A place for Percy Jackson and the Olympian fans to roleplay.

2 posters

    Valkyrie Aiden


    Number of posts : 2
    Age : 25
    Registration date : 2015-03-27

    Valkyrie Aiden Empty Valkyrie Aiden

    Post by Valkyrie 3/28/2015, 1:23 am

    Name: Valkyrie Aiden
    Gender: Male
    Eyes: Teal
    Hair: Black and striped with brown on right side of head
    Height: 6"0"
    Body Type: slim
    Skin Color: Tan
    God Parent: Thanatos
    Mortal Parent: Ashley Aiden
    Country of Origin: United States of America
    Pets: Dog named Sparky
    Talents: Lightning fast reaction times
    Weapon**: longsword: Breakneck
    Personality: open-minded, nice, funny
    Flaws: Very energetic, sometimes irritating towards others
    Abilities: expert swordsman
    Powers: To create illusion of death and destruction to terrorize (Three post use, two post cooldown), can shadow-travel (5 times use, 3 post cooldown) for a maximum of 3 blocks. Can raise skeletal soldiers which can only be used once every topic. Soldiers come with celestial bronze armor and swords and die after 6 hits.
    Life Before Camp*: Life was typical, always getting into trouble, always blaming it on others. I also have been arrested quite a couple times, and my parents ditched out on me, until I found camp half-blood ( found by a satyr and brought to camp half blood for a "better life"
    RP Example*: I walked to my favorite red chair and plopped myself in it, "what a day" I said. Carson walks into the dark, gloomy room and looked at me in th corner and said "Dude, there's still another game of capture the flag in 10 minutes". I replied, "I'm am too exhausted to do anything else today I just want to go throw myself on a comfortable mattress and sleep like a baby"
    Role Playing Legend

    Number of posts : 23711
    Age : 27
    Registration date : 2010-07-05

    Valkyrie Aiden Empty Re: Valkyrie Aiden

    Post by Shade 3/28/2015, 8:49 pm

    Talents: lightning fast reaction time isn't a talent, a talent is more of something the person is good at like a sport or skipping rocks.

    Weapon: is the long sword celestial bronze?

    Personality: needs to be two detailed sentences

    Flaws: you need a minimum of three flaws (so include one more please)

    Abilities: this would be an example of a talent not an ability

    What do you mean by illusion of death (no to the destruction sorry)? Can it be resisted, how does it work? Does he need to touch the person of what? Cool down needs to be longer than how long it lasts
    Shadow Travel same thing
    How many soldiers can he raise at one time?

    Life Before Camp: this needs to be a minimum of 5 sentences

    Rp Sample: this also needs to be a minimum of 5 sentences

      Current date/time is 10/6/2024, 4:31 pm