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Bucky Barnes
High King Fridgeir
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    The demigod hunger games

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    The demigod hunger games Empty The demigod hunger games

    Post by Komaeda 12/9/2012, 6:33 pm

    Chapter 1

    After the Capitol got defeated by katness everdeen they found
    A new place to take over camp half blood. I couldn't sleep the
    Day before the reeping. In the morning I put on jeans and my
    Causal blue top they took my drop of blood and I stood in line
    Next to my brother nico. we watched the vidio of the upriseing and now its time for the drawings. They drew out names from each of the
    13 boles of corse the hades cabin is last. The person up there said "
    For the girls of cabin 13 ... Mary nightmere. " I slowly walked
    Up to the podeam. " now for the boys ... Nico di Angelo."
    I was in shock this is worse then the old games beacause now
    It's brother on sister. We shook hands and went back to
    Our cabin. " it will be ok Mary. " nico told me. I knew it wasn't
    But we packed our bags as well as the other tributes. We got
    On the train and I waved good bye to my best friend Esalia.
    I had the silver dagger that she gave me in hand beacause
    Me and nico plan to come back alive.
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    The demigod hunger games Empty Re: The demigod hunger games

    Post by Komaeda 12/9/2012, 6:52 pm

    On the train we were all by our selves I wanted to escape but it was no use because the Capitol is watching us. Nico was quite the whole time till we go there. I think it is because he lost our sister Bianca. So he doesn't want to lose me. When we got ther we had to get fetted witch I told them to leave me alown or I send skulls On them. So they let me pick out what to were I chose a black dress that was plain with long sleeves. When it was time to get on the chariots nico wore a black tux wich I guess he hats. When we got on the chariot nico did some of his " skills" to make the hourse made out of skeletons. Witch I liked. When we got off some one showed us our rooms. Tomorrow was training day time to show these other tributes what hades kids are made of. I got my dagger out and started throghing it at the wall that night. Nico walked in and is wondering why I am throghing a dagger at a wall and why there are holes in it. I just smiled and said never mind. By the time now nico threw the tux away the probity burned it to shreds. When got to the training hall I almosted died when i saw so many pepole because Percy Jackson was there and do was Leo Valdez ( he has been my crush forever ). I took my dagger and it was cold and that ment someone was about to die.
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    The demigod hunger games Empty Re: The demigod hunger games

    Post by Komaeda 12/9/2012, 7:11 pm

    I looked next to me and there was a young girl who looked Luke the age of 10 she looked scared and then she just fainted but afterword is what shocked me. A fimiler face was kicked into the room. It was Esalia and they took away the other girl. Esalia game me a smile she then asked " how ya doing " I told her I was fine. Ok it totally got worse because not only must I fight my brother but now my best friend. It was clear now that I am now the youngest one there. Leo walked up to me and did his little fire thing and I new I was dead. I had to keep calm I am a kid of hades I will be ok. We all worked hard to train and I think I did ok. Tonight was the training session and of corse I am last. Pepole went up one at a time to show off there skills. When it was my turn i took my dagger and I threw it at the target and hit a bulls eye. I then ran out of the room. It was time to see the scores. Percy got a 9 so did Leo and nico but when it was my turn I got a 10 and do did Esalia. The interview was tonight witch I had no chance probliy the Aphrodite kids will win. I had to survive this without k!lling Percy Leo nico or Esalia I had time to think about this later because now I am wereing a silver dress and my brown hair in a bow. I walked up to the stage with Ceaser Flickermen there waiting for me. I sat down and we started to talk and finally one question came up that u just didn't know it was if you could save any of your friends who would it be Mary beacause it will happen.
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    The demigod hunger games Empty Re: The demigod hunger games

    Post by Komaeda 12/9/2012, 7:34 pm

    I was in shock because I didn't know what to say. The hero? The crush? The brother? The friend? Or my self. i don't know what to do. I finally said my answer. Your tricking me I would save all of my friends if I had a shot because they are all like my family. " great answer miss Mary " I left the stage uncomfortable and I was imbarest. Then I was pulled into a closet by Leo " what are you doing Leo?!" " I am trying to help you! Look we are planning an escape of the games are you in" Leo asked. " I am in " I said then Leo pulled me in for a kiss and we did then nico opened the door and he said " wrong room!". We continued the kiss and tomorrow was the games. And I will make it out with the hero my crush my brother my friend and my self. I got up and my heart was pounding I put my dagger in my pocket. I gave nico my last hug, I pecked Leo on the cheeck, and said my last good bye to Esalia. I got into the tube and I could hear the 60 second countdown when I got up I could see Esalia nico Percy and Leo. I saw a golden cornucopia in the middle I mouthed the words to Leo Percy nico and Esalia go to the river. They all nodded there heads. The count down brursted throgh my wars like explosions. If I don't make it out then I want the winner to remember me. Ten seconds left my heart pounded I saw snow falling the color of black. 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1, let the 1st demigod hunger games begian. Right when I started running I dropped my dagger
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    The demigod hunger games Empty Re: The demigod hunger games

    Post by Komaeda 12/9/2012, 8:17 pm

    Now I could die at any second. We were going to meet up at the river. I am just worried about my friends. When I was running for my life I saw someone and he was tangled up in a vine by one of the dyonidis kids but the boy was nico! I ran up to him and I can sence that he could die soon I reached for my dagger to set him free but it wasn't there. For once I am unarmed and I don't know what to do. I had one shot I had to go to the cornucopia and get a sword or dagger. " everything will be ok nico I told him." I saw somone it was a kid of zues and she was coming right at me with her lightning I was so scared and I flinched and I acadently shot her with a skull and she fell to the ground. She had my dagger so I picked it up and ran for nico. I took the dagger and through it at the vines and nico was free! We ran to the river but when we got there I saw the one thing I didn't want to see it was Leo on the ground not breathing Percy and Esalia were trying everything but he wasn't moving. I ran down to him and nico looked at him and said that he was deed. I didn't want to believe it but it was true. I prayed to hades that he would help us I have never asked him for anything before but please hades please help us. I looked at Leo and he started to stir I hugged him and then I asked what happend. " I don't know ". His fire is still burning. I looked up at the forcefield. " if we use all of our powers at the same time then we could break the force field. " right when I said it Esalia was hit by an arrow. " NO!!!!" nico screamed. He raised the dead and used them agents the pepole who sent the arrows. " nico are you ok?" I asked. " I am fine it's just loved her... And I am going to take her with us because we must escape!"
    High King Fridgeir
    High King Fridgeir
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    The demigod hunger games Empty Re: The demigod hunger games

    Post by High King Fridgeir 12/9/2012, 8:23 pm

    LOL, the combo of my 2 favorite things. Awesome
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    The demigod hunger games Empty Re: The demigod hunger games

    Post by Komaeda 12/9/2012, 8:33 pm

    Percy was trying to make nico calm down but it didn't work. He was just so upset. " we have to escape Mary we have to!" nico cryed. I sent skulls to the sky. Leo sent fire. Percy sent water. But it didn't work we needed the power of Esalia. A young girl came up to us her now was as bright as the sun. " I can help" she said. She put her hands on Esalia and chanted something in achent Greek. Ezalia woke up and used her magic powers on the wall with Leo Percy nico and me and we broke the force field. We ran out before the force field clasped sadly along with the other tributes. When we got out we watched the force field burn we might have lost a lot of demigods but I survived the first and last demigod hunger games along with my new hero, my new boyfriend , my new best friend , and my favorite brother.
    The capitol should have never messed with me or my friends because I am Mary and I am the daughter of hades
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    The demigod hunger games Empty Re: The demigod hunger games

    Post by Komaeda 12/9/2012, 8:42 pm


    Leo made it to the Argo ll with Percy
    Nico and Esalia are now dating
    And me? I am alown in the hades cabin wait for my boyfriend Leo to come back to me

    remember my fellow demigods never mess with love family or friendship because they will pay
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    The demigod hunger games Empty Re: The demigod hunger games

    Post by Komaeda 12/9/2012, 9:34 pm

    IF you want a sequal then tell me in the sequal i will add a roman vesion with Mary Nico Hazel and Frank! Discribe YOUR OWN charicter and i could be in the next book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    High King Fridgeir
    High King Fridgeir
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    The demigod hunger games Empty Re: The demigod hunger games

    Post by High King Fridgeir 12/10/2012, 6:13 pm

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    The demigod hunger games Empty Re: The demigod hunger games

    Post by Komaeda 12/10/2012, 7:59 pm

    The Demigod hunger games 2 In Camp Jupiter

    After Mary daughter of Hades defeated the Capitol, The Capitol kept going and they found Camp Jupiter. I never wanted to be apart of this but they drew my name they called my name from that bowl from the cohorts along with my boyfriend Frank who is scared to death because i hold his life line with is a stick, I hope there will be no Vucan kids there because we might both die. Reyna was drawn with Octivian for the first cohort, Of course Frank and I must go up against them because our names were drawn for fifth cohort. When my name was drawn I almost stoped some one kicked me up there ( i think it was Octivian ) and I stumbled on stage. I had to escape like that girl Mary because I already died once and I don't feel like dieing again. But the next think scared me even more for the boys it was Frank Zhang and he tripped on stage ( I hid a smile ). We shook hands and i left the stage. I wanted to leave the stick behind but i couldn't do that to Frank. I packed my bag and i hugged Frank even though he is taller then me. We are up agents Reyna the preter and Octivian the Teddy bear murdder. We are so dead. When we got on the train I needed to find a way to get Frank and I out of this but i knew it was useless because there we carmeras all over the place watching our every move. I just missed riding my house. And I miss Leo Or Sammy or whoever he is alot. I lookedout side i saw the Capitol I was ready I held Frank`s and we steped out of the train.
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    The demigod hunger games Empty Re: The demigod hunger games

    Post by Komaeda 12/10/2012, 8:16 pm

    I got out and this Mary girl made an impacted because they let me pick out what to were. I chose a purple top and jeans ( go camp Jupiter! ) when i got out I saw Frank wearing the same thing. We got on the chariot and held hands as the fire works burned over our heads. Reyna was not happy because Octivian was trying to get her to hold his hand. When we got of we were shown our rooms i just layed down on the bed. I blacked out...

    I saw Nico my brother going some were on a train with a young girl. They looked serous. " what if we don't make it in time. " the girl told him. " its ok Mary we will get to them in time. " Nico answered. Thats Mary? " NIco we have to save them before they die. " Mary said she started to cry. " calm down we will never un see what we saw but we will save our sister." Nico answered.

    I oke up panting Frank was holding my hand try to make sure that i was alive. " are you ok " he asked. " Ya fine" I answered. I decided not to tell him about my blackout. Today was the day we trained I didn't have a weapon so I had to improvise with a sword. I saw Octivian with his dagger and he was k!lling teddy bears. I took my sword and I het a tree. Frank took his bow and hit numerous of bulls eyes. If it comes down to the two of us then I would die. Reyna was dong her thing. Tonight was the night i get my number I have to to my best or else i may not make it back to camp Jupiter.
    Bucky Barnes
    Bucky Barnes
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    The demigod hunger games Empty Re: The demigod hunger games

    Post by Bucky Barnes 12/10/2012, 8:36 pm

    hey, elisa is BTW bases off of zoes best friend, ME, yes i am the demigod daughter of hecate and i LOVE NICO DI ANGELO
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    The demigod hunger games Empty Re: The demigod hunger games

    Post by Komaeda 12/10/2012, 9:26 pm

    I got to the room were they judged you, I grabed my sword and I atatted the dummy, but the Capitol didn't notice me. so i did the the thing you wouldnt expect. i wiseled and arion came zooming in. I got on and i threw my sword on the ground and zoomed out of the room. Tonight after Frank got back we watched our scores we both got 9s. tomorow is the interview my last chance to get it with pepole. Frank went up to me and asked " whats wrong i know somthing is. " So i told him about the black out and about Mary and Nico. " thats great! all we have to do is wait for Mary and Nico to get us we just have to stay alive! " Frank said. " its not that simple we are up agents Reyna and Octinian, who will stop at nothing to win." i told him. another one of my cursed emeralds poped out of the ground so I chucked it throgh the window. If Mary does come then how to we escape? " I will help " said a voice coming from another part of the room. We looked and It was Jason. " Jason! how did you get hear? " I was so exited. " when I was told you guys were in the games i vollonteared for tribute for Octivian. So now we are up agents Reyna." Jason explained.

    I got in a dress for the inter view it was as purple as amythust. I went on stage with Ceaser Flickermen there. " So Hazel why is it you want to survive the demigod hunger games." cesar just said with the first question. I have never told almost anyone this but. " i have died before and I will not Die agian. With Frank by my side I feel like i can do anything." " great answer " ceaser resoned. Tomorrow is the games and we will plan on getting out ecause i will not die not agian.
    Sugar Daddy

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    The demigod hunger games Empty Re: The demigod hunger games

    Post by nix 12/10/2012, 10:06 pm

    I like the idea.
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    The demigod hunger games Empty Re: The demigod hunger games

    Post by Komaeda 12/11/2012, 3:44 pm

    I said my last good byes to Frank and Jason. I entered the tube as it went up my heart pounded as loud as drums. The cornupopia was in the center next to me was Frank and Jason. I told them " go to the woods, jason sent lighting and go to that derection." they nodded. The count down begain. my purple shirt with the roman symbols were as gold as the sun. But then the weather blew in because now it was pooring down rain. 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 LET THE 2ND DEMIGOD HUNGERGAMES BEGIAN! i ran for the woods and Frank ran with me. I have no idea were Jason went. When we got into the woods I couldnt see anything because of how bad the rain was. We found a pile of rocks.Why there were there i dont know. Frank and I were frezing cold. no use of making a fire. Frank would freek out. I saw a river so I ran for it, I told Frank to stay hear. Frank had the time to grab a bow and quiver. When I got there I saw a boy. he looked like the age of 17. He looked like he was crying. so ( I know i shouldnt but ) walked up to him and I asked what was wrong. " They attacted me " he told me. " who did I asked " The kids of..." he stoped. Because two kids of Apollo they had a spear and a ray of blinding light. One threw the light at the boy and he died. " Oh look brother another tribute lets het her." one said. and then they threw the spear at me , I bearly dogged. I ran back into the woods. Frank was waiting for me and i went ahead and told him what happend. right then we saw a a clash of lightning. So we ran tord it and what we saw alomst k!lled me. It was Jason and he was fighting REYNA?!?!?
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    The demigod hunger games Empty Re: The demigod hunger games

    Post by Komaeda 12/11/2012, 3:59 pm

    Jason and Reyna were fighting to the death and me and Frank were trying to protect Jason. Reyna was fighting like her life depended on it. Then Reyna was on on top of me with her dagger up to my neack. " One move and the girl gets it drop you weponds!" Reyna exclamed. Ofcorse Frank droped is first but Jason didnt right when Reyna was about to kill me it happend. " ATTENTION REYNA PLEASE GO TO THE CORNUCOPIA!" a voice bombed. so Reyna let me go and went. Frank Jason and i followed. A girl about the age of 12 came of of a ship. Reyna climbed the latter and left. This girl looked just like they one who was in my black out. " I am Mary Nightmere Daughter of Hades do your worst!" the girl screamed. Before thinking I ran to Mary. " is it true that you can bust us out of hear?" I asked. " you bet "Mary answered. " see that star? That is my Brother Nico and he is going to help get us out of hear by droping that!" Mary told me.
    Frank and Jason ran over to were I was and Mary told us the plan. I was ready.

    In the morning I was woken up by pepole screaming. The hole was open and everyone was out EXCEPT for Frank who was surrounded by a wall of fire.He was freeking out I couldnt get to him.
    " Frank its ok " i told him. I tossed Frank a rope. " just climb up! " I told him. Frank did it. and the arena Exploded before I could get out. I blacked out. The last thing I herd was Frank Screaming.
    Bucky Barnes
    Bucky Barnes
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    The demigod hunger games Empty Re: The demigod hunger games

    Post by Bucky Barnes 12/11/2012, 4:10 pm

    oh darn, there goes frank. another one bites the dust, kidding kidding. no one would kill off frank. :P
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    The demigod hunger games Empty Re: The demigod hunger games

    Post by Komaeda 12/11/2012, 4:11 pm

    When I woke up I was back on the train Frank was holding my hand. The pepole who were on the train were Me Frank Jason Mary and my brother Nico. " did we make it out alive" I asked. "yes we did Hazel " Frank told me. We hugged. When we got back to camp jupiter, everyone was looking at us because we escaped. " You did good Hazel." Mar told me. " thanks you to Mary I wouldn't have made it if it wernt for you." I told her. When the time came the seven demigods reneited agian along with Mary and Nico. On the Argo ll there was presadent Mandelz " welcome "winning " tributes I hope you liked the arena because you are going to be in it agian for the 3rd demigod hunger games. Winner vs Winner. and this time only one demigod will be left standing because no one will escape this time.

    Bucky Barnes
    Bucky Barnes
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    The demigod hunger games Empty Re: The demigod hunger games

    Post by Bucky Barnes 12/11/2012, 4:23 pm

    ok, i hate that guy
    wheres elisa?
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    The demigod hunger games Empty Re: The demigod hunger games

    Post by Komaeda 12/11/2012, 4:27 pm

    Bucky Barnes
    Bucky Barnes
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    The demigod hunger games Empty Re: The demigod hunger games

    Post by Bucky Barnes 12/11/2012, 4:39 pm

    i no right?
    Bucky Barnes
    Bucky Barnes
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    The demigod hunger games Empty Re: The demigod hunger games

    Post by Bucky Barnes 12/11/2012, 4:40 pm

    some of you peeps should cheak out my story, pleas post
    High King Fridgeir
    High King Fridgeir
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    The demigod hunger games Empty Re: The demigod hunger games

    Post by High King Fridgeir 12/11/2012, 4:50 pm

    I love this series
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    The demigod hunger games Empty Re: The demigod hunger games

    Post by Mason 12/11/2012, 5:25 pm

    Nico, please don't double-post.

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