 399 Hammys kept searching for their family jewels, but gave up when they came up with their plan to sell eBay on eBay.
    The Giant Jelly fish howled BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH NAAAAAAAAAAAAAH into the night. People heard the howls, and thought they were attacked by werewolves. People didn’t care though, because they thought that all werewolves were wimps and couldn’t do anything thanks to a certain fat-cat producer.
    The Singapore Special Operation Forces founded a baseball team. They took the league by storm and won every game they played, because they used special forces tactics to play.
    Elvis flew to a bingo hall. He transformed back to himself again, but once he was spotted, he turned into a robotic sandwich with wings and flew off again.
    Michael Jackson and James Braddok found each other in the Home Depot of the Dead. A new rivalry dawned, because James loved to build model airplanes too. They entered competitions, leaving first and second place open to nobody but themselves.
    Gary Coleman found Billy Mays’ blueprints of the home he would never build. Gary Coleman built the house out of trash cans and rice bowls. He was later afflicted with the Curse of the Warm Rice Bowl.
    The Cereal Killer landed in Texas. He found himself in the city he was prophesised to be in. “The town with the X in the middle”
    Chuck Norris and Nigel Jones battled it out, and the entire universe was their battleground. They destroyed ten planets and a table.
    The citizens of Rickbrerg continued their fi-ay-sta. Imma let you finish reading this epilogue, but Rickbrerg had the greatest fi-ay-sta of all time. ALL TIME!
    The Mayor of Rickbrerg indeed did protect the city. He fought on and was given the “Best Mayor of all time... ALL TIME!” Award.
    The Boxes with wings were a myth that was unproven for years. The R-Team barely passed them, and didn’t take pictured of them. The Boxes with wings continue to be undiscovered for eternity.
    The pink blob with the umbrella eventually ate the umbrella. He returned to his kingdom, Dream Land. His king, who was a penguin, left for an interview, although the king only planned to jump into the set and yell very loudly at the host of the show. The pink blob continued to eat everything in his path.
    The Jelly fish returned to his home planet, Zebus. He was killed by a bounty hunter a little later, making his trip in search for the temple of Moarshoo in vein...
    The hand sanitizer was reborn, in the oceans of the seven stars. No longer Mr. T’s elite guard, it found a job as a hand sanitizer.
    The cigarette, now a pile of pixie dust and puppy dogs, became viral when it was featured in the commercial. Many poorly made parodies came after.
    The Booduhsaurus went on to be a great philosopher. It came up with the theory of pudding cakes and figured out how they got that cream filling into Twinkies. The secret was love.
    The ancient deity that destroyed worlds was tamed, and now has the mentality of a house cat. It gets a little too affectionate at times and destroys neighbourhoods without knowing it.
    Richard Thomas was chosen to be a test subject to find a cure for allergies to napkins. He was paid 5 dollars and a doughnut for compensation.
    The transforming mountain was backtraced by the Cyber Police. Having dun goof’d, it finally learned that consequences will never be the same.
    The Cyber Police were recognized as the most elite group of the police force. They were later used in multiple Counter Troll operations.
    The Alligator was at peace after updating its twitter status. After jumping off numerous cliffs for unknown reasons, it died. The grave read “He found the computer room”
    Tran’s skeleton eventually decayed, but who knows how long it has been there? Dead people have a tendency to stink the place up...
    After dying, Hulk Hogan went to the Home Depot of the Dead to seek out Billy Mays. Those two have a score to settle.
    The Gold Rushing Unicorns searched for a decade, and finally found gold.
    The Generator never did get to work it. It was scouted along with the naked Asian child to work in the radio show. Their afternoon show was the greatest hit in the world.
    The Lighthouse remained in poverty for a little while. Unlike Hammy, it knew how to save money. It escaped the jaws of poverty within 40 years of begging.
    The Horde of Napkins settled down in a local ice cream truck. They grew up to be fine young paper-towels.
    The Monks that smelled of sunflowers didn’t like being washed. They decided to move to the sun to train and become sun-monks instead.
    The Aliens that abducted the R-Team and Mr. T returned to their planet. Forgetting why they abducted them, no experiments were made. They later had obesity problems.
    Hammy continued his Marathon of Hope. His bad habits of spending have cursed him to live in poverty for the rest of his life.

    The Tide Lady was welcomed back to the bomb squad. She may have not defused the Mr. T head, but she tried her best, and that was more than enough to convince the Bomb Squad to allow her back on the job. She quit a few weeks later for a higher paying job. She now works as a napkin washer in a local Laundromat.
    Bromley retired from the army after the incidents. Having been planning so since the day he was on the cliff, he decided to continue making money by expanding Rickshaw’s business by opening up a branch of “Rickshaw’s Rickshaws” in America.
    Rickshaw was given a bunch of medals. Some include but are not limited to: The Nobel Peace Prize, the Medal of Honour, the Badge of the Rising Sun and the Singapore Sling. He then went back to his quant home in Singapore to continue living his peaceful life, pulling his rickshaw for a living by day and pulling his rickshaw for a living by night.

    Yes, the world is now at peace with their clean clothes, and everyone who participated in this great legend went their own ways, but one day they will meet again. Some will meet again sooner than others. Rickshaw’s name will go down into the history books as the greatest hero in the face of the universe. Good job, Rickshaw, now pull your rickshaw and move onward to eternity!

    I give special thanks to the ones who actually supported me in writing this novel. Oh! And that cat, Nyaka, who was constantly biting me in the hand. Thanks, kitty!

    Again, all feed back should go to turtleboy420@hotmail.com.

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