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    No one dies on me(PRIVATE For me and the landlords daughter)

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    No one dies on me(PRIVATE For me and the landlords daughter) Empty No one dies on me(PRIVATE For me and the landlords daughter)

    Post by Break 7/19/2014, 6:02 pm

    I appeared with navi in my arms tired I looked at my shoulder it was deeper than I firstly realised.
    I dumped navi on a medical bed and looked around for a Apollo kid and none were to be seen.
    I ignored the pain in my shoulder and began bandaging some of the wounds.
    "Navi focus on my voice think of something important even if it's killing me."I yelled.
    "Should I iris call anyone to come see you if you can here me?"

    Number of posts : 915
    Age : 149
    Registration date : 2014-05-12

    No one dies on me(PRIVATE For me and the landlords daughter) Empty Re: No one dies on me(PRIVATE For me and the landlords daughter)

    Post by Sammy 7/19/2014, 6:44 pm

    Navi was awoken from her slumber by James's voice. Focus on something important? Easy. Drizzt. Deciding whether or not to call Drizzt? That was hard. He would be all over her, first of all, and he would probably give himself a heart attack. The kid was only 12. He was too mature for his age, anyway. He needed some time to be a kid, and Navi wasn't going to risk taking more of his childhood. However, he would be super mad if she didn't. If it were him, she'd have wanted to know.

    "Drizzt Albertson," She replied. Gods, even talking hurt.

    OOC: Thes wants to know if he can join using Drizzt. Jsyk, he may or may not threaten James with a shovel.
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    No one dies on me(PRIVATE For me and the landlords daughter) Empty Re: No one dies on me(PRIVATE For me and the landlords daughter)

    Post by Break 7/20/2014, 4:43 am

    OCC: Yeah sure he Can
    BIC:I paused I knew what to...
    I began setting up stuff for the iris call and it was done.
    "Oh iris accept my offering show me Drizzt Albertson."I said in a loud voice before throwing 5 golden drachmas into the fountain."
    I waited for a second and then a face appeared.
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    No one dies on me(PRIVATE For me and the landlords daughter) Empty Re: No one dies on me(PRIVATE For me and the landlords daughter)

    Post by Theseus12 7/20/2014, 2:56 pm

    Drizzt was surprised by the Iris Message. but when he saw who was in the background, his shock changed to concern. "Navi!" He ran, flat out, to the infirimary. As he did, his concern towards his sister molded into anger at the one who hurt her. They better be running... When he got there, the boy was still there. Drizzt knew how Navi was with boys. His shovel was in his hand, and sprang to full length, the blade of the shovel pressing against his neck. "Give me ONE good reason why I shouldn't dig you a grave today?" his voice was usually flat, toneless, and dead. Now, however, it was alive, angry, fierce, and the voice that was too deep for his age intoned more death for the person directed to it than the voice itself was dead. "In fact, one may not be good enough. So you had better give me several."
    Dedicated Member

    Number of posts : 1714
    Age : 24
    Registration date : 2012-02-13

    No one dies on me(PRIVATE For me and the landlords daughter) Empty Re: No one dies on me(PRIVATE For me and the landlords daughter)

    Post by Break 7/20/2014, 3:04 pm

    I knew the shovel would end me and if things didn't end up right I would only have way of escape which would be overly tiring but at least the boy didn't know my way of escape.
    "So I'm guessing your the calavalry."I muttered.
    "First reason is your sister started attacking me and all I was doing was defending myself."I said to drizzt.
    "Another reason is she'd be dead by now if I hadn't brought her here and given her nectar."
    "Final reason is if I'm gonna be killed by one of you two she'd want to be the one to kill me."
    I started scanning the room for a trained medic there still wasn't one in sight.
    Senior Member

    Number of posts : 1923
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    No one dies on me(PRIVATE For me and the landlords daughter) Empty Re: No one dies on me(PRIVATE For me and the landlords daughter)

    Post by Theseus12 7/20/2014, 3:24 pm

    The Stygian Iron blade of the shovel pressed a little harder. Almost enough to cut through skin. If he moved his neck, it just may cut some. Drizzt had the shovel placed with a surgical precision that he could remove his Adam's apple if he so chose.. Let's see. On reason one: Whether or not you were defending yourself is irrelevant. You don't hurt my sister. As for the last reason, she usually shares. Who do you think cleans up after her? And your second reason is merely because, I would put down money, that you are trying to play the "I'm not that bad a guy" card, so you can get my sister to care for you, and then you go and break her heart. Do you think I can't see through that trick? Do you think that I would not care? Do you think that I'm the kind of person who would tolerate my sister getting this kind of treatment?" As he spoke, Drizzt forced the boy back by the point if his shovel, pressing him against the wall as Drizzt's words became even more animated, and even more deadly. If words could kill, Drizzt would have already annihilated his body and ripped his soul to shreds.

    Number of posts : 915
    Age : 149
    Registration date : 2014-05-12

    No one dies on me(PRIVATE For me and the landlords daughter) Empty Re: No one dies on me(PRIVATE For me and the landlords daughter)

    Post by Sammy 7/25/2014, 5:00 pm

    Navi was drifting between awake and asleep through the whole conversation. She was actually having a bit of trouble falling back asleep when she noticed that Drizzt would probably kill her...let's go with witness...if she didn't say something. Now, personally, she wouldn't mind this. He was a brat, and he did shove her out of an effing tree. However, he did drag her all the way to the infirmary, so...

    "Its not that bad, Drizzt. He was only trying to help," She croaked out. She was still beginning to feel the effects of the ambrosia, and it didn't hurt as much to speak as it had before.
    Dedicated Member

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    Age : 24
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    No one dies on me(PRIVATE For me and the landlords daughter) Empty Re: No one dies on me(PRIVATE For me and the landlords daughter)

    Post by Break 7/27/2014, 11:35 am

    Suddenly blood began gushing out of my shoulder.
    I shadow traveled to the other side of the room to ensure I wouldn't be killed by the shovel wielding kid.
    "Sh!t my shoulder." I said worried then ripped off my shirt and began compressing the blood.
    I began scanning the room looking for any medical objects which could slow or stop the bleeding.
    "Ambrosia wheres the flipping ambrosia."I said starting to really panic.
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    No one dies on me(PRIVATE For me and the landlords daughter) Empty Re: No one dies on me(PRIVATE For me and the landlords daughter)

    Post by Theseus12 7/28/2014, 6:19 pm

    As soon as the boy had shadow traveled, Drizzt jumped after him. He saw where he went to, and shadow traveled, himself, about to dig the blade of the shoulder in his spine, when Navi spoke up, telling him it wasn't that bad. Not that bad! He breathed heavily, getting control of himself. The shovel was raised again, by the grey skinned youth. "Only for you," he breathed as his shovel shrank down to the size of a spoon, and was placed back into his pocket. He then whirled around, attempting to back hand the boy. Face or wounded shoulder, it mattered not to him. He wasn't going to dig his grave, so he had to get satisfaction for the crime in other ways. He went to the cabinet, and grabbed a tin with ambrosia in it, tossing a piece at the other boy on his way to Navi. "You really should take the time to learn where everything is, you butt." He knelt next to Navi then, and his voice had lost all it's anger when he spoke, and was very, very lightly colored with concern, which meant he was concerned plenty. If any emotion colored his words at all, he was feeling a lot of it. "What happened?" he asked, breaking a square into a smaller piece and offering it to his sister, the only family he had left.

    Number of posts : 915
    Age : 149
    Registration date : 2014-05-12

    No one dies on me(PRIVATE For me and the landlords daughter) Empty Re: No one dies on me(PRIVATE For me and the landlords daughter)

    Post by Sammy 7/28/2014, 11:04 pm

    Navi took the ambrosia and winced at the question. "Fell out of a tree," She answered, giving a shrug and trying to hide the pain in her face.

    She hated having her brother so worried. Gods, he was so young. She should be taking care of him, not the other way around. It just bothered her so much that his childhood had been ruined at such a young age, mainly because of her.

    "Really, though, I'm fine," She faked a smile, hoping to ease him of some of the worry. Yep, the pain was definitely fading. Not as quickly as she would've wanted, but it was progress.

    OOC: Crappy post xD
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    Age : 24
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    No one dies on me(PRIVATE For me and the landlords daughter) Empty Re: No one dies on me(PRIVATE For me and the landlords daughter)

    Post by Break 7/29/2014, 6:21 am

    The boys hand caught my shoulder and it stung sure he was young but I thought he had the same hurt look as his siter.
    I saw the ambrosia the boy had chucked to me and ate it the taste of British Brownies cooked by my mother.
    I saw a bandage and began to wrap it round my shoulder which blood flow was beginning to slow down.
    Navi looked a bit better though I was unsure whether it was put on.
    The one real question I wanted to know was why wasn't I dead.
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    No one dies on me(PRIVATE For me and the landlords daughter) Empty Re: No one dies on me(PRIVATE For me and the landlords daughter)

    Post by Theseus12 7/29/2014, 11:54 am

    Drizzt remained unconvinced that Navi was okay. "Fell out of a tree." He looked at Navi. "Do you really expect me to believe that?" He placed a hand on her shoulder, gently. "You never were a good liar, sister." He would have smiled, but his mouth had never moved the muscles in the right way. It would always look like a grimace. So he kept his face impassive. But anyone who looked into his eyes would know that he genuinely cared for his sister. His gaze moved over to the other boy, and behind his dark, blood-red eyes, an angry, protective fire burned. "If I hear my sister gets hurt again... Well. If you're lucky, I'll bury you after you are dead. If you are not, I will make sure your coffin has spiders, snakes and scorpions for you to wake up to, and a coffin, nailed shut, in the dirt. And if you get out, I will be waiting for you. Trust me on this. You would be unwise to doubt my patience." If he had said this in an angry or threatening manner, this would have been regarded as a threat. A rather grim threat, but a threat nevertheless. However, his unemotional, straightforward, and matter-of-fact speech made is sound like a promise. A terrifying, harrowing oath was made equivalent to the Black Sacrament. Drizzt was not threatening this. He was simply stating cause and effect. And that made it all the more terrifying.

    Number of posts : 915
    Age : 149
    Registration date : 2014-05-12

    No one dies on me(PRIVATE For me and the landlords daughter) Empty Re: No one dies on me(PRIVATE For me and the landlords daughter)

    Post by Sammy 7/29/2014, 9:33 pm

    "Drizzt, he really didn't do anything. In fact, he's the one who brought me here," She said, with a glare at the boy that sent a message along the lines of You owe me for this one. She hated the fact that she was defending him, but she wasn't an entirely ungrateful girl. In fact, she was quite the charming lady. Especially around children. And chocolates. German chocolates.

    "Plus, he's pretty good at defending himself," She added as an afterthought, hoping to suck as many favors out of this one conversation as possible. "In a way, he actually saved me." She finished, adding a convincing fake smile at the end, making sure to glare at James in the process.
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    No one dies on me(PRIVATE For me and the landlords daughter) Empty Re: No one dies on me(PRIVATE For me and the landlords daughter)

    Post by Break 7/30/2014, 12:43 pm

    I moved over to a bad nearby to Navi and sat on it the material itself was fairly comfortable.
    'Why is she defending me' I thought.
    I decided to pull some German chocolates out of my pocket most of them had been crushed but there were a few which were in decent condition.
    "Do you want one?"I asked extending my hand2  in hand while with my other hand I unwrapped the chocolate before eating it.
    I knew if I was at full strengh I'd have a advantage over the boy but while I had the disadvantage I didn't want to risk another fight.

    Number of posts : 915
    Age : 149
    Registration date : 2014-05-12

    No one dies on me(PRIVATE For me and the landlords daughter) Empty Re: No one dies on me(PRIVATE For me and the landlords daughter)

    Post by Sammy 7/30/2014, 2:47 pm

    Navi took the chocolates without even the slightest hesitation. They were German chocolates. Like, seriously, what did you expect?

    Navi did, however, make sure to not show any form of gratitude. That was a very Navi thing to do. Gratitude only came when she had a reason to show it. And, as far as she was concerned, she had no reason.

    Navi quickly unwrapped the semi-melted confection, popping it in her mouth and closing her eyes. Gods, these things were so good. It was like serious magic was going on here. I mean, she was so absorbed in it she didn't even realize that a guy had given her chocolates. Really.
    Dedicated Member

    Number of posts : 1714
    Age : 24
    Registration date : 2012-02-13

    No one dies on me(PRIVATE For me and the landlords daughter) Empty Re: No one dies on me(PRIVATE For me and the landlords daughter)

    Post by Break 7/31/2014, 6:27 am

    "I'm guessing you like them."I said, slowly starting to relax.
    Drizzt hadn't said much which I was pondering whether that was good or bad.
    I began to fiddle with my knife as I was anxious and unsure what to do and then pocketed it.
    "So how are you feeling?"I asked Navi.
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    Number of posts : 1923
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    No one dies on me(PRIVATE For me and the landlords daughter) Empty Re: No one dies on me(PRIVATE For me and the landlords daughter)

    Post by Theseus12 8/2/2014, 3:51 pm

    Drizzt had a hand resting on Navi's, and he had remained silent as this whole thing with the chocolate. He was worried for her. If that boy made any moves, however... He saw a knife in the boy's hand, and his instincts kicked in before one could so much as blink. His hand flew to his pocket, grabbing an object the size of some sunglasses, but it quickly extended in size to be something completely different. The handle was shaped like a human spine, right down to the shape of each vertabrate. The tail of the scythe ended in a skull lantern, but this lantern was far from anyone's conern. Why would it, when a Stygian Iron scythe blade was in the perfect spot to sever your head from your body? One quick slice, and the boy's own heart would pump the blod from his body. "I would choose your move carefully, if I were you." the anger was gone from his voice. instead, it was cold. heartless, and as dead as the boy would be if he made any sudden moves like shadow travel.

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