A place for Percy Jackson and the Olympian fans to roleplay.

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    The Link

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    The Link Empty The Link

    Post by Skyler 11/28/2011, 8:43 pm

    The name Isabel seems normal, but there are many things you didn’t know about a certain Isabel. Isabel Joy Kessen is a young girl with a mark that only boys were known to get but this time the first time in at a millennium that a girl were to receive it.

    The Sign
    I woke with a burning feeling on my left arm I pulled up my sleeve to see that a link of circles around my arm. What the heck?I changed out of my gown into my overalls and white shirt, went down stairs and pulled on my boots and spring jacket. I went out back to the barn to find Papa feeding the horses “can I ride Tellie today Papa Please?”. Tellie was our oldest horse she was a race horse and my favorite horse but Papa never let me ride her.
    Papa looked at me and smiled and looked up at the sky like he does when he is praying “i guess just this once she seems really low”
    I hugged him “thank you papa!” I said and ran off to change into my riding out fit which cost more then two of our cattle. I grabbed my helmet and walked into tellies stall to clip her up. I saddled her and triple checked everything
    “be back by lunch” papa told me with a stern voice
    “i will, I promise” I yelled over my shoulder.
    And man that was a lie. I rode off into the woods at a slow trot I picked up the trot into a faster speed all of a sudden Tellie took control “
    Whoa!” I said trying to pull on the reins she slowed down a bit kept trotting “Tellie!” I exclaimed she was about to run into a tree I closed my eyes but never felt the impact I opened them to find myself in what looked like ancient Romania from what I had read from books. A tall guy looked up and me and told me to come down in Romanian I got down from the horse. He grabbed me by the arm right where my mark was “Ow!” I exclaimed pulling my arm back I scrunched up my sleeve to see the link glowing a dark red. “
    Impossible!” the man exclaimed in heavily accented English.
    “what?” I asked taking a step back.
    “come child” he told me again in English
    I followed him cautiously we walked past an arena where two boys were fighting when they caught sight at me they froze and got a confused look on there faces. I looked down to see my self in an emerald cloak. I smiled my favorite color. We walked into a throne room and an older man saw me and smiled.

    “Lipsa de legatura a venit” The Missing link has come I somehow translated “Bun venit Isabel explorer de la Nord” he said and again I translated Welcome Isabel explorer of the North

    “where am I? I need to get back, Papa is expecting me” I asked trying to keep my voice from quivering. The old man smiled
    “draggy emu nu site ca est Alicia e a ghost asteroid ca ti-AR aflame ca est de Ce Nicodemus nu ch alas SA Strabo call, tellies.” told me by this time I figured that Romanian was the only language he spoke and yet again my mind translated My dear he knows you are here he has been expecting that you would find out that is why he never let you ride that horse, Tellie.
    “Si de Ce snit EU Alicia Ce are a face cu maraca PE brutal emu?” I said quickly noticing I suddenly spoke fluent Romanian where am I and what does this have anything to do with the mark?
    The old man smiled and spoke in heavily accented English “my young child you are in ancient Romania and it has everything to do with that precious mark of yours but for now why don’t you get some rest?” he told me and a girl who looked more like a maid told me hello after looking at me with a surprised look and lead me off to a room in a tall tower and I was the only one in the room coats of dust seemed to layer everything. The girl left and I brushed off the bed “I will be back but first a little exploring”. I switched into leather sandals that fit me perfectly and out of my racing boots. I looked at my emerald cloak and smiled I looked out side to see nothing but sand and farther away what looked like city lights contrasting against the dark black sky I sighed and walked out the door.~
    Role Playing Legend

    Number of posts : 14636
    Age : 26
    Registration date : 2011-10-12

    The Link Empty Re: The Link

    Post by Nemesis 11/28/2011, 8:59 pm

    Dedicated Member

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    The Link Empty Re: The Link

    Post by TheEyeofHorus 11/29/2011, 8:05 pm

    I like! keep going :)
    Senior Member

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    The Link Empty Re: The Link

    Post by Stuart35 11/29/2011, 8:08 pm

    Sounds interesting, please continue.
    Experienced Member

    Number of posts : 6146
    Age : 26
    Registration date : 2010-07-17

    The Link Empty Re: The Link

    Post by Skyler 12/2/2011, 4:42 pm

    Sorry For the weird exclamation points at the beginning those were quote marks, Open Office just messed it up. Enjoy!

    Chapter 2-
    The Exploration
    I slowly tiptoed through the castle and I heard soft murmuring and shuffling of feet heading towards me. All of a sudden a cold hand grabbed my arm and pulled me into a small room. When I was in I turned and tried to punched them but he grabbed my hand
    “Whoa girl chill I might have just saved your life” said a boys voice
    “Who are you? I would have been perfectly fine by myself.” I snapped at him trying to pull my hand away but he held it tight.
    “I am Jacob to answer your first question-” he started to answer but I cut him off
    “I only had one question the other sentence was a statement.” I told Jacob, he only laughed
    “you know what your not going to make it very long here with a smart mouth like that and yes that was a statement.'' he said mocking me
    I rolled my eyes and for what seemed like minutes we just looked at each other. His Dark short hair, like the night sky and his electric blue eyes were so bright-.
    “So girl what’s your name?” he asked cutting off my train of thought
    “Hmm? Oh sorry my name is Isabel” I told him blushing
    “Isabel eh? I’m going to call you Izzy.” he told me smiling “I take it you wanted to go look around?”
    I started to make a retort to my new nickname but stopped “yeah I was” I told him
    “lets go meet Drew then” he said opening the door and looked out he grabbed my hand and pulled me out the door. We shuffled from hallway to hallway ducking into closets until we finally reached a small door and Jacob knocked a pattern on and a tall boy with blond hair opened the door with a book in his hand
    “where have you been!?” he exclaimed Jacob covered his mouth and pulled me in the turned and shut the door
    “Drew quiet down we don't need Aldrich coming up here again” he snapped at him
    “well who is this then?” he said nodding towards me
    “I’m Isabel but your friend calls me Izzy” I said looking at him. The boy, Drew, rolled his eyes
    “I meant your position” he told me like I was an idiot
    “Isabel Kessan Explorer of the North” I told him quickly. He dropped his book
    “No way!” said drew
    “The next level is warrior and after that your proclaimed princess if you battle well” Jacob explained “Drew and I are only seekers”
    “but that makes no sense I have only been here for-” I started to say when the bells of a clock rang midnight. Jacob grabbed my arm and pulled me out the door but before he did I caught a glimpse of Drew smiling at me with fangs wait fangs?
    Go Izzy go back to your room as fast as you can I will try and keep Drew in the room” he told me and ran back in the room. I ran as fast as I could ducking into doorways every once in a while. I ran into my room shut and locked the door behind me. I flopped on my bed breathing hard thinking of what just happened and all that I could think was that Drew was a Vampire. Then what was Jacob? How could I be sure? From then on I swore I was going to stay as far away as possible from the both of them. I laid on my bed starring at the ceiling and slowly drifted into sleep. I woke up to a cold draft in my room to see my window had been opened. I slide out of bed and changed out of my emerald cloak that I feel asleep in and opened up a closet door with black cloaks trimmed in different colors. I grabbed one with a little post-it note on it. “Be down at the Mess Hall at 8:30 for breakfast” I looked at the clock 8:25 “D'arvit” I yelped and ran out the door attempting to find the mess hall~
    Dedicated Member

    Number of posts : 1612
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    The Link Empty Re: The Link

    Post by TheEyeofHorus 12/15/2011, 2:46 pm

    Please keep going! :)

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