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    journey in the sky (a gaia online fanfic)

    Little Miss Sunshine
    Little Miss Sunshine
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    journey in the sky (a gaia online fanfic) Empty journey in the sky (a gaia online fanfic)

    Post by Little Miss Sunshine 8/22/2010, 6:12 pm

    It was the morning I had been waiting for, and dreading. I had been chosen to go on a special journey that many had failed. You see, not long ago, the vampire race had turned against us Gaians. They struck terror through our cities and just a few weeks ago had severily hurt our sacred Jellyfish god. He doesn't control jellyfish or anything he actually controls the sun but we call him the jellyfish god cause he looks like one. Anyways, so I had been chosen to travel to the Jellyfish god to repare the damages. It was a great honor. I packed my things up and put on my lucky hat. It looked like a gray witch hat but it was special to me. I walked out the door after saying a meaningful farewell to by best friend Gwen. I hurridly walked to the place they had instructed me to go when I was ready. A pale man with long dark hair came up to greet me. "Hello! You must be Lillian. I'm Louie I'll be your guide on this trip! I'm simply outraged that my vampire kin would do something like this!" He said to me. I was hesitant. Did he say vampire kin? Did this mean he was a vampire? I tried not to let it bother me. "Yes. I'm Lillian, Pleasure to meet you." I said with a small smile. I brushed a strand on my bright pink hair out of my face. "Well, um, I suppose I should show you the ship now." He said putting his hands together. He started walking towards it and I followed.
    We came up to an airship about the size you'd expect a good pirate ship to be. "It's called the SkyBlazer! Isn't it a beauty." He said beaming. 'Um. I'm not sure how an airship could be beautiful but I guess so." I said staring up at it. Suddenly, four people came down from the ship. "Ah. This is your crew! There's Timothy, Palmer, Jason, and Issy." He said pointing to each of them. Timothy looked about my age and had slightly long light brown hair and bangs that nearly covered his eyes making them hard to see, Palmer was a little scrawny and had shirt wavy blonde hair, Jason was very Muscular and had very dark hair and gorgeus gray eyes, and Issy was an attractive looking girl with super long blonde hair that went past her waist and looked like she used a curling iron on it everyday. I was proud of my natural loose curls. Louie turned back to me. "I believe all of the coins, food and ammo is on board." He shot a glance at the crew and they nodded. "Alright then. All hands on deck!" He shouted. No one moved. "Um, everyone onto the ship." He said. The crew, Louie and I rushed up onto the ship and after a few minutes of getting ready. We set sail into the sky!

    The Journey Begins

    I walked up to the front of the ship and looked out into the forest we were flying through. "So, ever been captain of an airship before?" I heard a voice behind me say. I jump up and turned around. It was Tim. "Um, no actually. I'm a first timer!" I say trying to sound upbeat. "Cool. Everyone on this ship is. So don't feel out of place." He said. "Oh, I won't." I said sounding determind. Tim smiled a slightly crooked smile and went back to his job. It was hard to believe that out of more than 80,000 Gaians I had been picked to captain this ship and mission. I found myself beaming. I snap out of my moment of pride and see Louie carrying a giant bag of hot dogs. I walk over. "Louie, uh, where did you get those?" I ask pointing to the hot dogs. "My super human sense of smell detected this bag of hot dogs under a log below! So I flew down and got them!" He said happily, holding up the bag. "It also detected that you miiiight want to clean the toilet." He said. "Thanks for the advice now, go put those in storage." I ordered. An upside of being captain is, you get to tell people what to do! I walked around the ship looking for something to do. I saw Issy trying to flirt with Jason and sent her to go clean the toilet. She gave me a face but obeyed my orders. This is gonna be a good journey.

    Day 2

    I woke up the next morning to a horrible pain in my stomach. I started to moan. Louie came into my room and inspected me. When he was finished he said, "Just a little bad indigestion cause of last night. No worries." I must admit last night's dinner wasn't fun. I mean, who wants to eat Termites? Even if they're supposed to be a delicasy or something. "Captain! Louie! come quick! you gotta see this!" Palmer shouted from up above. I quickly slipped on some clothes and Louie and I went up above. Standing in front of us was a massive sized tree. It's leaves and bark shimmered in the light. "What tree is this?" I asked Palmer. "It's name is Ol' Respectable! It's a Sequoia tree thats lasted through thousands of years of floods, forest fires, and assassination attempts by anti-tree militants!" He said happily. "I studied it for years!"
    I looked at it more. Impressive. "Well, since it's so important, take only pictures and leave only footprints." I instructed. The crew snapped a few photo's and went back to they're duties. I felt a rushing tingle go through my body and knew the gods were watching over us. We decided to take the rest of the day as a resting day. I knew we all needed it. Tim sang a song with his guitar for us while we ate lunch. He had the voice of an angel I tell you. Jason cooked dinner for us that night, and boy, for a kid that looks like he could be a professional football player, he makes a mean pasta! "Alright everyone! To your rooms and to bed, we've all got another long day ahead of us tomorrow!" I announced after dinner. I started walking to my room when I saw Tim. He hadn't moved an inch. "Tim, come on. You have to go to bed, I don't want anyone being tired tomorrow." I said walking over to him. He didn't answer. "Tim c'mon." I say more urgently. He looks up and me even though I can't see his eyes. "I'm fed up with life." He said flatly and suprised me. "Tim don't be silly. Go to your quarters right now. And I don't want to hear you talking like that." I went to my room not knowing if he did or not. All I know is I went to bed worried. I had feelings for the guy. And what he can't mean anything good.

    Day 3
    The next day was super busy. The wind had picked up signifigantly and we traveling pretty fast! I hadn't spoken to basically anyone all day except Palmer to see how the ship was doing. It took me by suprise when Louie rushed over to me and said with urgency in his eyes, "I sense a great deal of death. We'd be fools not to investigate." I nodded and had Palmer land the ship. I brought Jason with us just incase. Louie led us to a huge graveyard. Some of the corpses hadn't been buried yet. It was disgusting. Yet, Louie looked over ever one of the unburied ones and came back with five usable bullets. We went back to the ship and showed the crew what we had found. After that we continued on. I watched as Jason went over to Issy who was swooning over him. "You were so brave to go down to that graveyard Jas!" She said. "Well, I am a master at defense!" He replied and flexed his muslces. I swear I thought Issy was going to faint. I rolled my eyes and went to the front of the ship where Tim was sitting looking at something. "What'cha looking at?" I ask him. He motioned to a birds nest with a few egg's in it. "Sorry about last night.' He said quietly. "I honestly don't know what came over me!" I let out a small sigh of releif that he was ok and stuff. "It's fine." Was all I could think of to say. The wind slowed down and the day got boring. Soon it was night time and all we could manage to have was eggs for dinner. "Where'd you get the eggs?" I asked Issy who was the cook of the crew. "I found them on the front of the ship!" She said happily. I nearly choked on the bite I had just taken. After this trip I decided I was gonna become a vegetarian.

    (Sorry that it's so long, and there's more comin btw)
    mabel pines
    mabel pines

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    journey in the sky (a gaia online fanfic) Empty Re: journey in the sky (a gaia online fanfic)

    Post by mabel pines 8/22/2010, 6:17 pm

    That's really good!!!!
    Little Miss Sunshine
    Little Miss Sunshine
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    journey in the sky (a gaia online fanfic) Empty Re: journey in the sky (a gaia online fanfic)

    Post by Little Miss Sunshine 8/22/2010, 6:56 pm


    Day 4
    After a good breakfast, a noticed Louie parading around the ship wearing a new cape. "How'd you get the cape?" I asked a little suspicious. "Oh, I used some of the Coins." He said happily. "How many?!" I asked. "Fifty. I think it was a wise investment! Don't you agree?" He said like it was nothing. "FIFTY?!" I yelled. "We need those coins Louie you idiot!" I shouted at him. "From now on I'M going to have the key to the safe! and thats FINAL!" I said. I walked away majorly angry. I sat on the side of the ship still pissed off. Suddenly, I felt something tickle my back. I jumped up and found vines growing at a rapid pace up the side of the boat. I quickly grab something sharp and start cutting at them. "Everyone grab something sharp and help me cut these vines!" I shout. I hear Louie gasp and say, "Vampires biding creeping vines!" Great. Just great.
    By the time we were done with the vines we had lost six hours of travel. "All right people let's pick of the pace here!" Now I was triple majorly ticked off. Thats why I was glad when we came to Fort Laroquette. Finally we could rest within the safe walls of the fort. While my crew was resting up, I went over to the trading post and bought ten bullets. Then I rested up myself. Before we could get back on board the man I had traded with invited us to stay at the fort for dinner. I accepted and the crew was happy about that. We had a good 'bear stew' and some other things which were delicious! The only thing that got to me was the conversation. Something told me, this man was a crazy person. I was happy when we finally started to leave. I thanked the man for feeding us and as I was leaving he asked me, "Have you ever tasted human flesh?" I quickly went out the door and onto my ship. That night I couldn't sleep so I decided to do something boring to go to sleep. I ended up counting the gold.

    Day 5

    I woke up the next morning before anyone else except Palmer because he wakes up super early to get the ship moving. I noticed I was still in the Safe with the stacks of gold coins around me. I quickly got out of there before anyone saw me and I got out of my Pj's and into some clothes. I walked up onto the deck and into the cold morning air. "Morning Palmer!" I said with a small smile. "Mornin. It's been smooth sailin so far. But no promises it'll stay this way." He said, keeping his eyes on the front of the ship. I suddenly hear a loud blast of rock music coming from Jason's room. "uggh!" I stomp down to Jason's room knock on the door. No answer. I knock again louder and I hear jason shout, "COME IN!" I walk in. The place was a pigsty. "JASON TURN THAT STUPID MUSIC DOWN!" I shout. He reluctantly turns it down. "Thank you. You nearly scared Palmer out of his pants and you probably woke everyone up! You'll also be spending the time before breakfast cleaning this place up!" I said and walked out closing the door behind me. I honestly think that boy's got more muslces than brains. I walk back up on deck and see the rest of the crew up there except Louie. Louie sleeps late all the time anyways. "I'm sorry guys, did Jason wake you up?" I ask. The shake their heads no.
    "Good." I say plainly. Just then, Louie walked up the stairs onto the deck. "I've been looking outside from my window and it seems we have a choice. We can either cut through the dessert which is faster but much more risky or we can keep on going though the forest which'll take longer but it's much more safe." Oh boy. Decitions. Something I was bad at making. "I suppose the forest. We have to avoid as much danger as possible." I say firmly. "Aye aye captain." Palmer said with a salute and he continued steering on the same path. Nothing happened the rest of the day. At least, nothing worth telling. Up until that night. I had gone to bed but I woke up in a cold sweat at about 2:13 in the morning. I looked up and what looked like a ghost was standing in the doorway. I opened my mouth to scream but nothing came out. "What do you want?" I managed to say. "I am here to show you your future? Do you accept and like to see how it is you will die?" It said in a deep almost unreal voice. "No. I do not! I don't need to know I am only 19!" I said. Which was pretty dumb. I should've just said yes. "You. Are a coward Lillian Gigs." It said plainly. "And for that you'll regret." The ghost waved it's hand and I could see into Tim's room, He was sound asleep and I tensed. What was the ghost going to do? The ghost went into Tim's room and drew out a knife from its cloak. I could only watch as it drove the knife into Tim's stomach. "NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. Then, I blacked out.

    (more comin)
    Little Miss Sunshine
    Little Miss Sunshine
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    journey in the sky (a gaia online fanfic) Empty Re: journey in the sky (a gaia online fanfic)

    Post by Little Miss Sunshine 8/22/2010, 8:21 pm


    Day 6

    I woke up in another cold sweat tears falling from my eyes. I rushed into Tim's room and found him awake. I hugged him. He seemed suprised. "Thanks the gods you're alive! You're alive!" I said still hugging him. "Um, yeah. Why would I be dead?" He asked but hugged me back. I let go. "I had a dream last night, a horrible, terrible dream!" I confessed. "Lemme guess. A ghost stabbed me in the stomach?" He said. "Yes! And it was all my fault! I'm sorry!" I said hugging him quickly and then let go. "Hmmm. I wonder what it means." He said thinking. "I don't know and I don't WANT to know!" I said firmly. "I'll see you on deck." I walk out of the room and back into mine to get changed. I breathed a sigh of releif. I slowly walked up to the deck. I wasn't feeling that good. I noticed that Lissy had her arm in a sling. She caught my stare and growled, "Don't EVER challenge Louie to an Arm wrestling match." Louie. He's been nothing but trouble this whole trip and I'd had it. I walked over to Louie. "Louie. I swear if I--" I stopped and looked at what he was carrying. 50 gold coins. I looked back up and him. He smiled a tiny bit. "I was hoping this would make up for the cape thing. It was pretty stupid." I took the gold. 'Louie. I know you're my guide. And I know you're older then me but you HAVE to use you're brains once in a while. I have to talk to you like a kindergardener. And I shouldn't have to ok?" I go put the coins in the safe. "CAPTAIN! CAPTAIN! CAPTAIN!" Issy rushed up to me. "Yes Issy?" I ask. "I was just down in the food storage getting food for breakfast and lunch and there were rats EVERYWHERE! and they ate EVERYTHING!" She said and ran up onto the deck. Probably to tell Jason all about it. Sigh. I decided to rest and send the boys out hunting. "Lillian." Tim said, He was the only one who didn't call me captain. I liked it. "We can't go hunting. This isn't a populated area." He told me. Great. I sat down, "Ok. We'll wait. But the first chance you get go hunting ok?" He nodded. I held my stomach. I started to feel woozy. The next thing you know I had fainted.

    Day 9

    I woke up 3 days later. I could tell it was late evening, and I was still hungry. Tim was standing over my bed and I opened my eyes wider to let him know I was awake. He looked relieved. "What happened?" I ask weakly. "I don't know. You just fainted. And you've been out for almost 3 days." He said. "At least I'm alive. I say getting out of bed. "Don't ever do that again." He said sounding dead serious. He took me by the waist and in less than a second we were lip locked. I didn't move. I savored the moment. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer. I pull away and beam at him. He does the same. I take my hand and brush his bangs to the side so I can see his eyes. They're bright emerald green. I decided green was my favorite color. Suddenly, I hear footsteps quickly coming to my room. It's Issy. "COME QUICK YOU TWO! COME QUICK!" She rushes back up to the deck. Me and Tim look at each other and then run up above. What I saw made my eye's widen and gasp. A lady was standing on the ship and she was glowing with bright white light. "Who are you?" I ask. "I am the messenger of the Jellyfish God! I have sucsessfully given you more food and restored the crew's health along with your's." She said smiling. I smiled too. "Thank you, thank you so much! We will try and get to the Jellyfish God as soon as possible!" I tell her. "Thank you. I must be on my way, Good luck!" and with that statement she disappeared.

    Day 10

    The next morning we made a quick stop at Fort Moll to get more food for breakfast. "I don't think it's gonna be a good day Captain." Palmer told me when we got back from the fort. "Why not?" I ask. "The wind isn't very strong. We won't cover much distance." He replied. I nod. I had a feeling that today would be a slow day. A few hours later I notice I hadn't seen Tim at all. I walk over to Louie. "Have you seen Tim?" I ask. He frowned. "Tim is sick in is room. Unfortunatly, I don't know the cure for this one. We'll have to wait it out." He said and went back to what he was doing. I ran down to Tim's room and slowly opened the door to his room. What I saw wasn't pretty. Tim's face was covered in giant red blotches and it sounded like he was wheezing. I wanted so badly to talk to him but he was asleep. I stayed in his room and watched over him like an angel until dinner time. I brushed bangs away form his face and went up on deck. What I saw horrified me. First, the clouds in the sky shifted, revealing a full moon. That's when it happened. Jason started acting all weird and he started to slowly transform into something else. And all He** broke loose. It turned out that Jason was a werewolf. Issy screamed in terror and Palmer abandonded the Helm. Loui turned into a bat and perched on the top of the mast. I was to concerned about my life to make order. So I spent the night running around and screaming with Issy.

    Day 11

    The next day I was majorly ticked off again. Tim was better which calmed me a bit but Jason the werewolf had eaten a good amount of our food. Luckily, Palmer landed us at a beautiful lake isle! But, then I got ticked again when some mer-people started singing. Their magical singing cast a spell over Tim. He announced to us that he was staying here for the rest of his life. All I could do was watch helplessly as he built a cabin for himself. I stormed over to his cabin with a few tears building in my eyes. "After I stood over your bed when you were sick and you stood over mine this is how you act?" I practically shout at him. "But.......the....singing...so...beautiful....." He mumbled. Thats when I realized he was under a spell. I got the other crew members to help me drag Tim back on the ship. Thankfully, he regained control of himself. That night the most dreadful thing happened. We were all up on deck except Issy who had just gone downstairs to check on Jason who we had kept in his roo since the night of the full moon. Thats when we heard Issy scream at the top of her lungs. We all ran downstairs to check on her. "Issy? What happened? Are you ok?" I shouted. All I heard were loud sobs. We opened the door of Jason's room and we all stopped cold. There, on the floor, was Jason. He was Dead. There was a knife in his hand and blood coming from his his chest. "He must've found out he was a werewolf and killed himself to protect us." Louie murmured. "I'm not leaving this room! Ever! I'm not leaving him!" Issy said in between sobs. I carefully helped Issy to her room while the boys took care of the carcass.
    Little Miss Sunshine
    Little Miss Sunshine
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    journey in the sky (a gaia online fanfic) Empty Re: journey in the sky (a gaia online fanfic)

    Post by Little Miss Sunshine 8/23/2010, 10:48 am


    Day 12

    That day everyone wore black in honor of Jason. No one talked to each other except me when I had to give orders. Suddenly, I heard some noises in the cargo hold. I went to go investigate and when I opened the door a giant black bat flew out and away. I also noticed 10 bullets were missing. "Vampires." I muttered. I decided not to tell my crew until later. They were already depressed enough. I walked up to the deck and as soon as I got up there Louie stopped me. "Captain. I found a bottle of liquid that the crew says doesn't belong to them."He informed me. "Well, it's not mine, but let me see it." I order. He hands me the bottle. The label reads, Ce.Ch.be -- Embryonic. "Let me test drink it for you!" Issy offers. "No Issy. I don't want something to happen to you too." I say sternly and she quietly walks away. "Louie, guard it or trade it. I dont care which." I tell him. We come to a quick trading posts and trade the the bottle for some money. Then, we continue on out way. This next part happened so fast. I was on deck trying to think of where the bottle came from when, out of nowhere, a vampire appeared out of nowhere and threw a bomb on to the deck. Palmer, having quick reflexes, kicked the bomb at the vampire knocking it off of the ship and blowing it to pieces. "Nice Palmer." I say giving him a high five. "Where'd the vampire come from anyways?" He asked. "Well, I actually saw one fly out of the cargo hold this morning. I was going to tell you guys." I confessed. "Well now we'll all be on guard." He answered. He tried to walk back to the helm but when he got up he winced in pain. "Are you Ok?" I asked. "I think I broke my toe." He winced. I got Louie to look at him. 'You actually broke two toes." He said. "Great." Palmer muttered. "But Palmer's the only one who know's how to fly the ship!" I exclaim. Louie carried a chair and put it in front on the helm, and then picked up Palmer and put him in the chair. "Thats helps." Palmer said smiling. "Good to hear it!" I said smiling. I noticed that Issy was missing so I went to find her, but before I could step a foot off the deck she came up from the cargo hold. "Issy? What were you doing down there?" I asked suspiciously. "I found energy bars!" She said cheerfully and held them up. "Ok. looks like we'll be having energy bars for lunch." I said giving everyone an energy bar. Hey, It's not much but it's something. A few hours later everyone was in a much better mood and the wind had picked up. And to make matter's better, we decided to stop at the next trading post, Fort Anderson. In the fort was a doctor. He approached us and said, "I have just finished making this glorious brain tonic! Would you like to try some? I guarantee full party health!" He held out the bottle. It didn't look suspicious so I took it and let everyone try it. By the time the bottle was empty everyone was feeling great! So, I handed the man some coins and we went back to the Journey!

    Day 16

    The next 3 or so days were the most boring days of my life. Absolutely nothing happened. I started to get very suspicious. I mean, more than usual. By day 16 I was pacing the deck thinking, why hasn't anything happened? I tightened my scarf around my neck nervously. I looked around at my crew to see if they felt what I was feeling. They weren't. They didn't seem nervous they just seemed bored. Maybe I was taking it to far. But, as captain it was my responsibility to be on guard all the time. So I kept pacing around the deck. "CAPTAIN COME QUICK! WE'RE FLYING OVER THE OCEAN!" Palmer shouted happily. Now THAT was the kind of thing I wanted to hear! I rushed to the front of the boat and saw the blue ocean glittering below us! Dolphins were jumping up from the water gracefully, and I could smell that salty ocean smell, and I could feel the sea breeze against my face, running through my hair. It was one of the most beautiful things! "Looks like we're havin sea food tonight!" I heard Issy say. "Issyyyyy." I said in a nagging voice. "Fine. It is very beautiful captain." She said smirking and walked back to her post. I closed my eyes and continued to let the sea breeze fly through my hair. When I heard something that made me flinch. It was a beautiful singing. Sirens. They like to lure sailors into their lair and then eat you. "Palmer get us out of here quick." I ordered. "Aye aye captain." He said groggily. We sped out of there fast. It was smooth sailing from there. By night time I was nervous again. "Wait, wait, wait!" Louie said out of nowhere. "Us vampires can navigate by the stars! And we're going in the wrong direction!" He said annoyed. He grabbed the helm from Palmer and started to drive the ship himself. I was annoyed. But thankfully, it turns out he save us 3 hours of travel. "Well crew, lets call it a night!" I said and went to my room. I slept peacefully that night.

    Day 17

    The next morning I woke up to arguing above my room. I quickly slipped on some clothes, grabbed a small bowl of cereal from Issy and went to the deck. "What is going on up here?" I asked. Palmer and Louie were arguing. "Palmer won't let me drive! But we can't risk getting lost again!" Louie shouted. "I'M the driver incase you didn't notice! The government hired ME to drive!" Palmed shouted back. "Guys........" I was still tired and this wasn't what I wanted to wake up to. "Louie. Let Palmer drive. That's what he's here for. You're here to be a guide. And you said you navigate by the stars. Well, there are no stars out." I pointed out. Palmer gave a satisfied smile and went back to steering. Louie walked away in a huff. I looked around and noticed Tim wasn't up here. I went to his room to get him, just because I guess we're lovers now doesn't mean he can sleep late. He's still part of my crew. I slowly opened the door to find Tim asleep on his bed. But what really freaked me out was what was standing next to his bed. A shadowy figure but I couldn't make it out. "Hey! Who are you?" I said. Instead of answering it disappeared in a dark cloud. "Crap." I went over to Tim to make sure he was Ok, only to find two small bite marks on his neck. I felt tears form. What if he was dead? I ran up to the deck. "Louie! Louie! Come quick! It's Tim!" I said urgently. Louie came running to Tim's room. I pointed to the two bite marks on his neck. "Oh. my god." He said. "Is he dead?" I asked shakily. Louie checked his pulse. "No. He's alive. but not well. I'll make sure he gets better Lillian. You go tend to the ship." I nodded slowly and slowly walked up the stairs to the deck. All day I sat on the deck worrying. There were Vampires upon us which wasn't good. When night fell I was still worrying. I even went to bed worried.

    Day 18

    The next morning we all went for a short swim in the ocean after breakfast. Best swim of my life. But then it started getting cloudy and my beautiful swim came to an end. Afterwards, Palmer let me drive a little, I checked the maps, and I had pretty nice lunch. I was feelin pretty darn happy. Until the Ogre came. That's right. The Ogre. It attacked the ship after Lunch. Nothing was damaged. At least, ship wise. We had a slight problem with Issy. The ogre attempted to rip her arm off but instead he just broke it in several places. So we had Louie spending the day with her and Tim, which left me to make dinner. I decided to make it in advance to have more time for my real job. I hoped everyone liked Mac n' Cheese. I went to get some stuff from the cargo hold but what I saw made me cringe. There was sea water everywhere along with a bunch of crabs. I hated to say it but it looked like we were going to have seafood for dinner. Once I was done with dinner I went to check on Tim. I walked into his room and found him staring out of his porthole/window. "Tim, what's up?" I asked. He let out a sigh. "I don't know. I just feel sad." He replied quietly. I walked over and sat next to him on his bed. "Well, you have no reason to be." I assured him. "Hm." He nodded. I kissed him on the cheek and quietly walked out. I walked back up to the deck and sat down on the edge of the ship. I stared out into the water. The water was looking as beautiful as ever which calmed me down. Soon night fell and we had all taken a break to eat dinner. Tim still wouldn't come out of his room. I was staring at the ground where we had landed and what I saw made me jump up. "Vampire!" I said a little more loudly than I meant to. The vampire started to run. "Don't let him get away!" Louie shouted. We ended up chasing him all night with no luck.

    Day 19

    The next day I overslept by a few hours, missing breakfast. I walked up on deck, checked on things and then went to check on Tim. But Tim wasn't there. "Tim?" I looked around the room and then noticed the window was wide open. I run over and looked out the window. I saw Tim floating in the water below. "TIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. Everyone came running down the stairs and into Tim's room. I started sobbing "Lillian? What's wrong?" Louie asked. I pointed to the water below and I heard them all gasp. Louie quickly jumped into the water and fished Tim out of the water. "Tim please! Wake up!" I said through choking sobs. We laid him down on his bed. "You can't die!" I said though more sobs. I shook him. "I'm so sorry." Louie said quietly. Louie moved everybody out of the room leaving me with Tim. I brushed the bangs out of his eyes. "How could you do this to me? How?" I kept sobbing.

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