A place for Percy Jackson and the Olympian fans to roleplay.

    Try not to get lost [Open]


    Try not to get lost [Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: Try not to get lost [Open]

    Post by Guest 8/24/2013, 5:02 pm

    Solitude crouches down, trying to make himself less of a target. It wasn't that he didn't trust Willow, he just was very cautious. He knew that the arrow would hit its target, but he could still be careful. He watches as Willow draws back the string on her bow. She appeared to be calm and her hands were steady on the bow and string. Sol observes her calmness and the way she positions herself to shoot. It only took the girl a few seconds to aim. Most kids would have an issue doing so, especially against a moving target. Then again, Willow's father was Apollo. He definitely had something to do with it. Sol began to wonder if the girl was naturally good at archery or if she still had to learn how to use the bow. Most kids at camp had to learn, but did children of Apollo have to? Did they have to learn, or were they a me to pick up a bow, pull the arrow back, and hit a target spot on? Solitude had never even wondered such a thing before, so why should he now?

    Solitude takes in a shallow breath and calms his ever-so-ponderous brain down. He turns his gaze back towards Willow and watches as she lets her hand off of the string, letting the tensed arrow fly. The arrow speeds through the air and for mere second everything was quiet. A help penetrates the air and Solitude immediately knew that Willow had hit her target. They creature wasn't dead yet though. Sol could still hear it, now whimpering. He tightens his grip on his sword and slowly walks up to the Hellhound, which was looking quite pathetic, laying there with an arrow in its side. Sol walks up next to it and is surprised to see that it still has some fighting power in it. The beast quickly jumps up and lunges at Solitude. The demigod was struck as surprised and it took him a second to bring up his sword and end the Hellhound's life.

    Golden glitter showers down over Solitude as the Hellhound disintegrates. Sol brushes the powder off of his shoulders and then proceeds to inspect himself, looking for any cuts inflicted by the creature. He had three nice flaw marks down his right leg, but it didn't bother him too much. They weren't bleeding bad or very deep. It wasn't like the Hellhound had enough energy to do much damage. Sol would've been in some deep trouble if it did though. The boy lets out a sigh and walks over to Willow.

    "Nice shot," is all he says before turning back around towards the area where the Hellhound had spent its final minutes. "We should keep on moving. We sort of can't go back to camp. We might be able to take down a Hellhound, but not a bunch of Harpies. That would be a lot tougher. It might be fun to risk it, but I really don't feel like taking any trips to the infirmary in the next few hours or so."

    Solitude felt odd. Not in a sickly way though. He felt as if he could actually talk to Willow. It seemed like she was like him as well: anti-social. I guess it's easier to talk to someone who is like you. The demigod nods at Willow and starts walking again, a slight limp accompanying his right leg. He ignored the slight pain in his leg. He was fine. He had to convince himself of that and he truly would be fine, right?
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    Try not to get lost [Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: Try not to get lost [Open]

    Post by Ariel 8/25/2013, 1:41 pm

    Willow had just pulled herself up to her feet when Solitude ended the life of the downed hellhound. And with that last hit a shower of golden particles burst forth from the body of the creature as it disintegrated and fell around them both, hitting mainly Sol as he was standing closer to where the beast once laid. Willow held out her hand as a few golden specks fell against her palm as if they were little golden snowflakes or something. This was the best part of monster hunting, the show after that last hit and its body disintegrated into the heap of gold flakes. After that, next best thing was the adrenaline rush she felt as she shot her bow; that wasn't a beautiful and awe inspiring sight though.

    The feeling of victory was short lived though as Willow looked over herself to assess the damage. She knew there would be something on her left arm as she felt the dull pain already. Taking a quick peek the first thing she noticed was the scratches along her left forearm, there were three or four of them but they didn't look too bad. She was bleeding a little bit, but it was nothing that she couldn't deal with. In the end it was better that her arm took most of the damage, if she hadn't brought her arm up as quickly as she did the claws would have probably hit her chest or neck or maybe even her face. Willow did let out an audible sigh as she noticed the brown leather of her favorite jacket was shredded on the left arm where the hound's attack had hit her, exposing her arm to the elements. It was funny that this was the thing that was most disappointing to Willow about the attack she received because clothing in general was not something the daughter of Apollo cared all that much about, but this jacket was her favorite and she had owned it for many years. It was the one piece of clothing she actually enjoyed wearing. The wound would heal, bit unfortunately there was not much she could do with a thread and needle.

    "Thanks. Nice job finishing it off." Willow stated after Sol complimented her shot. It was times like this that Willow was glad she spent so much time practicing her aim, if she was inexperienced then she would have been in a lot worse shape then she is now, even if Apollo was her father. She walked to arrow that was now lying freely on the ground and bent down as she picked it up, twirling it a little in between her thumb and index finger before sticking it back in its sheath with the rest of her stash of arrows. Returning back to her standing position as Sol spoke, and of course making sure to focus all her attention on him.

    "You're right, best keep moving. I really don't feel like getting too injured on this trip and a pack of harpies doesn't exactly sound like a walk in the park. Plus, its much nicer out here then back at camp. At least...that's what I think." Willow glanced over to him with one of her signature smiles that wasn't really more then just the outer edges of her lips turning up only slightly, and complete with the two dimples that always showed up on her face any time she did smile. It was strange, this familiarity that Willow and Solitude now had. It was something different to Willow as she had never really met anyone who was similar to her at camp, though why should she? It wasn't like she actively sought out the attention and company of others so why should the other demigods who were more anti-social and distant do so? Either way, thinking on the hidden motives of those people she had never met or even knew existed seemed to fill her mind in a way that she didn't really like and Willow just tried to push it all out of her mind and try to focus on the situation at hand,

    "So being the son of a god of hunt or whatever, did you just naturally pick up your hunting talents? Or did you have to practice like the rest of us?" Willow asked somewhat jokingly as she walked alongside Solitude, continuing forwards through the forest and trees around them. She wasn't exactly sure why she asked that specific question, but she tried her best to make small talk and from what she gathered Sol talked more when it came to hunting, weapons and the like. Willow of course kept her eyes open and alert as she moved, making sure to scan the tree line for any more movement and to try and make sure she got a good look at where they were coming from. The paths were worn, but Willow didn't mind. She preferred this area because of that fact and liked that she could enjoy peace and quiet out here because most campers would not risk the chance of getting lost on the worn dirt paths. Willow never seemed to get lost though, she had a very keen sense of direction and it was one of her many almost useless talents; some weird built in compass of sorts.

    As Willow waited for a response she became even more aware of the ever present and dull pain that radiated over her left forearm as the material of her jack rubbed against the slices in her skin. She rubbed against it, feeling the rough edges where the claws of her last enemy had dug into her and cut but she just tried not to think too much about it. As long as she could still shoot she would be fine, she could deal with the inconvenient pain and she wouldn't complain about it because the alternative was out of the question. Her own cruddy healing powers weren't going to come into play in this situation, maybe if she was back at camp and in her bunk then maybe she would think about it. But even sealing up that scratch would drain her physically for awhile and she needed to be alert and ready for any sort of attack that may come towards her. Plus what may have been worse was that she couldn't even use her 'power' to help anyone but her self. What a great power, Willow mused in her head somewhat sarcastically. She glanced down and noticed the slight limp that Sol was now sporting as well as getting a good look at the couple of scratches on his leg. She wanted to ask but hesitated for a moment as she pondered if that was really the right thing to do. "I mean, what if he doesn't want to bring attention to it?"

    "How is your leg? Are you sure you don't want to try and go back?" The words left Willow's mouth before she had much time to really wonder if she should have asked it after all. Willow just dropped her head as she bit her bottom lip a little, trying now to look away from his injury and looking forwards at the ground instead. "I didn't really bring anything with me out here that would help. I didn't really expect to be out here for as long as I was. I should have thought ahead."

    Try not to get lost [Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: Try not to get lost [Open]

    Post by Guest 8/26/2013, 11:10 am

    Solitude keeps on walking over the dusty dirt trails that had seen their fair share of fights, runners, and bike tires. And blood. Sol knew that from personal experience. The boy's mind flashes back to when he had to fight the Hydra. Blood was spilled on that day. The boy was more than lucky that there were other kids around to help him. Who knows where the boy would be right now? Probably in a grave. Sol shudders at the thought, but keeps on moving, ignoring the growing pain in his leg. He was fine though. He wasn't going to talk or point it out. He kept his wounds to himself, mentally and physically. The difference though was that his body healed over time, his mind however did not.

    Solitude reaches down and brushes his hand along the four gashes in his legs. They were bleeding quite a bit, but Sol didn't worry about it. It would stop soon enough. Grabbing the sword in one hand and the bottom of his shirt in another, he starts sawing away a piece of the fabric. Once cut, he bends down and wraps his wounds with it and ties it off, the blue material of the shirt quickly getting dark brown spots on it from the crimson shade of blood soaking into it. Rising back up to his full height, Sol hears that Willow was speaking. She asked him something about hunting. Was it basically the same question he was just pondering? It was quite funny to him that they were both thinking of that.

    "Well, not exactly. When I came to camp I wasn't good at hunting at all. I was in good shape for the most part, but I was not in good shape for demigod standards. I enjoyed training. I would skip hose stupid Greek classes to hang in the arena and just practice. Trust me, I did not come to camp being the precut hunter. I still am so far from being the perfect hunter. I aspire to become it someday though. I think that is what kept me going. I wanted to be able to show people up. I will admit that. I do tend to brag quite a bit. Feel free to punch me if I do so around you. As a kid I was really scrawny and small; the person who was very quiet and got bullied. When I was about thirteen I think? Yeah around there, I hit a growth spurt and decided to get into shape since I was then the tallest in my school classes. I didn't become a bully though. I still remained quiet and to myself. But no, for a short answer. I did not come to camp possessing all this natural talent."

    His explanation was long, but Sol didn't care. Willow had asked him a question and he answered it to the best of his abilities. He turned to look at her and notices that he wasn't the only one to get hurt. The girl had a few gashes in her arm, which tore through her expensive looking jacket. Sol finds himself looking at the wound. It was laced with golden powder, which probably wouldn't be the best to have in your wound. The boy turns back to face the trail ahead and everywhere else, scanning for any signs of a threat.

    "Your ar--" Sol finds himself cut off as Willow begins to speak. She was addressing the situation of his leg. Okay, now that was just creepy that they were thinking if the same thing. Again. The boy listens to her speak but doesn't answer her for a little while. He was busy wondering something else. Didn't she say that her father was Apollo? So why didn't she heal herself? Almost all children of the god were healers. Solitude turns to look at her, noticing she was staring at the ground. Did she feel embarrassed for asking him the question? She was wrong if she was embarrassed. To Solitude it made him actually feel sort of good that someone was seemingly concerned about him.

    "My leg is fine. Trust me, I'll still be able to walk, that is all that matters. If we need to run, prepare to carry me," he answers her jokingly, trying to lighten the mood. He looks back at her arm and notices that it was bleeding quite a bit as well. Letting out an inaudible sigh, Sol takes hold of his shirt and makes a diagonal slice along it, cutting off a length that would encircle her arm. He walks up to her and wraps the strap of clothing around her arm, making it a bit tight to reduce bleeding. Once he ties it off he brushes his hands together.

    "There, that should help the bleeding slow and chance of infection to lower. It would probably be best if you rinsed it out in the creek to get rid of the powder in it. That can't be good for the wound."

    Solitude's voice had taken a serious turn as he started walking off along the path again. He was trying his best I hide his limp and the pain in his leg and was pretty sure he was doing a good job of concealing it. His shirt was basically a rag used to clean oil now, but clothing was the least of his worries at the moment.

    "When we get out of here I'll find someone to fix up your jacket." The words flew out of Sol's mouth without him really considering saying it. It rose to the tip of his tongue as quickly as it had made a presence in his mind. He was addressing the tears in the jacket, which had to be pretty darn expensive. He was just tying to be nice, but he worries that he sounded like one of those stupid Aphrodite kids who thought that you couldn't talk to someone if the opposite gender without hitting on them. Goddess, Solitude would never want that to happen. That would be awful. Sol, a child of Aphrodite? It was quite funny just to think about. Sol was meant to be a child of Polydeuces, so he was. There was no changing that and he didn't even care. He liked being the child of a minor god. It brought much less attention onto himself, which was always something he liked. He hated being the center of attention. He was the kid who would sit at the back of class or at the lunch table alone. He didn't care about popularity though. He enjoyed, pun incoming, being in solitude.
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    Try not to get lost [Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: Try not to get lost [Open]

    Post by Ariel 8/28/2013, 1:48 am

    Willow kept her pace up to follow Solitude as he spoke and slowed down when he did. This was what you did when you were walking alongside someone and were enjoying a conversation with someone. Or at least, trying to enjoy a conversation in the dark woods where only about 15 minutes or so ago you were attacked by a hellhound. But no matter what the had happened before to cause her to feel alert while she moved she still managed to enjoy speaking with Solitude. A chuckle even left her mouth after he spoke about himself. The idea that he did exactly the same thing as her at camp amused her and also the idea that he was once much smaller then he was also called up an interesting image in her mind.

    "Good to know I'm not the only one who ditches those classes to go practice instead. I mean, I'm sure they are useful and really I should go so I can be as knowledgeable as possible but that stuff just doesn't interest me. I was never one to sit down in a chair for a few hours to learn. Even back before I came to camp I never could. I would do the same thing I do here, just quickly move through the rest of the tasks to get out to the woods to shoot. Shooting and being out here is where I want to be, not in some class learning about stuff. I just need to get better when it comes to using a bow and arrow and reading a few stories isn't how I am going to accomplish that." It was weird, in her mind, how the two had seemingly become friendly even though honestly it shouldn't be all that surprising. The two were similar to each other and talking to him more only made that more clear to her. But it was probably just the fact that making friends was still something that was a little foreign to Willow.

    "Great, well I'm certain I'd totally be able to just carry you along quite easily. Just throw you on my back and give you a piggy back ride, no problem at all." Willow added as another chuckle came from her lips as Solitude answered her other question, the one about whether his leg was fine or not. He told her that it was fine, but telling from the color of the once blue material he had tied around his leg she would have guessed differently. The way he tied the makeshift bandage would at least stop the bleeding though so that solved one problem. As to how to alleviate his pain, Willow had no clue. When it came to healing Willow was not like your stereotypical Apollo child. Though she could heal herself doing so would probably make her feel tired and there was no time for them to sit and take a rest where they were. Plus she hated using it so tried not to unless she was literally being faced with a life threatening injury and these few little scratches weren't serious enough to drain her energy.

    She would not say a word of this to Solitude though, or really anyone for that matter. Her 'power' was not something she broadcasted to others because it wouldn't help her hunt or fight and ultimately hurt her more then it helped at times. Yes, maybe if she actually took the time and made the effort to actually get a handle on it then she would probably have no problem using it and it would probably get easier and easier to do. But that meant actually going to the infirmary and also going to another class and Willow just didn't have time for that. Maybe one day she would actually go and do that, but it definitely wasn't on her urgent to do list or anything.

    Willow went to open up her mouth to speak again when Solitude took her arm and went to wrap a piece of his shirt that he cut off right over her wound. She quickly took off her jacket knowing that with that on her the bandage wouldn't be as effective. She may have missed a few of her first aid classes but she knew that much at least. Willow almost went to stop him but she knew it would have been useless at that point to try and do so, even though she knew she could have done that on her own. The fact that he had even thought to do that seemed to stop Willow in her tracks, it had been awhile since she had had someone with her while she was hunting. The last person she had accompany her was actually her step father and that had been a few years now. He spoke again and she listened as he finished up his quick and short sentence. His voice now serious again, abandoning the joking tone that he had only a few sentences ago been using freely to probably try and lighten the mood a little.

    "Thank you." Her right hand found the fabric that was now wrapped around her left forearm and held against it for a moment, and as she looked down she could see the odd brown color start to show up a little as her crimson blood started to seep into the light blue material. "You didn't have to, but I appreciate it. I guess I missed this lesson at the Apollo children specific healing class. I guess I will never be a nurse or anything." Willow weakly laughed at her own lame joke. It was extremely true though, healing was never something that came as an interest to this daughter of Apollo, even though her half siblings and herself had some sort of healing powers.

    Willow sped up a little to catch up with Solitude who had a little bit of a head start and continued moving. There was a few moments where nothing was really exchanged between the two demigods but Willow didn't really mind. She went to open her mouth to speak, and yet again Solitude beat her to he punch so to speak. He brought up her jacket, which she had now put back on, and offered to try and find someone fix it. Willow was pleasantly surprised by the offer, again this was not something that she normally dealt much with and the concern that Solitude seemed to be showing. And since Willow was more independent she never normally sought the help of others and usually looked for her own solutions to her problems; the demigod was not one to rely on others in anyway.

    "Thank you for the offer, but I could probably pay someone to fix it. I have some drachmas stored away as well as some cash, so I'm sure someone would be willing to help....maybe. Though I may take you up on that offer, I don't really know anyone at camp and you probably have a few more connections then I do." Willow gave him a slight smile, trying to just lighten the mood a little and most of all try not to seem totally awkward in social situations which she always tended to do without even thinking about it. "So there should be a creek up ahead somewhere. You may want to rinse your leg a little and maybe even just take a break to rest. Don't want you to walk on it too much if you are feeling any pain." Willow glanced down at his leg again, seeing the same brown color that was on her forearm on the fabric that was wrapped around his leg. The difference though was that his looked to have more of the blood stains then the one on her arm, or maybe it was just her imagination.

    Try not to get lost [Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: Try not to get lost [Open]

    Post by Guest 8/29/2013, 6:24 pm

    Sucking in a deep breath, Sol keeps on trudging along. He looks down to his leg and notices the amount of blood stains on his bandaging. He would be fine though. He could take care of himself, just like how Willow appeared to be able to do so to herself as well. Wait, isn't she a daughter of Apollo? Why didn't she just heal her arm? That way she could still be able to protect herself if needed. Why didn't she do that? She could be perfectly fine right now, but instead she didn't use her powers. Did she not have them? Was she not confident in them? Maybe she needed to spend more time in her first-aid classes? Whatever the reason was, Solitude couldn't figure it out. Oh well, if she didn't want to use her powers, she didn't have to. Sol didn't care. He wouldn't want to press her. That would make things worse than they were.

    "I'm sorry to ask this, but why not just heal yourself and be on your way? I mean, you're a child of Apollo, right? Don't they all have healing powers? Or are you like me? Children of my father usually have strength powers or something of the sorts. Sometimes they have like, something along the lines of super-speed. Is that it? Or are you not confident in yourself? If so, give yourself time to build it up. If you train, you'll be able to help out your hunting partners even more than you already do."

    Solitude immediately regrets saying what he did. He felt as if he had been harsh to her and found himself telling her that he was sorry for sounding like a jerk. Goddess, why did he always have to just blurt out the first thing that came to his mind? The boy turns away from facing her and keeps on walking towards the area where the creek ran though.

    It took around five or so minutes of what seemed like an eerie quietness before Sol could hear rushing water. Either he didn't hear her, or Willow didn't answer him. That made him feel all the worse. The demigod makes his way out towards the creek and sits down next to the bank. He dips his hand in the water, feeling its coolness rushing over and under his hand, giving him a slight chill. Sol lets out a quiet sigh as he lays down his sword next to him. He takes hold of the bandage around his leg and slowly unties the knot that held it in place. All he was could was "Ew.". The demigod puts the piece of cloth in the water and rinses it off, returning it to its normal blue color for the most part. A few stains still remained on the rag, but it looked much better than it had two minutes ago.

    Sol bends his upper body down and scoops up a handful of chilly water. He brings it over to his leg and lets it drip over his wound. It stung, but felt amazing at the same time. The boy grabs the once-shirt and starts to clean the area around the cuts. He blows a stray strand of hair out of his face as he scrapes away dried blood. His wound was still oozing a golden liquid, which was intriguing to him. He had never seen something like it. Maybe someone at the infirmary could help him out with identifying it. If he went to the infirmary even.

    Solitude finishes up and cleans off the rag once again before wringing it out and wrapping it around his leg again. The bleeding had decreased, but not completely stopped. It would only take a matter of minutes to stop now, wouldn't it? Sol didn't like to get hurt, but then again, he hated to admit if he got hurt. He hated to be the center of attention. He usually tried to balance it out by doing something else, like how he had tended to Willow's wound. After all, it was his fault, wasn't it? It was his fault that she got hurt. He hadn't been swift enough to slay the Hellhound before it got to her. If only he had been stronger and faster! Alright, maybe sometimes Sol wished he had powers. They sure would make his life so much easier. He would actually have something to be proud of, instead of just being plain. Then again, Sol enjoyed blending into the crowd. Usually kids with powers were attention-hounds. They loved it, whereas Sol didn't. He would probably just use his powers in secret or around close friends, which he seemed to lack.

    Sol stays sitting down, waiting for either a response from Willow or to hear her footsteps getting farther and farther away as she walked away from him. He had probably upset her, hadn't he? The demigod hadn't tried to wait for her response. Instead he just automatically assumed she would be upset with him and not to want to be around him. That is how most kids acted around him. It was sad, really. Why couldn't Sol just keep his tongue trained of unkept like his hair? It was annoying at times, for he just blurted words out into the open that he had been thinking, but wouldn't dare say.

    Goddess, I'm such an idiot.
    Junior Member

    Number of posts : 169
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    Try not to get lost [Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: Try not to get lost [Open]

    Post by Ariel 8/30/2013, 11:24 pm

    There was a moment after Solitude spoke where Willow felt like she had run right into a brick wall. She would almost be offended, if it wasn't something that she had told herself plenty of times before that moment. But it was different when you heard it from someone else, where as when you may tell yourself to do something it is easier to brush off and just say you are over thinking things again. And even if he sounded harsh or pushy in the end everything he said was true. She was after all a child of Apollo, the god whose children made up the medics there at camp and almost all were gifted with the power to heal in one way or another. And he was also right that if she practiced she would get better and would probably be of more help when it came to hunting. If she got injured she at least had the luxury of making herself better while others did not have that chance.

    Solitude kept walking, and for a moment Willow just stood there in silence with her eyes trained towards the ground. Staring at what exactly she wasn't sure, but she wasn't really focusing on seeing anything and instead just thought. Thinking about how Solitude was right, how she was no help to the boy whose leg was injured while she sat with an injured arm and her own stubborn refusal to do anything about it. Willow was usually reasonable and level headed, but when it came to this she always acted stubborn...but before there was never anyone else to deal with the consequences of her altered aim after an injury. No one else but her to face any negative outcomes her actions lead to.

    While her arm wasn't terribly injured it still was bleeding and that was the arm she used to hold her arrows. She would probably have a harder time aiming in her current state and it would take her longer to shoot, which in the end could spell death. But the risk seemed almost as high. Say she healed her arm, yes her aim would be back but she knew she would feel tired after and who knew exactly what that would do to her focus. But she knew she would be no help to Sol if trouble came knocking again and her arm still had the dull pain radiating off of hit, intensifying with each release of an arrow and each pull on the string. The thoughts of exactly what she should do weighed heavy on her mind, leaving her quiet and reserved as Solitude walked in front of her.

    Willow grabbed her left forearm, feeling the makeshift bandage tightly tied around it. She just focused on her injury, on sealing it enough so the bleeding would stop, maybe just getting at least a few layers of flesh to join back together so that the function she was so used to having would come back to her.

    "Just heal, just heal. Anything really, just enough to get through the trip."

    There was about 5 minutes or do of just focusing all her energy into those thoughts and into her wound, but eventually she could feel the results start to happen as if it moved at a snail's pace. It was an odd sensation, feeling as the skin seemed to 'grow' back into place and the pain drain away from the area of the impact. It was as if there was a draining sensation under her skin, but there was nothing to drain from her. No blood or liquid, yet there she was feeling that tingling sensation on her flesh as if something was leaving from her wound. Her power broke off as she cut all her focus away, feeling the energy she had start to drain too much she knew if she hadn't she would have been no use to anyone. The dull pain subsided and soon there was nothing. Nothing except the feeling that replaced it.

    It was like Willow had strapped on a big sack of books over her shoulder and then added another sack over the other. The pain was gone though, so it must have worked enough. Luckily for Willow there was a tree near by as she had basically just finished as they reached the edge of the creek. She wasn't sure exactly what Solitude had been doing up until this point, but it seemed he had already sat down and had done his own thing. Hopefully he washed his leg off, maybe rewrapped the wound up and tried to rest. Willow sat down and leaned her back up against the tree trunk, sitting felt nice and relaxing and a pleasant idea because now she felt like she just ran a marathon or something. Hopefully sitting for a few minutes would help recharge her a little bit, hopefully.

    "How is your leg?" Willow broke the silence as she asked the question. "I wouldn't mind resting a bit if we could. It would probably be good for your leg too." Willow looked down and remembered the piece of fabric that was still wrapped around her forearm, the reddish-brown stains now stopped appearing though the ones that were there still were. She untied the fabric and unwrapped the arm to see just how much had been done by her power use, though weak she normally was in using it it must have at least stopped the bleeding and the pain as well as she felt none. She couldn't see too much in the dark and under the tree the leaves which normally provided a good amount of shading during the day when you were looking to block out the sun cut most of the light from the moon as well from shining down on her. She slowly lifted herself up and towards the creek and as she did her legs felt sore and worn as if she had done squats the night before or something. Willow was able to stand well, her legs just felt like they had been carrying her for far too long on a long upward hike or something, but she wasn't stumbling like a fool or anything. She just hid it, the way she hid a lit of things like her emotions...most times.

    Under the light she could see her forearm and the area where the 4 marks that had been dug into her skin were had started to disappear. It wasn't gone, of course not because Willow had not the confidence nor the practice to do so without draining her energy far more then she did. If she had maybe attempted to practice she probably could have easily healed herself up and not felt more then maybe a little bit of tiredness, but no, Willow chose to do things differently. She chose to do things her way after all. But her scratches looked better, the bleeding had stopped and the color of new, pink flesh had started to show up over the scratch marks though there was still some that could be done it would do. For now though she had done enough and it was enough in her opinion. She reached down with the blood covered piece of fabric and stuck it in the water. As the water flowed through it the color of blood that had seeped in now started to leave and brought the fabric back almost to the same blue color that it was before it met her forearm. After lifting it back up she brought it to her forearm and washed away some of the dried blood and dust particles that was there and cleaned herself up a little. It wasn't pretty, but it would do.

    After that was done Willow turned to see Solitude sitting alongside the creek bed. She sat down next to him, not too close though but still giving about 10 feet or so in between them both. She noticed his quietness and wondered if he had felt bad about what he said to her. He had quickly averted his gaze after speaking and went on his own as if trying to avoid the awkwardness that comes from offending someone. He didn't need to feel bad, he was right after all and she never really pegged him for one to feel bad for being honest. He seemed the kind of guy who usually spoke honestly whether you liked it or not...or maybe she had just misread him.

    "There is nothing for you to feel bad about. You were speaking the truth after all. I do have some and I don't use them, even when I should. Maybe if I were stronger or better then things would be different." Willow kept her eyes out at the creek as she spoke, the water moving around her and underneath the silence between the two demigods you could hear the sound of it moving and rushing forwards. A calm ambient noise to accompany the silence.

    ooc: That turned out wayyyy longer then I anticipated it to.

    Try not to get lost [Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: Try not to get lost [Open]

    Post by Guest 9/10/2013, 9:07 pm

    Sol slowly turns his head to face the daughter of Apollo and begins to speak in a low tone, as if he would get yelled at if he rose his voice above anything over a whisper.

    "When I was a kid, I was told to speak the truth. I took that way too far though. I was brutally honest and it only got worse as I grew older. I guess I never grew out of it. I'm really sorry if I offended you or anything. I just don't think before I talk. It is one of my many many flaws. I feel terrible about it, more even because you recognize it to be true. You shouldn't though. Just keep on practicing. You probably don't have time for it. I can tell because you are so damn good at using that bow of yours."

    Solitude tried his best to sound nice at the end of his statement. He didn't want to ruin a friendship, one of the only ones he had here. They had so much in common as well; it would be a shame if they were to part ways tonight and never meet again. Sol turns his head back to the creek and then to his leg. The bleeding had stopped finally, but that didn't mean everything was all better. The pain was starting to grow and it wouldn't be long before he would become immobized, he feared. That would not be good at all.

    The demigod runs his left hand over the four gashes on his leg. He felt the tingle of pain as his nerves registered the sensation of touch on such a tender spot. Was he screwed? Would he be able to last until sunrise? There were only a few hours left, but still. Anything could happen in those hours. What it another monster attacked? Hopefully Willow could save them. All Sol could do was hope.

    ooc; sorry about the size

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