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    Feeding Peleus

    Edgar Allan Poe
    Edgar Allan Poe
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    Feeding Peleus - Page 8 Empty Re: Feeding Peleus

    Post by Edgar Allan Poe 7/11/2013, 8:58 pm

    Celine climbed the Half Blood Hill, carrying a large piece of meat in one hand and a thermos full of blood in the other, both of unknown origin. She was deeply bored, and had the absurd idea that feeding a monster could be a nice way to pass the time. But as soon as she stepped on the grass dotted with red and smelled the pungent odor of decaying flesh, immediatly regretted the thought. She had read all about dragons and other mythcal creatures in her nerdy past, and found everything very interesting, with the comfortable assurance that it was just a bunch of fiction. Now, face to face to a creature whose bloody breath was so strong to the point of messing her hair like a nasty breeze, she was immobilized, stunned, wondering how she could have ever dreamed of meeting a being like that.
    Mr. Moseby
    Majestic Unicorn Queen

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    Feeding Peleus - Page 8 Empty Re: Feeding Peleus

    Post by Kendall 7/11/2013, 9:38 pm

    With her snake curled around her forearm and hissing furiously, Benji made her way towards Thalia's Tree from the forest, still whistling from her little journey through the forest and trying to ignore her snake's incessant ranting, which had started as soon as Benji mentioned brooms in reference to her attempt to clean up her cabin's floor, which was a poor attempt at conversation:

    And could you believe it? Those humanssss tried to hit me with a broom. Like, come on, call an exxxterminator or pessst control or sssomething -- but hitting with your broom is a ssstupid idea, they didn't .

    When Terron got mad, whatever he said to her (telepathically, of course) began to sound like a stereotypical portrayal of a talking snake: drawling on the letters S and X. It got annoying and Benji noticed that tuning it out by whistling was a swell idea. She patted his head absentmindedly as she continued on her merry way to the tree, which loomed high and proud in the distance. At the base of the hill, she looked up and noticed that there was a girl standing a couple of feet from Peleus himself, just sort of... standing there. Benji stopped and frowned at the girl, wondering what she was doing -- staring at Peleus wasn't the best idea.

    "You okay up there?" Benji called, putting one foot forward in case the girl needed help -- either she was frightened, curious, or just sort of... absent-minded. There were few legitimate reasons to stare at the dragon guarding the Fleece, and those were the top three that came to mind.
    Edgar Allan Poe
    Edgar Allan Poe
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    Feeding Peleus - Page 8 Empty Re: Feeding Peleus

    Post by Edgar Allan Poe 7/12/2013, 1:24 pm

    Celine blinked as she heard a voice that took her away from her terrified trance. Paralyzed in front of a horrible though harmless monster, she probably looked stupid, which was completely against her principles. When Celine turned back at the source of the voice, her pale face had become scarlet. It was only an average girl, about her age, and something in her appearence clearly indicated that she was Egyptian. Celine had no prejudice agains those demigods, although she had never talked to any of them. "O-of course I'm okay." She replied quickly, although her stuttering contradicted her words. "I'm just... thinking of a way to feed this thing without losing my arm." She admitted, catching her breath. Her eyes dropped to the snake coiled on the arm of the girl, like a beautiful bracelet. That snake didn't inflict any fear, although she knew that both the snake and the dragon were perfectly trained not to cause any threat. "What a gorgeous snake..." She commented without thinking. "What is the breed?" She asked with useless curiosity, leaving the bloodthirsty dragon's subject.
    Mr. Moseby
    Majestic Unicorn Queen

    Number of posts : 43512
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    Feeding Peleus - Page 8 Empty Re: Feeding Peleus

    Post by Kendall 7/12/2013, 4:33 pm

    Benji looked down at Terron, frowning slightly; how the girl thought he was beautiful, she couldn't even guess. Maybe being around him so much dulled her sense of admiration for the whiny reptile, since he'd whittled away at her patience for a really long time, he knew it, and and he still tried to do it even if she had a weapon in hand.

    "He's a...." Benji frowned for a moment, trying to remember what Terron had told her about where he came from: California or something. Talking to snakes had given her a bit of knowledge about some of the breeds lurking around camp, and she could faintly recall something about the color red concerning her own snake. Red rattlesnake? Diamond. Red diamond. Oh yeah.... "Red diamond rattlesnake. From California."

    Ya got that right, sssisster. Good to know you still care about me to remember my home ssstate. Terron tilted his head, examining the girl as his forked tongue flicked in and out, slowly, from his mouth. Addressing the girl, he gripped my arm and uncoiled so he could get a closer look at her: Have you ever thought of throwing the meat to Peleus? He doesn't bite much.
    Edgar Allan Poe
    Edgar Allan Poe
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    Feeding Peleus - Page 8 Empty Re: Feeding Peleus

    Post by Edgar Allan Poe 7/13/2013, 8:46 pm

    "I knew it." Celine replied, and she actually had read that name somewhere. Celine had a strange fascination for reptiles in general, as well as birds of prey. There was something unique in the anatomy of those animals, they were like artworks of God. In contrast, they were dangerous predators.
     She couldn't look away from the color combinations in the scales of that animal, as standard prints, so she stepped backwards when the snake leaned torwards her and hissed expressively, as if he wanted to say something or attack her. She couldn't speak Snakish, but she was pretty sure that meant something like don't be such a pussssy. Then she remembered that she was still holding a piece of fresh meat between her pianist fingers and was ridiculously hesitant to throw it to a dragon that growled in hunger. In a swift move, she turned back and threw the food for the monster, that grabbed it in midair, like an obedient puppy. It was surprisingly easy. She pulled out a handkerchief and began to wipe vigorously the blood out of her hands, as she turned back to talk to the girl. "Yeah, it was easier than I expected." She said calmly as she opened the thermos. "So, what's your name?" She asked, realizing belately that she had asked the snake's breed before she asked the girl's name. That was typical.
    Mr. Moseby
    Majestic Unicorn Queen

    Number of posts : 43512
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    Feeding Peleus - Page 8 Empty Re: Feeding Peleus

    Post by Kendall 7/14/2013, 11:14 pm

    For a moment, rather than answer the girl immediately, Benji watched Peleus devour the piece of meat thrown at him, wondering how often he was fed based on the vicious delight he seemed to have tearing into the... beef? Pork? Lamb? She hadn't identified the meat the girl had thrown in the first minute or so of their conversation, instead being more interested in why she'd been frozen staring at the large bronze dragon. The thing was being annoyingly loud with his meal, anyway, maybe that was why there seemed to be such long intervals between his feeding times -- he could probably wake up an entire town if he was given enough food to do so. A truckload, maybe, he'd probably be able to finish it pretty fast and still have a bit of room for dessert.

    Turning back to the girl, Benji shrugged and, gently pulling Terron away from the girl, replied, "My name's Benji, the snake here is Terron. And yours?"

    If snakes could roll their eyes, Terron would have done so; instead, he had to accept that the sole thing he could do aside from harming his owner was give her a sassy reply: I would like to be presented as 'Terron the Beautiful and Majestic,' not just 'Terron.' You give me no credit and make me feel inadequate; I've done so much for you since the day we met, don't you appreciate tha--

    Rolling her eyes, Benji hissed out of the corner of her mouth: "Not now, you twit, can't you leave me alone for two seconds?"

    That sounds too difficult.
    Edgar Allan Poe
    Edgar Allan Poe
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    Feeding Peleus - Page 8 Empty Re: Feeding Peleus

    Post by Edgar Allan Poe 7/15/2013, 7:08 pm

    Peleus shred the meat with noisy pleasure, triggering a wave of nausea on the sensitive Celine. She couldn't help but imagining how it would sound exactly the same if the meal were a human body, not a piece of unknown meat. That drained her sudden courage, and she looked away as she decided that it would be way nicer to have a friendly comversation rather than satisfy the murderer hunger of a giant creature. She closed back the thermos a sec after she opened it and put it on the grass ground with a tremulous move. "That's an uncommon name." She murmured as she gazed back at the girl. "You're not exactly American, are you?" She raised her hand to shake Benji's, in an excessively polite way. "I'm Celine. Daughter of Athena." She grinned slightly as she saw the girl whispering something towards the reptile. "Are you telepathying with him?" That wasn't exactly weird. Celine had a similar thing with the owl her mother gave her. "Tell him he's beautiful."
    Mr. Moseby
    Majestic Unicorn Queen

    Number of posts : 43512
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    Feeding Peleus - Page 8 Empty Re: Feeding Peleus

    Post by Kendall 7/15/2013, 10:20 pm

    You hear that, Benny? You hear that? She said I'm beautiful! Terron was overly excited about this for some reason -- perhaps because Benji had apparently insulted him by not using his 'proper title,' and had thus decided to annoy the hell out of her by over-exaggerating the effect of her compliment. For the moment, though, she tried to ignore his excited fangirling to answer Celine's question -- and unfortunately, when Benji opened her mouth to respond, he also decided to loosen his grip on her arm and almost fall off twice, forcing the annoyed Egyptian demigod to grab him and hold him there in her left hand.

    It was an odd question she'd been asked -- of course Benji was American, but with the sudden influx of demigods from other countries she supposed that it was logical to ask. It was probably because of her name; Benji's grandmother had apparently picked it out and her mother agreed that it was a nice name, so here was Benji Du Franson (what kind of last name was that?). The alternates had been Madeleine and Bernadette; Benji shuddered inwardly at the memory and silently praised her mother for picking the only good name there. Raising her free hand and shaking Celine's, Benji replied with her eyes on their hands: "Terron heard you already, there's no need for me to tell him. As you can tell by his almost falling, he liked what you said." She pulled her hand away from the girl's and, thinking for a moment, told her, "My grandparents were immigrants from Italy and France; my grandma picked my name for me and my mom liked it. I thought it was sorta stupid, but it beats some of the other names I've heard around here. More realistic."

    Benji had only a few foggy memories about her mother, mainly concerning her love for snakes and frogs and singing -- boy, could her mother sing. She'd stopped singing by the time Benji was three -- because she had fallen ill for some reason or another -- and had died by the time she was four or five; her uncle Fred had taken her in instead of her aunt Velanna, who already had one daughter (maybe two, Benji couldn't remember when her second cousin was born). It was depressing, but Benji couldn't say she missed her mother dearly; she could barely remember her, even with the few fond memories she had tucked away.
    Edgar Allan Poe
    Edgar Allan Poe
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    Feeding Peleus - Page 8 Empty Re: Feeding Peleus

    Post by Edgar Allan Poe 7/19/2013, 6:58 pm

    "Nice name with a nice story." Celine nodded, in a rare moment of desinterest. That was a predictable answer for a silly question, as she expected Benji to confirm something she had noticed at the first glance. Benji was the kind of exotic name that Egyptian gods would pick for their children, no matter their nationality. It was a bautiful name, in a weird way - more or less like the beauty of that snake, that was now slipping towards Celine, as if entranced by the praise to the point of wanting to answer it. She was still enchanted about the snake, and she was almost asking, can I pet it? That sounded ridiculous, although she couldn't get why normal people didn't pet snakes. They never attacked, except when threated. That was one of the many things that mortals would never understand. They couldn't even see the actual dangerous monsters.
    Mr. Moseby
    Majestic Unicorn Queen

    Number of posts : 43512
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    Registration date : 2008-09-13

    Feeding Peleus - Page 8 Empty Re: Feeding Peleus

    Post by Kendall 7/19/2013, 10:52 pm

    There was an awkward pause in the conversation, but Terron decided to fill Benji's head with his fan-girling to keep the conversation "going" in his own funny way: Oh, my Ra, you should be friends with this girl. She loves me. She loves me more than you love me. She thinks I'm pretty -- but why don't you think I'm pretty? Don't you love me anymore? Where has our love gone, Benji, where has it gone?

    Benji frowned down at Terron as he wrapped his tail around her wrist, wondering whether the last vestiges of the snake's sanity had gone out the window the moment they approached the girl. He normally didn't act like this; any past compliments were accompanied by a few moments of ecstatic hissing from him and then it would drop off, like nothing had happened at all. She clucked her tongue and patted his scaly little head: "Calm down, you. You're being annoying again."

    How? I'm asking a legitimate question here.

    "I'm too used to you, that's why." Briefly, the demigoddess wondered if Celine thought she were a bit insane, talking to a snake that was hissing enthusiastically and swaying dangerously. Then again, though, talking to animals (or a certain type) was a fairly common power around camp. In a poor effort to continue the conversation with the daughter of Athena, Benji scratched her head with her free hand and tried: "So.... Celine. How's your day been so far?"
    Edgar Allan Poe
    Edgar Allan Poe
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    Feeding Peleus - Page 8 Empty Re: Feeding Peleus

    Post by Edgar Allan Poe 7/23/2013, 7:27 pm

    OOC: Sorry for the wait, I've been busy.
    Benji seemed to have started a heated discussion with Terron. Celine muffled a laugh, wondering if she was the reason of that whole violence. The funniest thing was the way how Benji was trying to hide her exasperated whisperes, as if there was the slightest possibility of Celine to think she was crazy, even though that would be considered insanity if they were in the mortal world. In a moment of breath between one giggle and other, she decided to answer the dull question that the girl asked as she tried to break the ice. "Pretty boring until now, thank you." She smirked in reply. A second later, a bold request escaped. "Sincerely, your cute snake seems to hate you as much as he loves me. Don't you think it would be better to let me stay with him for a while, before he tries to bite you?" Celine asked, vibrating with excitement. She was already raising her arm, so the snake could curl up around it.
    Mr. Moseby
    Majestic Unicorn Queen

    Number of posts : 43512
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    Registration date : 2008-09-13

    Feeding Peleus - Page 8 Empty Re: Feeding Peleus

    Post by Kendall 7/25/2013, 9:15 pm

    Benji turned her head back to Celine and raised her eyebrows at her suggestion (or request, more accurately) -- Terron didn't necessarily hate her, but it did seem the snake liked the child of Athena more than his owner at the moment. Wordlessly, she held out Terron to the girl, thinking it better to amuse him for a bit than to withhold him and listen to his "snake prejudice" rants for another few minutes; she wouldn't have wished those on her worst enemies.

    Oh my Ra oh my Ra oh my Ra this is so exciting! Finally, somebody who won't hit me with a broom or scream and run away -- it's a miracle, I tell you, Benny. Maybe I should stay with this girl instead of you, hmm? She seems to like me more than you like me. Terron slithered out of Benji's hand and onto Celine's arm, curling his tail around her wrist and forearm and looking back at his owner with an almost sassy look, as if to say, "Look at me now."

    Benji sighed and shook her head at the snake, wondering if what'd she just done was a good idea at all. He'd let it go to his head and try his little 'snake rebellion' thing again -- inspired by that recent movie about a French revolution or something. She didn't want him screaming "VIVE LA REVOLUTION!"  and catapulting himself at her head in an attempt to attain his liberty from the "tall dark tyrant." It was stupid and over-dramatic and no wonder why Benji didn't like that movie at all. "Don't get too comfy, Terron, we're gonna leave soon."

    ooc: It's fine, feel free to take your time.
    Edgar Allan Poe
    Edgar Allan Poe
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    Feeding Peleus - Page 8 Empty Re: Feeding Peleus

    Post by Edgar Allan Poe 7/26/2013, 7:35 pm

    The feeling of having a snake coiling aroud your arm was peculiar, to say the least. Celine shuddered in joy and a bit of fear as she felt Terron's frigid scales scraping on the sensitive skin of her forearm. She had the impulse of stroking it like a puppy, but she was hesitating, the same way as you hesitate before touching a statue in a museum. "Wow, wow, wow." She murmured, suddenly speechless. She was tempted to run away with that snake immediatly, but instead, she directed Benji a slightly absurd question. "Did you buy it somewhere or..." There was an unnecessary, shy pause. "... was it a gift of your godly parent?" That was one of the rare mimes the god would give to their childen. A pet that represented a sacred symbol. In Celine's case, she received an aggressive white owl called Vanilla. If she ventured to acquire a snake like that, Vanilla would tear it to pieces in a few minutes. Assuming that Benji was the daughter of some Egyptian god whose personification was a snake, which was almost obvious, that telephatic reptile would be an interesting gift.
    Mr. Moseby
    Majestic Unicorn Queen

    Number of posts : 43512
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    Feeding Peleus - Page 8 Empty Re: Feeding Peleus

    Post by Kendall 7/26/2013, 9:13 pm

    Benji just looked at the other demigod for a moment, trying to figure out whether or not this girl was serious about buying Terron somewhere. Clearly not, they didn't sell venomous snakes in stores anywhere (except maybe the black market or people in foreign places to zoos) and even if they did, the snake curled around Celine's arm was too vain to be anything but some sort of godly gift to Benji. She supposed it was the heightened sense of power he had being sent from Kuk himself to his daughter, but to be honest she felt like he would act this way even if he hadn't been a gift from her father; vanity didn't always come from the gods.

    "Godly gift? Well, yeah, I guess you could call him that. Bit annoying, but he saved my life on my dad's orders so I guess that I had to keep him." She half-shrugged at the girl, watching her snake slither further up Celine's arm and tighten his scaly grip on it. Benji hated to admit it, but she loved the snake to death; he'd been her only friend for about a year in this stupid camp and had lightened up her day (barely) by being a sassy jerk, so yeah, he did a lot for her.

    You bet your butt that I did -- and you still owe me a hundred rats for that.
    Edgar Allan Poe
    Edgar Allan Poe
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    Feeding Peleus - Page 8 Empty Re: Feeding Peleus

    Post by Edgar Allan Poe 7/29/2013, 7:48 pm

    Celine raised her eyebrows at Benji. Vanilla was often useless, and if her owner were in danger, she would probably fly away and search for someone else who could feed her. She realized that Terron was annoying full time, but anyway, she couldn't understand how Benji could mistreat such a beautiful creature that had saved her life. "Oh, you should be more glad to him. I'm sure he did it at the height of his good intentions. You're lucky for having an useful pet and a godly parent who cares about you." She couldn't hold a sigh as she finished the last sentence. That godly gift was the only proof that Athena remembered she existed. There were many children of Athena who were better than her and she felt ignored. She wouldn't even bother to risk her life in search for the Mark of Athena, if that would make her mother proud of her.
    Mr. Moseby
    Majestic Unicorn Queen

    Number of posts : 43512
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    Feeding Peleus - Page 8 Empty Re: Feeding Peleus

    Post by Kendall 7/29/2013, 8:25 pm

    Benji shrugged slightly, indicated by a slight upward twitching of the shoulders; she wasn't much in the mood to glorify Terron, as much as she owed him. "I try to be but sometimes he's a bit too obnoxious -- I mean, I can still respect him for saving me but not stand for him being such a snob to me, right? He's sort of like an annoying younger brother, I love him but sometimes throwing him off a cliff looks pretty good. My dad's sorta the same way, I respect him but still want to strangle him for abandoning me."

    That was the case with all demigods, really; no god parent could stay around thanks to Zeus's golden rule book or whatever it was that kept them away. It was a disappointing policy, but Benji could understand why it was in place and still hold a grudge against her father for not being there for her, especially after her mother's death. It was irrational, maybe, but having a scapegoat was always an appetizing prospect.
    Edgar Allan Poe
    Edgar Allan Poe
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    Feeding Peleus - Page 8 Empty Re: Feeding Peleus

    Post by Edgar Allan Poe 8/4/2013, 6:59 pm

    "Everybody I know was abandoned by their god parent, if that comforts you. Including me." Celine replied with a friendly grin on her face, trying not to let her sudden wave of heartache shine. Her unfortunate lifestory jumped out of her mouth like vomit. Athena left her when she needed the most - her father died when she was still a newborn and her sister was 3. The poor siblings were abandoned on a filthy orphanage, and they spent most of their lifes with the illusion to be totally orphans, with absolutely no family, unwanted by the world. When Celine found out who her mother was, a part of her would have rathered to keep ignorant. She was aware of the reasons why she was left. Comply with godly duty was probably more important than taking care of two hopeless daughters. Yet it was impossible not to hold a grudge, and Celine was always sure her mother didn't care about her. Even though, by the way how she and her sister arrived to CHB safe and sound, it was impossible not to believe in some divine intervention. "You don't have to tell me your story if you don't wanna." Celine whispered weakly after that whole speech, although she couldn't hide a slight, morbid curiosity.
    Mr. Moseby
    Majestic Unicorn Queen

    Number of posts : 43512
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    Feeding Peleus - Page 8 Empty Re: Feeding Peleus

    Post by Kendall 8/9/2013, 8:44 pm

    "I, uh...." Benji was taken aback by the sudden outpouring of this girl's life -- orphaned at a young age and left to the mercy of a over-complicated and often poorly put-together orphanage system without knowing her parents. Her own backstory -- her mother dying when she was four or five and being raised by her uncle Fred wasn't much compared to Celine's. At least Benji had had a fairly comfortable childhood in Florida, where she and her uncle would hang around in their backyard catching frogs and maybe the occasional snake in their little garden of flowers and vegetables. It was pretty cheerful compared to Celine's childhood, even though Benji had found her own a bit boring.

    Terron, too, seemed to develop a sudden awkwardness at the onrush of information, characterized by a sudden silence in Benji's connection to him. He still retained his occasional hisses and tight grip on the other demigod's arm, although Benji could tell he was trying to think of something to say -- with pity for Celine, perhaps.

    Forcing a weak, awkward smile, Benji ran a hand through her hair and shrugged. "Well, mine's nothing special. Ordinary for this place, nothing too tragic -- no abuse, no major deaths except for my mom's, no major events until I had to get to camp. I guess I might be one of the lucky ones?"
    Edgar Allan Poe
    Edgar Allan Poe
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    Feeding Peleus - Page 8 Empty Re: Feeding Peleus

    Post by Edgar Allan Poe 8/18/2013, 12:03 pm

    OOC: Sorry, this time I was the one who forgot. I'm going into more exams and a school travel, so I shall be inactive again, for the next 100 years. We can assume this rp is over, if you prefer.
    Mr. Moseby
    Majestic Unicorn Queen

    Number of posts : 43512
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    Feeding Peleus - Page 8 Empty Re: Feeding Peleus

    Post by Kendall 8/18/2013, 1:50 pm

    ooc: I'm willing to wait, if you want to continue this.

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