A place for Percy Jackson and the Olympian fans to roleplay.

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    And Enter Trouble [Private for me and the landlords daughter]

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    And Enter Trouble [Private for me and the landlords daughter] Empty And Enter Trouble [Private for me and the landlords daughter]

    Post by Break 7/18/2014, 6:04 pm

    I walked in holding a load of papers and textbooks 'boy they were heavy' I thought.
    I began to read one of those boring papers about World War Two and smirked
    'If only they knew what really happened'  I thought.
    I saw a nice old oak tree stump which would do nicely for a table and moved over to it.

    Number of posts : 915
    Age : 149
    Registration date : 2014-05-12

    And Enter Trouble [Private for me and the landlords daughter] Empty Re: And Enter Trouble [Private for me and the landlords daughter]

    Post by Sammy 7/19/2014, 2:54 pm

    Navi treaded silently around in the vast forest, eating some German chocolates. They were the assorted kind, and she kept trying to find the caramels. Really, how hard could it be? She'd already given all the coffee ones to few of the younger kids at camp.Now she just had to dodge the toffee.

    Navi finally found one, and was about to take the wrapper off, when she spotted someone sitting in front of her. A male, probably in his mid-teens. Ooh, those were her favorite. All hormonal and crazy.

    Navi stuffed the chocolates in her bag, stepped over to where he was and leaned down over the table, faking a sweet, innocent smile to perfection. Ooh, this was going to be good. "E-excuse me?" She said, adding a stutter for the sake of drama, "I seem to be terribly lost. This is my first year here, and...Well, I'm a bit worried. They don't call it the deadly forest for nothing..."
    Dedicated Member

    Number of posts : 1714
    Age : 24
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    And Enter Trouble [Private for me and the landlords daughter] Empty Re: And Enter Trouble [Private for me and the landlords daughter]

    Post by Break 7/19/2014, 3:33 pm

    "I'm a bit busy here,"I snapped.
    I paused  what to do with the happy as girl the only thing was this girl gave me the creeps like she was going to kill him when I turned my back because I knew from movies and past experience girls can be deceptive especially innocent ones.
    I grinned he knew exactly what to do keep his peace I just hoped the girl had a short memory because what he was about to was slightly cruel.
    "Sorry just a bit annoyed I'm trying to revise for some exams to get out just go towards the darker area you shouldn't get attacked their..."he grinned with the biggest and most fake sincere face he could do.

    Number of posts : 915
    Age : 149
    Registration date : 2014-05-12

    And Enter Trouble [Private for me and the landlords daughter] Empty Re: And Enter Trouble [Private for me and the landlords daughter]

    Post by Sammy 7/19/2014, 3:39 pm

    Navi resisted the urge to scowl. That little...Oh this one was dead. Absolutely dead.

    Navi just kept the same innocent smile and faked a look towards the dark area of the forest. She began to wring her hands as if she was nervous.

    "O-okay then," She said, taking a few nervous steps back out into the trees. She then squealed, in a girly way that she was very proud of, and back away quickly. "There's a mouse! Oh my gods, there was a mouse!"
    Dedicated Member

    Number of posts : 1714
    Age : 24
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    And Enter Trouble [Private for me and the landlords daughter] Empty Re: And Enter Trouble [Private for me and the landlords daughter]

    Post by Break 7/19/2014, 3:45 pm

    " well brilliant I ain't gonna get no peace till this bliddy girls out the forrest." I muttered.
    I ditched my papers on the stump and walked out before drawing my sword from my belt.
    "Follow me."I said in a fake sincere tone.
    I knew all the worst routes to take 'thing is I ain't gonna be laughing when I'm dead'A voice in my head said.


    Number of posts : 915
    Age : 149
    Registration date : 2014-05-12

    And Enter Trouble [Private for me and the landlords daughter] Empty Re: And Enter Trouble [Private for me and the landlords daughter]

    Post by Sammy 7/19/2014, 3:56 pm

    Navi smiled, and began to continue her act as she followed. "Thank you so much. I really do appreciate it. I hope I wasn't distracting from anything majorly important," She said, as she fingered the dial on her watch. Whip, flail, or long sword? she asked, pondering the question as if it were merely which drink she would order at a drive-thru. Let's go with whip, She thought, turning the first dial on her watch and catching it as it turned into a leather whip with celestial bronze, one inch spikes. "I can't tell you how much I appreciate this," She said, as she disappeared behind a few trees, hidden in the darkness where she could still see him.
    Dedicated Member

    Number of posts : 1714
    Age : 24
    Registration date : 2012-02-13

    And Enter Trouble [Private for me and the landlords daughter] Empty Re: And Enter Trouble [Private for me and the landlords daughter]

    Post by Break 7/19/2014, 4:22 pm

    I paused something wasn't right the girl had moved.
    My sword in hand ready to strike.
    'always trust the gut instinct' a voice said in my head.
    I knew this was a set up the thing was I knew if I fled I'd be vulnerable .
    "If this ain't a set up."I yelled "come out unarmed!"

    Number of posts : 915
    Age : 149
    Registration date : 2014-05-12

    And Enter Trouble [Private for me and the landlords daughter] Empty Re: And Enter Trouble [Private for me and the landlords daughter]

    Post by Sammy 7/19/2014, 4:29 pm

    Navi gave up the act. It was dark, there were trees everywhere, and she was hidden. She had him. "Did you really think  a demigod would be scared of a mouse? I mean, honestly. Or did you think I was some crazy little squeamish girl?" She said, climbing up a nearby tree. Ooh, she loved playing with people from above. It always confused them. She reached a semi-high branch and hung upside down by her knees, twirling her whip in her hand. "Surprise!" She said, playfully.
    Dedicated Member

    Number of posts : 1714
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    And Enter Trouble [Private for me and the landlords daughter] Empty Re: And Enter Trouble [Private for me and the landlords daughter]

    Post by Break 7/19/2014, 4:43 pm

    I dodge the whip quickly
    "Well one can never be sure who to trust."I reply "and quite frankly all I wanted was peace and you wreck that."
    I grin "A bit of advice if you plan on killing me at least learn who your enemy is."I said laughing vanishing into the shadows then reappearing on a higher up branch on a higher tree."
    I put my sword away and draw my dagger.
    "Anyway before I 'die' I'd like to know who's gonna try and kill me?"

    Number of posts : 915
    Age : 149
    Registration date : 2014-05-12

    And Enter Trouble [Private for me and the landlords daughter] Empty Re: And Enter Trouble [Private for me and the landlords daughter]

    Post by Sammy 7/19/2014, 4:51 pm

    "Ha. Shadow travel? Please," I reply, flipping myself back up and reaching for a higher branch. With a small grunt, I pulled myself onto the branch. "The name's Navi. The one and only daughter of Makaria, by the way. You know, peaceful death?" I reply, pulling the same maneuver on a few more branches. She paused about 50 feet above the ground, attempting to keep her balance on her still-healing leg. Gods, that stupid thing always slowed her down. As she waited for him to catch up, she tied her hair back into a quick ponytail. "Its kind of ironic, you know, considering the fact that a peaceful death is the absolute opposite of what you'll get,"
    Dedicated Member

    Number of posts : 1714
    Age : 24
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    And Enter Trouble [Private for me and the landlords daughter] Empty Re: And Enter Trouble [Private for me and the landlords daughter]

    Post by Break 7/19/2014, 5:03 pm

    "Well when I die I got no plans of dying peacefully."I said grinning.
    I could see her a few feet above me and paused she was struggling and I realised it was her leg.
    I swung to a tree opposite Navi "James Renju son to Thanatos god of death."I said smirking"don't make your weakness so obvious I said plucking a throwing knife out of one of my pocket and throwing it at her leg.
    "And be careful one of these trees likes me a lot being my dead twin sister and all that."

    Number of posts : 915
    Age : 149
    Registration date : 2014-05-12

    And Enter Trouble [Private for me and the landlords daughter] Empty Re: And Enter Trouble [Private for me and the landlords daughter]

    Post by Sammy 7/19/2014, 5:09 pm

    Navi winced as a sting of pain hit her in the leg. However, being paralyzed for two years did have it's benefits. "Maybe you should learn a bit more about your enemy's weaknesses," She said, pulling the knife out and throwing it on the ground. It would be a great souvenir. However, the wound was still bleeding. I'd have to get this over with quickly.

    I swing my whip towards him. The spikes gleam in midair, but the move throws me a bit off-balance. I regain it quickly, though.
    Dedicated Member

    Number of posts : 1714
    Age : 24
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    And Enter Trouble [Private for me and the landlords daughter] Empty Re: And Enter Trouble [Private for me and the landlords daughter]

    Post by Break 7/19/2014, 5:16 pm

    One of the blades from the whip catches shoulder lightly.
    "Thing is if you weren't trying to kill me I'd quite happily be you mate."I said "also blood tended to make surfaces slippy"
    "I can leave anytime I feel so why am I staying round to have to deal with you?"I ask.
    I jump to another tree making sure I'm out of the way of another whip strike slowly moving closer to my target location .

    Number of posts : 915
    Age : 149
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    And Enter Trouble [Private for me and the landlords daughter] Empty Re: And Enter Trouble [Private for me and the landlords daughter]

    Post by Sammy 7/19/2014, 5:23 pm

    Damn, this blood really was flowing. My leg was almost covered in it, and I was actually starting to feel some pain. I wince as I consider my options quickly. Keep fighting, or jump down sixty feet. Easy decision.

    "I've dealt with this leg for three years, you know. I can still jump." I say, switching to a less sturdy tree branch directly across from him. I could see it wobbling, though, and I could feel its up and down motion.

    I was directly across from him, yes, but he wouldn't be able to reach me from this angle, considering all the wild branches in front of me. However, all of those were too high. If he wanted to get me, he'd have to jump on the unsturdy branch. I knew it wouldn't hold both of us. This was going to hurt.

    "Come and get me," I say, my foot ready to spring off of the branch.
    Dedicated Member

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    And Enter Trouble [Private for me and the landlords daughter] Empty Re: And Enter Trouble [Private for me and the landlords daughter]

    Post by Break 7/19/2014, 5:30 pm

    "I ain't stupid enough to risk losing this and I ain't evil enough to kill you in self defence but I am enough to badly injure you."I said.
    I examined the tree she was on it was already weak and if I could hit the right part of the branch she'd fall and hopefully survive.
    "Have Fun..."I said.
    I pulled out another knife and with eagle eyes precision threw it at the branch she was on.


    Number of posts : 915
    Age : 149
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    And Enter Trouble [Private for me and the landlords daughter] Empty Re: And Enter Trouble [Private for me and the landlords daughter]

    Post by Sammy 7/19/2014, 5:36 pm

    Navi's eyes widen as the branch holding her up disappears with a snap. No. No no no. What was she going to do? She began to fall, and time slowed down. Who would take care of Drizzt? Who would save all the girls from heartbreak? Was she really going to die, right here, right now?

    She hit the ground hard, and her body erupted in pain. A ton of tree branches had broken her fall, hitting her back and forth as she fell. But it didn't save her from the pain. She screamed in between tears. She couldn't get up. She would certainly die here. Her screams died down, and they lowered to a low mumble of Drizzt's name.
    Dedicated Member

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    And Enter Trouble [Private for me and the landlords daughter] Empty Re: And Enter Trouble [Private for me and the landlords daughter]

    Post by Break 7/19/2014, 5:44 pm

    I jumped branch to branch and landed on the floor tears Egan trickling down my face I could see Navis face it wasn't one with evil etched on it it was one with hurt.
    I could hear her muttering a name I presumed it was a sibling from the tone she said it "Don't worry I won't kill you"I muttered.
    I pulled out some ambrosia and put it near her mouth "eat it please."
    I looked around grabbing the discarded dagger from earlier a 'memento'

    Number of posts : 915
    Age : 149
    Registration date : 2014-05-12

    And Enter Trouble [Private for me and the landlords daughter] Empty Re: And Enter Trouble [Private for me and the landlords daughter]

    Post by Sammy 7/19/2014, 5:50 pm

    Navi ate the ambrosia reluctantly. Like, seriously. Her hatred for guys is that bad. The pain began to fade away which was replaced by weariness. Navi insisted on keeping her eyes closed. Her injuries must be pretty bad, and she didn't really want to see them. The whip had already twirled itself back onto her wrist, disguising itself as a watch. Navi was sure that if she opened her eyes, her vision would be fading. She'd blacked out before, and it felt exactly like this. She tried to hold it back, not wanting to be in such a weakened state around a guy, especially this one. However, she eventually had to give into it.
    Dedicated Member

    Number of posts : 1714
    Age : 24
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    And Enter Trouble [Private for me and the landlords daughter] Empty Re: And Enter Trouble [Private for me and the landlords daughter]

    Post by Break 7/19/2014, 5:57 pm

    I bent down to navi and put both my arms under her back and picked her up.
    "You ain't dying on me cus heck don't wanna see my dad any time soon."
    I paused and focused picturing the infirmary.
    And suddenly I vanished into the shadows with navi.

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