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    The Journey

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    The Journey  - Page 2 Empty Re: The Journey

    Post by Stuart35 11/29/2011, 8:51 pm

    Yeah, I sort of lied on the last chapter, because I had a lot of homework that day and couldn't make it, but I uploaded the chapter today, so yeah. Sorry if it's boring, it will be MUCH more exciting when they get to California, and I mean MUCH more.

    Chapter 15

    The Journal of Jonathon Kipp
    Day 3

    It was the ending of day 3, around 9:00 P.M. We we’re starting to get tired because we had done nothing all day except keep our eyes open, and let me tell you, the more boring it is, the more tiring it is.

    So anyway, we were still flying through Kansas, the Great Planes had gone ahead of us, and the airfield was about 30 miles behind us, and we were flying towards Colorado. Then the weather started to get bad. We thought it was just going to be a regular storm, rain and some thunder, but it turned out to be a lot more than that, a LOT more.

    About 3 minutes into the storm, and lightning hitting the plane twice, which scared us to death, we had the guts to look outside, and guess what we saw? The sky was starting to turn green and brown, then a conversation took place between us 4.

    Jacob: “Oh yeah, I forgot this is Tornado Alley we’re in.

    Thomas: “Wait, what’s Tornado Alley?”

    Me: “You’ve never heard of Tornado Alley?”

    Thomas: “Not really, but it sounds bad, does it have to do with Tornadoes?”

    Jacob: “Yes, lots of tornadoes. Tornado Alley stretches through this part of the United States. In this section, there are normally about 300+ tornadoes every year. So we’re probably about to get hit with a tornado.

    Larry: “I’ve been under a ‘Tornado Warning’ before. I was hiding in my family’s basement when a tornado hit, destroyed our house. I used to live out here in the west, where tornadoes roam free, you get used to tornadoes when you’re in them quite often. First times always a scare though, we should get through it.

    Me: “You better be right Larry, the 4 of us would be vital help in the battle for California, we’ve already lost one guy, but he got rescued by another plane.”

    Thomas: “Yeah, a cargo plane”

    Me: Exactly, we should be fine, just tell the pilots to go faster if we’re being chased by a tornado. How fast are we going right now Thomas? You go up into the pilots section a lot.”

    Thomas: “Err, we’re going about 250 miles per hour. The top speed our AC-130 can fly is 300 mph, so we wanted to save that extra 50 mph for something we needed to outrun, like a tornado. “

    Jacob: “Well, why don’t we just go 300 mph right now, we’d get out of this storm faster.”

    Thomas: “Yeah, but what would we do if the tornado was really in front of us? We can’t slow down in a second.

    Jacob: “Good point, let’s just keep going this speed then.”

    We then dismissed our little group and went our own separate ways.

    After about 5 minutes, we started to hear what sounded like a swirling sound. I frowned and then looked over at everybody else. We were all looking at each other, and then ran over to the windows.

    Outside, we saw that the sky was green and black, and coming out of the clouds was a swirling black cloud of dust, a tornado, and it was spinning right towards us. Thomas sprinted towards the pilot’s office and quickly opened the door.

    Thomas: “Guys! Get us out of here!”

    Pilot 1: “We’re trying!”

    Thomas: “Are we max speed?”

    Pilot 1: “We’re achieving max speed right… now.”

    Thomas: “Ok.”

    He turned back to us, pale face. All we could do right now was wait and hope the tornado would miss us. We kept watching the window, the tornado kept heading towards us and we kept up the speed we were going.

    At one point, the tornado came across a town.

    Larry: “Uh oh, that twister’s getting ready to hit that town.”

    Jacob: “Yeah, I hope everyone down there is in a tornado shelter, or some form of protection from tornadoes

    Thomas: “This is Kansas, and since you said this was ‘Tornado Alley’, they should have Tornado shelters.”

    Me: “They should have tornado shelters, if they don’t, then maybe they would get in somebody else’s tornado shelter.”

    Thomas: “Yeah maybe they, WOAH LOOK!”

    At that point when he said it, the tornado hit the town. It started out hitting what look liked a neighborhood. It tore through shingle houses, and threw debris through the air. Pieces of houses, dirt, and other stuff flew through the air. It went through house after house, destroying everyone.

    Me: “I feel sorry for anyone who is stuck in that, but also I hope it’s slowing the tornado down from hitting us, because we got a job to do, and we can’t let the people down by failing our job.”

    Jacob: “Yeah, I hope nobody gets killed down there, because you might as well say they could be dying for us.”

    Me: “Yeah.”

    Luckily, we did manage to get past the tornado. It seems like all the debris down there did somehow slow the tornado down, like the tornado god wanted to spare us for the real battle at Sacramento. We all knew the battle would be tough, the gods probably knew that too, but we didn’t know what would happen, and they would. Maybe someone was supposed to save us, for good, or for bad.
    Senior Member

    Number of posts : 1852
    Age : 27
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    The Journey  - Page 2 Empty Re: The Journey

    Post by Stuart35 12/23/2011, 8:46 pm

    Hey guys, Stuart35 here. After not uploading a chapter for a VERY long time, I think you guys deserved an EXTRA long chapter. This is probably the longest chapter I've written, but I will write a long chapter sometime in the future. So anyway, enjoy the extra long chapter.

    Chapter 16
    A Real Battle

    I walked over to Larry, who was looking out the window at the mountains.

    “So, what are you doing?” I asked him. He turned to face me.

    “Eh, nothing much, just checking out the scenery. If we’re going to die, I want to look to see the world before it’s overrun by monsters.”

    “Don’t say that, we’ll live,” I said, trying to reassure him and myself. He shrugged,

    “I don’t know, you really think we could take on a Titan?” He asked me.

    “Yeah, we got a god on our side, it’ll be easy,” I told him.

    He frowned, still not convinced. “What about Typhon? He’s a monster, not a Titan.”

    “We’ll think of something,” I said then walked off. I saw him turn back around and look out the window. I wandered around the small area that we had in the plane. Jacob was sitting in one of the chairs near the window. I walked over to him and sat down next to him.

    “So, what are you doing?” I asked him.

    He sighed, “Nothing much, just trying to waste some time here, trying to fall asleep.” I nodded; it was night, around midnight, a little past. I looked at him, he did look tired.

    “Ok, I’ll let you sleep,” I said.

    “Ok,” he mumbled and then turned over as we hit a little bit of turbulence. I sighed and stood back up. The only one else was Thomas, and he was talking to the pilots, like he always did. It seemed like he always also talking with them, probably best friends with them.

    I got up, leaving Jacob alone and walked over to the weapon rack, where my VS-11 was. I picked it up off of the rack and carried it over to an empty space on the plane. I sat down and put it on my lap. I fished through my pockets on my vest I was wearing and pulled out a dot sight, a holographic sight; my favorite type of sight. I attached it onto my naked gun and equipped it with a flashlight also. I put the safety on and aimed down the sight of my gun, testing it out.

    I then pulled out a magazine of celestial bronze bullets, 31 to be exact. I clicked it into the gun and then looked down the sights and pulled the trigger. The safety was on so no bullets came out. Satisfied, I turned the safety off and then put it back on the rack. In the life of a demigod, sometimes it was good to have your sword unsheathed, or your gun loaded, depends which decade you live in.

    I walk over and put it back on the rack, and then walk over to Thomas, curious to know what they’re talking about. I walk up behind him while he’s still talking.

    “Hey,” I call to him. He turned around, surprised to see me.

    “Oh, hey, uh…”

    “Jonathon,” I said completing his sentence.

    “Yeah, I don’t think I ever really learned your name, we never really got a chance to learn everybody’s name, or at least I don’t think so,” he said with a nervous grin.

    “All right Thomas, what’s up?” I asked him, my tone dead serious.

    “Well, um, how about you come look for yourself,” he said and motioned for me to come into the cockpit of the plane. I stepped into the cockpit, a small little room. The pilots were focusing ahead and turning dials on the dashboard and speaking into their microphones on their headsets sometimes.

    “Decreasing altitude, Entering Fire Delta,” he said as he dropped the control stick he was holding by a little bit.

    “Fire Delta? What’s that?” I asked, curious of the word fire.

    “Well, you see that big radar on the center of the dashboard, right?” Thomas asked.

    I did see it, “Yeah, how could I miss it?” It was about 6 inches wide and long.

    “Look at what’s on the radar,” Thomas said as he watched the radar too. I looked over at the radar, not sure what to expect. On the radar, I saw a big blob of blue on the radar.

    I frowned, “What’s that?” I asked, looking at Thomas.

    He sighed, “Let’s just put it this way, if something is blue on the radar; it’s not one of us,” he said.

    I didn’t know what the color blue meant, but I knew what he meant when he said they weren’t one of us, monsters.

    Now, not only did my tone not to serious, but my facial expression did. “Where are they?” I asked him.

    “They’re dug into the Rocky Mountains of course, they have a cave system back there, and a have a building sticking out of the mountain, don’t know how the mortals haven’t seen it, don’t ask me.”

    I frown at Thomas, “Thomas, there are no more mortals left, they’re all dead.”

    He smiles and shakes his head. “That’s where you’re wrong, there are still mortals alive. They’ve came together and they are fighting off the monsters. They probably think it’s another country invading them. Anyway, back on topic, we decided we should probably attack this colony so we can help the mortals out because the mortals are always making there way to California. They have tanks and jeeps and all of the basic military stuff.”

    “So, we should probably tell Jacob and Larry about the attack, if they haven’t seen the base yet.”

    “Oh no, they probably haven’t seen it yet, its pitch black out and you can’t see 200 feet out,” Thomas said.

    “Then how would we see?” I asked him.

    “With these,” he said and gave me some weird-looking goggles.

    “What are these suppose to do?”

    “Come with me,” he said and we exited the pilot’s quarters. He closed the door behind us and we walked over to the window. “Put the goggles on and look over there,” Thomas said and pointed into the darkness. I put the goggles on and looked at the direction he pointed. It seemed black as normal, but when I looked over at where the base is supposed to be, a white object the shape of a building was indented into the blackness.

    “Woah, that’s cool,” I said.

    “Yeah, I know, do you see any monsters?” he asked me.

    I looked back through the goggles and saw what he meant. Blue targets that looked like people were on top of the building and were seen through the windows of the building.

    “Oh yeah, I see them,” I told him.

    “That’s who were attacking, now I’ll just show Larry and Jacob how to use these goggles, and you can go get the guns set up,” he said nodding.

    “Ok, I’ll go do that right now,” I said and walked over to the guns. Behind me, I heard Thomas call for Jacob and Larry while I walked over to the guns. I walked over to the 105mm. cannon and opened the hatch. I picked one of its heavy bullets and loaded it into the cannon. I closed the hatch and turned the hatch to a 90 degree angle.

    Then I walked over to the 40mm. cannon and opened the hatch. I loaded the bullet into the cannon, then closed the hatch and locked it. Then walked over to the 25mm. cannon and loaded it. Then I walked back over to them,

    “Hey guys, I finished loading the cannons,” I told them. Thomas nodded at me,

    “Good job, we’ll start the assault soon.”

    2 Minutes Later

    Brezen walked though the base. He was on guard duty in the base, and they were being extra careful because the rebel mortals had been attacking them lately, so they had extra security on standby.

    Raczo walked past me carrying his PT submachine gun. I walked over to him as he was passing me,

    “So, what do you think the mortals plan to do next?” I asked him.

    He snorted, “I don’t know, those crazy mortals are an unpredictable species, yet they’re also foolish. We are surely going to win this war, right now as we speak Typhon is wrecking California and its wanna-be’s. Once it falls, all the bases around the nation will attack and eliminate all mortals that still inhabit this country, and we will create the new nation of Zigneg!”

    “Yes, for Zigneg!” I said.

    “So, what do you plan after this war?”

    “Oh, nothing much, I just plan to relax and-“ he was cut off by what sounded like a bomb being dropped. Before they could react, the side of the building exploded, sending debris everywhere. Brezen was sent flying across the room and hit the wall. He looked up, and had debris on him, light concrete. He spit out some dust and checked his forehead, he had a bad cut on his head and gold dust was coming out of it.

    He stood up shakily and saw Raczo on the floor under some debris. He quickly limped over to him as sirens went off in the base. He picked the debris up off of him, he lied there motionless, and then suddenly turned into gold dust. He heard another sound of what sounded like a bomb being dropped as he closed his eyes, and the explosion hit the canyon right above the base. He heard the base creak and groan and the concrete collapsed and the canyon swallowed the base.

    Back in the AC-130

    “Yeah! How about them apples!” Larry shouted, not expecting them to hear him.

    “I felt that from here,” Thomas said smiling.

    “Well, I think they’re done,” I said as I closed the 105mm. cannon’s lid.

    “Yeah,” Jacob said and he closed the 40mm. cannon’s lid too.

    “Okay guys, I think that’s a good day’s work,” Thomas said and we all nodded. Now the Militia could move up past the canyons through the desert. They were being held back by the base, and by destroying, we prevented death and time being wasted. We basically just dominated Colorado and we were already on our way to Utah, which would make us 2 states away from California.


    Personally, I'm not sure when I'll be able to upload the next chapter because I'm usually never able to hold a promise on these chapters, but I'll upload it before I go back to school, which is on January 2nd, so expect a chapter before then.
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    The Journey  - Page 2 Empty Re: The Journey

    Post by shortyy.xo 12/23/2011, 8:48 pm


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