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    Intergalactic Death Football

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    Intergalactic Death Football Empty Intergalactic Death Football

    Post by honey 5/16/2012, 3:41 pm

    Disclaimer: All of these characters and everything belong to me, just saying.

    Chapter 1
    My eyes snap open. Light floods in, and I realize I'm under a tree, of all things.
    “What the-” I start, but a hand clamps down on my mouth. For some reason, I stay silent and still. What am I doing here?
    “Shut up and stay still.” A voice hisses in my ear. I quietly turn to the voice. A mud-caked girl is crouched behind me, a scowl on her face. She has long hair, but I can’t tell if it’s naturally brown or if the mud is making it that way.
    “Who are y-” I whisper, and yet again she hisses at me, “SHUT UP.” My mouth instantly shuts. I have the feeling that I should trust this girl. What do you mean, who am I? She writes in the mud. Exactly that. Who are you? I write back, just getting more and more confused. She looks up at me with worry, frustration, and a bit of anger clearly drawn on her dirty face. I’m Zaria, your captain. She writes quickly. I stare at this. My captain? But… So then who am I? I write, feeling ridiculous, but terrified at the same time. I see a flash of comprehension and dread in Zaria’s eyes, and then they’re back to that hard look. You are Miroesa. You are a part of Earth’s team in the IDF. That stands for Intergalactic Dea- She’s writing, but suddenly a spiked object flies past us, and lodges itself in a tree. A blond boy and girl, and a redhead burst through the foliage and run to the tree, and very carefully attempt to pull out the object. It seems to be a spiked ball. Zaria leaps out of the pit, and yells, “Adric, Davina, Rhaenyc!” They all whirl around, surprised, then a wide smile spreads across their faces spontaneously.
    “Zaria!” The blond girl, who I guess must be Davina, sprints forward, embracing Zaria. The dark-blond boy grabs Zaria’s shoulder and pulls her away from Davina.
    “Where’s Miroesa?” He asks urgently. Zaria’s face darkens again and she looks down at me. My heart pounding, I climb out of the pit. The blond boy’s face lights up, but Zaria grabs him by the arms.
    “Not now, Rhaenyc. She doesn’t recognize you.” Rhaenyc’s eyes widen, and he looks to Zaria for an explanation.
    “But why?” He chokes out. “I think she… lost her memory after she got hit by the Ball.” Zaria says. She whispers something more to him, but I can’t hear it. I find myself leaning forward to hear. The redhead that must be Adric walks toward me. My hands go to my arms, and I pull two daggers out of their sheaths. I drop the daggers and walk backwards to the tree, ridiculous tears welling up in my eyes. How come these people seem to know more about me than I do?
    “I just,” I mutter, “want to know who I am.” Davina seems to be genuinely sad for me, so I look at her. “Your name is Miroesa. We’re Team Earth in the Intergalactic Deathmatch Football games. This,” She gestures to Rhaenyc, “is your brother. He came with you. You came from Continent 2. I’m Davina. This is Adric, and my sister, Zaria. Adric’s brother died…already. The IDF is what Earth and the Aliens think are peace games.” She says with a pained voice. My breath catches.
    “So…I came here…to die?”
    Sugar Daddy

    Number of posts : 5225
    Age : 24
    Registration date : 2011-11-13

    Intergalactic Death Football Empty Re: Intergalactic Death Football

    Post by nix 5/16/2012, 3:46 pm


    Intergalactic Death Football Empty Re: Intergalactic Death Football

    Post by Guest 5/16/2012, 3:47 pm

    Dis is the best I've read yet.
    Role Playing Legend

    Number of posts : 10415
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    Intergalactic Death Football Empty Re: Intergalactic Death Football

    Post by Holly 5/16/2012, 3:48 pm

    OMG I love it!

    Continue it or die
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    Intergalactic Death Football Empty Re: Intergalactic Death Football

    Post by honey 5/16/2012, 4:14 pm

    Aw gawsh guys... You're making me blush...

    Chapter 2
    I am silent during our entire run to the cave that Adric, Zaria, Davina, and Rhaenyc call our hideout. They seem to forget I’m there. When we get to the cave, they all empty out their bags, putting together what they’ve got. Rhaenyc finishes before the rest of them do. He plops down next to me, grinning. I stare at him, and then remember he’s supposed to be my brother, and I smile shyly back. His grin grows wider. Suddenly, a memory floods into my head.
    I ran, ran as fast as I could, searching for something. There was a sort of rumble, and someone yelled, “SCATTER!” I stopped abruptly, screaming, “Rhaenyc!” but no one answers. I was scared, trying to run through the forest, still looking for something. There was a thud, kind of like the sound of a kick, and I let out a shriek. A voice yelled, “Miroesa!” and something very painful hit me, and I was engulfed in blackness.
    I gasp, and I see Rhaenyc shaking me anxiously.
    “Miroesa, are you okay? You just sort of twitched, then you started gasping and I was scared.” He says.
    “No, no, I, um, I’m okay, I think.” I mumble. Then he puts his arms around me. I automatically stiffen. But I feel strangely comforted and I hug him back. He lets go, and I feel glad that this boy is my brother. “Rhaenyc?” I ask tentatively.
    “Miroesa?” He replies.
    “What are we supposed to do now?” I ask. He sighs.
    “The IDF is a… sort of soccer game. It’s more of a hog-the-ball-slash-keep-away thing, but you know.” No, I don’t know, but I let him go on. “Most games, the teams try to keep the ball away from the other team as long as they can. There’s a sort of… pattern that follows with the ball. The ball brings with it food. What I mean by that is that it sort of brings luck. If you have the ball, then you will always find food and find shelter. If you don’t, then you’re stuck with your own luck, good or bad as it is.” Rhaenyc gets up, and brushes off his pants, which have long since passed the grimy point. For the first time, I look down at my clothes. I have a dark blue tunic, with brown, fur-trimmed legging. I also have comfortable, brown leather boots and a brown leather jacket. I feel like if I didn't have them, I'd be dead by now. All of my clothes are mud splattered. I get up and follow him to the group.
    “So. Who do we know is dead?” Adric’s voice is flat and somewhat indifferent. I look at him weirdly. He shoots a kind smile at me. I look away, confused. “Well, Voreria is gone for sure. So are Coran, Della, and Leroken. Micyn might still be alive though.” reports Zaria.
    “Oh, God, I hope so.” murmurs Davina. Adric’s head snaps up.
    “Davina. We’ve been through this. We can’t and won’t hope. It’s stupid. And it doesn’t work. So don’t.” He says in a voice I can only think of as cold. Davina’s face is bright pink. Her eyes are locked onto the ground. Rhaenyc nudges Adric with his foot.
    “No, Rhaenyc! If we just hope nothing will work. Hoping doesn’t change anything, or help anyone! That’s NOT the way to stay alive!” Adric bursts out. He charges out of the cave.
    “Adric!” Zaria yelps and runs after him. It’s probably because whatever’s after us can reach him more easily outside. Davina scoots over to us.
    “He’s been like this ever since… Ever since…” Her eyes well up. Rhaenyc sees that she is currently incapable of speech, so he continues for her.
    “Ever since his brother died. His name was Bronnder. He was killed by the Ball. After the captain of the Aliens stuck it in his head.” Rhaenyc says gruffly. Suddenly, Zaria and Adric run in.
    “They’re… They’re here,” Zaria says between gasps. “Speak of the devil…” Rhaenyc growls. Everyone is scrambling, grabbing bags. I grab the one nearest to me, which is a dark green one. It’s a good thing it’s light. I’m getting ready to bolt, when Adric’s hand grabs my shoulder.
    “Not yet.” He says quietly. I shake his hand off. He gives me a grim smile and gets on his hands and knees. He moves the large stone covering the entrance a fraction of an inch. Then he shoves the stone out of the way.
    “SCATTER!” Zaria yells. I bound out, scaling the first tree I can find. Davina is hot on my heels. I see Rhaenyc and Adric dive into a large bush, and Zaria’s eyes are the only thing I can see in the midst of the leafy branches of another tree. Davina and I are perched on a high, sturdy branch. My head is throbbing. I wince and raise my hand to my bandaged head. I peer out of the branches. It’s silent. Deathly silent. Davina’s hand clutches mine. I can feel myself trembling. Snap out of it, Miroesa. This is ridiculous, no one else is- Just then, some things crash out of the shrubbery. And it’s all I can do from falling out of the tree. These things are beautiful. They have icy blue skin that shimmers pink, orange, and purple even in the dim light. They have long arms and long legs. They resemble The People in a way. Their faces are the most beautiful I have ever seen. Yet behind their splendor and magnificence, there is something truly grotesque. Their teeth are pointed and jagged, resembling shards of glass. Under the brilliance of their shimmering skin, there are large, green, ugly bruises. They’re hard to concentrate on, what with the beauty of their skin, but if you focus, you can see them. Their arms are as long as their legs. They terrify me. They must be the Aliens.

    Last edited by Taz on 5/16/2012, 5:46 pm; edited 2 times in total
    Role Playing Legend

    Number of posts : 10415
    Age : 27
    Registration date : 2012-02-21

    Intergalactic Death Football Empty Re: Intergalactic Death Football

    Post by Holly 5/16/2012, 4:16 pm

    It's good!

    Intergalactic Death Football Empty Re: Intergalactic Death Football

    Post by Guest 5/16/2012, 4:18 pm

    Sugar Daddy

    Number of posts : 5225
    Age : 24
    Registration date : 2011-11-13

    Intergalactic Death Football Empty Re: Intergalactic Death Football

    Post by nix 5/16/2012, 4:22 pm

    Simply mindblowing.
    Loyal Member

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    Intergalactic Death Football Empty Re: Intergalactic Death Football

    Post by honey 5/16/2012, 4:39 pm

    Okay, so I apologize for the disgusting, idiotic poetry at the end, but I'm a writer, not a poet.

    Chapter 3
    I give the tiniest shriek. Unfortunately, the Aliens can hear tiny sounds. The Captain’s ears perk up, like an animal’s. One of the Aliens at the back howls. The one at its side kicks it. The Captain thrusts itself forward, and lands on all fours.
    “COME!” It screams in a horribly raspy parody of a human voice and disappears into the trees along with the rest of the pack. Davina stops me from dropping out of the tree.
    “Wait.” She whispers. A few moments later, Zaria leaps out of her tree. Davina and I get out of our tree, and Adric and Rhaenyc emerge from the bushes.
    “Oh, Zaria, Miroesa almost jumped out the tree before the signal. I can’t imagine how horrible that would have been, can you?” Davina jabbers, one porcelain hand over her heart.
    Zaria pales.
    “Miroesa, we always wait for my signal to escape, or pretty much anything, alright? And it would have been horrible, especially because of the bag you’re carrying.” Zaria tells me.
    “Why? What about it?” I ask, alarmed.
    “You’re carrying the Ball.” Adric says. I feel his deep voice reverberating in my head. A wave of nausea rolls through me. I drop the bag from my arm. Davina squeals and dives to catch it before it hits the ground.
    “And no one told me?” My voice is an octave higher now.
    “We didn’t think you needed to be told-” Davina reaches for my arm, but I jerk back. My breath is coming more quickly.
    “I need to know! I just woke up, I don’t know… I don’t know what I’m supposed to do, don’t know what rules to follow, I don’t know anything! I need to be told these things.” I shriek, frustration, anger, and fear all boiling up in my chest. Everyone’s face holds sympathy and pity for me. I don’t need that. They all reach for me but I don’t want it, don’t want it, no- And then Rhaenyc’s iron grip is at my wrists and I don’t want to fight anymore. I feel like a child that needs the care from an adult. I’m shivering.
    “I’m helpless, aren’t I?” I say, giving in to what has been nagging me for the past hour. Rhaenyc snorts.
    “Is that what you think? Open up your jacket, Miroesa.” He says. I zip it open, and he pulls the left side of my jacket to the side. I gasp. On the inside of my jacket, in a separate sheath each, are daggers. Some are almost dainty looking, others are cruel looking knives.
    “These are mine?” I ask, shocked.
    “Yes.” Rhaenyc grins. And, okay, I feel like these are some old friends I’d forgotten. A smile spreads across my face, and I zip my jacket back up.
    “Well then. What’s next?” I ask. They stare at me for a while and then smiles light up their faces.
    “We look for water.” Zaria says. “Davina, Adric, and Miroesa, you gather moss. Rhaenyc, come with me.” I follow Davina. Adric stands up slowly.
    “Davina.” He says. Davina stops right in her tracks, and I crash into her. “Yes, Adric?” She asks, sounding like an obedient child.
    “I know a much better place to get water. If you come with me, we can get it easily, and Miroesa can fetch the moss. If that’s alright with you, Miro?” He murmurs. I’m about to say that no, no it is not alright with me, and that I hate the tone in which he said the word 'fetch', and I hate the name 'Miro', but something tells me that I do not want to get on this guy’s bad side.
    “My name is Miroesa, not Miro, and that is fine with me.” I mutter instead. I stalk off into a thin part of the forest, taking extreme care to not make noise with my steps. I collect a basketful of green, spongy moss. The day is hot and humid. I set the basket down and roll up my pants, take off my jacket, and pull off my boots. I’m tired. I sigh and slump against the soft, mossy tree. A soft melody fills my head. I recognize it from somewhere. It sounds like a lullaby, with sweet, high notes mingling with the more melancholy notes. I close my eyes, and hum the song. I grasp the fact that I sorely miss the music.
    Soft snowflakes
    Don’t cry, dear
    Their clean makes
    All bad things clear
    See how they fall
    Just for you
    Look at them all
    Happiness is due
    As they advance
    They bring beauty
    With their dance
    It is our duty
    To it enhance
    I realize that I’ve been singing words to the song. I open my eyes and there is one beautiful silver falcon with a snowy white belly gazing curiously at me from its perch. I’m careful not to move, lest I startle it. It is the first time in a long while that I see the color of snow. On Earth, we never saw much white snow. The snow we did see some winters was mostly gray and black. But once every three years, we would see pure white snow descend gently from the sky. Giving us beauty, the beauty that our own diseased planet could not give us.
    Sugar Daddy

    Number of posts : 5225
    Age : 24
    Registration date : 2011-11-13

    Intergalactic Death Football Empty Re: Intergalactic Death Football

    Post by nix 5/16/2012, 4:41 pm

    ugh ugh this story is just too much for my eyes.
    marry me.
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    Intergalactic Death Football Empty Re: Intergalactic Death Football

    Post by honey 5/16/2012, 4:43 pm


    Intergalactic Death Football Empty Re: Intergalactic Death Football

    Post by Guest 5/16/2012, 4:52 pm

    I am left speechless from how good this is.
    Loyal Member

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    Intergalactic Death Football Empty Re: Intergalactic Death Football

    Post by honey 5/16/2012, 5:14 pm

    Role Playing Legend

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    Intergalactic Death Football Empty Re: Intergalactic Death Football

    Post by Holly 5/16/2012, 5:16 pm

    It's good

    Am I in it?
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    Intergalactic Death Football Empty Re: Intergalactic Death Football

    Post by honey 5/16/2012, 5:20 pm

    No, but if you'd like to be, I'll change it for you.
    Role Playing Legend

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    Intergalactic Death Football Empty Re: Intergalactic Death Football

    Post by Holly 5/16/2012, 5:40 pm

    Yes I would like to be in it
    Loyal Member

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    Intergalactic Death Football Empty Re: Intergalactic Death Football

    Post by honey 5/16/2012, 6:22 pm

    In the second chapter, you're Micyn.

    Chapter 4
    I remember that being in the middle of the woods, alone, in plain sight is dangerous. I sigh, rising from my nice spot under the tree. The black and white bird flies up, startled. I look at it wistfully, wishing that somehow I could fly up with it, leaving this place. I stretch my arm out to the bird, some insane thought building up in me that, maybe, the bird will fly to me. Amazingly, the falcon flutters from its high perch to a branch closer to me. Its head is tilted to the side inquisitively. I hum the lullaby softly, holding out my arm. My voice cracks when the falcon glides from its branch to my forearm. The falcon’s sharp talons dig into my arm, but I’ve had worse. I timidly reach out to stroke the falcon’s feathers. It tries to bite my fingers, but eventually lets me. It hops up my arm, coming to a rest on my shoulder. I reach back and pet it again. This time, it nuzzles my hand. A smile lights up my face, and I pick up the basket and head to our momentary home.
    I stride into camp, proud that I have a falcon on my shoulder, but mostly proud that a falcon trusts me. Zaria’s head sticks out of a camouflaging tent. “Oh, good, Miroesa, you brought food!” Zaria lifts her bow and arrows and I instinctively duck, screeching, “Don’t shoot!” Zaria drops her weapons.
    “But you brought a bird.” By this time, Rhaenyc has risen from his patch of grass.
    “No, I, um, want to… keep her.” I mumble, getting up and sounding childish.
    “Her?” Rhaenyc asks.
    “Yes. I named her Brerranna.” I say. Rhaenyc opens his mouth to say something, but no audible sound comes out. I suddenly notice that his eyes are dangerously shiny with tears.
    “Rhaenyc?!” I yelp, rushing to him, the only thing in my mind is that I have to stop his sadness. I put my arms around him awkwardly, frantically asking him what’s wrong. Awkwardly because I'm so small and he's so much bigger than me. I hear Zaria crawl back into her tent. I hear Rhaenyc's sniffs that he tries to hide by pretending to cough. Brerranna had already flown off my shoulder into a tree.
    Finally, Rhaenyc speaks. “It’s just… Our mom… Her name is Brerranna.” He mumbles.
    “Her name is Brerranna?” I ask in an attempt to keep him talking. “Tell me about her.” I plead.
    “She- She looks a lot like you."
    I glance at my reflection in the water I've collected that is now in a small wooden bowl. I have long, black, greasy hair. I remember it being luscious, billowing curls, before I came to this place. I have dark brown eyes and gold skin. Hopefully our mother was better looking. I stroke my brother's hair, murmuring reassurance to him, telling him that we will win and we'll go home. I look up, and Adric and Davina are both staring at me.
    "What?" I demand, glaring straight up at Adric, ready to take any challenge he can throw me. But I get sidetracked. Another memory.
    I sat on a sofa back home, unbelievably comfortable, switching through channels on the TV. Rhaenyc absentmindedly played with a Slinky. My mother and father were sitting next to me, hands held tightly. I finally found the channel I was looking for. There was a man with a dark suit on, as if he’s about to go to a funeral.
    “And the lucky siblings for the IDF are…” He boomed out in a voice that clearly indicates that he was reading from a script. “Zaria and Davina Fyren from Continent 6! Della and Coran Ender from Continent 5! Voreria and Leroken Orlendare from Continent 4! Miroesa and Rhaenyc Aranel from Continent 3! Micyn and Chaizine Mrelle from Continent 2! And Adric and Bronnder Wintron from Continent 1! Preparers will arrive at the lucky siblings’ homes in 30 minutes, so please be ready! Thank you for watching the IDF Channel, and we hope to see you tomorrow bright and early. This is Castor Lunemere signing off.”

    Intergalactic Death Football Empty Re: Intergalactic Death Football

    Post by Guest 5/16/2012, 6:29 pm

    Still speechless.
    Role Playing Legend

    Number of posts : 10415
    Age : 27
    Registration date : 2012-02-21

    Intergalactic Death Football Empty Re: Intergalactic Death Football

    Post by Holly 5/16/2012, 6:32 pm

    It's awesome!
    Sugar Daddy

    Number of posts : 5225
    Age : 24
    Registration date : 2011-11-13

    Intergalactic Death Football Empty Re: Intergalactic Death Football

    Post by nix 5/16/2012, 6:56 pm

    ugh ugh ugh please this is beautiful

    Number of posts : 888
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    Intergalactic Death Football Empty Re: Intergalactic Death Football

    Post by -Chris- 5/18/2012, 12:48 pm

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    Intergalactic Death Football Empty Re: Intergalactic Death Football

    Post by Holly 5/31/2012, 3:01 am

    Please continue

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