A place for Percy Jackson and the Olympian fans to roleplay.

kayt smells
Edgar Allan Poe
Doug The Turtle
The Seelie Queen
tyler oakley
Angelina Patronur
Morgan Landry
mabel pines
27 posters

    consulting hellas [OPEN]

    Edgar Allan Poe
    Edgar Allan Poe
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    consulting hellas [OPEN] - Page 6 Empty Re: consulting hellas [OPEN]

    Post by Edgar Allan Poe 7/30/2014, 7:07 pm

    Thanks. Most of it is perfect. But there was a small mistake, because you inverted the titles. "Welcome to Mystery" should come first and bigger, above "here are my beautiful freaks", you know? One is the title and the other is the subtitle. Oh, and I kinda insist to pay for it. It must have been hard work and the result was awesome.
    mabel pines
    mabel pines

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    consulting hellas [OPEN] - Page 6 Empty Re: consulting hellas [OPEN]

    Post by mabel pines 7/30/2014, 8:06 pm

    switching around the text is really easy, you just search for the text when you have the code open and then replace it

    Number of posts : 620
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    consulting hellas [OPEN] - Page 6 Empty Re: consulting hellas [OPEN]

    Post by Watsky 7/30/2014, 8:42 pm

    ayo this one is for lou bc im gonna love him

    fonts (preferably fonts from google fonts): Francois one, Permanent marker
    color scheme http://www.colourlovers.com/palette/3437796/wah
    pictures: http://tinypic.com/r/1zlapzc/8 http://tinypic.com/r/2dl3u46/8 http://tinypic.com/r/mmcuxf/8 idk choose whichever if you want different ones you can ask ok
    personality: he's really quite the jerkface. he's cynical and sarcastic and doesn't like being around certain types of people. he doesn't like being around people who annoy him in the slightest, and he's just allaround not a nice person.
    other: uhm.

    ok ilusm bby
    mabel pines
    mabel pines

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    consulting hellas [OPEN] - Page 6 Empty Re: consulting hellas [OPEN]

    Post by mabel pines 8/1/2014, 5:00 pm


    Lou Hiatt

    "this is the wonder who woke up from all that."
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus a sagittis tortor. Nulla ultricies pellentesque blandit. Nulla facilisi. Mauris ac arcu in quam porta sagittis. Praesent sagittis nisi sodales, ultricies nunc malesuada, interdum magna. Integer facilisis, mi in suscipit iaculis, lorem odio bibendum urna, a tincidunt orci nisl vel quam. Vestibulum accumsan sed elit eu eleifend. In ut ante ultrices, ullamcorper urna non, mattis neque. Vivamus felis urna, gravida sed semper ut, convallis non ipsum. Morbi auctor odio luctus eleifend varius.

    Aenean mollis rhoncus sollicitudin. Duis quis est dictum, imperdiet felis quis, ultricies dolor. Curabitur scelerisque velit non tellus pharetra, at iaculis ligula dignissim. Nullam quis varius lacus. Pellentesque fermentum quis turpis ut egestas. Nunc sed nisl a neque venenatis pretium. Vestibulum id viverra purus, vestibulum vehicula purus. Vestibulum quis molestie nunc.

    Mauris ultricies mollis porta. Cras auctor accumsan lorem, eget ultrices turpis dictum at. Donec aliquet, leo non malesuada mattis, mi turpis aliquet magna, nec iaculis neque nisl quis felis. Aliquam vel nisl non diam vestibulum vestibulum sed in elit. Ut ante quam, volutpat a magna a, interdum aliquet risus. Morbi ullamcorper vehicula felis, sit amet euismod purus vulputate eget. Nam aliquam ac nibh non mattis. Pellentesque porta, odio in hendrerit faucibus, dolor velit volutpat nisi, vitae varius massa urna quis dolor. Suspendisse volutpat pellentesque turpis ut viverra. Sed rutrum mi sed luctus egestas. In varius, augue a vestibulum sagittis, arcu urna pulvinar lacus, at lobortis arcu purus a felis. Donec malesuada massa commodo blandit dapibus.

    Sed id placerat erat. Integer vulputate quam sit amet dolor dapibus, vitae ullamcorper nulla faucibus. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nullam iaculis leo nibh, a feugiat dolor rhoncus nec. Vestibulum dolor eros, elementum vitae dictum vel, varius at velit. Curabitur in rhoncus massa. Nunc scelerisque commodo massa id euismod. Vestibulum convallis magna eget purus facilisis, at posuere erat dignissim. Integer sed lorem massa. Nullam enim magna, mattis eu nunc a, suscipit suscipit sem. Pellentesque sit amet mauris viverra, interdum urna vitae, sagittis elit. Vestibulum blandit, leo vel consectetur interdum, mauris massa sagittis mi, ut cursus urna lorem tempus velit. Maecenas nec sem et velit egestas imperdiet vitae at augue. Cras tincidunt purus lacus, in tempor tortor porta sit amet.

    Sed molestie molestie lacus varius volutpat. Vestibulum eu dui lacinia, tincidunt quam ac, suscipit est. Sed erat arcu, adipiscing scelerisque ligula vitae, venenatis accumsan neque. Morbi ornare nibh ut facilisis pulvinar. Integer porttitor velit tempus rutrum commodo. Morbi risus leo, volutpat quis gravida tincidunt, ultricies nec massa. Vestibulum id leo nec lacus blandit blandit quis vel massa. Nam lobortis tellus eget iaculis elementum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Ut sollicitudin euismod dui, ut congue purus aliquam rutrum. Donec volutpat vel ante id ullamcorper. Mauris et urna aliquet, auctor ante at, iaculis diam. Sed dignissim augue dignissim, volutpat ante non, eleifend enim. Donec in interdum neque.

    i feel bad bc i didn't even do any css in this & i have become obsessed with css but w/e. no scroll so u can put as much text as u want, lil quote area, plus the gifs along the top. i hope u like it!!!!!!! if there's anything you'd like me to change, feel free to shoot me a pm!

    Number of posts : 620
    Age : 25
    Registration date : 2011-01-02

    consulting hellas [OPEN] - Page 6 Empty Re: consulting hellas [OPEN]

    Post by Watsky 8/1/2014, 5:32 pm

    Thank you!! I love it <3
    Morgan Landry
    Morgan Landry
    High Queen of Narnia

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    consulting hellas [OPEN] - Page 6 Empty Re: consulting hellas [OPEN]

    Post by Morgan Landry 8/2/2014, 10:15 am

    Hey Lila! I was wondering, could you make a template like the last thing I reblogged on my tumblr? (http://musebliss.tumblr.com) I couldn't find the link to the whole thing.
    mabel pines
    mabel pines

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    consulting hellas [OPEN] - Page 6 Empty Re: consulting hellas [OPEN]

    Post by mabel pines 8/3/2014, 2:52 pm

    sorry, i was out with friends yesterday and didn't see this until now. you mean the thing with percy? yeah, i could probably do something like that with html as long as the pictures were provided for me
    Morgan Landry
    Morgan Landry
    High Queen of Narnia

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    Registration date : 2011-12-31

    consulting hellas [OPEN] - Page 6 Empty Re: consulting hellas [OPEN]

    Post by Morgan Landry 8/3/2014, 3:26 pm

    Oh thank you!! :*

    Pictures: this one, this one, this one, and this one.

    Thank you so much <3
    mabel pines
    mabel pines

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    consulting hellas [OPEN] - Page 6 Empty Re: consulting hellas [OPEN]

    Post by mabel pines 8/3/2014, 5:01 pm

    here you go, morgan!

    texty texty texty ayyy




    this was super easy so i'll just charge 10 drachmas
    Morgan Landry
    Morgan Landry
    High Queen of Narnia

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    consulting hellas [OPEN] - Page 6 Empty Re: consulting hellas [OPEN]

    Post by Morgan Landry 8/3/2014, 5:34 pm

    Wow this is so cool! Thank you so much!

    Just a question though, why are the pictures black and white?
    mabel pines
    mabel pines

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    consulting hellas [OPEN] - Page 6 Empty Re: consulting hellas [OPEN]

    Post by mabel pines 8/3/2014, 5:35 pm

    cause there was one that was in black and white, so i thought it would look better if i did all of them in black and white. if you don't like it i can change them back
    Morgan Landry
    Morgan Landry
    High Queen of Narnia

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    consulting hellas [OPEN] - Page 6 Empty Re: consulting hellas [OPEN]

    Post by Morgan Landry 8/3/2014, 5:46 pm

    It's okay, bae, I don't wanna give you more work ^^ thank you 342342424224 times for the code :*
    Junior Member

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    consulting hellas [OPEN] - Page 6 Empty Re: consulting hellas [OPEN]

    Post by Toothless 8/5/2014, 12:13 pm

    Lila I'm sorry I just now realized that you had done my RP invite and thank you SOOOO MUCHH it looks soooooooo freaking gorgeous! Could you pm me the code again? Thanks again!
    curly-haired charmer

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    consulting hellas [OPEN] - Page 6 Empty Re: consulting hellas [OPEN]

    Post by jake. 8/5/2014, 2:21 pm

    fonts (preferably fonts from google fonts): I really dun care, aslong as it's purdy and not Permanent marker. xD Maybe something cursive, yet still very readable? I dunno what I'm asking.
    color scheme TBH, i really like this:


    pictures: If you can do gifs, this:


    And if not, this:


    personality: Super cutsie Pa-tootsie and a total sweethear, but also very shy and kinda wild.

    other: As a header, I'd quite like 'Can't Fight Against The Youth', and maybe you could include an audio file of the song 'Can't Fight Against The Youth' by Panic! At The Disco? If not, then maybe one of 'My House' By Kids Of 88? Thanks!!
    And I don't want to be super dooper picky, but please don't make it all too big? xD I dunno what I'm asking of, again. But yeah, thanks!! I'm really excited for the outcome,

    Jakeyo. .5.


    I really like this picture, so you could also use this, if U want fishyo!!

    Role Playing Legend

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    consulting hellas [OPEN] - Page 6 Empty Re: consulting hellas [OPEN]

    Post by daddeme 8/6/2014, 8:28 pm

    I would like one html/graphic combo with a small Coke, please. Hold the onions. Meh...about the size of the regular RP Invite would work. Or smaller. Surprise me, it's for a character form.

    picture of face claim (this must be high definition): 1, 2, and 3.
    theme: Something that is flashy but still kind of conservative. Pinks, purples, silvers, colors like that. Girly, to pretty much sum it up.
    words: Mary Sutherland "I love the thought of you"/"More than I love your presence." (If you can fit these all in somewhere)

    fonts: Calligraffitti and Satisfy
    personality: Bubbly, Fancy, Poised, maybe a bit Stuck-Up. Okay she's really stuck-up. She's a fashionista.
    other: Did I say detailed character form? Detailed character form. ^-^

    Last edited by MoonMoon on 8/18/2014, 10:14 am; edited 2 times in total

    Number of posts : 1245
    Age : 22
    Registration date : 2014-05-25

    consulting hellas [OPEN] - Page 6 Empty Re: consulting hellas [OPEN]

    Post by Rhyolo 8/7/2014, 6:54 pm

    picture of face claim (this must be high definition): http://www.nndb.com/people/221/000160738/jaden-smith-2-sized.jpg
    theme: fire
    words: Fire boy Rhyolo

    fonts: I don't care
    personality: He's friendly for a minor underwolrd demigod. He's a charrie you'll like unless you make him mad. He can be hot headed but he will try to no hurt anyone innoceont. He likes cooking and sports. Kinda weird combo but you'll like it. Rhyolo is loyal too. He stays true to his word. He is an overall good guy. But he is hot tempered.

    Last edited by Rhyan Landry on 1/18/2015, 9:37 pm; edited 2 times in total

    Number of posts : 620
    Age : 25
    Registration date : 2011-01-02

    consulting hellas [OPEN] - Page 6 Empty Re: consulting hellas [OPEN]

    Post by Watsky 8/17/2014, 10:07 pm

    Question: Would getting a character form html be possible?
    mabel pines
    mabel pines

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    consulting hellas [OPEN] - Page 6 Empty Re: consulting hellas [OPEN]

    Post by mabel pines 8/17/2014, 10:34 pm

    yeah, it's basically the same thing as getting a regular html format, just mention that it's for a character form under "other" and i'll make it a bit bigger!

    Number of posts : 620
    Age : 25
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    consulting hellas [OPEN] - Page 6 Empty Re: consulting hellas [OPEN]

    Post by Watsky 8/17/2014, 11:24 pm

    okay thanks sweetie!!!!!

    fonts (preferably fonts from google fonts): Francois one, Permanent marker
    color scheme http://www.colourlovers.com/palette/3437796/wah
    pictures: https://38.media.tumblr.com/aef299c4cd2eba98782e1f3d7737e85f/tumblr_n9x3ulwlQA1swzk05o1_500.gif
    personality: he's really quite the jerkface. he's cynical and sarcastic and doesn't like being around certain types of people. he doesn't like being around people who annoy him in the slightest, and he's just allaround not a nice person.
    other: so this is for lou's detailed form so i just put the same colors and stuff i hope that's okay!! if it's not let me know!!!!
    Morgan Landry
    Morgan Landry
    High Queen of Narnia

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    consulting hellas [OPEN] - Page 6 Empty Re: consulting hellas [OPEN]

    Post by Morgan Landry 8/25/2014, 6:25 am

    Lila bby!! I'd like to make the stickies of the cabin topics a bit more fancy, could you please code a base that I edit myself according to each cabin?

    fonts (preferably fonts from google fonts): I take care of that ^^
    color scheme Same
    pictures: I'm making a meme for each one, for example, this is the meme for the Minor Water gods cabin: https://i.imgur.com/rRzaC3G.jpg . So yeah, could you arrange the code around the meme?
    personality: Depends on the cabin xD my division.
    other: I love you <3
    mabel pines
    mabel pines

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    consulting hellas [OPEN] - Page 6 Empty Re: consulting hellas [OPEN]

    Post by mabel pines 8/28/2014, 5:49 pm


    Can't Fight Against the Youth

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed commodo vitae dolor quis sollicitudin. Suspendisse ut tincidunt dolor, ut mattis nisl. Ut sit amet nisl purus. Aliquam rhoncus elementum lectus, placerat congue velit feugiat eu. Sed posuere lorem in gravida suscipit. Nullam aliquam faucibus tellus ut sagittis. Vestibulum viverra neque turpis, a iaculis neque dictum vitae. Etiam mollis mauris enim, a tempor magna consectetur ac. Quisque ut nisl massa. Integer gravida varius lacus, eget luctus augue viverra a. Mauris molestie tellus nec neque pellentesque, id convallis dolor venenatis. Praesent convallis quam purus, vestibulum aliquam ipsum porttitor sed. Integer rhoncus non ipsum a volutpat. Maecenas quis massa at dui rhoncus bibendum eget a velit.

    Proin tortor nisi, accumsan eu iaculis ut, gravida eget felis. Phasellus sed erat varius, ultricies lectus nec, ullamcorper tellus. Quisque sed ex quis ante euismod vehicula. Aliquam consectetur dolor vel nisi porttitor finibus. Phasellus elementum in velit rhoncus accumsan. Nulla tempor elit eros, id sollicitudin risus hendrerit et. Proin consectetur libero ut suscipit venenatis. Integer efficitur vestibulum dui in viverra. Vivamus convallis quis enim eu blandit. Maecenas in finibus velit. Cras et mollis risus, vel congue risus. Mauris porttitor nisi gravida, viverra est vitae, placerat dolor. Aenean molestie porta velit, ut faucibus augue commodo eget. Vestibulum id orci eget diam rutrum luctus quis in mi.

    Ut convallis sapien quis libero tempor, nec cursus orci tristique. Nunc tincidunt ut mauris sed viverra. Vivamus quis auctor leo, vel euismod turpis. Curabitur vehicula vestibulum aliquet. Donec nec maximus ligula. Morbi tortor sapien, faucibus nec augue at, eleifend mollis tortor. Cras accumsan pulvinar laoreet. Duis eget ex ligula. Aliquam vestibulum posuere metus, eget suscipit nisl finibus id. Mauris cursus, lacus ut porttitor congue, lectus nulla mollis nibh, sit amet tincidunt quam orci id metus. Etiam sed malesuada dui, eu sodales nibh.

    Maecenas venenatis nunc ac nisl imperdiet, volutpat tempus nunc ornare. Nunc ultrices tempor diam non placerat. Nullam vestibulum ipsum sed elementum placerat. Vivamus dui turpis, porttitor sit amet bibendum aliquam, ullamcorper vitae mi. Phasellus dignissim condimentum elementum. Quisque fermentum at elit vel bibendum. Vestibulum ultrices elementum erat vel cursus. Morbi sed suscipit tellus, nec tempor dolor. Proin vitae magna ac risus porttitor consectetur.

    Praesent posuere, est pellentesque auctor consequat, sapien velit laoreet sem, non facilisis magna erat a lectus. Nulla id elit ligula. Vestibulum et vehicula purus, ac imperdiet odio. Curabitur nec ultrices nisl. Cras finibus dictum metus, in elementum tortor ultricies et. Nam laoreet in urna a porta. Curabitur vitae lectus mauris. Praesent aliquet nibh in nisl laoreet tempor. Integer a metus ac felis sodales sodales. In et lectus sit amet quam venenatis dapibus feugiat sit amet orci. Nunc vitae tincidunt diam. Proin dapibus non quam at suscipit. Praesent ante ex, vestibulum at eros et, maximus interdum tellus. Aliquam convallis tortor suscipit nunc bibendum varius. Sed bibendum, erat id cursus blandit, turpis elit efficitur quam, in varius ex lectus ut ante. Nulla sollicitudin fringilla tellus at rutrum.

    code has been pmed to you, all that good stuff. i'll be trying to get a bunch of old requests done today, so sorry they've taken so long! i'm still not sure when i'll get the rp invites done as they're difficult and i am dry on ideas, but i'll try to possibly do one this weekend
    kayt smells
    kayt smells

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    consulting hellas [OPEN] - Page 6 Empty Re: consulting hellas [OPEN]

    Post by kayt smells 8/28/2014, 8:28 pm

    fonts (preferably fonts from google fonts): To be honest, i like jake's font.

    color scheme:  i really like this: http://www.colorcombos.com/color-schemes/14/ColorCombo14.html

    pictures: https://i.servimg.com/u/f56/18/59/02/37/cute-l11.jpg

    personality: Very shy, she is strong tho. Very...cute and shy.

    other: As a header, I'd would enjoy "Fight for what you think is right." And can that be in cursive?

    And if you can is it alright if i have a audio thing? If so is it alright if i have: Vengaboys - We like to party?

    p.s. i love you fishy <333 thanksss


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    consulting hellas [OPEN] - Page 6 Empty Re: consulting hellas [OPEN]

    Post by Sammy 8/29/2014, 4:52 pm

    I can wait a bit longer ;) (I'm just so excited omg like yes love disney and leilin all combined thats how excited i am)
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    consulting hellas [OPEN] - Page 6 Empty Re: consulting hellas [OPEN]

    Post by honey 8/29/2014, 8:15 pm

    right, so public announcement:
    if we haven't been getting your graphic/html combo done, it's mostly my fault. i've been lazy and i've procrastinated a whole lot, and if it were solely up to lila, she'd probably be amazing and have most of your requests done.
    anyway, feelings of guilt aside, i am starting to do the graphics as of right now. like, right now. which means i should probably stop typing.

    Number of posts : 1245
    Age : 22
    Registration date : 2014-05-25

    consulting hellas [OPEN] - Page 6 Empty Re: consulting hellas [OPEN]

    Post by Rhyolo 8/30/2014, 10:06 am

    Bee I heard you couldn't do the drawing so do this pic


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    consulting hellas [OPEN] - Page 6 Empty Re: consulting hellas [OPEN]

    Post by Sponsored content

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