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    The Journey

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    The Journey  Empty The Journey

    Post by Stuart35 9/14/2011, 6:51 pm

    Hey everyone, Stuart35 here. I'm bringing the sequel to "The Survivors!" It's called "The Journey." For those of you who haven't read "The Survivors" yet, I would suggest reading it or else you'd be confused. Here's the link for you who haven't read the first story:


    Anyway, onto the story. Here's a summary of what will be happening. So basically, roughly 1 week has passed since the end of book 1. 'The Survivors' have managed to find a new base, a 10 story tower, and have made their base there. 'The Survivors' are currently waiting out in the base for contact from the Washington base for if they can proceed with their plan to take a bunch of vehicles to the California base and fight the Titans and monsters there. So as they wait out in the base, time passes on and precious time is wasted as the Californian demigods and gods slowly start to lose hope as the Titans battle them.

    Will they get there in time and stop the Titans once and for all to save mankind from certain destruction? Lives will be lost, chances will be taken, and for a dramatic surprise ending that nobody could have seen coming. All of this will be revealed on September 17th when the first chapter comes out. Don't miss it, because this is going to be a "Journey" that you won't want to miss.

    Last edited by Stuart35 on 12/19/2011, 9:29 am; edited 1 time in total
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    The Journey  Empty Re: The Journey

    Post by Stuart35 9/17/2011, 8:40 am

    The first chapter of "The Journey" is here, enjoy.

    Chapter 1
    The Base and Scouting

    I walked out of our base and looked outside at the wrecked buildings. I thought about all the stuff that has happened in the past few weeks. We’re supposed to leave for Washington in a few days. There, we will get a flight over to California where we can fight the Titans. That’s easier said than done, we just need a way to get to Washington, but the Commander’s already came up with a plan.

    I walked back into the “Base.” It’s not really a base, just a 10-story building since our other base was destroyed by monsters. Each floor representing something different, I’ll tell you later when I get to the floors.

    I walked up the stairs to the 2nd floor, just a booby trap room. I had to do this carefully, one wrong step and machine gun bullets would rain down on your face. I stepped on the first step, and then walked over to a block directly to the left. I stared at the next step, 2 blocks away. I did a leap and barely landed it. I did another leap at the next block 2 blocks away and made it. I hopped over to the step beside the stairs and pulled myself up over the stairs. That was the obstacle course, so if you’re ever able to find us, that’s how you do it.

    I walked up to the 3rd floor, armory, lots of guns, at least 70. We got them all from dead monsters that disintegrated and left their gun, thanks. I picked up my VS-11, because I knew I was needed at the roof for Scouting.

    I walked up to 4th floor, base of operations. This is where all the computer equipment is, where we talk to other countries and other bases. This is how we communicate back and forth with Washington, telling them we’ll be there in a few days. I saw a few people sitting in desks. They waved at me and I waved back at them. I continued on and walked over to the stairs.

    I walked up to the 5th floor, boy’s bunks. There were sitting out in the middle of the room, doesn’t matter. We all trust each other, nobody will backstab each other. The time is serious matters and if anyone goofs around, trust me, there are consequences. Larry got caught a few times and had to clean the bathrooms for a week, it stinks, bad.

    I walked up to the 6th floor, girl’s bunks. Like I said, we all trust each other. Nobody will backstab each other. Besides, what’s the difference between out in the open and behind a door in a room? We always keep the doors unlocked, well, except for some doors, but those are locked for a reason.

    I walked up to the 7th floor, cafeteria. This is where we eat. Not really a large room, but it’ll work. We only have like 30 people anyway; we don’t need a lot of room. Not really special food, we have ovens, grills, all of that. It’s just hard to get the materials to make food. So, we make what we can find.

    I walked up to the 8th floor, restrooms for both. Larry had to clean both the boys and the girls. Everybody laughed at him for it, but hey, pranks don’t go anymore. Serious matters come quick, and when they do, old stuff dies fast, that includes pranks.

    I walked up to the 9th floor, Target Practice in progress. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither are Target Practice Arenas, it takes month, but we’ll have it done. Hopefully, when we do defeat the Titans, if we do, we’ll come back here and find New York still monster-free. We don’t want to find out that the digital monsters are actually real monsters.

    I walked up onto the 10th floor, roof. I saw Larry, Jolie, Teresa, and Justin up there. Jolie was talking to Larry, but she heard me and turned around.

    “Hello Jonathon, good to see you here early.”

    “Good to see you Jolie,” I told her. She nodded and turned to face all of us.

    “Ok, you all know why you are here, Scouting. You all know what to do, but I’m going to tell you anyway. You’re going to be given a specific object to find and you’re going to have to find it. On all 4 sides of this roof are 4 zip lines. You are all given a picture of something to retrieve. It won’t be far from the place you land, only about 70 meters. That’s the farthest distance it could be away. It could be hidden in a trash can, under stuff, in stuff, anywhere. So good luck to all you, 1st place gets bragging rights.”

    I put my hands on the zip line. I noticed that my zip line was heading west, but that doesn’t matter. I looked at Jolie for confirmation that I was ready. She looked at all of us, and we were all ready. “Ok, 3…2…1… GO!!” I kicked off from the roof and slid down the zip line at high speeds.

    The zip line ride lasted 7 seconds. It took us 2 blocks away from the building. I landed on the ground and looked at the picture, a spoon. “Figures,” I said to myself, “something small. I checked my surroundings, I was in an alleyway, a few trash cans scattered in the back of buildings. I looked at the buildings, 1 of them was a restaurant. I sprinted into the restaurant and knocked down the door.

    I looked around, I was in a kitchen, ‘Easy find,’ I thought. The finds can vary from Easy to Very Hard. I got a ‘Sort of Easy’ one because people wouldn’t really look at the buildings, just the ground. I looked around the kitchen, fryers, grills, ovens, stoves, everything.

    I started opening everything up, I opened the fryers, I opened the grills, and I opened the stoves, nothing. I looked around desperately, and then I saw it. It was behind a toaster, a little bit of it sticking up. I ran over, grabbed it, and ran out. I put the spoon in my pocket and ran back over to the building. I saw a ladder that led to the top of the building.

    I grabbed the ladder and started climbing. It took a long time to climb the ladder, mainly because the building was tall, also because the ladder wasn’t nailed to the building; it swung back and forth in the wind. Luckily, there wasn’t that much wind, so it was easier to climb. I was almost at the top, almost there…. Bang! I reached the top and got up. I looked around, nobody else here.

    “Congrats Jonathon,” Jolie said walking over to me. She took the spoon, “You have the photograph?”

    “Yep,” I said giving it to her.

    “Excellent,” she said. “Well, you win!”

    “Awesome,” I said. I saw Justin come over the ladder with his object, a piece of paper with info on it.

    “Awww, Dangit Jonathon,” he said laughing. “What did you have?”

    “Spoon,” I said laughing.

    “Lucky,” he said. I saw Larry come up the ladder and Teresa come up hers.

    “Well, guys, congrats on finding your item. Jonathon has won this game of Scouting, but the odds will change next time. It’s hard to win a game twice in a row, but not impossible. So, I will see you all next time, and I think the Commander wants to see you 4, so see you guys later.”

    Next Chapter September 19. It will be a short one, sorry. D:

    Last edited by Stuart35 on 10/19/2011, 7:20 pm; edited 1 time in total
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    The Journey  Empty Re: The Journey

    Post by Piper 9/17/2011, 10:19 am

    Cool! thanks for posting it!
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    The Journey  Empty Re: The Journey

    Post by Stuart35 9/19/2011, 6:37 pm

    Chapter 2
    Meeting with the Commander

    ‘A meeting, eh?’ I thought to myself as I went down to the 9th floor. I walked across the floor and headed down the stairs to the 8th floor.

    ‘We had a meeting a few days ago, to discuss plans for the future of this base. Lasted about 30 minutes, wonder what this meeting will be about.’ Teresa, Larry, and Justin were walking behind me, because they were called to the meeting too. Justin, because he’s a Captain, Larry, for his survival skills, and Teresa, for being an elite soldier, like me.

    We walked through the doors of the meeting room. The Commander was sitting on the far end and multiple people were sitting in random chairs. We saw a place to sit and walked over there.

    “Justin, Teresa, Jonathon, Larry, good for you to join us,” he said as I pulled out a chair and sat down. “The meeting will start in a minute, once everyone else arrives.” We nodded and waited for everyone else to arrive. We saw a few more people come in and took spots in chairs and 2 more people after them.

    The Commander looked around, “All right, that seems to be everyone. So, let me tell you why you’re all here. As you know, our goal is to for us to convince Washington to let us borrow a few of their ‘toys’ so we can fly/drive to California. We managed to contact the Washington base this morning, and they said they would follow up on the plan, so this is good.” We all started clapping, since we didn’t think Washington would let us do it.

    “Except,” the Commander said. “We got one problem, time.” It would take us roughly 4 days to get to California, and of right now, the titans are battling our allies right now. If they can’t hold off that long, we will be battling the titans by ourselves, and who knows what other hay-wire gods we’ll meet on the way over there.” He looked at all of us. “I know the way that you guys are, we’re rough, we’re tough, and we’re ruthless. We survived the takeover of the monsters and we’re not about to let them win, but this is what is going to be called ‘Cutting it close.’ So, if we want to do this plan, it’s got to be done now, we don’t have much time left. Also, even though the world has already ended, if we don’t stop the titans, the world will end AGAIN, and we barely survived the first time it ended… we won’t survive the second time.” We all looked around at each other, unsure of what to say.

    “Everybody gear up, we’re moving out at 4:30,” and the meeting was dismissed.

    Yes, I know, short chapter. Also, the Next Chapter will be posted September 23 just because I haven't written any other chapters yet, so yeah, I will write the chapters Wednesday, write some more on Thursday, and post on Friday. Sounds good right? Cool
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    The Journey  Empty Re: The Journey

    Post by Stuart35 9/23/2011, 6:43 pm

    Chapter 3
    Leaving “The Base”

    I walked out of the Meeting room; the first thing I wanted was my PAT-24, an epic shotgun that Sam had created for me. He was the best Hephaestus kid ever, he could create awesome swords and guns. We didn’t know how he did it, but hey, as long as he kept building them, we were happy.

    I thought about what else I needed. “My bag,” I mumbled to myself. I walked back up to the floor where my bunk was and walked over to it. I got the bag on my bunk and threw it over my shoulder. I looked over at a clock on the wall, 4:24.

    “Hmm, 6 minutes, what could I do for 6 minutes?” I asked myself. I looked around and then went upstairs. I stopped on the 9th floor, wanting to see how much progress they were making on the Target Practice Arena. I saw about 5 people, probably Hephaestus kids, working with hammers and saws. From the looks of it, they were making obstacles for the course. I saw Jolie walk over to them and check out what they we’re building, and then walk away. I didn’t want to bother them, so I went back downstairs.

    I walked down to the 7th floor, Cafeteria. I decided I should eat a few snacks before I leave. I jogged over to the snack machine and put $1.00 in. I selected Peanut M@M’s and grabbed them from the retrieval bin. I tore them open and ate a couple. I don’t know anyone here that’s allergic to Peanuts, but if someone is, stinks to be them.

    I ate a couple of more M@M’s and checked the clock, 4:27. ‘Might as well get down there early,’ I thought to myself. I finished the M@M’s and threw the bag into the trash. I walked down the stairs to the 6th floor, then the 5th, and so on. I finished the maze on the 2nd floor and walked down onto the first floor. I walked out of the building and saw a group of about 17 people standing near the road, waiting for everyone.

    I walked over to them. “Hey,” I said to them. A couple said hey back, some ignored me, some looked at me, not knowing I arrived. I stood around for 2 minutes, not sure what to do because no one knew was. I saw Jacob walk up and I walked over to him to talk to him.

    “Hey,” I said to him.

    “Sup, haven’t talked to you in a while.”

    “Yeah, I barely get to see you, where are you?” I asked him.

    “Target Practice, not the digital version, but the real version. They want us to have the best aim a person in the country. Every shot needs to be a kill. I say they ask for too much, we’re already good enough, but they say ‘if you want to survive, you need to be the best, and beat the best,’ even though to survive, you don’t really have to be the best.”

    “Yeah,” I told him and looked around. I saw a few more people walk up. “So, have you done anything exciting?”

    “No, not much, we’ve only been here for like 2 weeks you know.”

    “Yeah, I know, nothing much to do.”

    “This is the only time we might get to actually do something fun and dangerous!” He said. “If this will be the last time, we might as well go out in style.”

    “Yeah, I guess so.”

    Then the Commander spoke up, “All right, everyone here?” We looked around as he counted everyone up. “Seems about right, good, don’t want to forget anyone. Ok, you’ve all heard the plan, so I really don’t want to repeat it. If any of you haven’t heard the plan yet and need to know what we’re doing, then come talk to me personally. Anyway, let’s get started, everybody got everything?” He asked and we all nodded. “Good, let’s move out.”

    “4 to a Jeep!” The commander shouted out over the loud talk of everyone. I looked at Jacob, “you need a ride?”

    He shrugged, “Sure.” I saw Larry walk up to me.

    “Hey, can I tag along with you guys, I don’t really know anyone else, I don’t have a lot of friends.”

    “Sure, you can tag along,” I told him.

    “Cool, thanks.”

    “Let’s find a jeep,” Jacob said. He walked over to one and took the keys out of the ignition. “Who’s driving?”

    “Not me,” Larry said.

    “I’ll drive, I guess.” He tossed the keys to me. I caught them and walked over to the driver’s seat. I opened the door and sat down.

    “Shotgun!” Larry said and hoped in the side seat.

    “You can have it, I wanted to cover the back anyway. You get more of a view.”

    “Yea, true,” Larry muttered.

    “Here we go,” I said. I put the key in the ignition and turned it, the jeep started. I waited for the car in front of me to start driving and I put the car in drive and stepped on the gas lightly, we were on the move.

    Luckily, the car was an automatic, I’m bad at Manual cars, too much multi-tasking, and I’d easily get distracted. I think some jeeps were automatic and some were manual, so you had a choice, which is good. We turned a block on the road and headed towards the bottom of New York, where we’d exit the city and head towards Washington DC, Maryland. This was going to be a long drive.

    Next Chapter September 25
    Senior Member

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    The Journey  Empty Re: The Journey

    Post by Stuart35 9/25/2011, 9:26 pm

    Chapter 4
    Returning to New Jersey

    We drove south, still in the city, but not for long. New Jersey wasn’t that far from New York City, it was right there. Where our building was located, we were only about 20 miles from New Jersey, which was good. The faster we get to Washington, the better.

    The farther we drove through the city, the more it was trashed. Broken glass and rubble, cars overturned, and other stuff on the ground. It was hard to drive through everything because of all the debris. The aliens really trashed the place, made it look terrible. I wonder how the other cities looked.

    I got a call on my radio from the Commander about 7 minutes later. “Attention to anyone who can hear this. We are now entering New Jersey.” We crossed a line and a broken sign that said “Welcome to New Jersey!”

    “Yeah, we’re one state closer to saving the world!” Larry said sarcastically.

    “Yeah,” Jacob said as he waved to the vehicle behind us.

    “Concentrate guys, the hard part hasn’t got to us yet,” I told them. I looked ahead at the road. We turned a left onto an interstate, which should lead us a good way.

    “Watch out guys, parked cars on the road ahead.” The Commander said. I looked up ahead. Of the 4 cars in front of me, the front car started to swerve threw traffic. Then we all followed the first car.

    “Lots of cars,” Larry commented.

    “True that,” I said. I turned the wheel sharply to the left as I almost nailed a car on the road.

    “Woah!” Jacob said as he was almost thrown out of the car.

    “Yeah, uh, hold on.” I told him.

    “Kind of too late to tell me now!” He said.

    “Doesn’t matter,” I said and turned my attention back to the road. I took a right and dodged a car, but as I dodged the car, out of the corner of my eye, I saw something moving inside the car. “What was that?!” I said.

    “What was what?” Jacob asked me.

    “I saw something move in the car back there that we just passed!”

    “Let me look,” he said and looked down the scope of his sniper. “Hmmm, I don’t see anything; you must have been seeing things.”

    “No, I’m sure I s-“ I was interrupted when the Commander screamed over the radio, “RPG!”

    I looked up ahead, there was an overpass and monsters with RPG’s were up on it. I saw an RPG get fired down at the Commander’s vehicle. The vehicle swerved to the left, but the explosion tipped the jeep over.

    “Dude, Pull over!” Larry screamed and I pulled over beside a flipped over car. I hopped out of the jeep and Larry and Jacob ran beside me. I poked my head up, I saw 2 jeeps pull up beside the Commander’s jeep and another got hit with an RPG and exploded, sending debris everywhere. I looked up in the sky and saw a door from the jeep start to fall over our position.

    “Get down!” I said. We hugged the wall of the car and the door smashed down on the car and flipped over our heads.

    “THAT was too close,” Jacob said.

    “Yeah, definitely too close. Ok, Jacob, you need to give sniper fire on those troops and Larry, me and you will just fire at them, drawing their attention away from the Commander.”

    “All right, how far is the overpass away?” Jacob asked.

    “Uh,” I said looking over the car. “About 150 meters away, you wouldn’t need that big of a scope.”

    “Ok,” he said and went digging through his jacket pockets for the right scope.

    “Let’s light some people up Larry.”

    ”Yeah dude, I’ve been waiting for this my entire life.”

    “Well then let’s do this!”

    Don't you just love Cliffhangers. xD I should do them more often.

    Anyway, Next Chapter September 28

    Last edited by Stuart35 on 9/30/2011, 8:39 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Senior Member

    Number of posts : 1852
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    The Journey  Empty Re: The Journey

    Post by Stuart35 9/28/2011, 9:27 pm

    Hey guys, Stuart here. Do you guys like long chapters? This one took me like 40 minutes to write. Hope you like it. Also, I added a little something near the end. This story will be more music-involved. You'll see what I mean at the end.

    Chapter 5
    The Battle on the Freeway

    “Go!” I yelled and me and Larry popped our heads up over the car. I shot a few monsters that were pinning down the Commander. I reloaded and looked around at the other monsters. Then I saw one monster poke his buddy and point to us. I realized what that meant.

    “Get down!” I said and got behind the car. Larry did the same as a barrage of bullets hit the cars. One bullet hit the gas tank and it started leaking. ‘Uh oh,’ I thought to myself. Another barrage of bullets hit the gas tank about 3-5 times.

    “We got to move, fast!” I told them. I grabbed my guns and looked for another place to go. I looked towards the side of the road. “There, we can take shelter where the road slips down off the road.”

    “Ok, good idea,” Jacob said.

    “Wait a second,” I told them as a few more bullets hit the car around the gas tank. I waited a few seconds for them to stop shooting. “GO!” I yelled and sprinted full speed across the road. Larry and Jacob ran right behind me. At the edge of the road, I dived into the grass and knocked the wind out of me. I heard Jacob and Larry behind me get in the grass.

    “Hold on a second guys, I got the wind knocked out of me.”

    “Ok, we’ll give covering fire,” Jacob said. I heard them start firing and heard the monsters fire back. I got up, feeling refreshed. “All right guys, I’m ok-“ I didn’t finish my sentence when the car across the road exploded. I was thrown backwards and landed on the grass, hitting my head hard. I blacked out.

    “Jonathon! Jonathon! Get up!” I heard Jacob yelling at me, but the sound was distorted. My ears were ringing and he sounded like he was a couple hundred yards away. I opened my eyes but my vision was blurred. I rubbed my eyes and the blurring went away. The ringing in my ears went away too and was able to hear Jacob better.

    “Jonathon! Can you hear me?!” He yelled at me.

    “Yeah, yeah,” I said. I coughed up something in my throat and stood up. “How long was I out?”

    “Only about 2 minutes, we’ve held off the monsters but they keep coming. We think they’re almost finished.”

    “Cool, where’s my gun?” I asked.

    “Right here,” He said and handed it to me. “Luckily it didn’t fly out of your hands; you managed to hold on to it.”

    “That’s good.”

    “Not right now it’s not,” Larry said joining the conversation. “We got a call on our radio; the Commander isn’t doing to good. He’s unconscious and he’s got a concussion.”

    “Yeah, I forgot to tell you that,” Jacob said to me.

    “Let’s finish off these monsters, and then we’ll go see the Commander.”

    “Oh yeah, also our Jeep is destroyed. The explosion took it out and it exploded too.”

    “Well that stinks.”

    “I know, right, but we could easily get a vehicle on this interstate, it just won’t be a jeep, which is sort of bad.” Jacob said.

    “Yeah,” I commented.

    We ended the conversation and turned our attention to the monsters. Jacob got down and went prone on the grass, sniping away on the monsters. I wanted to move up, I couldn’t do much back here, but I couldn’t move up with all the monsters up on the overpass. I thought of something that could be useful.

    “Hey, do any of you guys have an RPG or a rocket launcher.”

    “Not me,” said Larry.

    “Nope,” said Jacob.

    “Dangit, I was thinking we could collapse the overpass, all the monsters would die.”

    “But it would block our way,” Larry noted.

    “True,” I said. “But it’s our only way.”

    “True again.” Jacob said. “I’ll radio in and ask them.” He clicked the button on his radio.

    “Hello everyone, this is Jacob from Jonathon’s squad. We were wondering if anyone had an RPG or a rocket launched of some sort. Jonathon though we could collapse the overpass, thus killing the monsters. Of course it would block our way, but it’s a chance we have to take.” He said and clicked the button again to turn it off.

    Some replied after 2 seconds. “Hey, this is Tyler. I have an RPG. I’m up near the Commander and Justin. I’d have to ask Justin if we could go with the mission.” I heard Justin interrupt in the background and say something to him. “Ok, he’ll let me do it. So everyone, get away from the overpass!”

    We stopped firing and looked up the road to see someone pull and RPG off their back. He aimed it at the suspension on the overpass and fired. The rocket took off, traveling fast, and hit the suspension under the bridge. The suspension exploded and it collapsed. The overpass groaned and dust and smoke came off of it as it came collapsing down to the ground. It made a huge noise and monsters screamed as the entire overpass was destroyed.

    When the smoke cleared, a huge pile of rubble was on the road where the overpass was.

    “Yeah!” Larry said as we all looked at the rubble. We gathered up our stuff and ran over to the Commander’s squad and the 2 others, which were about 200 yards away. When we reached them, everyone was gathered in a circle around the Commander and a medic was working on him. We joined the circle and stared at him for a minute as the medic examined him. After a minute, he spoke up.

    “He should be good. I stopped the bleeding and applied bandages and wiped off the wounds with some special spray. It may seem lie kindergarten stuff, but it works. When he wakes up, he’ll be good to go. May have a limp because the car flipped over and he landed on his leg. Other then that, he’s good.” He said standing up.

    “Good, thanks.” Justin said and helped the Medic up. “We should start going, no time to waste. I’ll need some people to help me get the Commander in the car, some people to clear the debris of the overpass, and the rest can go back to your cars.

    I raised my hand. “Our car got destroyed, it blew up.”

    Justin raised an eyebrow. “We’re on an interstate surrounded by abandoned cars. You guys took hotwire lessons, you’ve hotwired cars before, there’s your solution. Find yourself something nice.” He said and turned back to the others. “What are you guys standing around for? Let’s go!” He said.

    I saw a few people run over to the debris and a few people run over to the Commander.

    “Well, let’s find a car,” Larry said.

    “Yeah,” I told him and we jogged down the interstate towards where our old jeep was.

    “I saw a humvee about a quarter of a mile from where we were. We can take it,” Jacob said.

    “Yeah, we’ll take that,” I told him. We started jogging down the road. I saw the humvee about 450 meters away.

    “This time, I got shotgun,” Jacob said annoyed.

    “Fine, I want the back anyway. Break the back window and attach my gun to the back. It’ll look sick.”

    “Whatever.” We ran over to the humvee. I got out a pick made from a paperclip out of my pocket. I picked the lock and opened the door. I unlocked the doors and then proceeded to hotwire the car. Jacob hopped in the shotgun and Larry jumped in the back. I turned the pick to the left and the car started.

    “Yeah!” Larry said pounding on the seats. We heard an explosion in the distance and saw debris flying up in the air. “Get back,” Jacob said as we shielded ourselves with our arms. A chunk of concrete flew down and smashed our windshield.

    “There goes the overpass, great,” I said and got out of the car. I pushed the concrete off and got back in the car. I got my feet up and kicked the glass outwards. The glass went flying as 2 pieces and landed and broke into many pieces.

    “Well, here we go,” Jacob said.

    “Yeehaw!” Larry yelled.

    [BREAK FROM THE STORY] If you've read this far, start reading again ONCE the song starts. It's cool, let me tell you. Once you finish reading, it's like a fade to black and the song keeps playing. Link = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KoLMLFz2Hg8 [STORY RESUME]

    “Attention, this is Justin. We are moving out.” Me and Jacob looked at each other and smiled. I stepped on the gas, flooring it, and we took off.

    Next Chapter October 1
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    The Journey  Empty Re: The Journey

    Post by Stuart35 10/1/2011, 9:17 pm

    Chapter 6
    I have a dream

    The Humvee took off as we followed behind the squad. The explosion had cleared the way pretty good. There was a gap in all the debris that we could drive through. It was still pretty nerve-wrecking because it looked like debris could fall on us any second, but we took our chances and kept driving. Nothing’s going to stop us.

    The highway took us far. Nothing exciting happened along the way. Once we had to get off the road and look for a gas station. Luckily, we found one; all the others were used as firework shows for the monsters. We took turns refueling our gas and we hit the road again. Driving around cars on the freeway, they seemed like they went on forever.

    At one time, I had a crazy idea to turn on the radio. I reached my hand over and flipped on the radio, just static.

    “What are you doing?” Jacob asked me.

    “I don’t know, just had an instinct to flip on the radio. Maybe Washington would send another update over the radio about the California battle, or California would ask for reinforcements if anyone was out there.”

    “Yeah, what’s the chance of them sending it now?”

    “Probably not good, I don’t know why I tried,” I said and turned off the radio. I checked the dashboard clock, 10:24 PM. My eyes turned heavy and I grew tired.

    “Hey, do one of you guys mind driving for a while. I might need to take a little nap.”

    “I’ll drive,” Larry said. “It’s boring back here anyway.”

    “Ok,” I said and thought how we were going to do this. “Jacob take the wheel and gas.”

    “Sure,” he said and reached across and hit the gas and steered the wheel. I got out of the seat and stepped into the back seat. Larry passed me and hopped into the front seat. He took the wheel and stepped on the gas, boosting it up to 50, catching up to the car in front of us. I searched the back for something and found a pillow under the seat.

    ‘Must have been taking a road trip,’ I thought. I set it down and lied down on it and fell asleep.

    You know how demigod dreams can somehow represent something or tell something about the future or give you a message, well I got that today, and it wasn’t a good message. I had a dream of 20 demigods held up in a 15 story building, battling Typhon who was down the street 1000 meters away. They were firing RPG’s and shooting him but nothing was working. He was coming closer and they couldn’t stop him.

    Up above him were colors of light dashing in and out. The sky was orange and grey from fires and storms. A huge lightning bolt came down and struck Typhon with humongous power. There was a loud crackle and boom and he staggered a bit for a second, but kept walking. As he got closer, the demigods started packing everything up. They started running away, to the other side of the building. They ran through a doorway and down a set of stairs.

    Typhon approached the building, raised his fist, and crushed the top layers of the building with immense power. Debris fell off the side of the building. Typhon yelled at the building and raised his fist again. He came down and crushed the building again. This time, the entire building groaned. The top floor started collapsing and then the entire building came down. I hoped the demigods made it out of there alive, because with what I just saw, we’re going to need a lot more firepower than I thought we would.

    Next Chapter October 5. I'm starting this new thing where I upload 2 or 3 chapters a week, and this week was 2 chapters. Next week will be 3 chapters, so yeah, bleh.


    Number of posts : 650
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    The Journey  Empty Re: The Journey

    Post by Laxyak 10/4/2011, 9:01 pm

    This story is quite interesting. I'm enjoying it so far. However, you have room for improvement, just like everyone else. If you'd like, I can help with that improvement. Just let me know!
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    The Journey  Empty Re: The Journey

    Post by Stuart35 10/5/2011, 9:21 pm

    I am looking for improvement. I try not to have errors but everyone makes them. I know I make the error "ME AND JACOB," when it's suppose to be "JACOB AND I," so I'm going to be fixing that from now on. But if you see any mistakes, tell me. I'll be glad to fix them. On another note, here's the next chapter.

    Chapter 7
    Maryland, almost DC

    My dream just finished when our car hit a huge bump in the road. I was flung into the air, “Woah!” I said and landed back on the car’s floor, banging my back. “Ow!” I said rubbing my spine.

    “Oh, hey Jonathon, you’re up!” Jacob said.

    “Yeah, I’m up,” I grumbled and got on my knees. I walked over to the front seats. “Where are we?”

    “Maryland!” Larry said, focusing on the road.

    My eyes widened, “Maryland!?! You guys should have woke me up sooner! I could have driven if you guys needed any sleep!”

    “We were fine, John. We wanted you to have your sleep,” Jacob said.

    “Whatever, how far are we from DC?”

    “We just passed the Delaware border 10 minutes ago. So we got the entire state to go. Luckily, Maryland isn’t that wide. We’ll be there in about 1 hour.” Larry told me.

    “Good, we need to get there as fast as possible because I had this dream and it wasn’t a good dream, let me tell you about it.” I described the dream told them and they listened, interested.

    After I finished telling them, Jacob was the first to speak up,
    “Well, that’s, uh, interesting.”

    “Yes, very,” Larry said.

    “It’s got to mean something, or it was someone giving me a glimpse of what is happening right now.”

    “Either way, the way you said the sky was orange and grey is creepy, as if that was the final battle, or something tragic would happen.” Jacob commented. We all sat there and thought about that for a second.

    “Anyway, let’s push these thoughts out of our mind and get some happy thoughts, shall we?” Larry said.

    “Yes, I agree with him,” I said.

    “Good, so on a good note, we’ve been having this conversation for about 10 minutes, and we’re 1/3 the way across Maryland.”

    “Ok, Larry you want me to drive, or Jacob, do you need to take a nap?”

    “Well, now that you mention it, I am sort of tired.” Jacob said.

    “Ok, well go back there.” He got up and I got aside for him. He climbed into the back and I got up and stepped into the shotgun seat. I sat down and looked out the window at the cars behind us, then looked at the cars in front. I got my head back in and sat there, watching Larry.

    We sat there awkwardly, doing nothing for about 10 minutes, and then I attempted to start a conversation.

    “So, you ever drove before?” I asked Larry, probably a stupid question.

    “Yeah, I’ve drove before. I hotwire cars all the time, son of Hermes, hello?” He said pulling a ring of paperclips and rings out of his pocket and twirling them around. He put them back in his pocket.

    “Oh,” I said looking ahead at the road. I looked back at Jacob; he was lying down, sleeping. “He won’t get much nap time, since we’re about 2/3 across the state by now.”

    “Yeah, we’ll be in Washington in no time, the thing is, what in Washington DC is still standing?”

    “Probably nothing,” I told him, “definitely not the White House, Congress building, Abe Lincoln Monument, or The Washington Monument.

    “Yeah, wonder where they could make a secret base.”

    “Hey, we made a secret base underground, wasn’t that hard.” I told him.

    “Yeah, well the last time I went to Washington DC, which was probably 2017, the place was a mess. Almost ever building was destroyed, including the buildings you just mentioned. Alien ships flying around, monsters patrolling the area, searching for survivors, it was the same when I went there the first time in 2014. Except worse, more monsters, a LOT more, they managed to figure out it was our capital and they looked up and down for the President; they ended up finding him too. Last I heard, which was in 2014, they took him hostage on their Mothership and flew him to their planet, never to be heard of again,” he finished.

    “Wow,” I said, “that’s disturbing.”

    “Very, I pity however the President was during the election of 2012, they won’t last very long.”

    “Nope, not at all,” I replied. We got a call on our radio, “Ladies and Gentlemen, we are now entering Washington DC,” Justin replied over the radio.

    “Hold on, take the wheel for a second,” he said.

    “Uhh, okay.” I said and grabbed the wheel. He pulled an MP3 player out of his pocket and turned it on. “Why do you need that?”

    “Shhh, shhhh!” He said snickering. He clicked the button on the radio and selected a song on his MP3 and this song started playing over the radio on everybody’s car. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dseIqeigniY

    I listened to the song silently for the first 5 seconds. Larry was cracking up silently. I took a good listen to the lyrics then started snickering, Justin wasn’t amused.

    “WHOEVER IS PLAYING THAT MUSIC TURN IT OFF RIGHT NOW!!” I looked at Larry and pressed the pause button on his MP3 and shut it off. We clicked the button on the radio and turned it off but we were still laughing.

    “Oh, that’s good,” I said, my laughing starting to die down.

    “Yeah, I keep it on here when the going gets rough and I have no hope left, but I just thought it was a good time.”

    “Yeah, very good time,” I said and we kept driving. We took a right and drove past the White House. We took a left drove further down the road, and then took a left down an alleyway between two still standing buildings. The lead vehicle stopped and the rest of us got out.

    We all walked over to Justin who was standing up front. Once everyone got here, he started talking.

    “All right everyone; I’m sure you all want to know why we are here. We never really told where we are going in Washington DC, but The Commander told me. We are going to a secret airforce base in the city, but to mortals, it’s disguised as a regular building. You may know this building; it’s the “National Air and Space Museum. Well you see, it’s not really a museum, it’s an airforce base, filled with all these high-tech planes. That’s what we’ll take to California.

    “Unfortunately, there are still monsters in DC, so this is as close as we can get to the base, but its close enough, it’s only about 2 miles away from here, we can make it.”

    “Yes, we can,” said a familiar voice from behind Justin. We all looked behind him. The Commander was standing there with an RPG in one hand and a Light Machine Gun in the other hand. “Yes we can.”

    Next Chapter October 7

    Last edited by Stuart35 on 10/6/2011, 7:28 am; edited 2 times in total

    Number of posts : 650
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    The Journey  Empty Re: The Journey

    Post by Laxyak 10/5/2011, 10:14 pm

    Okay. Here are some pointers for both stories (The Survivors and The Journey).

    1. You seem to have a lot of typos. This is something everyone understands, but I suggest you tidy up your posts a bit. Whether you do it right before you post or a few days later, it will make your story look more professional.

    2. Your description of the fighting is very good, but a few in between areas are lacking. For example, in the beginning of The Survivors, two of the main characters are captured. Apparently they were captives for a month or so, but the reader thought it was only for a short time. You should show us what happened while they were missing.

    3. Keep writing! :3 I'm liking what you have here. It's cool that you're adding songs every now and then.
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    The Journey  Empty Re: The Journey

    Post by Stuart35 10/7/2011, 4:04 pm

    CHAPTER UPDATE: I am unable to post a chapter today because I will not have a enough time, but I will make a compromise. I will upload one on Sunday, and then one on Monday because we don't have school that day. I think that sounds fair enough.

    Replying to Laxyak:
    1. Ok thanks. I'll try to watch out for typos, it's just I type all of this on Microsoft word Document before I post it here, stupid auto-correct.

    2. Yeah, I realized that after I wrote the story and finished. I would go back and change it, but I would probably have to add a whole 'nother chapter, so I decided not to.

    3. Thanks, I try to do original stuff in my stories. So it would be a fanfic with sort of a little bit of originality.


    Number of posts : 650
    Age : 33
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    The Journey  Empty Re: The Journey

    Post by Laxyak 10/7/2011, 6:17 pm

    Yeah. I forgot to mention that #2 is something you can do if you do a second draft. But you should still watch out for it in the future. =)
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    The Journey  Empty Re: The Journey

    Post by Stuart35 10/9/2011, 11:04 pm

    k, I'll try to watch out for that in the future. Shall I post next chapter? I think I shall

    Chapter 8
    Washington DC

    Justin turned around, surprised. “Commander, you’re up!”

    “Yes, I’m up, and I’m ready to go. We have a world to save, so we need to save it. Everybody grab your stuff, we’re moving out.

    “Yes sir Commander, right away,” Justin said and turned around. “You heard the man, let’s go!” Larry and I rushed back to the Humvee and opened the trunk. I shook Jacob, “Jacob! Get up!” He mumbled, half awake,

    “5 more minutes,” he said rolling on his side. I slapped him and he immediately woke up. He got up fast and attempted to karate chop me in the face. Luckily, with training, I had fast instincts. I backed up in time so all his hand hit was the side of the car. “Ow!” He said holding his hand.

    “Come on, we got to go,” I told him.

    “All right, I got my stuff,” Larry said.

    “Ok, you go on without us; we’ll catch up in a second.” I told him. He nodded and ran back to Justin. I looked back at Jacob, “let’s go!” I said to Jacob and helped him up. I grabbed my VS-11 and my PAT-24. I put my arm through the PAT-24 strap and hung it on my back, and held the VS-11 in my hands. “Get your stuff,” I told him.

    “All right, all right!” He said and grabbed his sniper and a few snacks and stuffed them into his pocket. He grabbed his pistol and a few rounds and stuck them in his holster. “Okay, I’m ready,” He said and got out of the trunk and shut the door.

    “Ok, let’s go,” I said to him and we ran over to where Justin and the Commander were standing. We waited for everyone to arrive and when it looked like everyone was there, the Commander started speaking. “All right, I’m sure Justin has already told you the plan, so I won’t repeat it. We need to move out because the base will be expecting us any hour, and it will be this hour, so let’s go.”

    The Commander turned around and started running down the alleyway that we were parked in. It was like a regular alley, buildings on both sides, about 20 feet wide. 2 apartments, about 6 stories on both sides, trash cans on the sides of the alleyway and windows above them. The Commander hoped a fence and we followed him, hopping it too. We kept running, we heard a ship fly above us and we heard it firing bullets at something, though we don’t know what. ‘I thought to myself.

    We came to the end of the alleyway and came to a road. We stopped and looked both ways.

    “Let’s go,” The Commander said and we sprinted full speed across the road to the alleyway across the street. I prayed that no monsters spotted us and 15-20 demigods sprinted across the road in a line. We crossed into the next alleyway and kept running, because on the other side of the next road, was the National Air and Space Museum. We hopped another fence and accidentally overturned a trashcan, making some noise.

    The Commander turned around while running, “What are you doing?! Shhh!” He said and turned back around. We started to hear what sounded like gunfire coming from the end of the alleyway, where the museum was. “That’s not good,” The Commander said. We ran to the end of the alleyway and stopped, staring at the National Air and Space Museum, and the battle around it.

    Apparently, the monsters found out there were demigods held up in the building and there was a battle going on outside. A few demigods with guns were held up outside the building attacking monsters hiding behind statues, walls, and cars. A drop ship came and dropped off about 20 monsters and then flew away. 5 of them dropped dead on the spot as snipers were probably positioned on the roof, taking pot shots on any monsters daring to run out in the open.

    “Hmm,” the Commander said, thinking about how we would be able to do this. “We’ll need to contact them, tell them not to fire on us because they’ll think we’re monsters.”

    “I got a radio,” Justin said.

    “Good, contact them.”

    “Right away,” Justin said and brought a portable radio out of his pocket. He walked back into the alleyway so the gunfire would be less heard over the chatter of the radio.

    “All right, listen up,” the Commander said. “When Justin gets finished contacting them and we get the signal, we’re going to run out there and finish off the monsters hiding. Anybody with RPG’s is going to destroy any incoming drop ships so we get no more monsters for a while, you got that? When the monsters are finished, we rush into the safety of the building and we’ll make up a plan from there, sound good?” We all looked around and nodded.

    Justin came back over to us. “He told everyone that we’re in the alleyway and not to shoot on us, and he’ll give us the go when he gives us the signal, which is supposed to be a loud horn, possibly over an intercom system they set up.”

    “Good, now we wait.” The Commander said and we sat down taking a breather. We watched the battle for about 10 seconds when a loud air horn siren emerged from the building. It sounded like it was coming from a megaphone, but I wasn’t sure.

    “LET’S GO!” The Commander said and we all charged out onto the road. We took the monsters by surprise; they were focused on the front when we killed them from the back. I took the right side of the monsters and sprayed down a couple of them attempting to reload their gun. I saw a few monsters to the right of them but they got shot by someone else. A car some monsters were hiding behind got shot like a dozen times, probably piercing the gas tank or the engine because the car exploded.

    We heard a drop ship noise over us and I saw a guy in front of me stop and pull out an RPG. He aimed and pulled the trigger. It fired up and hit the drop ship on the side door where monsters would come out. It spiraled out of control and lost height fast. It spinned behind us and smashed into a building behind me with a loud boom. The building collapsed and a cloud of dust came out of the building and debris flew, taking the head off of a statue. We marched up the stairs of the Museum and ran up to the top. We met a couple of guys up top with sunglasses.

    “Looks like you made it right on time,” One guy said.

    “Yeah, we sure did,” The Commander said.

    “Come on in, we’ll settle things out inside,” he said and we walked in the doors of the National Air and Space Museum.

    Do you like cliffhangers? Luckily, you don't have to wait long to find out what'll happen because NEXT CHAPTER TOMORROW! :D
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    The Journey  Empty Re: The Journey

    Post by Stuart35 10/10/2011, 10:20 pm

    Hey guys, Stuart here. I'm going to warn you that this may be a "Rough" Chapter. I didn't really know how I could write this chapter so this is how I wrote it. So if it's not that good, I know, I tried.

    Chapter 9
    The National Air and Space Museum

    We walked into the Museum with the 2 guys and wow, did they make some changes to the place. It wasn’t a museum anymore, it was a runway, and no planes were there, just a building with a long runway.

    “Uh, where is everything?” I asked him. He looked at me, flashing a smile.

    “It’s all underground in a storage room of course; you’d think we’d keep everything up here for the monsters to take?”

    “No, but still, that’s a small runway, you’d never get a plane to take off at that size of a runway.”

    “Nope, but that’s where the-“ he didn’t finish his sentence when an explosion outside rocked the building. “Come on, I’ll tell you the rest later. We walked over to the other side of the room and went into an office space. Inside the office space was a stairway behind a door leading downwards.

    “Watch your step,” the guy said and then he looked at the other guy that followed us. “Henry, can you cover us please, make sure no monsters get in?” He nodded and ran back out of the office out towards the door. He then turned back to us, “Right this way.”

    We walked down the staircase for about 10 seconds and exited into another huge room, this time filled with planes, all of the planes that probably originally were in the museum, now preserved underground. We walked out onto the floor and walked over to a couple of guys having a conversation with a guy that looked like the General.

    “Let’s go talk to the Commander; we will sort out your plan with him.” We walked over to the General just as the other guys walked away from him, then the Commander turned his attention to us.

    “Ahh! Commander Fredrick! Nice to meet you again!” The Washington Commander said.

    “Yes, it’s good to talk to you again, but we’ve come for business Klinklov.”

    “Hey, don’t get personal with the names here, we’re both Commanders and I don’t appreciate my real name being said, you know that,” he said, a glitter in his eyes.

    “Yes, yes, so let’s make business,” Commander Fredrick said, our commander.

    “Okay, we have what you’re looking for and what you want. Here in DC, we got what you need. You want big planes, you get big planes. You want big firepower, you get big firepower. Here, let me show you.” He said and walked over to a section labeled “RESERVED FOR NEW YORK.”

    “Here’s what we have in stock,” he said pointing to a number of about 10 planes. “3 AC-130 Gunships, 2 Harrier Jets, 2 cargo planes, 2 Apache Gunships, and 1 Carpet Bomber/Stealth Bomber.”

    “Hmm,” The Commander said scratching his beard. “Sounds good, we’ll take them.”

    “Excellent, step this way,” He said and we walked onto a platform the planes were standing on. Klinklov motioned at someone in an office and the roof started expanding outwards. The platform we were standing on, along side the planes, started rising too.

    “Along with this package, we hope you to accompany you in the soon future. Some of us will go along with you in the planes and right now Fredrick; you can assign your men to take which planes.” He looked at all of us, and then smiled.

    “Hey, let them choose themselves,” he said. We all smiled and some made soft “Yes!” remarks. The platform reached the top and we stopped on the floor that we were previously on, the empty runway room.

    “Hold on, let me clear something for you,” he said and walked over to the side of the room and pressed a button. The end of the room where a wall was started sliding outwards, and outside the wall was a continued runway further. Some men, about 20, came running up out of the office, some came to assist us and some ran to the front and ran through the door.

    “All right, all aboard,” Klinklov said smiling. I looked at Jacob and Larry, “Which plane we taking?” I asked them.

    “Dude, The AC-130 obviously, that thing is beast.” Larry said.

    “I agree with him for once,” Jacob said nodding.

    “All right, AC-130 it is,” I said and we all ran to an AC-130 Gunship. We opened up a hatch door and walked inside. There were guys, probably Washington Crew, already inside the plane. They looked at us,

    “Hey guys, welcome aboard the “Star Destroyer,” the pilot said. “Please be seated as we are ready for take-off.” We walked over to a seat where 2 other Washington people were sitting. We looked through the window and saw a Harrier Jet take off, and then after that saw an AC-130 start driving down the runway. The pilot started talking on the radio, probably to Klinklov.

    “Commander, this is Zero-Six-Eight, are we clear for take-off?” We heard some mumbling over the radio, probably a response. “All right, see you on the ground Commander,” he said and put the radio away. He took the controls and pushed up on the throttle. The plane slowly started and we looked out the windows. We saw more soldiers rushing through the doors of the Museum and saw an explosion outside of the building. Pieces of glass flung inside of the building and hit the side of the plane, making terrible scraping noises. The pilot came on again, “Everybody, please put on your seat belt, this WILL be a bumpy take-off.” He said and we exited the building.

    Outside was a mess, more monsters were outside, fighting the demigods, as drop ships dropped off another load of monsters. All we could do was watch as we started gaining speed on the runway. The monsters finally gained a brain and started shooting at our AC-130 Gunship. “Get down!” One of the Washington soldiers said and we slumped down in our seats, away from the windows. We felt the AC-130 hit a bump in the runway, and then lift-off. The pilot came on the radio, “Attention, this is your pilot speaking, we have achieved lift-off.” He said.

    Some of us cheered, happy to make it out of there in one piece. We veered to the left and watched the battle as we gained altitude, starting to fly high in the sky. We watched as more and more planes started taking off and started flying behind us. Soon, we were 10,000 meters in the air and climbing, the battle was just a speck of dust on the Earth. We were in the air.

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    The Journey  Empty Re: The Journey

    Post by Stuart35 10/12/2011, 10:09 pm

    3 words, LONGEST. CHAPTER. EVAR!!!!! Are you happies Internet Peoplez!?! Are you happy nao?!

    Chapter 10
    From Maryland, to Virginia, to West Virginia

    I walked around on the upper deck. We’ve been on the plane for about 10 minutes. What I expected to be fun was really boring. Nothing to do except watch the buildings and cities pass by. Don’t know why they supplied us AC-130’s though, they are only suppose to run at night, they’re stealth planes, used for air support.

    I checked my watch, 7:25. It was starting to turn night but not quite dark yet. The sun was on the horizon but hadn’t set yet. I walked back to my seat and sat down. Larry was asleep in his seat; he barely got any sleep on our drive down to Maryland so this was the perfect time for him to actually get some sleep. I wish I could sleep, but I already had a nap on the way down and wasn’t tired, figures. Jacob was looking out the window, cheek resting on his hand, looking out the window. I looked out the window to see what he was looking at, grasslands and trees, much more exciting than in here. The other 2 Washington crew guys were up talking to the pilots, apparently bored too. I attempted to start a conversation with Jacob.

    “So, if you had a pick, which plane would you have chosen?” I asked him. He kept looking out the window, and then spoke up after 10 seconds,

    “I’d pick the Harrier Jet, you actually got to stay on alert to fly it, or watch out for attack ships.” (Which were basically drop ships except meant for fighting for those who didn’t know).

    “Yeah, but me and Larry thought it’d be exciting to shoot the cannons of a big gunship.”

    “I thought so too, but there’s no shooting right now, just sitting and watching people on the ground look up and watch us fly by, probably wishing they were us, they have no idea.” I chuckled a little bit, hoping to add some humor to the scenario.

    “Yeah, I remember when I was a kid and used to watch planes fly by, wishing I was them, well, now I am, and it’s boring.” I said rolling over.

    “Yeah,” Jacob said, and then the conversation ended. I got out of my seat and walked up to the pilot’s room. I opened the door and saw the 2 pilots sitting down and the 2 other guys standing, looking out the window. They looked back, saw it was me, nodded, and turned back. I stood in the doorway and looked out the window. One of the guys suddenly got interested in something. He tapped the pilots shoulder, and pointed a something out of my view and mumbled something to the pilot. The object was probably in front and below the plane, probably with a far distance. The pilot looked closely, having to put on his binoculars. He took them off, looked at the guy and nodded. He brought his hand up and flipped a switch on the dashboard.

    The lights suddenly started flashing red in the AC-130 with warning sirens going off. Jacob immediately turned my way and Larry woke up, alert, ready to fight. The 2 guys piled out of the room and ran over to the guns on the wall, and grabbed their guns. I walked over to the guys, “What’s going on?” I asked them. They cocked their guns and looked at me,

    “Why, it’s the Virginia Monster Welcoming Squad!” They ran past me and I looked at Jacob and Larry, “We got company,” I told them. Jacob stood up and Larry unbuckled himself and stood up. I rushed over to the gun wall and grabbed my gun, Jacob and Larry right behind me. I grabbed my PAT-24, stuffed it on my back, and ran to where the 2 Washington guys were.

    “What are we going to do,” I asked them.

    “Call for some backup,” they said and they pulled out their radios.

    “What, can’t we do anything!?”

    “Nope, this baby is meant for land troops, one miss on the big guns and we could be destroying houses.”

    “Uh, okay, well, who are we calling?” I asked and Jacob and Larry rushed to my side. 1 of the guys looked at me,

    “Obviously Harrier Jets, who else?”

    “Ok, well get them here fast,” I told them.

    “We’ll try,” the other guy replied back. He pressed a button on his radio and flicked a switch on the back. Then he grabbed the mic and spoke into it.

    “Hello, this is Air Cover Gunship number 2, requesting back-up on our position ASAP, we have 2 enemy attack-ships on our position and need back up for any Harrier Jets near the Maryland and Virginia border, slightly to the left, past the forest, over.” He clicked the button on his radio and 5 seconds later, a response came.

    “Hello, this is Harrier Jet number 1; we are currently near your position. We’re at the Virginia, West Virginia and will turn around to come assist you, over.”

    “Thank you, over.” He said and he put the radio back on the shelf. A blast shook the AC-130 and it turned to the left at a 50 degree angle. We lost our balance and gravity forced us to slam into the wall behind us. One guy slammed into a window, breaking it. He held onto both walls with full might as he tried to avoid getting sucked out of the plane.

    “Someone give him a parachute!” the other guy said and I looked to the right of me and saw the parachutes 9 feet away.

    “Hold on!” I yelled and grabbed the seats and stood up so I half walked on the wall. I stepped between the seats and reached over and grabbed a parachute from the wall. I walked back to the guy and threw it to the guy beside him. He handed it to the guy beside him who put it on his chest. He looked at all of us, saluted us, and then let go, flying out the window. We looked out a non-broken window and saw him put on the parachute. He dropped for about another 3 seconds then pulled the chute. The parachute deployed and he slowly started falling down to the ground.

    I looked at the other guys and attempted to yell at them, “Where’s the attack ships?” but the suction of the window muffled the sound of my voice. The guy looked at me, “I don’t know!” I, still standing on the seats, reached over and grabbed Jacob, and then helped him up onto the seats. I stretched a little further and helped Larry up onto the seats. Then I reached out for the other guy and but attack ships came around at the same time and shot at us more. More explosions rocked the ship and would have lost my balance and fell out the window if Larry and Jacob didn’t pull me back. I turned back at them,

    “Thanks!” They nodded and I told them to hold on to my feet. I went prone and they held onto my feet as I stretched across and grabbed the Washington’s guy’s hand. I pulled him up onto the seats and we walked away from the window. The other guy thanked me then said, “Grab the seat then throw it on the window, the seat’s too big for the window and it’ll get stuck.

    “Good idea!” I said and grabbed and picked up the seat. I tossed the seat toward the window. The window sucked up the seat and got stuck in the window, where the suction became softer, but still made a sucking noise. I looked back at them and nodded. Suddenly, another explosion rocked the AC-130 and it lurched back to its regular angle and we fell sideways onto the ground, hitting my shoulder. We ran up to the window, that explosion was the Harrier Jet’s rocket exploding one of the attack ships. The other ship turned towards the Harrier Jet and flew after it. A transmission came on over the radio 15 feet away.

    “Alright, we got this, continue going Air Cover.” We rushed over to the radio and quickly replied. “Thank you for your support, we will continue on the mission, over.” We clicked the radio and put it back on the wall. We all looked at each other, then the door to the pilot’s office opened. The secondary pilot came out and examined us.

    “You guys alright? Hey, where did the other guy go?” We all looked at each other.

    “It’s a long story, don’t worry about it,” I told him.

    “Alright,” he said and went back into the pilot’s office and shut the door. We all looked at each other, then dispersed and walked our separate ways.

    Next Chapter October 14
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    The Journey  Empty Re: The Journey

    Post by SonofChaos 10/13/2011, 6:57 am

    Yes, we internetz are happy nao.
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    The Journey  Empty Re: The Journey

    Post by Stuart35 10/14/2011, 9:52 pm

    Yay, I made the internetz happiez, my liefz is completes. :D

    CHAPTER UPDATE!!I will not be ables to post a chapter today because I got the Son of Neptune and I'm hooked on it, can't put it down to write a chapter. D: Sorriez. So the next chapter will either be Saturday, Sunday, or Wednesday, probably Sunday, probably NOT Satuday because I have a Band Competition from 11:00 to 8:00, D:, but there's still that 8:15 to 11:00, so i dun know. Just check back on those dates. Also, the chapter names will now be states as they travel across the USA, so yah, nothing really major. So tahts all for nao, bai.
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    The Journey  Empty Re: The Journey

    Post by Stuart35 10/19/2011, 8:50 pm

    ANOTHER CHAPTER UPDATE/NOTICE!! I have not been getting enough time to write the story. With school and homework taking up one half of my day and Marching Band taking up the other, I just can't find enough time to write the chapters. So, I am going to have to halt on the chapter uploads temporarily. Marching Band will be over on October 29, which is in 1 1/2 weeks, meaning I will continue to upload chapters in November. I just need a little break from chapter writing here to squeeze out the stress in life, I hope you understand. So until November 1st, this is Stuart, saying goodbye.

    P.S. I'll still be on, just not chapter uploading on, so yah.
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    The Journey  Empty Re: The Journey

    Post by Stuart35 11/1/2011, 7:08 pm

    Like I, um, said before. I was going to continue writing this book on the 1st, which I am, just hold on for a second, the time between chapters might be a little longer, but I hope to make that up. And for something else, I don't really know... how should I put this.... ah, here we go, I don't know how I'm going to end this book. I'm soft of doing a "I'll put that off the side for now, and when it comes time, I'll think of it' thing, so yeah. I have some ideas, don't worry, there WILL be an end to this book. I don't know how you can start a book and not finish it, boredom maybe? Not enough time, oh, but I have time, and I'll use it to finish this book. So, don't worry, this book will be finished, I won't leave you hanging in the AC-130 for the rest of eternity, nope. Here's the ending of the book now.

    Chapter 9001
    IT'S OVER 9000
    I was so bored up in here. The coldness was killing me, it was nightfall in Ohio, probably about 20 degress. Suddenly red lights started flashing, and the pilots started yelling at us.

    "ENEMY SHIPS INCOMING." We all scrambled around, not sure what to do. A few bullets zoomed at us and hit the AC-130. It lost it's wings and we started falling towards the ground. "MAYDAY, MAYDAY!!" The pilots screamed and then we hit the ground.
    The End

    For those who didn't know, I WAS KIDDING, here's the real thing, enjoy.

    Chapter 11
    A Flashback, Not in my Eyes

    I sat down on one of the chairs, looking outside the window. It was about 11:00, all dark outside. We were halfway across New Jersey, the attack happened 20 minutes ago. The Washington guy was asleep and I was getting ready to fall asleep. Jacob was messing with his sniper, adjusting the sights, seeing which one looks the best at different ranges. Larry was talking to the pilots; apparently they were showing him what all the different gauges and switches do. I was doing nothing, just sitting on the chair.

    I looked at the hole in the wall to the left of me. We managed to patch it up with something, some sheet of metal, but hey, it didn’t make any noise anymore. We’d gotten reports that the guy that got sucked out the plane dispatched a flare and was rescued by a plane. He said he’d rendezvous with us in L.A, where the real heat would take place. I thought about the dream I had with Typhon and the demigods fighting him, how they barely affected him. If that was currently, how would we fight him when the real time comes? It would take all our strength to take him down, and that’s what we would have to do.

    I got up and had the feeling to punch something. If you were ever a boy, you would get that feeling; girls might get it sometimes, but this was a strong feeling, it was my hatred towards Typhon. I would not let him kill my friends and destroy everything we’ve known. They’ve already destroyed enough Greek culture with the use of guns. Suddenly, I had a vision, a flashback, but it wasn’t in my eyes. It was in the eyes of another demigod at Camp Half-Blood on the day of December 21, 2012.

    He, or “I”, in this vision was walking to the camp store. “I” heard the drachmas jingle in my pocket, sword on my belt, today I would finally get that dagger that I wanted. I saw it in the store the entire time and I finally had made enough drachmas to get it, from searching under bunks to finding it on the floor, I would get it today.

    I walked through the store door, the bells jingling. I looked around; a few demigods were looking around, apparently here for no purpose, unlike me. A lady at the front desk with a name tag of “Sara” turned around and smiled at me. “Hi, Welcome to the CHB store.” She might have said something else but a demigod walked up with something in his hand, ready to buy. I walked over to a shelf labeled “Weapons.” Another demigod there with armor was there, browsing through a couple of maces, apparently weighing them to see which one had the best grip.

    I looked around the shelf and my eye caught a celestial bronze dagger in the back. I reached out for it and grabbed it. I examined it, it had a skull on its hilt and it had a few crystals on its hilt also. I tossed it around a little then fished out the drachmas. I walked over to the front counter, ready to check-out. The lady just got finished with a guy when she turned to me.

    “Hi, ready to check-out?”

    “Yes,” I said and put the dagger on the desk.

    “Good, that’ll be 4 drachmas,” she said and I hand her the drachmas. She opens a drawer and stuffs the drachmas in there. She looks up and smiles,

    “Have a nice day,” I smile and turn around. I walked out the door and the bell rang again. As I walked across the grass, I stopped as I saw 2 kids sprinting across the grass full speed. I, the real me, attempted to gasp, but this was only a vision so it was a mental gasp. Those 2 people running across the grass were Jacob and I. He watched as Jacob and I ran into the Big House. As we ran in, something blocked out the sun. I looked up to see a metallic ship, with purple thrusters on the bottom, soaring in the sky. I gasped in horror as something came out of the ship, a turret.

    Luckily, I wasn’t the closest person to the turret because it started shooting at something in the Dining Hall, probably people. It shot purple plasma bullets, don’t know what the plasma felt like, didn’t want to find out. As I turned around, I saw the ship open up and drop guys down on the grass, my view blocked by the Amphitheater. I quickly turned around and ran back into the store, almost busting the door down. Everyone turned, startled at my entrance. One man turned his sword on me, but put it away when he saw it wasn’t a monster, wait till he found out.

    “What are you doing? You almost broke the door?” Sara exclaimed.

    “Monsters, ships, guns, killing, they’re coming,” I said gasping for air from the sprint down here and losing my breath for a second when I hit the door.

    “What are you talking about?” Sara said, I pointed to the door.

    “Go look for yourself,” I exasperated and then sat down, trying to catch my breath before any monsters showed up. Sara came out from behind the counter and walked through the alley of the store, eyeing me carefully. She walked over to the door and opened it slightly, looking out the glass. A bullet of plasma hit the glass and it shattered. Sara shrieked and got back as she almost hit. 1 demigod ran to her attention and pulled her back as the door broke.

    “They’re coming!” Sara said. “All the weapons now have a 100% discount!” She said pointing to the weapon rack and ran back behind the counter into the back room. I got my sword out and got behind a shelf. A dagger would be useless on guns, I can’t let them get close enough to use a dagger, and it was useless. The man that bought the mace crouched beside me.

    “Stay here,” he said and walked out from behind the rack to the side of the door. I heard footsteps, running, from outside the store as everything was dead quiet. As the first monster came in, he swung his sword and chopped off the monsters head. I peeked over the rack and saw the next monster run in, having his gun aimed on where the guy should be. The monster quickly came around the corner and shot the guy before he could swing. Yellow Plasma bullets came out and hit the guy. The bullets were like acid on his skin. He screamed then fell to the ground.

    I quickly ducked back behind the rack of weapons. I heard the monster walk to the opposite side of the store. I heard him shoot some more bullets and more people screamed. I looked back over the rack and saw another monster walk in. He started walking to my side of the store. I got on the edge of the rack, ready for him. When he came around the corner, I knocked the gun out of his hands and drove the knife through his neck. He yelped this exploded in a cloud of dust.

    The other monster in the store yelled, and started running my way. He was coming to the front of the store, so that means he would come to the front of the rack, if only I could make it to the desk in the back. When I heard him reach the front of the store, I took off full sprint. The store was small so I reached it just in time and hopped over the desk. A few bullets wized past my head and indented themselves into the wall, making a sizzling sound on the wall. I heard him running to me and I got up and ran through the back door, him right on my tail.

    I had to pick quickly which way to go. There was storage back here with walls and racks of items. To the right of me was an employee restroom, and past that was an exit door. I decided I wouldn’t have enough time to run into the exit room so I ran into the bathroom to the right and closed the door behind me. I locked it then looked around for something I could use to my advantage. I looked up, a ventilation system. I brought over a box and some toilet paper rolls and climbed up on top of them. I heard the monsters outside the door, and he tried the doorknob, only to find it locked.

    I clawed at the Ventilation gate and managed to cut the 4 screws off. I took the top off and jumped up and got a hold of the sides. A burst of plasma hit the door as I climbed up into the Ventilation shaft. The monster ran into the restroom, looking for me. By that time, I was gone into the Ventilation system, lost. I stopped moving, just incase they heard me, there was dead silence. Then I heard footsteps and they came from what might have been the bathroom and stopped below me. For a second, I heard a sound for what might have been some atoms charging up, and then bolts of plasma hit both sides of where I was.

    I came falling down in the ventilation shaft to the ground. The Ventilation hit the ground with a thud, and I got the wind knocked out of me. The monster came to one end of the shaft, the way I was looking. He showed his ugly face for a second, a cross between a dog, and a lizard and then shot me in the face, and for a second there was a terrible burning sensation, then everything went black.

    My vision came back to me and I was standing in the AC-130 up in the sky. Jacob was still looking at his sniper, Larry was still talking to the guys and the Washington Guy was still asleep. I looked around, and then blinked, as if I had something in my eyes. My eyes felt heavy, as if the vision had worn me out. I turned to Jacob, “Hey Jacob, I’m going to get some rest.”

    “Ok,” he said not looking up from his sniper. I walked over to the chairs and lied down on 2 of them. The plane rumbled once and then I went to sleep.

    Next Chapter November 4
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    The Journey  Empty Re: The Journey

    Post by Stuart35 11/4/2011, 10:40 pm

    QUICK CHAPTER UPDATE! Can't upload the chapter tonight, I will upload it early tomorrow morning, before Noon EST. That's all, see you later.
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    The Journey  Empty Re: The Journey

    Post by Stuart35 11/5/2011, 12:00 pm

    Last Minute Uploads FTW

    Chapter 12
    We Battle a God

    I woke up, exhausted but refreshed. I got up and got chills, it was freezing in here. I looked around, everyone was awake and in a blanket. Their jaws were shivering and they were sitting on another blanket, probably because the floor was cold too, but I couldn’t tell with those shoes.

    “Hey… got anymore… blankets?” I asked them, holding my arms close to me. Larry looked at me, did a slight nod, and motioned with his head towards a little door in the wall. I shuffled over to it, not wanting to move too fast, opened the door, and found 4 more blankets.

    “We wanted… to save some…. for you,” Jacob said shivering between some words. I looked over at him,

    “Thanks,” I said and threw them the 2 other blankets that remained and I took 2. I walked over and put a blanket down. I sat down and covered up with the other blanket. “Where… are we?” I asked them shivering.

    “Indiana,” Larry said. “When we’re…. way up North here…. it gets cold. I nodded; we lived in New York, where it’s cold all the time, but not the real New York. We didn’t get storms in Camp Half-Blood. But Camp Half-Blood, we lived underground in tunnels and boy did it get cold down there some days. It especially stunk when it snowed and we went outside, walked around for a bit, and then came back inside. The monsters would follow our footprints and sometimes attack the base. That happened once in 2014, when we almost died.

    After the battle we realized we had to strengthen our defenses. So we put guards, auto-turrets to keep the monsters away, and they did. The monsters left us alone for a little while, realizing they couldn’t get past the auto-turrets because they were dumb, even though they were supposed to be smarter. ‘Actually,’ I thought to myself, ‘The monsters we battled back there at the museum were old monsters, not new monsters. Maybe the new monster type is in California, I could just imagine the blood bath we’d get ourselves into when we got there.’

    We sat there, trying to stay warm, until the pilots called one of us.

    “Hey Thomas, come here for a second,” one of the pilots said and I realized that was the Washington guy’s name. I looked at him as he stood up, and for a second, and I finally got a good look at him. He had brown hair, brown eyes, and medium skin, neither pale nor brown. He walked over the pilots and walked through the door into their room. He closed the door behind him.

    Larry, Jacob, and I looked at each other under our blankets. Other people would call us babies, and take it like a man, but you’ve never been 15,000 feet in the air when the air is below freezing, in a metal aircraft. Let me tell you how cold it is, COLD. Cold like you’ve never imagined.

    The plane hit some turbulence, and Thomas was still talking to the pilots.

    “What do you think they’re talking about?” Larry wondered.

    “I don’t know,” Jacob said.

    “Obviously something important if they took that guy up there,” I said and we hit another bump of turbulence.

    “I don’t like this,” Jacob said.

    “Me neither,” Larry said and then Thomas came out of the Pilots Quarters.

    “Guys, we got trouble.” We all stood up, despite the cold.

    “What is it?” we asked.

    “Boreas,” he stated. We all looked at each other. Boreas, God of the North Wind, this was not good. We hit a bump of turbulence which made the shake. We almost got thrown off our feet, except we managed to recover.

    “Man the guns!” Thomas said and Jacob and I ran over to the 105 mm. Cannon. Larry and Thomas ran over to the 40 mm. and nobody manned the 25 mm. We looked out the window to where we were supposed to be aiming at, what we saw shocked us.

    A huge face was coming out of storm clouds. He had a long white beard, blue eyes, grayish hair, grayish/darkish skin because he looked like a storm cloud, and his face was about the size of 7 football fields.

    “Grab a bullet,” I said and Jacob grabbed one and he gave it to me. I opened the hatch, shoved the bullet in, closed the hatch, and looked for the trigger. “Uhh, how do I fire this thing?!” I yelled to Thomas.

    “There will be 3 triggers on to the top of the cannon. The left one is the safety, the middle one is the trigger, and the right one is for mobility/brakes!”

    “Thanks!” I said and covered my ears as I pulled the middle trigger. A loud thump was made as the bullet shot out of the cannon. The bullet soared through the air and hit the side of his face, right on his nose. The bullet exploded and his face ‘stumbled’ backwards. Larry and Thomas fired their cannon to the right of us and it hit him also, forcing him backwards even farther.

    We wasted no time and quickly loaded another bullet. We opened the hatch, put it in, closed it, and then pulled the trigger. This time the bullet soared through the sky again, but he breathed his cold breath, and it became a frost bullet. It hit his face and shattered, but he didn’t even flinch. Thomas and Larry fired their’s and he did the same thing.

    “Uh guys, what are we gonna do?” I asked them.

    “I don’t know,” Thomas said. “Just keep firing!” We put another bullet in and pulled the trigger, he did the same thing, froze the bullet, and he did the same thing for Larry who fired theirs’ after ours. A thought came to my mind.

    “Guys we need to fire at the same time!” I yelled at them.

    “Good idea!” Thomas said and we both loaded our bullets. “On the count of 3! 1…2….3!” He said and we both pulled our triggers. We watched as the bullets soared through the air. Boreas, not sure what to do, didn’t do anything. The bullets hit him in the face and he ‘stumbled’ backwards again, even farther.

    “We need to get out of here!” Jacob yelled at Thomas and Larry.

    “I know!” Thomas yelled back. We loaded another bullet, counted down, and fired at the same time. The bullets hit him so we kept using that technique. When we fired one more round at him, he roared, and then breathed cold air at us.

    “Get down!” Thomas yelled and we hit the deck. His cold breath, which was below 0 degrees Fahrenheit, soared over our backs and went out the opposite windows. We stood back up and Thomas realized something. “Hey guys, I forgot! This gun that Larry and I are using can be Semi-Automatic with about 5 bullets!”

    “Well then use it!” Jacob screamed at them, as we started to think we may not make it out of this. He loaded the 5 bullets in the cannon, and fired them. 5 bullets shot out, each having a different target. 1 for each eye, 1 for the nose, and 2 for the mouth, all 5 hit their target, which really hurt him. He had a pained expression on his face. Then his face turned to anger, and dissipated into the air, the storm clouds disappearing with him.

    We all cheered, we had defeated a god. Not really defeated him, but sent him away. If we could injure a god, we could defeat a titan, it would take a lot more firepower though, all of us combined, but how much firepower is enough? We would yet to figure that out. All we knew was that we were in Indiana and we were running out of time.

    Next chapter November 8

    Last edited by Stuart35 on 11/21/2011, 7:55 pm; edited 1 time in total
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    The Journey  Empty Re: The Journey

    Post by Stuart35 11/8/2011, 10:06 pm

    CHAPTER UPDATE!!! Me no be able to upload chapter today, sorryz. I will try to upload on Friday, because this week I'm having Drumline tryouts everyday after school, except for Friday. So I'll try to upload a chapter on Friday, k bai.
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    The Journey  Empty Re: The Journey

    Post by Stuart35 11/11/2011, 11:14 pm

    Hey guys, Stuart35 here, just wanted to get this out, so here you go, very short, so sorry.

    Chapter 13
    Starting a Journal, NOT a Diary

    The Journal of Jonathon Kipp
    Day 1

    We just entered Illinois, still going strong. It’s gotten a little warmer since Indiana. We haven’t seen any further sign of Boreas, who is a god that we battled not to long ago. We further go on through the day and night, knowing that time is short. For all we know, he could be out of California right now. He destroyed Hollywood, which is in Los Angeles, for those who didn’t know, and last we heard he was destroyed the rest of Los Angeles. They said he’d keep moving up the coast, towards San Francisco, then towards Sacramento, and then he’d move towards the next state.

    We’d been sitting around doing nothing for the past hour. We passed Indiana and moved into Illinois, like I previously stated. We were moving pretty fast, but not fast enough. I heard some Harrier Jets were already ¾ across the country when we were about 2/5 across the country. I realize now that we should have chosen the Harrier Jets, they would’ve gone much faster than this big hunk of metal, though I probably shouldn’t be saying that because this big hunk of metal has saved us twice.

    Speaking of big hunks of metal, I haven’t seen any of the other AC-130’s or Cargo Planes. We must be going at the same speed to not get passed, weird. Unless one of the planes got shot down… what’s even in those Cargo Planes? They never told us, there’s got to be crates of something in there. Guns? Grenades? Bombs? I hope it’s not something to be that if the enemy gets a hold of it, they could use it against us. If that does happen, then we would be hopeless. Well, that’s all for now, see you later guys, bye.

    End of Journal Entry 1

    The Journal of Jonathon Kipp
    Day 2

    Day 2, the 2nd day of this Journal. We’re now in Missouri, we’re one state closer towards California. One state closer towards the doom of us all, or the survival of mankind, they both have an equal chance, sort of, not really. I’m not really sure if I should keep this Journal thing up. The guys are starting to make fun of me and calling it a Diary, when clearly it’s a journal. I don’t go ‘Dear Diary’ at the beginning of every entry, do I? I didn’t think so, and to anyone reading this, you better have not have said ‘Yes.’ Don’t you say it right now either, I’m watching you.

    So yeah, about that sentence above, if you’re reading this, I’m either dead, close to being dead, or alive. If you’re reading this, it could mean that the world has been saved; it could also mean the world is in complete havoc and you managed to find a book on the ground and skim through it. I really hope it’s the first one; I’m going to hope it is. Anyway, enough of this paradox stuff, you might be getting confused.

    I just got back from the pilot’s room. They said they saw the Missouri border so we’re now in Kansas. Not bad, the pilots said we should be there in 2 more days. They said Typhon is halfway across California, heading towards San Francisco, which isn’t good, because after that, he’ll go towards the capital, Sacramento. They said we’ll head towards Sacramento and defend there; we won’t make it in time to save San Francisco, because by the time we get there, there won’t be a San Francisco…. Yeah.

    I think I’m going to go, I’ve had enough writing for now, isn’t really my thing pretty sure. All right guys, see you later, bye.

    End of Journal Entry 2

    Next Chapter November 13? Meybe? Also, post if you want more Journal entries. They could reveal more stuff about the book to come, but for a price of the chapters being shorter, but also time would go by faster, so Idk, I might continue to do Journal Entries, maybe. I'll have to think about it.
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    The Journey  Empty Re: The Journey

    Post by Stuart35 11/21/2011, 7:54 pm

    Sorry for the long wait on Chapter 14, couldn't really think on what to do and it's kind of getting hard to write stuff about them being on a plane, so I'll try to start tying stuff in about REAL History and Modern Day stuff, hope you enjoy.

    Chapter 14
    The Great Planes and Area 51

    I woke up from my nap, looking around, checking to see where I was. I had taken a nap after I wrote my last journal entry. I looked around; Larry was looking out the window.

    “Where are we?” I asked him. He looked over at me,

    “Why, we’re right above the Great Plains. I was looking how flat it was, and it is FLAT. No trees, just wide open land, some hills, not very big though, at least not from this high up,” he said smiling.

    “Oh, cool, I guess,” I said and stood up. I walked over to the windows. Yep, it was flat out there all there. “Uh, awesome,” I said looking around. I looked at Jacob taking a nap and Thomas talking with the pilots again.

    “Yeah, so you have fun looking at the plains, I’ll go see what Thomas is up to.

    “All right, see you,” he said and turned back around to look through the window. I walked over to the pilot’s room and leaned on the doorway.

    “What do we got?” I asked, them unaware I’m here.” Thomas turned around and half-smiled at me.

    “Do you know where we are?” he asked me.

    “Uh, no, I just woke up and Larry only told me we’re in the Great Plains, so that could be any state in the middle of the USA.”

    “No, we’re not just in any state, we’re in Kansas,” I stared blankly at him.

    “So? What’s the big deal with Kansas.” He looked at me, as if he thought I was stupid.

    “You’ve never heard the stories of the “Great Planes?” he asked me.

    “Wait, like Planes? Like P-L-A-N-E-S?”

    “Yes! Of course! What else did you think I mean?” he stated excitedly, then turned serious again. “Well, what I mean is these “Great Planes” guys are supposed to have the best air force in the country. They served during the top wars in the history of the United States. I’ll give you an example, did you ever hear of the ‘Battle of Midway’ that took place in World War 2?”

    “Of course I have,” I told him.

    “Well, these guys fought in that war. They fought in THAT battle, that’s why we won. We almost lost, but the “Great Planes” came in and won the battle for us. They also dropped the Atomic Bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.” He said and turned around, looking out the pilot’s window.

    “Anyway, what I’m trying to say is, these guys are top notch, you don’t want to get in a dog fight with them. They’ve been sent off to California to fight Typhon, but they’ve still got planes at their base. If those planes take off and attack us, we have a 0% chance of surviving. They have the fastest planes, the deadliest planes, the stealthiest planes, and the biggest planes. These guys are to be taken very seriously.

    “We’ve managed to contact them and told them we’d be flying over their base and not to shoot us down. They said that some people had all ready flown over them and they knew we were coming because they told them, so they would have let us fly over them anyway.”

    “Oh, and what is this base supposed to look like?” I asked him.

    “It’s supposed to be a large base, a huge military base. It looks like Area 51, if you’ve ever been to Area 51 before, have you?”

    I frowned, “Can’t say I have been, why? What do they have there?” He looked at the pilots,

    “Let’s discuss this out here,” he said, pointing outside the pilots quarters. We walked out of the room and closed the door behind us. Larry was still looking out the window, probably didn’t know we were here. Thomas looked around; making sure know was listening, and then turned back to me.

    “Look, what I saw at Area 51 was classified, and was told to never say what I saw there that day, but I’ll tell you, because, well it’s the end of the world, and somebody should know. Have you ever heard of all the alien myths and UFO’s at Area 51?” he asked me.

    “Yeah, who hasn’t heard about them?

    “Well, those alien myths and UFO myths are true! I saw them with my own eyes! Except they weren’t aliens, they we’re monsters!” He exclaimed. My eyes widened, it all made since. All those mortal workers at Area 51, the mortal government would try to hide something like that! But they didn’t see monsters, they probably saw green-headed aliens, the mist played tricks on their eyes.

    “So, the mortals knew about this all along?”

    “Yes and No,” he said. “They never knew there was a separate species out there apart from Homosapian that had a brain like us, and what I mean by like, is the ability to reason, and they never knew until now. So they hid this up from the public because of the panic it would cause if this got out to the people. There would be massive havoc, the president would go into hiding, fearing there would be an attack, and we all know who the president is right now, if he’s even still alive.”

    “Yeah, I know who he is,” I said, the president of the year 2020. In fact, the year is almost 2021; the month is October, October 27 to be exact.

    “So anyone, I’m glad I finally got to tell someone. I’ve been dying to tell someone because someone needed to know what was going on inside Area 51, what the mortals were doing, and they could have stopped this whole thing from happening!” he said.

    “Yeah, now that I think about it, they COULD have stopped this whole thing. All they needed to do was to-“

    “Jonathon! Thomas! Jacob! Get over here right now!” Larry yelled at us. Thomas and I looked at each other and we ran over to Larry. Jacob stood up and ran over to Larry also. “Look outside the windows!” We all looked outside a window, and what we saw was amazing.

    We saw these stealth planes flying below us, HUGE black planes with machines guns and bombs loaded on them. They looked like they’re flying about 8000 feet below us, since we were at an altitude of about 15000 feet. They were flying in a V shape, the way Canadian Geese fly. There were about 9 of the planes, and they were going the same way as us, probably heading off to California.

    “There’s the Great Planes,” Thomas said, sounding amazed. Then we came in view of the airbase. We saw about 20 hangers, 7 runways, 20 buildings, and 3 planes taking off right then. We watched as the planes took off from the runway and turned left, heading the way we were going. They were going a little faster than us. If we were going 400 miles per hour, they were going 500. The planes flew past us, and were out of sight from the windows.

    Soon, the military base was out of site, but planes were still flying past us every 5 minutes. We lost interest in the planes, just a bunch of huge stealth bombers, every day thing you’d see in the life of a 2020 Demigod, but defiantly not a 2010 Demigod, that’s the Sword Age, this is the Gun Age, old traditions die fast in modern days, doesn’t mean they still won’t be remembered.

    Next Chapter November 24, FOR SURE.

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