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    My Young Dracula

    Minister of Magic

    Number of posts : 5257
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    Registration date : 2011-05-28

    My Young Dracula Empty My Young Dracula

    Post by GwrachSeren 12/26/2011, 6:21 pm

    Hello and welcome to My Young Dracula. This idea was thought up at a friend's sixteenth birthday party and I've written it. We were discussing an idea and it grew. Sorry if it's too long but... I have a fear of short chapters! :) (DISCLAIMER because i forgot i did't originally put it in! I don't own Young Dracula. CBBC does. Sorry!)
    Okay, so here's the schtick. I'm Shannon and up until recently, I was a vampire hunter. Who had a vampire best friend. It's odd isn't it? But to be honest, I grew up with Lauren and just because she was a vampire, which I found out after I'd trained as a slayer, I didn't slay any family members of hers, though. I didn't slay vampires after that. At least... not any that Lauren had as friends or family.
    Why we were out at a forest at this time of night? (It's three AM!)
    I had a call for a dragon. A special type of dragon. And this is more like pest control.
    Lauren and I were watching it as it ate the bait.
    "How on earth am I going to kill that thing?" I sighed quietly.
    "Use the skills you learnt?" Lauren asked, drinking what looked like a carton of cranberry juice. Only, it wasn't cranberry juice. It was blood.
    "I've never fought a bloody wyvern before!" I frowned at her.
    "Better look up. It's heard you," she whispered and I looked at the dragon thing. It's nose was so close to me that I could smell IT, never mind it smell ME!
    "Shit!" I cursed and got up to jump out of the way as the dragon tried to swipe me.
    Lauren just shuffled out of the way.
    I tried to grab my crossbow but the wyvern hit me with it's tail. I hurtled me at a tree and I hit it to the point where the thing wobbled from it's roots. I stayed still for a moment and let the impact finish before I peeled myself away from the tree and cricked my neck. I had a gash on my forehead but it healed in seconds.
    I was born with a gene that allowed me to heal rapidly. Tha's why I was recruited as a hunter. If you look at hunters, a minority of them have abilities like mine. I can't control it. And it only happens with big wounds. I wouldn't call it a mutation or superpower. It's just a quicker healing process. Everybody has one. As I said, mine is just rapid.
    I turned and glared at the dragon. I brought out my knife and jumped at it. It was like riding an angry bull! Whilst wearing the colour red. In a red stadium. I managed to hold on and eventually, it managed to throw me off, going over it's head like you would if you go over the handlebars of a bike. I was waiting for this and used the force to flip, landing clumsily on my knees. I dived at it's chest as it roared at me. I stabbed it in the heart. It flailed. It's claw hit me in the chest.
    When it went still and flopped to the floor...
    I turned to Lauren. "Well... That was easier than I thought."
    "It cut you," Lauren said, looking up at me.
    "I know," I said and grimaced. I sat down on the ground... Or rather, I fell down to my knees. "Lauren? Get help?"
    And I blacked out.
    When I came back, nothing made sense. I was giggling constantly and spoke in Latin. Which made no more sense than the rest of it because I did not understand what I was saying and I didn't know more than common names and phrases in Latin. Like 'arachnid' or 'carpe dium' (seize the day). The scene around me made no sense. There was this really ugly bald dude that kept inspecting me. He smelt like gone-off sewage! Then there was someone who could have taken Ozzy Ozbourne's place as the Prince of Darkness. A blonde girl who lookd really scared. A dark haired goth girl who looked rather hungry. And this really fit looking lad whohad dark hair and nice brown eyes.
    Lauren was there, too. Although, any clue to where she had brought me was out the window. She was asleep. Or at least resting.
    There was a pain in my wrist. I looked at it and found that incredibly hot boy biting it.
    He's a vampire?
    "No!" I yelled. I tried to buck but hands held me down.
    My body felt like it was on fire. My blood boiled. My teeth, particularly my canines, felt like they'd melt anytime soon. I convulsed. I was crying, sweating and screaming.
    "Something's wrong," the boy said, apparently worried.
    "No. It's the venom being isolated and destroyed," Ozzy Ozbourne said. He didn't sound drunk like Ozzy Ozbourne, though.
    Slowly, my vision made more sense. I could hear things and understand them. And the world drifted out of graps for a little while. I openned my eyes just seconds later, my eyes focusing almost immediately. The hot boy's face was looming over me. I had a bad taste in my mouth.
    "Am I dead?" I asked him.
    "Close. But not quite," he answered. "I'm Vlad."
    "I'm... Where's Lauren?" I asked, looking around.
    "Here," Lauren called from beside a fireplace. She was playing cards against goth girl and blondie. Ozzy Ozbourne was looming on a throne of sorts not far away. Bald-And-Ugly wasn't far off, either.
    "What- Where am I?" I asked.
    "Lancashire," Vlad answered. "And yes, you're a vampire."
    "Oh, great!" I laughed harshly.
    "Why is that?" Vlad asked, seemingly confused.
    "I can't go back to-" I started but Lauren interupted.
    "She was a hunter. Only, I'm her best friend so she didn't kill certain vampires and killed a heck of a lot more than just vampires. Like the wyvern, for example," Lauren said, not even bothering to look up.
    "Lauren. Shut up means no more sound should escape from your God damned lips," I hissed.
    "Contrary to popular belief, 'Damn It' is not God's last name," Lauren said in a sing-song voice which she knew would annoy me.
    "Quit reading funny quotes on the internet," I hissed. "Where did that one come from?"
    "A construction wall in Philadelphia, 1969," Lauren answered.
    I frowned. "Is this all a dream? Am I actually dead and just dreaming?"
    "No," Lauren said.
    "You're alive, Shannon," Vlad argued.
    "Let the half-fang believe what she wants," Ozzy Ozbourne called out.
    "Ozzy Ozbourne is right!" I declared.
    "Ozzy Ozbourne?" Ozzy, goth girl and Bald-And-Ugly asked.
    "Famous rock star. Calls himself the Prince of Darkness. It's an unofficial title, Count," Lauren said.
    "He looks like him," I shrugged.
    "Does he? Or does Ozzy Ozbourne look like Count Dracula here?" Lauren posed.
    I blinked at her. "Who knows. All I know is that the crazy mother-"
    "Shannon," Lauren warned, just loud enough to drown the cuss.
    "-bit off a bat's head. I like bats and I think- Did you say Count Dracula?" I said, interrupting myself.
    "Yes," Lauren nodded and slammed a card down. "Shaboodles!"
    "As in from the old and very bad B-movies Count Dracula?" I asked.
    "To a lesser yet greater extent, yes," Lauren said, collecting a few cards she had one. "The gothic looking girl I'm playing Shaboodles with is Ingrid, Dracula's only daughter. The other one is a half-fang by the name of Erin. That bald git over there is Renfield. The Count is your Ozzy Ozbourne. Oh, and that boy beside you, Vlad? He's the Count's only son and the vampire's Chosen One."
    I widened my eyes and looked at Vlad. "I can't be here."
    "Why?" Lauren asked.
    "I can't be here. I can't be here and I can't be this," I said, starting to panic.
    "Why?" Lauren persisted, Vlad asking at the same time.
    "I'm a witch," I said. And that did it. There was a sort of thunder. It started to rain outside and the Count was in front of me before I could blink.
    "A witch?" he hissed.
    "Yeah," I said shakily. "I'm a recent incarnation of a witch."
    "A Resurrect," Count Dracula hissed. "A Resurrect witch in my castle? How vile. How grim. How fortunate."
    "Well, I suppose I'd be a Resurrect witch vampire person now," I shrugged. "I can't control magic like I used to. I only have certain abilities. Like accelerated healing. Sometimes, if I focus, I can hover three inches from the ground."
    "Still. Having a witch here will scare away any who dare come and force us out of hiding," Dracula said, tapping his fingers together like Mr Burns from The Simpsons. I half expected him to say 'Excellent' but he didn't.
    "Hiding?" Lauren asked. "What do you have to hide for?"
    "There are people who don't believe I'm the Chosen One," Vlad explained. "We're hiding it out until things work out for the better."
    "Does that mean that Robin isn't around?" Lauren asked. "Shame. He amde sense amongst you weirdos. With the exception of my lord Count."
    I tried to stand up. It felt weird. Like my legs could take off like a spring at any point.
    "Sit," Vlad commanded.
    "I want to stand," I said. "They feel weird, my legs."
    "That would be the change," Lauren said.
    "Enough from you, Lauren, I think," I hissed.
    To her, this was normal. To me, it was a nightmare! My gods! A witch-vampire-girl? It's just too weird. Witch blood is one thing, it makes you normal. But a Resurrect is supposed to be revered. I don't want to be revered, of course, but I don't want to be like this! Can't vampires fly anyway? I know they can be very fast. And have strong telepathic abilities. But now that I'm one... What does it mean?
    "Is there somewhere I can sleep for a while?" I asked. "I actually feel a little drowsy."
    "But you just woke up," Vlad frowned.
    "As W. C. Fields once said, 'the best cure for insomnia is to get a lot of sleep,'" I said, looking at him.
    He looked at Renfield. "Renfield, go set up coffins for our guests. Maybe you could pair Erin with Shannon, what with them being half-fangs and all as well as both fairly new to it all."
    "No," I said quickly. "I can't. I mean, what if I end up floating like four feet from my... coffin?"
    "Why would you move from your coffin?" the Count asked.
    "Because I sometimes float in my sleep. Usually four or five feet up," I answered.
    "That's normal," Erin muttered.
    I sniffed the air. "Do I smell...? Never mind."
    I can't remember the name of the stuff but it's something a hunter uses to cover up a human smell and make vampires think you are one of them. I looked at Erin. I think I just found my new best mate. A hunter amongst prey? A wolf among chickens? Or a chicken amongst wolves?
    I'd have to find out about Erin.
    But first, I'd like to get to know Vlad.

    Last edited by Cookie Drugger on 12/27/2011, 9:07 am; edited 2 times in total
    Role Playing Addict

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    My Young Dracula Empty Re: My Young Dracula

    Post by ML 12/26/2011, 8:01 pm

    I like it
    Dedicated Member

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    My Young Dracula Empty Re: My Young Dracula

    Post by TheEyeofHorus 12/26/2011, 8:40 pm

    Good story
    Minister of Magic

    Number of posts : 5257
    Age : 28
    Registration date : 2011-05-28

    My Young Dracula Empty Re: My Young Dracula

    Post by GwrachSeren 12/27/2011, 9:07 am

    Chapter 2- Hello Goodbye

    I woke up with a yawn the next morning. What I didn't expect was to scare Vlad when I walked into what I assumed was like a sitting room. It was the room where I woke up last night.
    "Goodbye," I greeted and made him jump.
    "Oh, Shannon! It's you," he said. "I didn't hear you come in."
    "Must have been floating again," I muttered.
    "Goodbye?" he asked.
    "Ah, well. It is generally agreed that "Hello" is an appropriate greeting because if you entered a room and said "Goodbye," it could confuse a lot of people," I explained. "Something Dolph Sharp once said."
    "You like quotes, huh?" Vlad asked. "Why would you want to confuse people?"
    "Yes, I do like quotes and it's fun," I shrugged. "I mean, where ever I go, I'm the oddball. Sometimes, it hurts. Othertimes, I can live with it. Sometimes, I need to insert a little comedy to stop it from hurting so much."
    "Deep. Who said that?" Vlad asked.
    "Oh, just a small-town Welsh girl I know very well," I smiled.
    "Me, dummy!" I laughed.
    "Is Erin up yet?" he asked.
    "I don't know," I replied.
    He waited for a minute. "How are you feeling?"
    "Like a walking disaster zone," I sighed. "I checked out where the wyvern cut me and it healed over. I've got a nasty scar, though. It probably won't ever go away."
    "Yeah... Well, at least you have something human to take around with you," Vlad concluded. He looked at his watch. "I have to go. School."
    "Nice," I smiled and looked away. When he got out the room, he stopped. He looked back at me and I smiled. He walked on and... I had this pain. In my chest, I had a pain. Like a tight pain.
    Lauren walked in with Ingrid laughing just at that second.
    "Oh, hi, Shannon," Lauren greeted. "How are you?"
    "Fine," I said, trying to poke the feeling out of my chest.
    "Why is she poking her chest?" Ingrid asked.
    "Dunno. Let me ask," Lauren replied. "Why are you poking your chest?"
    "I... it doesn't matter," I said. "How are things with you and your new best mate?"
    "Great. Ingrid and I are going out for a bite later. You can come with us if you like," Lauren said.
    "No... I'm... I'm okay," I said, trying to smile. "You go have fun."
    "Are you sure?" Lauren asked, giving her STERN look. When Lauren gives you stern, it isn't just stern. It has to be STERN. Just plain stern isn't enough.
    "Yeah. Just... I'll just go back to my room," I sighed.
    And I ran at breakneck-for-humans pace. It was a new thing that I caught onto as soon as I almost hit a wall. Of course, I ALMOST hit the wall. A hand stopped me. I found Vlad there.
    "Aren't you supposed to be at school?" I asked casually.
    "Yes. But I caught scent of this really nice smell," he shrugged. "I guess it lured me. Are you wearing some kind of perfume?"
    "No," I said, looking at him like he had two heads.
    The pain in my chest had gone away.
    "Hm. You smell really nice," he shrugged.
    I lifted my arm awkwardly and tried to sniff what he could. I couldn't smell anything different. "Okay then."
    He laughed softly. "I don't know many girls who would do that in front of a guy," Vlad laughed.
    "Go to class," I whispered and tried to move away from him.
    He caught my wrist and held me against the wall I would have crashed into if it wasn't for him. He looked kind of shocked with himself.
    He looked at his hand and let go of me, moved away from me. "Yeah... I'll just... go to class."
    And he went away.
    I was a little shocked to say the least. I mean, what was that about?
    The rest of the day was even more of a rollercoaster for me. Vlad seemed to be just the same. I had to cope with new found abilities that he;s probably developed instead of just getting them. Erin seemed to like staying away from me. When I saw her, she looked familiar. But the odd thing. I kept getting pains in my chest. At some point, I had to keel over. Thank the gods that I was alone in my own room. I was in physical pain and sometimes, I felt so hot and fiery that I wasn't sure I would live through it.
    I was sobbing in a corner of my room when evening fell and Vlad came into my room.
    "Hey? Are you okay? I noticed Lauren and Ingrid left without you," he said.
    "I'm fine," I said. I felt a little relieved. Both pysically and mentally. The pain began to ebb away and the heat was more bareble. And I knew Vlad was the kind of person to sit down and let you gush it all out.
    "I know it's a big change. I've never gone through it," Vlad sighed. "I mean, one day, you're a human. A hunter in your case. The next, you get your life snatched away from you."
    "It's not that. Actually, I've come to terms with this. It's just... Just... I..." I said and started to cry. "I don't know. I've been in pain all day. I get really hot. Like burning hot. And it hurts me."
    "It's just probably excess venom being destroyed by your blood," Vlad said. "Erin hasn't experienced anything like that yet."
    "How much do you know about her?" I asked.
    "Why?" Vlad asked.
    "She looks familiar," I sniffed. "Like I've seen her somewhere before."
    "Really?" he asked. "Odd."
    "You can say that again," I said and dried my tears.
    And being around Vlad made me feel safer and more comfortable than I had been all day.
    "Have you met Bertrand yet?" Vlad asked.
    "No," I answered, shaking my head.
    "Come with me," he said and offered me a hand.
    I took it and we walked up to this whole space in the attic that I didn't know about. This guy wearing a sort of formal but casual (a weird combination) set of clothes. He turned and I recognised him instantly. He was Lauren's last boyfriend who had ended it because he needed to go teach some... vampire... guy. He went to go teach Vlad, didn't he? Great. I hope Lauren knows.
    "I know you!" I said and pointed. "You dated my friend Lauren Howells."
    "Yes. She's here, I know," he sighed, looking a little agravated.
    "Dude got baggage," I whispered.
    "It's not 'baggage,' it's called I know she is here," he growled.
    "Whatever. I don't fight her battles," I shrugged. "I'm Shannon."
    "Ah, the girl in the image," he nodded.
    "Image?" I asked, puzzled.
    "Vlad sent a message ahead," Bertrand dismissed. "Just sit down over there if you are staying."
    I sat down on a sofa and they began a lesson. Apparently, Vlad hadn't mastered the art of hypnosis properly yet. He tried on me instead as practise. We stood facing each other and he just stared into my eyes.
    At some point I got bored. "Done?"
    "Not even close," Bertrand sighed. "Shannon? Why don't you and Vlad go away for a while. I need to fix some things."
    "Are you sure?" I asked, looking at him. Bertrand looked dog tired!
    Vlad and I found a dark room. It was like another sitting room. He lit the candles by clicking his fingers.
    "Will I be able to do that?" I asked.
    "Yes," he shrugged. "You've got speed down already. I don't see why not."
    He sat down opposite me.
    "What happened earlier?" I asked. "I thought Bertrand said you had hynotised Renfield before into thinking he was clean living and loved it!"
    "I don't know. I don't understand much about hynosis. Maybe it's that witch magic in you," he shrugged.
    "Doubt it. It's not even there because of blood. It's there from my spirit," I explained. "A Resurrect Witch is only magical because of her past life."
    "Wow," Vlad said nodding. "I do know that you can't hypnotise someone you love."
    "Which is a ridiculous theory because I've only known you a day," I nodded.
    "Yeah," Vlad grinned. "But you are a cool friend."
    "Not many people call me cool," I replied. I smiled at him. "That makes you awesome."
    "Why is that?" he asked.
    "Because you see the real me. As I am. You understand and that's more than most people," I told him.
    "Deep," he nodded.
    "What about this, then," I smiled. "When I hunt, I get this rush. I see the world as it should be. And it's beautiful."
    "Pretty. Now which song did you steal that one from?"
    "None. I wrote it in my diary once," I told him. "Besides. It's songs and quotes for me, remember?"
    "Sure," Vlad said and held his hands up into surrender. "Stupid question."
    "There are no stupid questions," I said.
    "Really?" Vlad asked, wrinkling his nose at me.
    "No. Just stupid people," I laughed.
    "Lauren said you used to sing," Vlad said. "What kind of music?"
    "Avril Lavigne, musicals, any song I like the sound of," I shrugged.
    "Would you mind...?" he asked and shrugged.
    I smiled. "Why do you always do this to me?/ Why couldn't you just see through me?/ How come your acting like this?/ Like you just don't care at all/ Do you expect me to believe I was only one to fall?/ I can feel, I can feel you near me/ Even when we're far apart/ I can hear, I can hear you, baby/ Why?"
    "What song was that?" Vlad asked.
    "Why by Avril Lavigne," I shrugged. "It's a good song but a little low, don't you think?"
    "Oh, uh, sure," Vlad said, looking a little confused. "I thought it sounded fine."
    "You weren't the one almost straining her vocal chords," I pointed out. "I could sing it an octave higher and it would sound better but the music was written lower."
    Vlad stood up. "I'll be right back."
    He left the room at a blink. There it was again. This time, it was stronger. The tight pain in my chest. It made my breath ragged and my head swam.
    When Vlad came back, my vision was weird. When I looked around, the things had a motion blur effect on them.
    "Do you know where Erin's gotten too?" he asked.
    "No. No, I don't know where she is," I said, my speech slurred.
    "You don't look so good," Vlad observed and stepped forward. He seemed in a pain himself. Like it hurt to move. He took a closer look at me. I was shaking and figeting.
    "I don't know what's happening," I told him, starting to cry again fr the second time that day. "It's probably just left over wyvern venom being expelled."
    "I don't think so," he said slowly. "You weren't like this before. I think something's wrong with you."
    I took a few breaths. "What should... I do?"
    "We'll get Renfield to russle up an answer. Or Dad," Vlad said, although, he didn't sound too sure.
    Minister of Magic

    Number of posts : 5257
    Age : 28
    Registration date : 2011-05-28

    My Young Dracula Empty Re: My Young Dracula

    Post by GwrachSeren 12/30/2011, 6:23 pm

    I sat in front of Renfeild on the sofa. I kept backing my head away from him; My eyes kept watering and he reaked!
    "I don't know what it could be," Renfield shrugged. "She shows no symptoms of anything I've ever seen."
    "And I have yet to see something like this," the Count concluded. "Tight pains in your chest and flaming hot skin, you say?"
    "Y-yeah," I answered, clutching my elbows each with a hand.
    Vlad was looking away when he gave a sudden jerk.
    "Vlad?" asked the Count.
    "Yes?" he asked, turning around. He seemed to be fine. Although, when he looked around, he winced.
    The Count narrowed his eyes. "Stay here with her for an hour whilst I... go search the library."
    And he left, calling Renfeild after him.
    Alone, I felt scared. But better. When I was with Vlad, there was a strange sense of calm that radiated from him. It still hurt in my chest and my skin was as hot as a demon. Or Tom Felton topless! Nontheless, it was a comfort. He seemed to relax a little more.
    "Are you okay?" he asked, coming to sit beside me.
    "Dandy," I sighed, breathing shallowly. "I can't describe it..."
    "Try," he said, leaning closer. The closer he got, the calmer I got.
    "Well..." I caught myself blushing when I thought about how it sounded. "Whenever I'm around you... it's like... I don't feel thirsty or angry or sad. I mean I do, but... it's more bearable. And I feel... really calm and just... good, I guess. But then, when we're apart, it hurts."
    "Cute," Vlad breathed. He winced for a moment.
    "No, it's not cute," I insisted, although I suppose the redness on my face said otherwise. "I mean it really hurts. The pain comes back and no matter how much I try, it doesn't really go away. My chest hurts and my head gets all fuzzed up and I'm so paranoid. I feel like I have no energy and I'm irritable."
    Vlad let out a huge sigh of relief. "Oh, thank God!"
    "Why?" I asked, looking at him in confusion.
    "I've been the same. Ever since I bit you actually," Vlad admitted.
    "So, it's me?" I asked.
    "I don't know," he shrugged.
    "AH HA!" Count Dracula yelled, appearing at the doorway. "I knew it!"
    "Knew what?" I asked him,looking boredly at him.
    "It's a blood-curse," Dracula conceded. "Do you remember your death when your spirit was a full witch?"
    "Yes. I was burned," I shrugged.
    "At the stake?" Dracula and son asked in interest. Different interests by the looks of it.
    "No. House fire. Bad one in a town called Cwmcarn about five years before I was born into this life exactly," I answered, rolling my eyes (even that hurt).
    "You have enternally been damned to the world of vampires and witches," Dracula lectured. "Even before you met you've both been actively involved in our world away from breathers. When Vlad bit you, you both created a psychic link. It connects you in a way no one else could."
    "Wow. I feel educated. I know just how a BLOOD-CURSE works," I snapped.
    "Quiet, girl," Dracula barked. I had half a mind to hiss at him for a reason that slipped my mind before he continued, "I'm getting to that. It makes you uncomfortable to be away from each other. Painfully uncomfortable. As time goes on, it will amplify. It will hurt more with time."
    "So much for time heals all," Vlad muttered.
    "But because your bodies knew about this link whilst your mind remained ignorent, it's trying to expel the pains and attract you to each other," Dracula informed them.
    "This morning when I asked you if you were wearing any perfume," Vlad remembered. "It smelled really nice. Like, nice enough to take me away from everything that bothered me."
    "Yes, well, that smell will only get stronger until a solution of sorts can be found," he said and snapped his fingers for Renfield to rush to the tubes and colourful liquids. "And soon enough, she'll start noticing things about you she thinks she likes. Even if they are there or not."
    "Meaning I could hullicinate about him?" I asked, gaping.
    "Close your mouth, dear," Vlad said before slamming his hand over his mouth. He looked really shocked with himself.
    "Yes, that can happen sometimes," the Count said. "Romantic gestures. Another way to draw you to one another. Refrain from buying each other flowers or chocolates or I will snap both of your necks.
    "The reason it hurts, if memory serves, is because you need each other. Both physically and mentally. Sometimes, you will share emotions. Like happiness, sadness, fear, anger, guilt. Vlad made a blood tie with you accidentally and it's stronger than any curse. So even after a solution is found, you will still feel each other's emotions. No matter where you are. Vlad should remember that I used to kiss his mother's neck a lot That is because there is nothing sweeter to a vampire than a mate's blood. If this goes on long enough, you will both crave each other's blood. Only about a tea-spoon full but blood all the same. You will NEED each other's pressense and blood. And if it does go on long enough with you parted, you could die."
    I suddenly felt like a weight was crushing me. I had no idea what he meant by physically but it did spring a few sick and twisted ideas into my dirty mind.
    "Now. I must meet with the headmistress," he said and left the room.
    Vlad waited a second, taking my hand and leading me to his room.
    "What are we doing here?" I asked.
    "Sory. I needed to somewhere we could go without Renfeild listening in," he reasonned. "I guess I accidentally thought about my room. I didn't really put much effort in."
    I studied him. "Why do you look like that?"
    "Like what?"
    "Like you hate yourself," I replied.
    "Do you hate me?" he asked suddenly.
    "No. And by the sounds of it, I probably never will be able to!" I laughed.
    He went dreamy-eyed and shook his head to snap out of it.
    "I never meant for this to happen. I thought I was saving your life," Vlad sighed. "I hate myself. For putting you in this position. I barely know you!"
    "I'm pretty easy to learn," I chuckled.
    "You know, that is probably the most lovely laugh I have ever heard," he said. "And it's all because of me."
    "Vlad? Stop eating yourself," I said. I felt like I was turning grey. "It's... It's depressing."
    "Sorry," he mumbled and sat down on a box thingy in front of his coffin. He closed eyes and brought a hand down his features.
    I suddenly felt angry. And I knew this time it was my feelings. But Vlad didn't seem to feel them too. "Don't you dare try and make me out to be the only one in danger here, Vlad," I warned. "From what I just heard, you'd die too. Where would the vampires be without their Chosen One? You're meant to bring them into the future! And I hope none of them sparkles because I'll freaking rip their heads off if they do. I only watch the Twilight films because of Taylor Lautner. He is smoking!"
    "Don't," he growled.
    "Don't wha? Don't like another guy? Ha!" I said, my tones furious. "It's hardly as if I'll meet the guy, Stupid!"
    "It explains why I can't hynotise you," Vlad sighed. "And why you didn't freak out like Erin did when she changed. If we do die because of this, it'll be my fault."
    I snapped. I grabbed his collar and pushed him against the wall. "Listen, bub, I am not blaming you. Without you, I'd be dead. You're in just as much pain I am but you put up with it better. I didn't panic because I understood. I was a witch in my last life, remember?"
    He looked at me and I relaxed. Up close, he really did smell nice. Like Armani Code for men.
    "It'll get worse," he said softly.
    "The Count didn't exactly give usa time table of when andhow it will," I sighed.
    "You do realise that I can't leave you?" he said.
    I blinked. "Why?"
    "Because. It will hurt us otherwise," he sighed. "I'll get Dad to say that I'm sick tomorrow. Unless you wat to come to school with me?"
    "School? Bitch please," I sighed. "I suppose. But how are you going to get me into all your classes?"
    "Leave that to me," he smiled. "I can just hypnotise the teachers."
    "You are bad," I giggled.
    His arms snaked around me and we blinked in surprise. These little actions that we do... They sure are embarressing. I keep laughing and giggling and we smell nice to each other. And this? It feels weird. But I liked it. I wasn't sure if it was because of this curse or because no man had ever done this before to me.
    "I don't you blaming yourself," he whispered, his breath against my skin.
    I pulled away. "Woah, woah, woah. What are you doing?"
    "Sorry," he frowned. "Didn't think. But it's true. I don't want you blaming yourself. This was an accident and you know it. I know it."
    "Take your own medicine," I said and smiled crookedly. "I told you I don't hate you. I don't blame you. At least, not completely. I mean, you were the one to bite me. It's probably best that you did and not Lauren or anyone else. At least you are normal."
    "Thanks," he laughed. "You know, maybe we can make the best of this."
    There was a knock on the door and I openned it. Renfeild threw something in my face. I was drenched in a pink liquid.
    "Renfeild? Why am I covered in goo?" I asked him.
    "Feel any different?" he asked.
    "This is a cure for a love potion, you idiot," I said, wiping it away from my eyes. "I can smell the things that turn me off. And that one is new. I didn't know about that smell."
    "A new smell? What is it?" Vlad asked.
    "Apricot," I answered. "It makes me feel sick."
    "Anyway, the Count said that if it didn't work, I had to drag in a double coffin for you," Renfeild said. "Did it work?"
    "Not at all," I scowled.
    So the double coffin was dragged in. It was a mahogany thing, built sturdily. The inside was lined with silk... I think anyway. Could have been satin. Renfeild left Vlad and I staring at it in a 'do-we-really-need-this' kind of way.
    He sighed and looked at me. "We can make it through this?"
    "We can make it through this," I sighed. "You don't snore do you?"
    I held out a hand for him to shake.
    Only he held it instead. And drew me into a hug. He patted and rubbed my back affectionately. When he realised, he stopped and his arms went limp when he released me from the hug. Only I held on.
    "Uh... Um, it's just because the pain goes away when we're touching," I explained. I knew I was blushing profusedly.
    "You know, I don't mind it so much," Vlad smiled and my blush deepened.
    I rolled my eyes and laughed in effort to make things less awkward. "Let's just get through this alive."
    Vlad blushed for some reason.

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