A place for Percy Jackson and the Olympian fans to roleplay.

2 posters

    Dorothy, Valkyrie


    Number of posts : 57
    Age : 25
    Registration date : 2017-07-16

    Dorothy, Valkyrie Empty Dorothy, Valkyrie

    Post by Algiz 6/19/2018, 9:09 pm

    Name: Dorothy K. Brunswick
    Physical age: 21
    Actual age/Year of birth: 1923 (95)
    Gender: Female
    Eyes: Blue
    Hair: Blonde
    Height: 5'2"
    Body Type: She has more of a pear shape to her form, and is fit from her work in her mortal life, as well as her constant adventures in and around Valhalla.
    Skin Color: Caucasian
    Mortal Parents: Thomas and Kate Brunswick
    Country of Origin: U.S.A.
    Pets: None
    Talents: Sewing, First-aid, fishing, swimming, Cooking, and writing manuals.
    Weapon**: Mark 1 Trench Knife
    Personality: Shes a kind individual, putting her family and friends before anything else. Not one to give into intimidation she usually takes on arguments and fights she cant win, but tries anyways. She tends to bounce between being extremely outgoing and wanting to hang out with people and go on adventures, while also enjoying her time alone or with a few select close friends.
    Flaws: Self conscious about her height and her looks, Scared of public speaking, She can be a little bit nosy at times, and a little suspicious of peoples motives.
    Life Before Valhalla*: Born on the pacific coast in the early 20s she was raised during the great depression, although in her memory it didnt affect her family that much, it only caused a few families to leave town. Interested in education her mother taught her how to read and write, later getting her a job as an assistant at a lending traveling library. She stayed close to home her whole life, although when one of her brothers left for the army and began to send letters back of the beauty of other nations she was intrigued. In 1942 she joined the women's corp, becoming a nurse and being sent not to Europe like her brother, but to the pacific front. She served dutifully as a nurse, jumping from ship to ship as often as she could, but mostly staying in the various ports and bases that the US set up. Unfortunately, in late 1944 she was visiting some of her friends in the marine corp when the ship she was on exploded. Saving two of her friends by shoving them into the water she took the force of the blast to her back, burning her body and scattering it into pieces. As she died she was taken to Valhalla.
    RP Example: Shrugging her shoulders in an effort to stretch them, Dorothy sighed and walked down the hallway towards her room. It had been another long day for her and she was ready to retire to her bed and her worn copy of The Jungle by Upton Sinclair. Unlocking and opening her door she was greeted by the familiar scent of her home, the lights flickering on a moment after she had touched the switch on the wall. "Finally" She said to herself with a laugh, bending over to kick off her shoes before turning on her turntable, and allowing the record to spin before setting the needle. Music filled the room and she smiled, beginning to get ready to go to sleep.
    Morgan Landry
    Morgan Landry
    High Queen of Narnia

    Number of posts : 15908
    Registration date : 2011-12-31

    Dorothy, Valkyrie Empty Re: Dorothy, Valkyrie

    Post by Morgan Landry 6/20/2018, 5:49 pm

    Approved! Standing ovation

      Current date/time is 10/6/2024, 4:26 pm